Avram, Connie J. 1924 - 1947 Avram, John P. 1888 - 1947 Avram, Lena 1895 - 1980 Avram, Niculae 20 Apr 1882 - 22 Jul 1918 Cazak, Olimpia 5 Jul 1923 age 48 Donisan, Domnica 19 Jan 1856 - 23 Oct 1941 Donisan, Frozinca 21 Jan 1880 - 27 Jun 1937 Donisan, Frozinca (2nd photo) Donisan, Veronica 1865 - 1937 Fluter, Domnica 1879 - Aug 1937 Fluter, Gavril 1872 - Sep 1937 Kozac, Toder 27 Feb 1966 - 9 Sep 1934 Kozak, Nicolai 23 Apr 1913 - 10 May 1913 son of D. T. Kozak, Nicolai (2nd photo) Kozak, Olinpia 30 Jun 1920 - 28 May 1921 dau of D. T. Mertick, unknown 1 18?4 - 1928 Mertick, unknown 2 (nee Rusu) 1882 - 192? Mertick, unknown 1 & 2 (2nd photo) Mertick, unknown 1 & 2 (3rd photo) Paicu, Jon 20 Oct 1892 - 26 Aug 1913 Paranuik, Maria 1920 - 1941 Petrisor, George died 1921 son of Vasile & Ana Petrisor, Isidor 16 May 1868 - 8 May 1980 Petrisor, Parischiva 7 Oct 1971 - 1 Aug 1951 Petrisor, Sidor died 1924 son of Vasile & Ana Petruic, Dumitru 4 Feb 2004 age 83 Petruic, Marion Murray 23 Oct 1926 - 15 Jul 2009 Petruic, Nicanor 1879 - 1935 Petruic, Ravega 1884 - 1977 Popp, Constantin Lui D. 25 Jun 1914 - 9 Jul 1917 Popp, Constantin Lui D. (2nd photo) Procopciuc, Licheria 1882 - 1930 Purcel, Ioan 1867 - 1939 Purcel, Simtioana 1868 - 1932 Rotar, Jon G. 11 May 1913 - 16 May 1913 Ruburuz, (unknown) Rusu, George 1872 - 1949 Rusu, Lena 1878 - 1943 Scrimbit, Nick 4 Jul 1885 - 1 Nov 1945 Stratulat, Alex 29 Mar 1934 - 31 Jul 1937 Surdu, John 16 Nov 1918 age 31 Surdu, John (2nd photo) Unknown 1 Unknown 2 Unknown 3 Unknown 4 Unknown 5 Unknown 5 (2nd photo) Unknown 6 Unknown 7 Unknown 8 Unknown 9 Ursu, Anna 1869 - 1941 Ursu, Rovim 1864 - 1948 Walters, Mihal 11 Oct 1913 - 27 Aug 1917 Zauca, Maria 18956 - 16 Jun 1937 Zauca, Niculaie 1883 - 15 Oct 1936
Welcome to the new home of the Saskatchewan Cemetery Project! We are delighted to announce that our pages, previously hosted on Rootsweb and Ancestry, have found a new abode at https://saskgenweb.ca/cansacem/. Our heartfelt gratitude to Ancestry.com and Rootsweb.com for their past support. The transition ensures that our digital documentation of Saskatchewan cemeteries and headstones continues to thrive and be regularly updated. In this labor of love, we aspire to preserve family histories by digitally immortalizing the sacred grounds of our ancestors. Whether you seek a loved one, an ancestor, or wish to uncover a long-lost cousin, our comprehensive cemetery records might hold the key. As winter blankets these resting places in snow, our year-round cemetery headstone digitization program allows for virtual exploration worldwide. We extend a warm invitation to those who share our passion for documenting cemetery headstones. If you've enjoyed participating or wish to support us through Patreon, your involvement is cherished. Visit https://www.patreon.com/SaskGenWeb to be part of our growing community. Your support ensures that this invaluable service persists for years to come. Explore the new webpages at https://saskgenweb.ca/cansacem/ and continue your journey with the Saskatchewan Cemetery Project. Let's work together to keep history alive, one headstone at a time. If you find our work beneficial, consider supporting us through Patreon. Together, we honor the past and pave the way for future generations. Warm regards, The Saskatchewan Cemetery Project Volunteer Team |