Abrey, Betty (nee Evenson) 1948 - Abrey, Eldon R. 1911 - 2008 son of Thomas & Mary Abrey, Margaret F. (nee Berg) 1911 - 2007 Abrey, Mary 1887 - 1988 Abrey, Neale 1943 - 1993 son of Eldon & Margaret Abrey, O. Irene (nee Olson) 19 Dec 1918 - 18 Feb 1998 Abrey, Oswald T. 15 Dec 1912 - 28 Aug 1999 son of Thomas & Mary Abrey, Thomas Ralph 1881 - 1932 hus of Mary Brown Aitken, Alexander 1879 - 20 Nov 1924 Aitken, Alexander Mrs. (nee Grant) 23 Nov 1962 Aitken, Elizabeth (nee Graham) 1893 - 1969 Aitken, George 1885 - 1982 Aitken, James Russell 1916 - 1979 son of George & Elizabeth Aitken, Jane C. 1889 - 1976 Aitken, William A. 1913 - 1976 son of Alexander Aitken, William Grant 1885 - 1983 Alkins, F. O. Allan, Alexander Wood 1888 - 1966 son of Robert & Jean Allan, Edward 1915 - 14 Apr 2002 son of Alexander & Mary Allan, George 1880 - 1969 son of Robert & Jean Allan, Jean (nee Clark) 1860 - 1929 wife of Robert Allan, Jessie (nee Ingram) 1868 - 1938 wife of George Allan, Josh 27 May 1920 Allan, Margaret Mary (nee Taylor) 22 Dec 1921 - 26 Mar 2013 dau of David & Mercy Allan, Mary J. 19 Apr 1918 - 6 Nov 1918 Allan, Mary (nee Watt) 1894 - 1964 dau of Charles Allan, Robert 1847 - 1929 Allan, Robert 16 Feb 1908 age 14 son of Robert & Jean Allan, Thomas Cochrane Anderson 4 Jul 1915 age 31 Allan, William 25 Apr 1902 - 20 Mar 1920 Allan, William (2nd photo) Allen, Pearl Dulse 1890 - 1986 Allen, William Preston 1889 - 1931 Allomby, Nellie 1881 - 1952 Allomby, Septimus 1885 - 1965 Anderson, David Upton 1853 - 1914 hus of Unity Millisey Anderson, Ed Anderson, Isabelle Anderson, L. W. Anderson, Lillian Anderson, Mary Agnes Florence 1893 - 1919 dau of David Andrus, Helen 'Betty' E. 1913 - 1997 Anhorn, Frederick 1909 - 1989 son of Joseph & Christina (nee Mueller) Anhorn, Marion Henrietta (nee Detwiller) James 1920 - Anhorn, Vina (nee Gullacher) 1909 - 1980 dau of George & Erva (nee McGunigal) Arnold, Emil Bruno 1895 - 1970 Arnold, Helen Marie 1905 - 1982 Atkinson, Annie Dale 1877 - 1933 wife of Robert Atkinson, Annie Atkinson, John 1872 - 1938 Atkinson, John Atkinson, Margaret Atkinson, Robert 'Bob' Austin, Elizabeth B. (nee Johnston) 1871 - 1950 Austin, John 1867 - 1962 Baade (Family Plot) Baade, Evelyn Louise (nee Dahms) 1884 - 1972 dau of August & Mathilda (nee Semans) Baade, Henry August 1877 - 1943 Baade, Herman Conrad 1926 - 1975 son of Henry & Evelyn Baade, Maxine Charlotte 25 Jul 1936 age 15 dau of Henry & Evelyn Baade, Mildred Matilda 1914 - 1939 dau of Henry & Evelyn Bahr, Christine 1909 - 1935 Bahr, Esther Nelson 187? - 1943 Bahr, William 1878 - 1954 Baht, Anne J. 1932 - 1984 wife of Emil Baht, Carman William 23 May 1961 - 7 Jun 1981 son of William & Lucy (nee Reeves) Baht, Clara E. (nee Danforth) 1917 - 1986 Baht, Emil William 8 Feb 1925 - 1 Jan 2013 son of George & Louise Baht, George Emil 1875 - 1964 Baht, George P. 1918 - 2007 son of George & Louise Baht, Helen L. 1921 - 1926 dau of George & Louise Baht, LeVerne P. 1916 - 1993 son of George & Louise Baht, Louise (nee Swenson) 1891 - 1977 Baht, Mildred Joy (nee Roney) 1922 - 27 Aug 2015 Baht, William Thomas 26 Feb 1929 - 8 May 2016 hus of Lucy, son of George & Louise Baker, Percy 2 Oct 1954 age 56 hus of Margaret Burnett Ballard, Frank N. 1880 - 1983 Ballard, Gordon F. 6 Jan 1915 - 24 Jan 1917 son of F. N. & L. M. Ballard, Louise M. 1889 - 1974 Barbour, Edward John 1856 - 1940 hus of Leitha Barbour, Eleanor 18?? - 19?? Beam, Daisy (nee Redstone) 1922 - 2004 dau of Frank & Nell Berggren, Judy O. (nee Benson) 3 Apr 1910 - 9 Nov 2005 wife of Nels Berggren, Nels 1910 - 1 Jun 2012 Berggren, Mary O. 1881 - 1968 Berggren, Peter 1864 - 1954 Blondell, T. Bloom, Louise Bodden, Florence Margaret (nee Detwiller) Gordon 1916 - 1981 wife of Leonard, dau of Robert & Lucy Bootillier, Louis Bott, J. C. T. 1883 - 1943 Bower, Sidney 1890 - 1967 Braddock, Eva Elizabeth (nee McRae) 1898 - 1970 Braddock, Frederick George 1898 - 1996 Braddock, John Frederick 'Jack' 4 Aug 1927 - 23 Jan 2013 hus of Margaret, son of Frederick & Eva Braddock, Lydia (nee Zikman) Robinson 1914 - 25 Jan 2005, 2nd wife of Frederick Branchflower, Earl Clifford 18 Jan 1925 - 3 Sep 1927 son of Norman & Mary (nee Hunter) Branchflower, Lester 1844 - 1922 Britton, Albert William 1885 - 1965 hus of Minnie Britton, Minnie (nee Smith) 1890 - 1980 dau of John & Hannah Broadbent, Kelly Lynn 21 Aug 1976 - 6 Apr 2008 Brooker, Annie L. 1878 - 1966 Brooker, Grant 1970 - 1972 Brooker, Herbert W. 1908 - 1989 son of Walter & Annie Brooker, James C. 1968 - 1974 Brooker, Melinda Louise (nee Crumly) DeClerq 28 Sep 1959 - 12 Apr 2016 wife of Todd, dau of Bill & Cora Brooker, Norman 1936 - 1990 son of Herbert & Margaret (nee Rosten) Brooker, Violet G. (nee Harding) 1916 - 1975 wife of Walter Jr. Brooker, Walter C. 1882 - 1947 Brooker, Walter G. 1906 - 1999 son of Walter & Annie Brown, Eugene Gordon 1924 - 1948 Burgess, Anita Dawn 30 May 1985 - 25 Dec 1990 Burgess, Gwendolyn (nee Still) 1917 - 2004 Burgess, Hester Mae (nee Case) 1908 - 1969 Burgess, James S. 1905 - 1999 son of Thomas & Sarah Burgess, Russell Edward 1937 - 1994 