Allen, Ruth Bartlett McDonald died 1973 age 79 wife of Sidney Allen, Sidney James 1907 - 1998 Baillie, James 1905 - 1986 Baillie, Ruthven 1916 - 1971 Barney, Dora 1908 - 1980 wife of Walter Barney, Walter 1898 - 1997 Bellerby, Martin Henry 1876 - 1972 Bellerby, Melissa (nee Latimer) 1881 - 1964 wife of Martin Bernesky, Harold 1925 - 1985 son of John & Katie Bernesky, John 'Jack' 1899 - 1954 Bernesky, Katie 1901 - 1994 Bernesky, Marie 'Peggy' (nee Johansen) Dec 7, 1928 - Feb 26, 2016 wife of Albert Black, John R. 'Jack' Sep 17, 1920 - May 1998, 2nd hus of Mabel Black, Mabel Ellen (nee Govenlock) Terry Nov 18, 1919 - Mar 1970 dau of Alden & May Boyd, Mabel (nee Jackson) 1897 - 1964 Boyd, Stewart 1895 - 1963 Bryden, Bonnie 1968 - 1969 Bryden, Violet (nee Meyer) 1923 - 2001 dau of William & Mabel Burki, Hermann 1900 - 1983 Burrows, Dorothy 1926 - 1936 dau of James & Flossie Byers, Doris Laws 1920 - 1995 wife of John Byers, John H. 'Jack' 1910 - 1990 Cameron, Donald Morley 1913 - 1973 hu of Marion Cameron, Marion Miranda (nee Toothill) Jan 28, 1937 - Jul 21, 1980 dau of Fred & Ann Chase, Allan 1948 - 1948 Chase, Arlos 1921 - Nov 4, 1986 Chase, Beryl (nee Jones) 1919 - 1961 wife of Lloyd Chase, Edwin Foster Apr 1886 - Sep 1973 hus of Zelma Chase, Emily (nee Kinnee) 1908 - 1988 wife of John Chase, John 'Jack' 1898 - Jan 3, 1974 Chase, Zelma Grace (nee Kinnee) West 1899 - 1992 dau of Caleb & Zella Church, Albert 1908 - 1981 Church, Paul died 1949 Clarke, Amy Winnifred Ellen (nee Tann) 1910 - 1965 Clarke, George B. 1879 - 1962 hus of Maggie Clarke, George Bruce 1907 - 1979 son of George & Maggie Clarke, Maggie 1888 - 1963 Clarke, Robert Arthur 1932 - 1995 son of George & Amy Clarke, Stanley Bruce 1938 - 1977 son of George & Amy Close, Effie (nee Boyd) 1899 - 1990 dau of James & Agnes Close, Harold 1895 - 1985 hus of Effie Conat, (baby) 1946 - 1946 Corbett, Bessie (nee Tetlock) Oct 11, 1897 - Mar 30, 1982 dau of Henry & Marion Corbett, William James 1890 - 1951 hus of Bessie Coulter, Earle Aug 25, 1913 - Apr 25, 1984 Coulter, Esther (nee Baillie) 1918 - Jan 3, 1985 dau of John & Jean Coulter, Mary 1927 - 2000 Coulter, Murray Earle Mar 6, 1949 - Nov 13, 2013 son of Earle & Esther Cragg, Marion (nee Brown) 1914 - Oct 27, 1981 wife of Tom Cragg, Tom 1901 - Mar 5, 1996 Dagg, Andrew 1889 - 1973 Dawson, Harold Wynn 1892 - 1967 Deacon, Alma (nee Bellerby) 1910 - 1971 dau of Martin & Melissa Deacon, Bertha Ada (nee McCullough) Jan 28, 1891 - Sep 19, 1940 Deacon, James Gordon Sep 1886 - May 1969 Deacon, Robert 'Bob' 1919 - Apr 1978 hus of Alma Dinnell, Agnes (nee McCulloch) 1882 - 1961 Dinnell, Annie (nee Peterson) 1906 - Dec 23, 1992 wife of William Dinnell, Stewart 'Scotty' 1876 - Nov 7, 1948 Dinnell, William 1904 - Feb 1, 1972 son of Stewart & Agnes Djorski, Samuel 1903 - 1940 Driver, Albert 