Backlur, Helena (baby) Balaberda, Francis (baby) died 1943 Bannick, Bill 1898 - 1940 Blahut, Anastasia 1892 - 1921 Blahut, Anna 1871 - 1959 Blahut, Sophie 1898 - 1921 Blazieko, Fred 1859 - 1908 Blazeiko, Fred 1871 - 1908 Blazeiko, John 1899 - 1938 Blazieko, Maria 14 Aug 1938 age 83 Blazieko, Mary 1886 - 1912 Broda, (baby) died 1908 Broda, J. died 1903 Buckalar, Helena (baby) died 1921 Chizma, Theodore 1842 - 1925 Chizma, Xzena 1854 - 1920 Dobko, Alex died 1918 Dobko, Fred (baby) died 1921 Dobko, Michial 1934 age 70 Furman, Wladislaw (baby) died 1908 Gameracy, Katrina 'Katerina' 1860 - 1926 Gameracy, Metro 1850 - 1942 Glova, Stephen 1870 - 1917 Halabuza, Katerina Nov 1908 age 30 Holowka, Annetta 1915 - 1918 Holowka, Francis 1882 - 1952 Holowka, John 1857 - 1960 Holowka, Maxim 1832 - 1932 Holowka, Michial 1874 - 1948 Holoyuk, Andrew 1871 - 1911 Holoyuk, Mary 1898 - 1960 Kowal, Strat 1866 - 1913 Kowal, Iwan 1907 - 1912 Kowal, Anna 1888 - 1927 Kowal, S. 1860 - 1940 Kruda, Wasyl died early 1900/s Krupa, Maria 1885 - 1926 Krupa, Nick 1874 - 1951 Novak, Luke died 1912 Novak, Mary 1869 - 1957 Novak, Metro 1869 -1921 Oboha, Anna 1860 - 1930 Pacholko, Bill 'Wasyl' 1866 - 1939 Pacholko, Maria 1869 - 1915 Pacholko, Mary 1901 - 1959 Pacholko, Tanka 1888 - 1964 Petrowksi, Elizabeth (baby) died 1931 Petrowski, Mary (baby) died 1931 Popowich, Johnny (infant) Popowich, Nicholis 1869 - 1927 Popowich, Pauline 1867 - 1948 Popowich, Peter (infant) Popowich, Tammy (infant) died 1918 Protz, Dolores (baby) died 1936 Protz, Maxime 1865 - 1930 Romanko, Mike 1886 - 1927 Rowoky, Timothy 1862 - 1918 Sagan, Maria 1867 - 1949 Sagan, Michail 1860 - 1940 Smerchynski, Mary (baby) 1905 Tacyna, Nettie 1907 - 1935 unknown, Ivan 1938 age 48 unknown 2 unknown 3 unknown 4 unknown 5 unknown 6 unknown 7 unknown 8 unknown 9 unknown 10 unknown 11 unknown 12 unknown 13 Veneko, Catherine 1847 - 1909 Warcominka, Katrina died 1939(38) Warcominka, Paul died 1931 Wingerak/Wingerik, Christine 'Chris' 1835 - 1920 Woloschuk, Maria 1867 - 1931 Woloschuk, Metro 1862 - 1934 Yakubowich, John 1892 - 1965 Yachina, Nettie 1907 - 1937 Yamkovy, Rosalie Ruth 1935 - 2005 Yanish, Anna died 1921 Yanish, Demetrius 1874 - 1912 Zrebelski, Marie 1864 - 1909
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