hus of Eileen Hudson, son of James & Hester Burgess, Sarah Anne (nee Jones) 1879 - 1930 Burgess, Thomas S. 1881 - 1943 Burgess, Thomas 1944 - 1998 Burgess, William James 28 Sep 1928 - 23 May 2017 hus of Kay, son of James & Hester Burgess, William 'Will' 1911 - 2003 son of Thomas & Sarah Burnett, (baby girl) 3 Aug 1950 Burnett, Anne 1878 - 1954 wife of Knox M. Burnett, David 10 Jun 1948 - 13 Jun 1948 Burnett, Rose 18 Dec 1915 - 27 Jul 2004 Burnett, Alexander 7 May 1974 age 71 Busch, Martha R. 1907 - 1991 Busch, Thomas A. 1900 - 1952 Busche, Anna Hollis 1868 - 1943 Busche, Arthur 10 Oct 1892 - 6 Mar 1918 Busche, Elizabeth 28 Jul 1993 age 90 Busche, Harold L. 1912 - 1983 son of Ley & Helen (nee Kelly) Busche, Raymond W. 5 Apr 1965 age 69 Busche, Raymond William 1 Jul 1918 - 17 Oct 2001 son of Ley & Helen Busche, William Charles 1854 - 1927 Cameron, Irene Dorothy 1907 - 1976 Cameron, William Malcolm 'Mac' 1906 - 1970 Campbell, Catherine 1872 - 1955 Campbell, Isabella 1874 - 1960 Campbell, J. G. Campbell, James Campbell, Mary Cappelle, Cyril 1906 - 1968 son of Camille Cappelle, Irma M. 16 Jul 1939 - Cappelle, Norman B. 2 Dec 1935 - 13 Nov 1995 son of Cyril & Rosina Cappelle, Rosina (nee Metz) 1915 - 1985 Carlson, Anna (nee Sveindal) Hart 1891 - 1985 dau of Tobias & Guri (nee Torkelson) Carlson, Eric Karl Axel 19 Apr 1893 - 26 Sep 1982 son of Johanness & Hilda (nee Magnus) Cartwright, W. J. Cathro, Anne Carolyn (nee Goodsman) 24 Aug 1915 - 19 Nov 2011 Clarkson, Emma D. (nee Huebner) 25 Feb 1883 - 19 Sep 1958 Clarkson, Frances Jean (nee Young) 28 Jun 1908 - 9 Dec 1975 Clarkson, Otto A. 22 Nov 1908 - 4 Aug 1964 son of Grant & Emma Clarkson, Ulysses S. Grant 1875 - 1940 Cochrane, Eleanor (nee Waite) 1879 - 1973 Cochrane, John William 1878 - 1948 Cochrane, Thomas Morland 1901 - 1976 hus of Margaret Munro Code, Anna Belle (nee McRae) 1908 - 2001 Code, Donald J. 1939 - 1997 Code, George T. 1903 - 1983 son of Henry & Margaret Code, Henry M. 1859 - 1927 Code, Margaret (nee Irwin) 1860 - 1945 Code, Margaret (baby) 2 Apr 1941 Colby, Howard Conlin, Lucille Harriett 15 Nov 1915 - 7 Feb 1916 dau of A. W. & C. Cook, Muriel I. Oct 188? - 21 May 1942 wife of Tom Cooper, Joseph Harrison 16 May 1933 - 16 Dec 2016 Coulter, Susan J. 24 Feb 1857 - 19 Feb 1939 Crittenden, Estella (nee Morrow) 1887 - 1919 wife of Charles Crittenden, H. Gwendolen 'Gwen' (nee Hill) 1910 - 1998 dau of Richard & Louisa Crittenden, Jackie 7 Feb 1922 - 11 Feb 1926 son of Leslie & Margaret Crittenden, Lawrence 1913 - 1989 son of Leslie & Margaret Crittenden, Margaret 1884 - 1976 Crittenden, Ralph Clarence 1911 - 1981 hus of Irene Habermehl Crittenden, W. Milford 1906 - 1997 son of Leslie & Margaret Crittenden, William Leslie 1882 - 1942 Cruise, Annie Elizabeth 1886 - 1986 Cruise, Edward Isaac 'Ike' 17 Sep 1910 - 22 May 2012 son of Samuel & Annie Cruise, Lyda 1996 wife of Edward Cruise, Samuel Isaac 1881 - 1939 Culy, Dale 1902 - 1918 Dahl, Janet Mary (nee Rimmington) 1959 - 1979 Dahms, Agnes Louise (nee Powers) 25 May 1918 - 1 Sep 2005 Dahms, Ethel Maude (nee Todd) Hewitt 1883 - 1966 Dahms, Emiel 1881 - 1931 (2nd photo) Dahms, Emiel A. 1881 - 1931 Dahms, Emiel Albert 16 Jun 1923 - 11 Mar 2011 son of Emiel & Maude Dahms, Lorne Robert 1923 - 1948 son of Victor & Margaret (nee James) Dahms, R. Davis, Fred 1879 - 1942 Davis, Ethel May 1892 - 1934 Dayton, Adolph Gustaf 1904 - 1975 son of William & Alvina Dayton, Georgina Elizabeth (nee Hitcherick) 1912 - 29 Mar 2002 dau of Jacob & Elizabeth Deboard, W. H. 1890 - 1922 Debyer, M. (baby) DeClerq, Keith Allan 1955 - 1996 son of George & Royena DeClerq, Royena 'Rena' Florence (nee Rowand) 25 Oct 1926 - 24 Jan 2017 Demeester, Vhonda Vallee 21 Sep 1962 Detwiller, George William 27 Sep 1917 - 16 Mar 1968 son of Robert & Lucy Detwiller, Jean Adele (nee Woodley) 8 Jul 1917 - 4 Jun 2005 wife of Harold Vance, dau of Rene & Margaret Detwiller, Linda Jean 14 Feb 1957 - 26 Dec 1969 dau of Milton & Pat (nee Kelly) Detwiller, Lucy Henrietta (nee Shaw) 13 Nov 1893 - 5 Mar 1980 dau of William & Margaret (nee McLaughlin) Detwiller, Robert Milton 12 Nov 1930 - 9 May 1988 son of Robert & Lucy Detwiller, Robert Hamilton 1886 - 15 Jan 1958 son of Alexander & Elizabeth (nee Parker) Detwiller, Valerie Jul 1977 age 5 days, dau of Gary & Edythe (nee Moir) Doherty, Cyrus Wesley 1928 hus of Susan & Pearl Kennedy Doktor, Eva Jean (nee Dutka) 25 Jul 1924 - 15 Aug 2012 dau of Anton & Mary Doktor, Garry P. 1950 - 1979 son of Paul & Eva Doktor, Paul 1923 - 2004 Dreler, M. (baby) Duke, James Glen 1914 - 1991 Duke, Mary Doreen (nee Dalton) 1918 - 13 May 2003 dau of Frankland & Anna Eakin, Hugh Alexander 4 Sep 1880 - 15 Nov 1915 Edwards, Dan 1920 - 1972 Edwards, Gerald Keith 1952 - 2008 Edwards, Rita 1927 - 1974 Emde, Amelia (nee Dieno) 1885 - 1971 wife of George Emde, Frederick C. 1855 - 1929 Emde, Frederick Conrad 24 Mar 1855 - 1 Jan 1929 Emde, George 1892 - 1961 son of Conrad & Helen Emde, Helen (nee Gutzman) 1865 - 1937 Emde, Roy George 19 Feb 1924 - 4 Sep 2014 hus of Doris Elliott, Anna Marie 1 Nov 1959 - 17 Jan 1999 Erskine, Ethel