Badiuk, John 1919 - 1993 hus of Mary Moskal Badiuk, Mary (nee Moskal) 1925 - 1994 dau of George & Pauline (nee Krysowatay) Batrakow, Leon 1894 - 1951 hus of Pearl Shymko Bohay, Helen 1893 - 1953 Bohay, Katie 1924 - 2001 Bohay, John 1889 - 1970 Bohay, Mary 1920 - 1999 Bohay, Metro 1916 - 1983 Bulycz, Alex 1923 - 1974 son of Nicholas & Mary (nee Leontowicz) Burianyk, Ewdokia 1890 - 1965 Burianyk, John 1886 - 1973 hus of Ewdokia Chayka, Gerald 1946 - 1965 Chorney, Onyfrey 1896 - 12 Jul 1961 son of John & Marta Chuhayowski, Theodor 1884 - 1950 Chupik, John 1898 - 1987 Chupik, Polly 1898 - 1992 Davyduke, Mike 1903 - 1994 Davyduke, Sophie 1908 - 2003 Derkach, Bill 1935 - 1994 Derkach, Frozyna 1903 - 1996 Derkach, John 1903 - 1991 Dutchyshen, Nellie 1909 - 1968 Evancio, Steve 1855 - 1929 Filarchuk, Anne 1907 - 1995 Filarchuk, Jack 1906 - 1989 Fushtey, Elmer 1930 - 1987 Gulaga, Alex 1892 - 3 Jan 1967 hus of Rosie Dmyterko Gulaga, Rosie (nee Dmyterko) 1911 - 1991 dau of Prokop & Dora Kalynchuk, Annie 1899 - 1982 Kalynchuk, Mike 1890 - 1961 Kalynchuk, Bill (infant) 1923 Kalynchuk, Lehanna (infant) 1924 Kaczmar, Annie (infant) 1933 Kaczmar, Clementine 1896 - 1935 Kaczmar, John 1931 - 1937 Kitzul, Dmytro 1886 - 1973 Kitzul, Helen 1893 - 1983 Kitzul, Jackie 1951 - 1972 Kitzul, Mary 1898 - 1977 Kitzul, Peter Kitzul, Shawn Leslie (infant) 1970 Kizuma, George 1906 - 1949 Koban, Bill 1884 - 1966 Kolonko, Steve 1900 - 1990 Kotylak, Helen (nee Kreway) 1928 - 1991 dau of William & Maria (nee Lewko) Kotylak, William 1925 - 1993 hus of Helen Kreway Kowal, Harry 1906 - 1965 Kowal, John 1897 - 1978 Kowalo, John 1914 - 1996 Kowalo, Mary 1907 - 1988 Kozey, William 1917 - 1973 Kozey, Annie 1903 - 1997 wife of John Kozey, John 1894 - 1976 Kozey, Annie 1906 - 1997 wife of Michael Kozey, Michael 1900 - 1992 Kozey, Patrick 1965 - 1982 Kozey, Roman 1929 - 1985 Kreway, Nick 1923 - 1997 son of William & Maria (nee Lewko) Kreway, Pearl (nee Broshko) 1930 - 2003 wife of Walter Kreway, Walter 30 May 2004 age 83 Krushelnisky, Onarka 1867 - 1954 Krywy, Maria 1893 - 1969 Krywy, Wasyl 1887 - 1976 Kryk, Katie 1857 - 1947 Kuzey, Deborah Eva 1884 - 1957 Kuzey, Rev. John 1885 - 1950 Lasko, Molly 1885 - 1983 Lasko, Nick 1877 - 1949 Lasko, Richard 1910 - 1962 Leciuk, Katie 1906 - 1987 Leciuk, Nick 1887 - 1967 Leskewich, Anastassia (Nellie) 1911 - 1984 wife of George Leskewich, Konstanty (George) 1902 - 1989 Lessard, Mildred 1932 - 1998 Lewko, Eugene 1935 - 1945 Lewko, Laverne 1952 - 1993 Lewko, Molly (nee Sokoloski) 1913 - 1998 wife of Joseph