1890 - 1949 Durham, Maeanne 1952 - 1957 Easson, Andrew 1875 - 1949 Ellis, Betty Maureen 1943 - 1997, 2nd wife of Terry Ellis, Charlotte (nee Arnott) 1910 - Jun 26, 1999 dau of John & Charlotte Ellis, George 1906 - 1944 hus of Charlotte Ellis, Marjorie Ann (nee Miller) 1943 - 1970, 1st wife of Terry, dau of Ross & Katherine England, Albert 1928 - 1984 son of George & Eva England, Eva (nee Clarke) 1900 - 1972 dau of John & Alice England, George Sep 1888 - Apr 1976 England, Margaret (nee Klinck) Jul 6, 1913 - Aug 5, 1957 dau of Amos & Jerusha England, Robert 1883 - 1965 hus of Margaret Everson, Alvin 1913 - 2001 hus of Minnie Bernesky, son of Harry & Annie Everson, Annie 1875 - 1951 Everson, Harry 1865 - 1952 Fleming, William Robert Sep 12, 1959 - Sep 23, 1981 Friske, Norman Walter 1924 - 2001 Frisky, Tony M. 1956 - 1958 Gillis, Lois B. (nee Chase) Kane 1919 - 1989 wife of John Gordon, Ruth B. (nee Clarke) 1904 - Dec 4, 1962 wife of Wesley Gordon, Wesley Aug 27, 1903 - 1993 Goulden, Greg Dec 9, 1952 - Mar 28, 1990 son of Lynn & Eileen Goulden, Lynn 1926 - Mar 14, 1995 hus of Eileen Blennerhorsett Govenlock, Georgina (nee Livingstone) Quinell 1926 - 1966 dau of Dugald & Emma Govenlock, John Alden 1894 - 1957 hus of May Govenlock, May (nee Ash) died 1975 Govenlock, Scott Douglas Aug 10, 1959 - Sep 23, 2014 son of Charles & Georgina Grassing, Agnes (nee Davey) 1914 - 1999 Grassing, Gordon 1905 - 1978 Grassing, Orval 'Butch' 1943 - 1982 son of Gordon & Agnes Grassing, Raymond T. 1946 - 1946 son of Gordon & Agnes Gray, Archibald 1873 - 1968 Gray, Barry 1946 - 1946 Gray, Charlie A. 1910 - 2000 son of Archibald & Ellen Gray, Ellen Naomi (nee Diehl) 1882 - 1940 Gray, George H. 1908 - 1982 son of Archibald & Ellen Grossland, Clifford 1946 - 1969 Grossland, Johnathen 1982 - 1982 Grossland, Minnie 1915 - 1996 Grossland, Thorvold 1881 - 1957 Gurbach, Allan George Nov 14, 1938 - Jul 2, 1993 Gurbach, Anne 1913 - 1987 Gurbach, George 1910 - 1992 Gurbach, Louis 1915 - 1980 Gurtner, Anna 1896 - 1959 wife of Godfried Gurtner, Godfried 1887 - 1965 Hackett, Edna May 'Maisie' (nee Cummings) 1906 - Aug 17, 1970 Hackett, Edward P. 'Ted' 1900 - 1988 son of Thomas & Mary Hackett, Harold E. Nov 15, 1927 - Jul 14, 1985 Hackett, James Glenn 1959 - 2001 Hackett, Mary 1871 - 1945 Hackett, Stanley George 1956 - 1982 Hackett, Thomas 1861 - 1953 Haines, Dwayne M. 1957 - 1992 Hainstock, Albert 1895 - 1974 Hainstock, Eva Ellen (nee McDiarmid) 1908 - 2001 dau of Archie & May Hainstock, Henry D. 1895 - 1964 hus of Eva Hall, Myrtle (nee McMillan) 1892 - 1962 wife of Percy Hall, Percy F. 1888 - 1968 Hardie, Charles Knox 1920 - 1998 son of Robert & Euphemia Hardie, Euphemia Taylor (nee Dickson) Dec 23, 1884 - Dec 9, 1970 dau of David & Agnes Hardie, Eva Jean 1918 - 1983 Hardie, Robert Sr. 1878 - 1946 Hardie, Stewart May 