Charlotte 1921 - 2003 Etter, Elena Martha (nee Robinson) 1886 - 1954 dau of Andrew & Catherine Etter, Ohmer Lytton 1885 - 1967 Farncombe, Marjory Doris 1928 - 1930 Felske, Lois (nee Webster) 1914 - 1985 dau of Harry & Annie (nee Campbell) Fetterley, Charles 21 Sep 1883 - 2 Oct 1941 Fetterley, Mack 1933 - 1952 Fetterley, Minnie E. Maud (nee McIntyre) 26 Aug 1918 age 31 yrs 7 mos, wife of Charles Fitzpatrick, Ivan B. Fitzpatrick, Ivan Robert Briden 14 Apr 1916 - 3 Jun 1930 son of James & Gertie (nee Irwin) Fitzpatrick, James 25 Feb 1915 - 25 Feb 1915 Fitzpatrick, James N. E. 29 Jul 1920 - 10 Jul 1944 Fitzpatrick, John 25 Feb 1915 - 25 Feb 1915 Fitzpatrick, R. B. Ivan 14 Apr 1916 - 4 Jun 19?? Freeman, Donald J. 1909 - 1970 hus of Olive Brown Freeman, Frederick Holte 1874 - 1963 Freeman, Nellie May 1880 - 1964 Fray, Anna Nora 1874 - 1959 Fry, Charles H. 1871 - 1949 Fry, Eldon W. 1898 - 1952 Galt, (unknown) Galt, Agnes F. 1905 - 1983 Galt, John 1901 - 1975 Garwood, Ellen 1898 - 1918 wife of Ross A. George Family Headstone George, Johnie 1918 - 1962 hus of Ruth Weeks Gibb, Alexander 1878 - 1961 Gibb, Alexander Sr. 1843 - 1924 Gildert, Martin Luther 18 Mar 1872 - 13 Jun 1940 Gillis, John A. 1897 - 1918 Gleason, Ellen Jane (nee Storie) 1869 - 1939 wife of Silas D. Goethals, George 6 Jun 1923 - 4 Jul 2011 son of Jules & Irma Goethals, Irene (nee Schnurr) 11 Jun 1931 - 16 Sep 1993 Goethals, Kenneth Henry 17 Jan 1957 - 15 Jul 1980 son of George & Irene Goodsman, Dorothy May 1921 - 2009 Goodsman, Evelina (nee Price) 1889 - 1985 Goodsman, Frederick J. 1919 - 1984 son of William & Evelina Goodsman, George Edward 18 Oct 1917 – 26 Oct 2013 hus of Jean, son of William & Evelina Goodsman, Gregory Roy 1959 - 1965 son of Henry & Marie Goodsman, Marie C. 1928 - Goodsman, Phyllis E. (nee Eckford) 1931 - 1999 Goodsman, Robert James 25 Nov 1922 - 30 Jul 2007 son of William & Evelina Goodsman, William George 1890 - 1953 Goodsman, William Henry 1921 - 9 Jun 2006 son of William & Evelina Graves, Maxine June (nee Fetterley) 17 Jun 1928 - 1 Nov 1997 dau of Charles & Minnie Greer, Edward Thomas 1879 - 1963 Greer, Selna (nee Edgar) 1885 - 1975 wife of Edward Gullacher, Anna 1915 - 1981 Gullacher, Anna (nee Ward) 1915 - 1981 Gullacher, David George 1881 - 1967 son of David & Phoebe (nee Spalding) Gullacher, Harvey 1914 - 1997 son of George & Minerva Gullacher, John E. 1915 - 1985 Gullacher, Marlene Joyce (nee Forster) 1 Jan 1943 - 28 Aug 2015 Gullacher, Mary M. 1922 - Gullacher, Minerva Alvira (nee McGunigal) 1887 - 1965 dau of John Gullacher, Raymond Earl 21 Oct 1896 - 31 Mar 1922 son of David & Phoebe (nee Spalding) Gustafson, Annie May (nee Rodman) 1915 - 1945 dau of Sidney & Mabel Gustafson, Carl Barry 1940 - 21 Mar 2013 son of Carl & Norah Gustafson, Carl H. 1905 - 1998 son of Gustaf & Freda Gustafson, Elon G. 1908 - 1970 son of Gustaf & Freda Gustafson, Freda 1873 - 1937 Gustafson, Gladys C. 1902 - 1992 Gustafson, Gustaf 1872 - 1948 Gustafson, Margaret C. 1930 - 1941 Gustafson, Norah S. 1905 - 1975 Gustafson, Phyliss (nee Studley) 1906 - 1992 Gustafson, Richard S. 1937 - 1938 Gustafson, Terry David 10 Dec 1984 - 6 Mar 2005 son of Gordon & Wanda Hanna, Almeda Viola Luella 1906 - 1998 Hanna, Arthur John Nathan 1904 - 1953 son of Anna Hanna, Don Allison 5 Dec 1915 - 21 Jun 1941 son of Arthur & Almeda Hanna, Neil 1931 - 1948 son of Ed & Wilhelmina Hart Family Headstone Hart, (baby) 2 Feb 1950 Hart, Clarence Earl 12 Mar 1918 - 13 Apr 1921 age 3 son of Frank & Anna Hart, Frank 1880 - 1921 hus of Anna Sveindal Hart, Frank James W. 5 Jul 1921 - 28 May 2001 son of Frank & Anna Hart, Maurice Leonard 18 Apr 1912 - 23 Apr 1921 age 9 son of Frank & Anna Hart, Verna Elida (nee Lakness) 28 Jan 1928 - 23 Oct 2011 dau of Thorvald & Mabel Hatton, Edith M. 1894 - 1987 Hatton, Ralph E. 1916 - 1918 Hebron, Hazel B. (nee Rosten) 1917 - 1984 Hebron, Margaret 1872 - 1957 Hebron, Marsden M. 1907 - 1990 Hebron, Matthew M. 1866 - 1944 Hebron, Mildred M. 1912 - 2006 Hebron, Norman 1912 - 1998 Hendry, William Norman (baby) Herr, (baby) 1916 - 1916 son of Chris & Kate Herr, Catherine 'Kate' (nee Peill) 1896 - 1978 Herr, Christian 1884 - 1949 Herr, Robert F. 1924 - 1930 Herr, Shirley Doreen 1932 - 6 Jan 1990 Hignett, Christian 1880 - 1945 Hignett, Christian & Walter Hignett, John David 16 Mar 1938 - 8 Oct 2014 hus of Deanna Hignett, John Henry 1900 - 1983 son of Walter & Christian Hignett, Rose (nee Radwell) 1899 - 1978 wife of John Hignett, Thomas Swinton 1880 - 1962 Hignett, Walter John 1877 - 1949 Hill, Albert J. 1886 - 1977 brother to Richard & William Hill, Donald Maurice 13 May 1943 - 26 Apr 2017 hus of Yvonne, son of Roger & Wally Hill, Dorothea B. Roycroft 1917 - 1980 Hill, Helen M. (nee Warner) 1922 - 1990 Hill, Kathleen A. 