Atkinson, Ella (nee Surkan) 1912 - 2005 Budzinsky, Oksenia 1861 - 1940 Chernetky, Fred died 1936 Chernetky, John died 1934 Chernetzky, Maria 1891 - 1965 Cmoark, Mapir 1865 Copan, Gordon Cunningham, Nancy 1924 - 1953 Denesik, Sophie 1867 - 1913 Danyluik, Annie 1908 - 1971 Danyluik, Dora 1900 - 192? Danyluik, John 18 Oct 1919 - 8 Sep 2003 Danyluik, Natalia 22 Aug 1929 - 17 Aug 1996 wife of John Danyluik, Sam 1894 - 1955 Danyluik Ommen, Marie 6 Feb 1922 - 7 Sep 1998 Denesik, George 1920 - 1920 Denesik, Harry 1869 - 1923 Denesik, Rosie (infant) died 1936 Domenko, Mary 1916 - 1929 Dumenko, Irene 1901 - 1978 wife of Stephen Dumenko, Stephen 1888 - 1971 Dutchak, Verna 1900 - 1991 Eichhorn, Valter Henrik Hilding 17 Dec 1920 - 6 Jun 1984 Falconer, John 1851 - ???? Fedusiak, Elizabeth 1863 - 1950 wife of Todor Fedusiak, Todor 1861 - 1953 Graval, John 1886 - 1971 Graval, Maria 1891 - 1966 wife of John Graval, Matt J. 8 Nov 1914 - 1 Mar 1979 Graval Ottenbreit, Mary 1920 - 2011 Gravel, Andrew 1883 - 1947 Gravel, Catherine K. 15 Oct 1900 - 7 Apr 1987 Gravel, Matt S. 7 Apr 1892 - 24 May 1971 Hnatiuk, Katherine 1913 - 1994 wife of Stephen Hnatiuk, Stephen 1913 - 1985 Hnatuik, Adokia 1868 - 1951 wife of Gora Hnatuik, Elena 1893 - 1964 Hnatuik, George 1891 - 1973 Hnatuik, Gora 1853 - 1925 Huculiac, Steve 1928 - 1977 Hudemka, Fred 1897 - 1966 Hudemka, John 1862 - 1959 Hudemka, John 1918 - 1996 Hudemka, Mary 1900 - 1987 Hudemka, Mary 1911 - 2008 wife of John Husulak, Anne 7 Aug 1914 - 27 Sep 1988 Husulak, Mary 2 Jun 1895 - 27 Mar 1982 wife of Samuel Husulak, Samuel 2 Feb 1887 - 22 Jan 1968 Husulak, Sophie 1920 - Husulak, Steve 1917 - 1997 hus of Sophie Kiriljuk, Michailo 1920 - 1925 Kowalky, George 1875 - 1949 Kowalyk, John 1933 - 2008 Kowalyk, Katie 1893 - 1978 wife of Wasyl Kowalyk, Olga 2 Aug 1940 - Kowalyk, Wasyl 1902 - 1988 Kowalyk, William 15 Mar 1924 - 1 Mar 2002 hus of Olga Kreptul, Sophie 1920 - Kreptul, Steve 1917 - 1981 hus of Sophie Kucey, John Rev. 1881 - 1957 Kucey, Wasyl 1856 - 1954 Lemko, Roman 1867 - 1941 Malik, Toder Manhk, Epha 1871 Malek, Wasyl 1903 - 1963 Malek, Wasylka 1908 - 1976 wife of Wasyl Mapistha, (unknown) 1851 - 1934 Moldovan, Anna 1873 - 1938 Moldowan, Lily 1902 - 1973 wife of Wasyl Moldowan, Wasyl 1902 - 1983 Pawliuk, Katherine 1865 - 1909 Pekush, Doris 28 Sep 1920 - 30 Jun 1948 Pelechaty, Mike Nov 1904 - Dec 1979 Pobereznek, Annie 190? - 1980 wife of George Pobereznek, George 1901 - 1961 Poberznek, John 1927 - 1929 hus of Zinnia Poberznek, Zinnia 1929 - Polowyk, Nastasia 1866 - 1905 wife of Simion Protzak, George 1903 - 1966 Rawlik, Iwan 1906 - 1907 Rawlyk, John 1877 - 1960 Rawlyk, Mary 1882 - 1946 wife of John Rusnak, Axana 1909 - 1922 Rusnak, Jacob 1875 - 1943 Rusnak, Mary 1880 - 1955 wife of Jacob Rusnak, Nick J. 1910 - 1986 Rymehiok, Ibah 1865 - 1911 Ryunrk, B. 1914 - 1925 Shernetzky, Nick 1885 - 1973 Skahar, Vasil 1843 - 1919 Surkan, John P. 3 Mar 1908 - 18 Apr 1908 Surkan, Marika Nov 1920 - Dec 1920 Unknown, Maria Unknown, Sophie 1908 - 1986 Unknown, 1 1840 - ???? Unknown, 2 1850 - 1934 Unknown, 3 died 1916 Unknown, 4 died 1917 Unknown, 5 died 1915 Unknown, 6 1861 - 1937 Unknown, 7 1890 - 1922 Unknown, 8 1860 - 1929 Unknown, 9 1864 - 1921 Unknown, 10 1855 - 1936 Unknown, 11 1883 - 1944 Unknown, 12 1910 - 1910 Unknown, 13 1854 - 1927 Unknown, 14 1870 - 1936 Unknown, 15 1894 - 1904 Unknown, 16 1892 - 1939 Unknown, 17 1847 - 1924 Unknown, 18 1852 - 1926 Unknown, 19 1927 - 1949 Unknown, 20 1859 - 1938 Unknown, 21 1856 - 1932 Unknown, 22 1887 - 1962 Unknown, 23 1891 - 1981 Unknown, 24 1869 - 1909 Unknown, 25 1874 - 1960 Unknown, 26 1886 - 1952 Unknown, 27 1892 - 1946 Unknown, 28 1906 - 1924 Unknown, 29 1810 - 1876 Unknown, 30 1874 - ???? Unknown, 31 1870 - ???? Unknown, 32 1936 - 1937 Unknown, 33 1900 - 1963 Unknown, 34 1855 - 1931 Unknown, 35 1838 - 1906 Unknown, 36 1903 - 1906 Unknown, 37 died 1915 Unknown, 38 died 1915 Unknown, 39 1908 - 1909 Unknown, 40 1911 - 1914 Unknown, 41 1905 - 1909 Unknown, 42 1870 - 1956 Unknown, 43 1860 - 1917 Unknown, 44 1897 - 1921 Unknown, 45 1920 - 1920 Unknown, 46 1921 - 1921 Unknown, 47 1824 - 1920 Unknown, 48 1898 - 1899 Unknown, 49 died 1916 Unknown, 50 1842 - 1911 Unknown, 51 1868 - 1941 Unknown, 52 1856 - 1932 Unknown, 53 1929 - Unknown, 54 died 1913 Unknown, 55 died 1910 Unknown, 56 1920 - 1920 Unknown, 57 1909 - 1929 Ukrainetz, Mike 1906 - 1977 Ukrainetz, Peter 1911 - 1942 Woronuik, Bill 1890 - 1951 Woronuik, Effie 1898 - 1983
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