1914 - Apr 1973 son of Robert & Euphemia Haws, Eric Bruce 1956 - 1956 Hazard, Albert May 25, 1897 - May 3, 1985 Hazard, Edith Ella (nee Harmeson) Nov 13, 1902 - Jan 14, 1994 Hazard, Grant Howard Sep 5, 1932 - Apr 15, 1956 son of Albert & Edith Hazard, James Mar 26, 1926 - Jul 23, 1986 son of Albert & Edith Hertz, August 1860 - 1940 Hill, Ralph Baden 1901 - 1960 Holdstock, Steve 1913 - 1944 Hunter, Alice Jane (nee McColl) 1892 - 1965 Hunter, Arthur Francis 1925 - 1989 son of Frank & Alice Hunter, Frank Cruthers 1887 - 1953 Hyde, Joseph Feb 10, 1888 - Nov 14, 1971 Hyde, Maude Amelia (nee Wrigglesworth) Jun 5, 1896 - Jan 16, 1963 wife of Joseph Jackson, Ada M. 1902 - 1991 wife of Lawrence Jackson, Lawrence 1897 - 1976 Johansen, Emanuel Thomas 1891 - 1965 Johansen, Kendal M. 1957 - Apr 24, 1989 hus of Dianne Young, son of Morris & Irene Johansen, Mary B. (nee Stephenson) 1892 - 1987 Johansen, Morris Paul Jan 25, 1926 - Mar 23, 2000 son of Emanuel & Mary Julien, Kenneth 1956 - 1956 Kane, Edward T. 1889 - 1974, 1st hus of Lois Chase Kapeller, George 1933 - 1961 Kapeller, Judith 1877 - 1952 Kapeller, Julianna 1905 - 1993 wife of Mike Kapeller, Michael 1865 - 1944 Kapeller, Mike 1906 - May 23, 1980 Kapeller, Randolf Brian 1964 - 1981 son of William & Elaine Kapeller, Stephen 1960 - 1960 Kieley, Eva 1911 - 1971 Klinck, Bessie Irene Henning Nov 12, 1919 - Oct 25, 2001 Klinck, Harold Morley Nov 26, 1906 - Jun 22, 1992, 2nd hus of Bessie Lambsdown, Arthur Edward 'Ted' Dec 5, 1917 - Sep 9, 1993 hus of Jessie Lambsdown, Jessie (nee Hunter) 1920 - Dec 27, 1997 dau of Frank & Alice Larson, Oscar S. 1888 - 1939 Larvick, Clarence 1915 - 2000 Le Grand, William C. 1911 - Jun 17, 1980 Livingstone, Archie son of Dugald & Emma Livingstone, Charles C. son of Dugald & Emma Livingstone, Dugald 1889 - 1960 Livingstone, Emma Agnes (nee Stewart) 1902 - 1976 McDiarmid, Archibald 1885 - 1964 McDiarmid, Janet May (nee Sly) 1888 - 1960 wife of Archibald McDonald, Norman B. 1920 - 1987 son of Dan & Ruth McDonald, Ronald C. 1917 - 1990 McIntosh, Annie (nee Stonehouse) 1913 - 1985 wife of Jim McIntosh, Jim 1903 - 1987 McLachlan, Wendy 1959 - 1967 McLellan, Harry E. 1890 - 1980 hus of Kathleen McLellan, Kathleen (nee Kapeller) 1893 - 1974 dau of Mike & Mary Meeks, Minnie 1925 - 1997 Meyer, Clayton 1914 - 1961 son of William & Mabel Meyer, Edwina M. 1965 - 1994 dau of Garry & Donna Meyer, Ethel Geraldine (nee Burrows) 1915 - 1998 wife of William Jr. Meyer, Fredrick Lincoln 1917 - 1986 son of William & Mabel Meyer, Mabel (nee Miller) 1886 - 1971 dau of Hugh & Cecilia Meyer, William Feb 15, 1885 - Apr 17, 1968 hus of Mabel Miller, Harvey 1944 - Aug 8, 1982 hus of Lorraine, son of Stanley & Phyllis Miller, Katharina 'Kate' (nee Gerbrandt) 1915 - 2001 wife of Ross Miller, Lynn 1975 - 1976 son of Harvey & Lorraine (nee