'Kit' (nee Osborn) 1905 - 1983 Hill, Leonard James 1918 - 8 Jul 2003 son of Albert & Mary Hill, Louisa (nee Wright) 1883 - 1967 Hill, Mabel A. Davy 1884 - 1979 Hill, Mary Blanche 'Polly' (nee May) 1884 - 1969 Hill, Richard & Louisa Hill, Richard Kenneth 1912 - 30 Apr 2002 son of Richard & Louisa Hill, Richard T. 1878 - 1967 Hill, Reginald 1893 - 1982 Hill, Roger Albert 1916 - 2008 hus of Wally, son of Albert & Mary Hill, T. Reg 1908 - 2007 son of Richard & Louisa Hill, Wladislawa Walterina 'Wally' (nee Zylka) 28 Mar 1924 - 3 Jan 2013 dau of Walenty & Janina Hill, William H. 1883 - 1979 Hobman, John Gordon 12 Mar 1872 - 14 May 1927 Hotchkiss, (twins) Hotchkiss, Bill died age 20 son of Irwin Hotchkiss, Elizabeth Hotchkiss, Irwin L. 1943 son of Fred Hotchkiss, John W. 1828 - 1951 Hudson, Alfred 1883 - 1946 Hudson, Edith A. 1882 - 1975 Hudson, Jane L. 1922 - 1976 Hudson, Jane L. (nee Kelly) 6 Mar 1922 - 20 Feb 1976 Hudson, Margaret Jane (nee Smith) 1881 - 1961 dau of John & Hannah Hudson, Percy Cedric 11 Nov 1919 - 9 Apr 2006 son of Alfred & Edith Hudson, William 1881 - 1967 hus of Margaret Huggins, Eliza Harriet (nee Betsworth) 1861 - 1947 wife of Edwin Huggins, Robert E. 1939 - 1985 Huggins, William C. 1861 - 1937 son of Frederick & Miriam Hunt, James Nyle 1900 - 1974 son of Thomas & Sarah (nee Pierce) Hunt, Mary E. (nee Lamont) 1910 - 1977 dau of Robert & Mary Hunt, Mildred E. 8 Jan 1916 age 80 Hunt, Thomas Wendel 1860 - 1945 son of Mildred Hutton, Hannah Hutton, Sarah Jane 1863 - 1927 Hutton, William 1856 - 1935 Irwin, Agnes C. (nee Maloon) 1897 - 1954 Irwin, Elaine 1927 - 1943 dau of Bryden & Agnes Irwin, J. Bryden 1896 - 1981 son of Walter & Martha Irwin, Vern 1935 - 1945 Isaacson, Doris (nee Dahms) 1913 - 1980 wife of Ray Isaacson, Irene Maude (nee Dahms) 1918 - 1992 wife of William Joa, Bruce Conley 20 Dec 1962 - 2 May 1981 Johnson, (baby) Johnson, Augusta Johnson, Bertha M. (nee Robinson) 1902 - 1979 dau of W. A. Johnson, John D. 1910 - 1980 Johnson, Julia 1879 - 1973 Johnson, Oscar D. 1877 - 1957 Johnston, Anson H. 17 Aug 1907 - 9 Feb 1917 son of George E. Johnston, Myrtle 20 Nov 1903 - 6 Nov 1918 Johnston, William 1886 - 1951 Johnston, William Harold 21 Apr 1911 - 6 Nov 1918 Karhut, Grace E. (nee Dayton) 1939 - 1991 dau of Adolph & Georgina Karr, Anne 1860 - 1928 Karr, Annie 1860 - 1928 Karr, George 1854 - 1948 Kasenberg, Della Mae 13 Feb 1870 - 4 Apr 1955 Kasenberg, John Henry 1881 - 1936 Kasenberg, Leslie E. 1891 - 1918 Kasenberg, Mary K. 3 May 1914 - 8 Nov 1996 Kasenberg, Theodore R. 20 Dec 1903 - 10 Nov 1969 Kaufman Family Plot Kaufman, Alice M. (nee Flory) 1867 - 1927 Kaufman, Edward P. 1861 - 1949 Kelly, (infants) children of W. B. & M. A. Kelly, Carvel Campbell 4 Nov 1915 - 16 Jan 1916 son of William & Mary Kelly, Frederick Davis 1878 - 1953 Kelly, Gladys Lorraine (nee Robertson) 1919 - 14 Jul 2015 Kelly, Hannah Kelly, John 8 Sep 1916 age 68 Kelly, Lillian 1874 - 1941 Kelly, Mary Armanella (nee Mooney) 1884 - 1961 dau of William & Elizabeth Kelly, Robert David 1917 - 1970 hus of Gladys Kelly, William Bennett 1880 - 1945 Kennedy, Alexander J. 1897 - 21 Feb 1990 son of John & Catherine Kennedy, C. Edgar 1921 - 1985 son of John & Catherine Kennedy, Catherine (nee McKinnon) 1876 - 1957 Kennedy, Gilbert Henry 1935 - 14 Feb 2005 Kennedy, Gordon Alexander 29 Apr 1931 - 17 Oct 2012 son of Alex & Matilda Kennedy, Harold R. 1928 - 1928 Kennedy, Harold R. 1928 - 1929 son of Alexander & Matilda Kennedy, Kathleen 1940 - 1940 Kennedy, John 1875 - 1957 Kennedy, Matilda Winnifred 'Winnie' (nee Deffey) 1889 - 1971 Kennedy, Mayfred K. 1940 dau of Alexander & Matilda Kennedy, Robert Elvin 1910 - 2 Jan 1990 son of John & Catherine Kimbley, Gladys 1920 - 1928 Kimbley, Harry F. 1889 - 1937 Kitson, Charles 1887 - 1983 Klenk, Adolph Joseph 1932 - 1998 son of John & Margaret Klenk, Adolph-Allen-Rose (2nd photo) Klenk, Allen James Jul 1964 - Oct 1964 son of Adolph & Rose Klenk, Henry L. 1914 - 1968 Klenk, Henry L. (2nd gravestone) Klenk, Jeannette J. 1925 - 1996 Klenk, John A. 1897 - 1982 son of Charles & Magdalena (nee Mazalrae) Klenk, Kathy Marie 21 Sep 1975 - 1 Mar 2015 dau of Ronald & Marjorie (nee Kerr) Klenk, Margaret (nee Metz) 1905 - 2000 Klenk, Margaret Louise (nee Irwin) 7 Aug 1929 - 23 Nov 2011 dau of Bryden & Agnes Klenk, Ronald Kenneth 1 Oct 1953 - 12 Mar 2016 hus of Marjorie, son of Henry & Jeannette Klenk, Rose (nee Farncombe) 1940 - 2002 dau of Albert & Ella Koenig, Mary Magdalena 1865 - 1915 wife of Gustav A. Kong, Lee Koza, Christina (nee Podony) Wynn 1899 - 1981 dau of Frank & Emelia Koza, Joseph 1894 - 1935 Koza, Joseph 25 Aug 1894 - 27 Nov 1935 son of Joseph & Antonia Kultomson, (baby) Lamont, Kelvin Glen 1957 - 1996 Lamont, Mary E. (nee White) 1882 - 1964 Lamont, Rachel (nee Luypaert) 1921 - 2006 dau of Alphonse & Augusta Lamont, Robert 1866 - 1941 Lamont, Robert W. 1919 - 1981 son of Robert & Mary Lawrence, Edward 29 Apr 1846 - 11 Oct 1917 Lawrence, Richmond 12 May 1917 age 31 Lee, Arthur 1883 - 1960 Lee, Cedric Gordon 1918 - 1992 hus of Miriam Ingimorson Lee, Elizabeth Agnes (nee Smith) 1884 - 1955 dau of John & Hannah Lee, Sigurd A. 1885 - 1967 Lessard, Della (nee Doherty) 1882 - 1965 Lessard, Edmond 1887 - 1963 Lessard, Edward 1907 - 1967 son of Joseph & Della Lessard, Ethel (nee Cook) 1912 - 1982 Lessard, Joseph 1874 - 1940 Lessard, Rita 1915 - 1991 LeVere, Anganetha "Netha" (nee Ens) 7 Jun 1938 - 21 Feb 2013 dau of Aaron & Helen LeVere, Harold Nathan 26 Aug 1924 - 28 Jan 2005 LeVere, Nathan 188? - 1962 LeVere, Susanna Mary 18?1 - 1984 Lewis, Isabel Mildred (nee Hart) 27 May 1913 - 16 Nov 1996 dau of Frank & Anna Lewis, Margaret Lenora (nee Erwin) 1871 - 1952 dau of Mahlon & Elsie (nee Leming) Lewis, William Elton 1870 - 1952 son of William & Malissa Lewis, William Henry 15 Jan 1912 - 16 Jun 1980 son of William & Margaret Lombardi, Arduino 'Dino' 21 Sep 1930 - 15 Feb 2015 hus of Iris Longmore, David A. 1888 - 1955 Longmore, Robert W. 1888 - 1963 Lucas, (baby) Lucas, (baby boy) 14 Feb 1931 - 14 Feb 1931 Lucas, A. Harry 1884 - 1929 Lucas, Arthur H. A. 