Lewko, Joseph 1912 - 1990 son of Paul & Katharine (nee Wowczyna) Lewko, Michael 1907 - 1958 hus of Marie Leontowicz Lewko, Stanley 1902 - 1949 Lewko, Marie (nee Leontowicz) 1908 - 2001 dau of William & Catherine Lysay, George 1921 - 1938 Lysay, Alex 1893 - 1975 Lysay, Pauline 1897 - 1971 Machula, Doreen 1954 - 1994 Machula, Lorretta 1933 - 2003 Machula, Michael 1887 - 1962 hus of Nellie Machula, Nellie 1906 - 2001 Machula, Fred 1909 - 2000 Machula, Rosie 1910 - 2000 Malkie, Mary 1911 - 1963 Mandziak, Bill 1881 - 1961 Mandziak, Wawara 1888 - 1969 Mandziak, Nick (infant) 1931 Markowsky, Metro 1886 - 1927 Martyniuk, Anastasia 1889 - 1960 Martyniuk, Yakim 1861 - 1954 Martyniuk, Donald 1950 - 1986 Martyniuk, Bill 1911 - 1980 Martyniuk, Mary 1912 - 1995 Meketiuk, Alex 1889 - 1960 Melnyk, Joe 1921 - 1985 Michailshin, Peter 1919 - 1998 Nemorsky, Eva 1871 - 1934 Nemorsky, Mike 1861 - 1944 Obuch, Mike 1911 - 2003 Obuch, Pauline 1912 - 1984 O'Grady, Eugene 1933 - 1983 O'Grady, Mary 1904 - 1992 O'Grady, Stephen 1890 - 1976 Pawlust, Bill 1873 - 1953 Pawlust, Eva 1904 - 1948 Pawlust, John 1909 - 1989 Pawlust, John 1886 - 1958 Pawlust, Feska 1878 - 1973 Pawlust, Julia 1920 - 1942 Pawlyshsyn, William 1928 - 2001 Phillipow, Stephen 1908 - 18 Sep 2000 hus of Olga Rodak, Fialko (infant) 1927 Rygus, Mary 1897 - 1984 Rygus, Sam 1887 - 1984 Rygus, John 1918 - 1942 Sametz, John J. 1909 - 1986 hus of Stephanie Sametz, Stephanie (nee Cymbalisty) 1914 - 2001 Sametz, Rodney 1952 - 1977 son of John & Stephanie Sawchuk, Katie 1896 - 1978 Sawchuk, Teodor 1886 - 1967 Schinkel, Verna 1943 - 1995 Schwed, Caroline 1906 - 1990 Schwed, Nick 1903 - 1932 Shewchuk, Lena 1924 - 1994 Shewchuk, Theodore 1904 - 2003 Shymko, Taras Joseph 1932 - 1935 Slywka, Pearl 1867 - 1946 Spilchuk, George 1891 - 1978 Spilchuk, Julia 1891 - 1983 Smysniuk, Harry (infant) 1929 Smysniuk, Parania 1901 - 1996 Smysniuk, William 1890 - 1977 Thatch, George Thatch, Peter 1905 - 1977 Thatch, Pauline 1911 - 2001 Thatch, Stanley 1903 - 1981 Thatch, Sophie 1866 - 1951 Tataryn, Andrew 15 Apr 1887 - 9 Jan 1981 son of Petro & Eva (nee Ohrinko) Tataryn, Parania 1899 - 29 Apr 1983 wife of Andrew Uhryniw, Anastasia 'Nellie' (nee Rokosh) 1911 - 1994 Uhryniw, Alex 1930 - 1982 son of Michael & Nellie Uhryniw, Michael 1889 - 1948 hus of Nellie Wegera, John 1862 - 1940 Wira, (unknown) Wistowsky, Anne 1884 - 1940 Yachiw, Nick 1887 - 1965 Yachiw, Tehla 1906 - 1984 Yaschuk, Mary (nee Polonych) 1861 - 1955 Yaschuk, Nick 1845 - 1932 hus of Mary
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