Jantz) Miller, Ross 1905 - 1982 Mount, Annie McKeachern (nee Wilson) 1893 - 1963 wife of Joseph Mount, Joseph Herbert Jun 20, 1893 - Mar 18, 1951 Newell, Gerald 1888 - 1974 Newell, Kathleen (nee Huggard) 1901 - 1953 wife of Gerald Newton, Eliza L. 1908 - 1988 wife of Ernest Newton, Ernest B. 1902 - 1966 Niles, Alice (nee Barr) 1898 - 1969 Niles, Jean 1939 - 1944 dao of William & Alice Niles, William 1874 - 1944 Norby, Melvin L. 1906 - 1984 Norby, Selma M. (nee Walshe) 1915 - 1997 wife of Melvin Oliphant, John 'Scottie' died 1967 Oliphant, John 1919 - 1945 Palmer, Jean 1937 - 1985 Paterson, Brenda Lee May 1951 - Jun 1951 dau of William & Dorothy Penman, John Stuart 1895 - 1986 Penman, John Stuart Jr. 1966 - 1995 Penman, Marjorie (nee Byers) 1909 - 1997 Perrin, Carl Dec 17, 1919 - Mar 29, 2000 hus of Margaret Perrin, Clarence Sep 23, 1908 - Sep 23, 1992 Perrin, Marguerite Booth (nee Carver) Dec 4, 1926 - Apr 10, 1993 dau of William & Margaret Quinnell, Ivan K. 1948 - 1973 Quinnell, Marc C. G. 1977 - 1978 Quinnell, Patricia J. 1954 - 1985 Reavie, Mabel (nee Meyer) 1918 - Sep 2, 1997 dau of William & Mabel Reid, Davina (nee Clarke) 1917 - 1988 wife of Russell, dau of George & Maggie Schmitt, Henry J. M. 1960 - 1977 Schmitt, Henry Joseph Dr. 1882 - 1962 hus of Mary Schmitt, Mary (nee Specht) 1885 - 1963 Seilly, William died 1936 Shore, Elsie (nee Hubbard) 1897 - 1924 wife of Leon Shore, J. S. 1852 - 1940 Smith, John Daniel 'Jack' Oct 5, 1919 - Apr 19, 1977 son of Wilfred & Tessie Smith, Tessie (nee Barney) 1900 - 1994 dau of Dan Stagman, Bradley 1963 - 1980 son of Lloyd & Gail Stagman, Lena (nee Landrie) 1907 - 2001 Stagman, Lloyd W. 1931 - 1996 son of Rudolph & Lena Stagman, Rudolph 1892 - Jun 1990 Stahr, Charles 1892 - 1974 Stahr, Rosie Kraft Mar 15, 1899 - Jul 10, 1989 wife of Charles Stonehouse, Gordon 1915 - 1986 son of James & Mary Stonehouse, James M. Jan 1878 - May 1947 Stonehouse, Lloyd 1909 - 1982 son of James & Mary Stonehouse, Mary (nee Ham) 1888 - Jul 28, 1942 Stonehouse, Norman 1918 - 1998 son of James & Mary Stonehouse, Ruth (nee Smith) 1922 - 1999 wife of Gordon, dau of Wilfred & Tessie Stonehouse, William 1887 - 1951 Strad, Helen (nee Hirsch) 1905 - 1992 wife of Emil Thesen, Arthur C. 1896 - Jan 10, 1975 Thesen, Henriette 1908 - Dec 12, 1981 wife of Arthur Thomas, Cyril 1895 - 1967 Walsh, Alfred 1880 - 1944 Walsh, Phoebe 1871 - 1945 Weldon, William John 1893 - 1983 West, Joseph O. 1899 - Apr 9, 1989 hus of Zelma Kinnee Wietzel, Adolph R. 1895 - 1954 son of Minnie Wietzel, Emeil L. 1902 - 1969 son of Minnie Wietzel, Minnie 1865 - 1941 Wile, Howard 1901 - 1975 Wilson, Harriot Mary 1869 - 1957 Witherow, Harry S. 1882 - 1966 Witherow, Maude A. 1882 - 1965 wife of Harry Wright, Albert H. 'Bert' Feb 8, 1891 - Jun 9, 1942
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