'Unc' 1910 - 1997 son of Harry & Francis Lucas Arthur Roy 1890 - 1971 Lucas, Cecil Wesley 1936 - 1995 son of Bill & Irene Lucas, Donald Stanley 20 Apr 1918 - 19 Aug 1939 son of Arthur & Florence Lucas, E. M. Irene (nee Marden) 1909 - 1993 Lucas, Florence (nee Sharpe) 20 Dec 1886 - 5 May 1923 Lucas, Francis G. (nee Bott) 1877 - 1931 Lucas, Gwenyth Mary 7 Aug 1920 - 1 Apr 1936 dau of Arthur & Florence Lucas, Kathleen Eva (nee Lewis) 1901 - 1977 Lucas, Ruby Evelyn 27 Aug 1928 - 28 Oct 1928 dau of Arthur & Kathleen Lucas, William Thomas 1912 - 1995 Luier, Inez Luypaert, Alphonse 1885 - 1969 Luypaert, Augusta L. 1900 - 1986 Luypaert, Gerard 16 Oct 1936 - 3 Oct 2013 Luypaert, Herbert G. 1940 - 1997 son of Alphonse & Augusta Luypaert, Linda S. (nee Roney) 12 Mar 1943 - 7 Apr 2001 dau of Ralph & Mary Luypaert, Sharron 17 Sep 1963 MacDonald, Grant 6 Jun 1924 age 18 on of Paul & Edith MacDonald, Violet 1898 - 1911 MacKenzie, Gordon Hilland 1917 - 20 Sep 2004 son of George & May MacKenzie, Mary 1916 - 2000 Magaw, Emily Reid 9 Nov 1918 age 30 yrs 8 mos, wife of George S. Mallard, Annie (nee Burnett) 2 May 1932 age 26 wife of Gordon Mann, Roseana Alice (nee Deffey) 31 Jul 1903 - 3 Sep 1929 Marden, Ellen 1879 - 1937 Marden, Harry 1877 - 1935 Marlatt, Lehlia 12 Feb 1908 - 20 Mar 1926 Marquette, John 1848 - 1938 Marier, June M. 1920 - 1968 Marrier, Agnes E. 1896 - 1980 Martynook, Frederick Roy 'Rick' 1942 - 1996 Martynook, Marlene Sylvia (nee Reeves) 1940 - 13 Jul 2008 dau of Wes & Zulma Marykuga, Nellie (nee Haliuk) 1914 - 1997 Marykuga, Steve 1906 - 1997 McCrae, William J. 11 Sep 1982 McDade (Family Plot) McDade, (baby) McDade, Alexander 1900 - 1984 McDade, George 1 Jan 1944 McDade, Mary E. McDade, Martha Pearl (nee Kennedy) 22 May 1906 - 23 Mar 2006 dau of John & Catherine McDade, Robert B. 1969 McDade, William Brownlee 16 Aug 1917 McDaniel, James F. 1900 - 1966 son of John & Margaret McDaniel, John J. 1872 - 1955 McDaniel, L. Isabelle 1905 - 1928 dau of John & Margaret McDaniel, Margaret S. 1874 - 1961 McDaniel, Norma Alexander 1912 - 2000 dau of John & Margaret McDonald, (baby) McDonald, Edith (nee Lawrence) 1882 - 1952 McDonald, Paul 1880 -1950 McFadden, Marg McIntosh, Alexander 1 Aug 1967 age 73 McIntosh, Martha H. 1889 - 1983 McKitrick, William J. McKinnon, Catherine 1876 - 1957 McLachlan, Duncan 1861 - 1953 McLane, Jean E. (nee Tholl) 1914 - 26 Oct 2002 dau of John & Antonia McLane, John W. 1914 - 1995 McLean, Margaret 1911 - 1929 McLeod, Phyllis Elizabeth (nee Lucas) 11 Aug 1922 - 27 Apr 2008 dau of Arthur & Florence McMichen, H. McMillan, Archie 1917 - 1994 son of Samuel & Marion McMillan, Lois Myrtle (nee Mooney) 1924 - 14 Jul 2002 dau of George & Margaret McMillan, Margaret 1911 - 1928 dau of Samuel & Marion McMillan, Marion Ferguson 1882 - 1956 McMillan, Samuel Steele 1880 - 1969 McQueen, Neil John 13 Mar 1931 - 15 Feb 2013 hus of Vesta, son of Donald & Cora McRae, Emma Mae 1889 - 1965 wife of Kenneth McRae, Joyce McRae, Kenneth 1886 - 1981 McRae, Thelma May 1909 - 1974 McWhirter, Andrew H. 1930 - 1950 Metz, Bernhard M. 'Ben' 1908 - 1986 son of Bernhard & Monica Metz, Eva Barbara (nee Boehm) 1915 - 1991 Metz, Gordon M. 1937 - 1978 son of Bernhard & Eva Mitchell, Mabel 1910 - 1958 Montgomery, Cheryl Lee 1946 - 1979 Montgomery, Elizabeth Agnes 'Peggy' 1914 - 1982 Montgomery, Gilbert Ray 1921 - 1993 Montgomery, Howard 18?? - 19?7 son of William & Isabell Montgomery, Isabell (nee Turney) 1882 - 1932 Montgomery, William 1863 - 1951 Mooney, Alice L. 1931 - Mooney, (baby) 11 Oct 1920 Mooney, Calvin 1933 - 1943 son of William & Martha Mooney, David Gordon 1928 - 13 Jan 2007 Mooney, David S. 1888 - 1944 Mooney, David Samuel 1888 - 1944 son of William & Elizabeth Mooney, George Henry Young 1882 - 1948 son of William & Elizabeth Mooney, George Robert 25 Sep 1938 - 18 May 1993 Mooney, Margaret I. (nee Shaw) 1896 - 1979 dau of William & Margaret Mooney, Martha 'Mattie' (nee Hignett) 1916 - 1998 dau of Walter & Christian Mooney, Norma Belle (nee Austin) 1899 - 1954 wife of David Mooney, Olive A. (nee Silver) 1888 - 1977 dau of Allan Mooney, William Forden 'Bill' 1911 - 1989 son of William T. & Olive Mooney, William John 1853 - 24 May 1927 hus of Elizabeth Ann Scott Mooney, William Thompson 1880 - 1947 son of William & Elizabeth Moore, Illa W. (nee Robinson) 1904 - 1980 Mullis, Frederick Edward 1890 - 1971 son of Frederick & Mary (nee Johnson) Mullis, Helena M. (nee Emde) 1894 - 1962 dau of Conrad & Helen Munroe, Mabel Anna (nee Carpenter) 1886 - 1955 wife of Melville Munroe, Melville Lorne 1876 - 1933 Murphy, Anna 1874 - 1958 Murphy, Anna 1874 - 1958 (2nd gravestone) Murphy, Peter 1865 - 1956 Murphy, Peter S. 1868 - 1953 Murphy, Thomas 1861 - 1945 Murphy, Thomas 1861 - 1945 (2nd gravestone) Murphy, William Murphy, William 1875 - 1958 Murray, William T. 'Bill' 1903 - 1987 Myers, Elizabeth Anne (nee Hudson) 1874 - 1959 Myers, George 1866 - 1955 Nelson, Alice 1886 - 1970 Nelson, Anne 1874 - 1971 Nelson, Herman 1863 - 1927 Nelson, Kathleen 1913 - 1941 dau of Herman & Anne Nelson, Thomas C. 1888 - 1969 Nelson, William John 1916 - 1960 son of Herman & Anne Newlove, Evelyn I. (nee Mullis) 1 Sep 1916 - 3 Mar 1999 dau of Frederick & Helena Newlove, Mamie H. (nee Mullis) 1920 - 1989 dau of Frederick & Helena Newlove, Russell James 9 Oct 1912 - 9 Oct 1997 son of Thomas & Victoria Newlove, Thomas R. 1878 - 1953 Newlove, Victoria (nee Crittenden) 1891 - 1921 dau of James & Eliza (nee Cryderman) Newlove, Victoria Elizabeth (nee Crittenden) 30 Mar 1921 age 32 Nichols, Omer O. 1896 - 1972 Nisbet, Thomas 9 Nov 1918 age 32 yrs 9 mos Nolting, Donald (baby) 1949 - 1950 Nolting, Regina R. 1929 - 1999 Nolting, Vernon R. 1927 - 1960 Norum, Arnold William 1900 - 1976 son of Rev. Carl & Marie Norum, Esther Roxanna (nee Abrey) 1908 - 1981 dau of John & Lila Oleson, Doris Alice 1882 - 1965 Olesen, Ole 1882 - 1945 Oliver, Clara Aleta May 1885 - 1962 Oliver, Frank E. 1888 - 1920 Owens, Iona (nee Munro) 1924 - 1965 Oxford, L. Parker, Alex Clark 1892 - 1964 Parker, Donald James 1919 - 1983 son of Alex & Rose Parker, Helen Josephine Howie 1924 - 1981 Parker, Henry H. 1869 - 1949 Parker, Velma Rose (nee Fetterley) 1898 - 1992 Parks, Catherine Berneice (nee Shirkey) 1912 - 1983 dau of Charles & Pearl Parks, Eugene E. 1910 - 1988 son of Earl & Clara Phillips, F. Podnay/Podony, (baby) dau of William & Maria (nee Koza) Pritchard, Gerald F. 1928 - 1975 son of Archie & Rose Pritchard, Gordon James 1914 - 15 Dec 2003 son of Archie & Rose Pritchard, Mary M. (nee Waugh) 1916 - Purd, (unknown) Radford, Rachel E. 1884 - 1937 wife of Joseph Rae, Anna 1902 - 1985 Rae, George F. 1913 - 1989 son of Robert & Jessie Rae, Jessie (nee Legg) 1881 - 1975 Rae, Mary M. (nee Vanthuyne) 1916 - 1996 Rae, Robert 1881 - 1918 Rae, Robert George 1940 - 9 Jun 2014 Rae, Thomas B. 1907 - 1991 Raivo, Alice M. (nee Kimbley) 11 Apr 1914 - 10 May 199' Redstone, Albert George 'Bert' 1925 - 3 May 2004 son of Frank & Nell Redstone, Frank Carter 1866 - 1943 Redstone, Eleanor Maud 'Nell' (nee May) 1888 - 1961 Reeves, (babies) Reeves, Allan David 20 Jan 1892 - 2 oct 1983 son of Azur & Maria (nee Cooke) Reeves, Annie (nee Kennedy) 22 Oct 1900 - 3 Jun 1982 dau of Jack & Catherine Reeves, John Wesley 1898 - 1976 son of Hubert & Margaret (nee Buchanan) Reeves, Myrtle Marion 1895 - 1922 wife of Joseph Reeves, Zulma (nee Van de Walle) 1906 - 1990 dau of Antoon & Maria Reid, Claire Frederick 1914 - 10 Nov 2002 son of William & Berthelda (nee Walters) Reid, Howard E. 1947 - 1966 son of Claire & Stella Reid, Stella L. 1918 - 6 Mar 2007 Richards, Albert 1914 - 1929 Ritchie, Annie B. (nee Semple) 1887 - 1983 Ritchie, Elizabeth 1893 - 1981 Ritchie, Ellen F. (nee Morcom) 1922 - Ritchie, James A. S. 1917 - 1996 son of William & Annie Ritchie, John Torrance 1893 - 1973 Ritchie, William T. 1885 - 1963 Rimmington, Mary (nee Geothals) 28 Feb 1925 - 24 Aug 2009 dau of Jules & Irma Robertson, Emily 1905 - 1975 Robertson, George Ritchie 25 Jun 1965 age 70 Robinson Family Headstone (back of W. Arthur & Mabel) Robinson, Andrew J. 1859 - 1943 son of William & Jane (nee Warrington) Robinson, Catherine Elena (nee McCudden) 1860 - 1937 wife of A. J. Robinson, Clara May 1878 - 1950 Robinson, Earl James 1891 - 1966 son of Andrew & Catherine Robinson, Frances M. (nee Radford) 14 Jul 1898 - 30 Nov 1998 wife of Harry Robinson, Freda 1907 - 1924 Robinson Gordon C. 1902 - 1951 hus of Lydia Zikman Robinson, Harry Edward 7 May 1897 - 1 Nov 1936 son of James & Jennie Robinson James Isaac 1875 - 1942 Robinson Jennie A. (nee House) 1876 - 1946 Robinson, Mabel M. 1920 - 1996 Robinson, Mary Ellen 'Nellie' (nee Neehan) 1895 - 1976 Robinson, Mary Ella 1918 - 1928 dau of Lorne & Lizana Robinson, W. Arthur 1909 - 1971 Robinson, W. Arthur 1909 - 1971 (2nd gravestone) Robinson, William A. 1877 - 1947 Rodman, Bernal Clare 1912 - 1962 son of Isaiah & Eliza Rodman, Eliza Ann (nee Culbert) 13 Mar 1851 - 5 Dec 1942 Rodman, Howard 23 Sep 1946 - 12 Oct 1946 son of Bernal & Vera Louise (nee Redstone) Rodman, Isaiah 17 Apr 1849 - 18 Jan 1920 Rodman, Mabel Jennie (nee Wilson) 1876 - 1953 Rodman, Sidney Clarence 1879 - 1952 son of Isaiah & Eliza Rodman, William J. 1873 - 1937 son of Isaiah & Eliza Roney, (twin babies) Roney, Alexander 1862 - 1945 Roney, Alice (nee Reeves) 1927 - 2004 dau of Wesley & Zulma Roney, Ann Jane (nee Nixon) 1869 - 1946 wife of Thomas Roney, Barry Leslie 1948 - 6 Oct 2007 son of Robert & Margaret Roney, Bert W. 1919 - 1995 Roney, Earle F. 1895 - 1942 Roney, Florence Effie (nee Webster) 1900 - 1981 wife of Bob Roney, Frederick T. 1889 - 1938 Roney, George Wesley 1926 - 1990 Roney, Hazel Belle (nee Gillis) 5 Jun 1901 - 21 Feb 1993 dau of Hugh & Mary (nee Webster) Roney, Helen Margaret (nee Luff) 1883 - 1951 Roney, James Alexander 1884 - 1975 son of Thomas & Anne Roney, Jey Wayne 24 Apr 1933 - 2 Jul 1988 Roney, Lavinia (nee Larter) 1862 - 1947 Roney, Lillian L. 14 Aug 1942 age 21 Roney, M. Garth 1931 - 1990 son of Earle & Hazel Roney, Margaret (nee MacKenzie) 1911 - 1989 dau of Dan & Mary Roney, Marilyn 1939 - 1939 Roney, Mary 1943 - 1943 Roney, Mary F. (nee McMillan) 1915 - 1995 Roney, Murray Wayne 7 Apr 1948 - 3 Jan 1994 Roney, Phoebe (nee Couigan) 1895 - 1963 Roney, Phyllis (nee Kelly) 1922 - 2008 dau of Ross & Beatrice Roney, R. Earle 11 Aug 1920 - 30 Sep 1990 Roney, Ralph D. 1914 - 1965 son of Alexander & Vesta Roney, Robert E. 1905 - 1965 son of Robert & Ida (nee Vipond) Roney, Robert Ephraim 'Bob' 1892 - 1979 son of Alexander & Lavinia Roney, Russell A. 1916 - 1984 son of Alexander & Vesta Roney, Selma (nee Strand) 18 Nov 1899 - 12 Oct 1935 dau of Carl & Susan Roney, Thomas Alexander 'Sandy' 1888 - 1957 son of Alexander & Lavinia Roney, Thomas William 1921 - 1992 son of James & Helen Roney, Vesta Amelia (nee Darling) 1891 - 1988 Roney, William 1927 - 2006 Roney, William Ross 1927 - 1960 son of Joseph & Phoebe Rose, William 1865 - 1944 Ross, Donald McArthur 1936 - 1942 son of James & Louise Ross, James R. 1901 - 1944 Ross, Louise 1900 - 1987 Rosten, Christina C. 1892 - 1980 Rosten, Lloyd Thorwald 1921 - 1989 son of Paul & Emma (nee Arnold) Rosten, Paul T. 1891 - 1965 Rosten, Ruby Kathleen (nee Anderson) 15 Mar 1925 - 31 Jan 2013 wife of Lloyd, dau of William & Christina Royan, Andrew 1909 - 1970 son of Simon & Mary Royan, Betty (nee Marykuca) 1943 - Royan, Herbert George 1939 - 29 Apr 2008 son of Andrew & Yvonne Royan, Jessie Steele (nee Rae) 29 Oct 1917 - 22 Apr 2011 dau of Robert & Jessie Royan, John 'Jock' 1908 - 1974 hus of Jessie Royan, Mary 1885 - 1979 wife of Simon Royan, Simon 1874 - 1946 Royan, Yvonne Julia (nee Demeester) 1915 - 1990 Sanderson, Margaret 1872 - 19?? Scott, George C. 10 Apr 1985 age 84 Scott, James 1880 - 195? Scott, Jane 1854 - 1934 Scott, Jessie G. (nee Aitken) 1911 - 1995 dau of Alexander Scott, John Sr. 1853 - 1943 Scott, John Walter 11 Nov 1889 - 2 May 1960 Scott, Winifred 1900 - 1947 Semans, Mrs. Semple, Amy Ellen 1886 - 1966 Semple, Daphne 1964 - 1964 Semple, Elizabeth 1858 - 1934 Semple, Elizabeth (nee Moore) 4 Jul 1858 - 8 Jan 1934 wife of G. B. Semple, George 1859 - 1935 Semple, George B. 5 May 1859 - 13 May 1935 Semple, Winona June (nee Roney) 1936 - 25 Nov 2001 dau of Ralph & Mary Shaw, Elizabeth H. 1 Oct 1908 age 7 yrs 6 mos, dau of William & Margaret Shaw, Margaret (nee McLaughlin) 1872 - 1929 dau of James Shaw, William J. 1872 - 1937 Sheldon, Joseph Edmond 1873 - 1957 Sheldon, Netta Esther (nee Shouldice) 1890 - 1958 dau of James & Matilda Shepherd, William 1946 age 57 Shewchuk, Nickolas 1925 - 1977 Shewchuk, Ruth Catherine (nee Dalmage) 9 Feb 1923 - 19 Feb 2004 dau of George & Harriet Shirkey, Agnes M. (nee Sweet) 1916 - 1990, 1st wife of Earl Shirkey, Charles Henry 1885 - 1956 Shirkey, Earl James 9 Aug 1916 - 4 Jun 2012 son of Charles & Pearl Shirkey, Marjorie 1931 - 1954 Shirkey, Pearl May (nee Robinson) 1893 - 1965 dau of Andrew & Catherine Shirkey, Ray Robinson 15 Jul 1914 - 31 May 1927 son of Charles & Pearl Shirkey, Raymond James Dr. 1 Aug 1943 - 1 Aug 2006 son of Earl & Agnes Shouldice, Addie H. 8 Apr 1896 - 25 Mar 1920 dau of James & Mathilda Shouldice, Addie H. (same stone as Matilda) Shouldice, James R. 1856 - 1922 son of Robert & Judith (nee Irwin) Shouldice, Lottie M. 13 Aug 1892 - 7 Mar 1980 dau of James & Mathilda Shouldice, Matilda (nee Moore) 1854 - 1920 Simons, (baby) 25 Aug 1960 - 25 Aug 1960 Silver Headstone Silver, Allan F. 1858 - 1928 Smith, C. W. Smith, David 1870 - 1945 Smith, Hannah 1853 - 1924 wife of John Smith, M. A. Smith, Margaret (nee McIntyre) 1957 wife of David Smith, Matilda Squair, Thomas 1885 - 1968 St. John, (infants) 1922 children of Olive & E. P. St. John, Edwin Percy 1886 - 1970 St. John, Olive Blanche (nee Dunlop) 1893 - 1972 Stephens, Brian Charles 10 Jan 1927 - 11 Feb 2013 hus of Doris, son of Reginald & Blanche Stevenson, Edna (nee Foster) 30 Jul 1918 - 14 Apr 2016 Stevenson, Eliza (nee Kitson) 1883 - 1974 Stevenson, Neil Oliver 1919 - 1976 hus of Edna Foster Stewart, Ida Belle 1891 - 1931 Stitz, Nick Storie, William Ralph 1875 - 1959 Strand, Susan 'Susie' wife of Carl Stratton, Agnes (nee Lyon) 1888 - 1972 Stratton, George W. 1895 - 1974 son of Joseph & Mary Stratton, Gordon G. 26 Feb 1928 - 26 Mar 1984 son of George & Mary Stratton, Lillian Jean 2 Sep 1919 - 5 Jun 1920 Stratton, Mary Charlotte 18 Sep 1926 age 65 Stratton, Mary D. (nee Karr) 1904 - 1999 Stratton, Omer J. 1887 - 1964 son of Robert & Mary Stratton, Robert Joseph 1921 - 1933 son of Omer & Agnes Stratton, Robert Joseph 13 May 1912 age 58 Stratton, Thomas R. 1930 - 1967 son of Omer & Agnes Stratton, Vernon Ansley 13 Feb 1934 - 25 Mar 2013 hus of Kay Studley, John Traer 30 Mar 1974 age 77 Suggitt, Elizabeth Anne (nee Rodman) 1875 - 1911 wife of Linton Sweet, Elizabeth 1866 - 20 Jul 1954 Sweet, Sheldon 1852 - 1942 Tanghe, Armand Oscar 1964 - 7 Sep 2008 son of George & Mary Tanghe, Celina (nee Driessens) 1900 - 1994 Tanghe, George Gerard 1928 - 2003 son of Oscar & Celina Tanghe, Gustav 1890 - 1964 Tanghe, Mary 1935 - 2008 Tanghe, Mary (nee Okraincee) 1935 - 4 Oct 2008 dau of William & Nellie Tanghe, Oscar 1887 - 1969 Taylor, Amy Webb 1884 - 1943 Taylor, David 1884 - 1969 Taylor, John Taylor, Laura 1918 - 2000 Taylor, Laura Mary Vanghel 28 Jan 2004 wife of Aub Taylor, Mercy Ball 1884 - 1930 Taylor, Norman 1926 - 2007 Tucker, Charles Tucker, Charles W. 1909 - 1935 Tucker, Clarence Edgar 9 Oct 1918 age 1 mon 3 days Tucker, Ethel Reed 17 Aug 1924 age 43 wife of J. J. Tucker, Ivan B. 1903 - 1980 Tucker, Joseph J. 1877 - 1961 Tucker, Raymond Tucker, Raymond N. 1913 - 1935 Turney, Alexander Tate 1873 - 1947 Turney, Jane C. 28 Jun 1913 age 74 Turney, John B. 16 dec 1916 age 73 Turney, Grace Hessie (nee Kelly) 6 Sep 1876 - 12 Dec 1918 wife of Alexander Trickett, Ness 2 Dec 1874 - 19 May 1914 wife of F. E. unknown 1 unknown 2 unknown 3 unknown 4 unknown 5 unknown 6 unknown 7 unknown 8 unknown 9 unknown 10 unknown 11 unknown 12 unknown 13 unknown 14 unknown 15 unknown 16 unknown 17 unknown 18 unknown 19 unknown 20 unknown 21 unknown 22 unknown 23 unknown 24 unknown 25 unknown 26 unknown 27 unknown 28 unknown 29 (beside Laura Taylor) Ulmer, (baby) Ulmer, Oscar 1910 - 1995 son of Wilhelm & Katharina Ulmer, Violet M. (nee Howard) 1914 - 2002 dau of Ben & Marie Vance, Harold E. 1914 - 1999 son of Wintfred & Tomina Vance, Lillian Judith (nee Holt) 18 Oct 1936 - 18 Dec 2016 dau of Alice & Harry Vance, Ruby M. (nee Richards) 1918 - 1969 Vance, Stanley 24 Dec 1939 - 17 Jun 2013 hus of Judith, son of Harold & Ruby Vance, Wintfred 1870 - 1951 hus of Tomina Lund Van Damme, Alan Odiel 1944 - 27 Feb 2003 son of Jerome & Mary Van Damme, Amanda 30 Nov 1995 dau of Randy & Debbie Van Damme, Jerome E. 1902 - 1974 Van Damme, Linda R. 1947 - Van Damme, Mary P. (nee Demeester) 1913 - 1976 dau of Camille & Emily (nee Missini) Van De Walle, Antoon 1878 - 1950 Van De Walle, Kenneth Raymond 5 Mar 1946 - 16 Jun 1994 Van De Walle, Maria 1878 - 1958 Van Dorpe, Christopher James 2 Nov 1984 - 5 Nov 1986 Van Dorpe, Marcel R. 1897 - 1968 Van Dorpe, Mary L. S. 1908 - 1999 Vanghel, Floris Maurice 29 Nov 1907 - 16 Jan 1955 hus of Laura Vyse, Albert James 1885 - 1938 Vyse, Margaret Elva (nee Mooney) 1886 - 1987 dau of William & Elizabeth Vyse, Mary Doris 1925 - 1927 dau of Albert & Margaret Wagner, C. Mrs. Walsh, Dora 1875 - 1963 Walsh, Stanley N. 1904 - 1983 Wasson Family Plot Wasson, Arthur Warren 11 Oct 1902 - 25 Nov 1921 Wasson, James Harold 1877 - 1947 Wasson, Sara Maria 1872 - 1956 Watson, George 1889 - 1952 Watson, Isabella 1879 - 1920 Watt, Alex 1886 - 1941 Watt, Catherine 1866 - 1919 Watt, Catherine (nee Benzie) 9 Apr 1919 age 53 wife of Charles Watt, Charles 1869 - 1 Jan 1936 Watt, Douglas 20 Aug 1925 - 24 Jan 2004 son of Alex & Mary Watt, Mary 1888 - 1972 Watt, Mrs. Waugh, Howard 1911 - 1998 son of John & Mary Waugh, John Andrew 1873 - 1954 Waugh, Mary Helen (nee Garbutt) 1878 - 1956 Waugh, Sarah Almira Pearl (nee McRae) 1911 - 6 Dec 2006 dau of Kenneth & Emma Weaver, Ellis E. 1881 - 1963 Weaver, Martha 1882 - 1976 Webster, Ada Schurman (nee Reeves) 1878 - 1961 dau of David & Margaret Webster, Annie A. (nee Canpbell) 1885 - 1980 wife of Harry Webster, Don 1927 - 2006 Webster, Elsie M. (nee Harris) 1914 - 1994 wife of Wilfred Webster, Harry 1888 - 1957 Webster, Joseph Nelson 1878 - 1958 Webster, June (nee Roney) 1930 - Webster, Wilfred J. D. 11 Sep 1970 age 62 son of Joseph & Ada Weeks, Pearl (nee Kaufman) 1889 - 1979 dau of Edward & Alice Weeks, Pearl (2nd photo) Weeks, Glen W. (baby) Whitelock, (unknown) Wierl, Shelly Leah Hester (nee Bruce) 5 Nov 1960 - 8 Nov 2015 wife of Douglas, dau of Charles & Margaret Wilcox, Betty L. 1947 - 1948 Wilcox, Dorothy Louise (nee Webster) 1912 - 23 Apr 2002 Wilcox, Elmer Joseph 1910 - 20 Oct 2003 son of Walter & Sara Wilcox, Lorne E. 1913 - 1984 Wilcox, Lucille (nee Weeks) 1909 - 1971 dau of Glen & Pearl Wilcox, Myrna Lee Aug 1950 - Jan 2011 Winegarden, W. H. Wolfe, Basil Mussetter 1890 - 12 Oct 1935 age 45 hus of Glenna Wolfe, Brian Walter 12 Nov 1929 - 3 Oct 2014 son of Walter & Mary Wolfe, Doris Pauline 6 Sep 1932 - 5 Feb 2015 dau of Walter & Mary Wolfe, Glenna Rose (nee Whitelock) 1892 - 15 Dec 1950 dau of Lorne & Mary Wolfe, Mary Ellen (nee Hunt) 1897 - 1976 Wolfe, Sarah Emily 1927 - 1990 dau of Walter & Mary Wolfe, Walter Harrison 1888 - 1980 Wood, Robert Allan 29 Sep 1948 - 27 Sep 1950 Woodley, H. Rene 1884 - 1965 Woodley, Margaret B. (nee MacNeill) 1886 - 1962 Woodward, John 1876 - 1969 Woron, Sam 1893 - 1973 Wright, Dean Wynn, Thomas William 1905 - 1997 hus of Christina Podony Youmans, Joamns Zwaal, Dorothy 1942 - Zwaal, Peter 1922 - 1996
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