Anderson, Axel 1898 - 1979 Anderson, Elenora E. 1907 - 1924 Anderson, Hedvig M. Jun 3, 1920 age 48 yrs 3 days, wife of Knut Anderson, Hilda 1906 - 1991 Anderson, Knut Feb 28, 1868 - Feb 17, 1951 Anderson, Violet 1903 - 1986 wife of Axel Anderson, Wilburt 1927 - 2013 Bergdahl, Anna 1875 - 1930 wife of Nels Bergdahl, Ernest 1906 - 1979 Bergdahl, Nels 1872 - 1949 Bergdahl, Philip 1913 - 1964 Bork, Hedvig Sofie 1876 - 1953 wife of Knud Bork, Knud 1871 - 1962 Bork, Verna Jun 30, 1914 - Apr 22, 1935 Brown, Charles E. Nov 11, 1854 - Oct 20, 1915 Bystedt, Mrs. 1850 - 1898 wife of Erik Bystedt, Erik Oct 11, 1868 - 1955 hus of Johanna, son of Erik Bystedt, Erik Olaf 1844 - 1920 Bystedt, Johanna Margaret (nee Jansen) May 31, 1867 - ???? dau of John & Maria Carlson, Herman Berger 1884 - 1965 Carlson, Ida Maria 1873 - 1952 Carlton, Berthrum 1928 - 1975 Clements, Priscilla P. 1922 - Clements, Ross M. 1918 - 2000 hus of Priscilla Fagerstrom, Alfred E. 1890 - 1976 Gerber, Karl May 25, 1884 - Mar 17, 1913 Gerber, Samuel 1845 - 1923 Hansen, Amund 1879 - 1966 Hansen, Hansl Mar 188? - Jul 2, 1956 Hansen, Helene Marie 1881 - 1914 wife of Amund Holm, Ella 1907 - 1975 Holm, John 1901 - 1975 Holmgren, Ada 1909 - 1915 Holmgren, Belinda 1915 - 1915 Houston, Jessie 1875 - 1961 Houston, Robert 1901 - 1923 son of William & Jessie Houston, William died 1923 Jernburg, Irving F. 1902 - 1921 Johnson, Ake Reuben Victor Jan 24, 1903 - May 21, 1915 Johnson, Albin Jan 18, 1887 - Apr 17, 1927 Johnson, Andrew P. Rev. Apr 17, 1860 - Jun 22, 1928 Johnson, Anna G. 1866 - 1934 Johnson, Aphalia A. 1893 - 1931 Johnson, Arnold Emanuel 1914 - 1974 son of Otto & Aphalia Johnson, Arthur Jun 13, 1884 - Dec 8, 1911 Johnson, August 1889 - 1971 Johnson, Augusta R. Oct 24, 1861 - Jun 24, 1915 Johnson, Brian 1958 - Sep. 30, 1958 Johnson, Christine 1858 - 1929 Johnson, Dorothy 1923 - 1943 dau of August & Evelyn Johnson, Edith Alfreda Nov 19, 1889 - May 20, 1924 wife of Oscar Johnson, Edward 1957 - Apr 18, 1957 Johnson, Elgie L. 1933 - 2006 hus of Jean Johnson, Emma 1902 - 1981 wife of Oscar Johnson, Evelyn 1898 - 1963 Johnson, Evelyn R. 1914 - 2001 Johnson, Fern Victoria (nee Olson) Apr 23, 1916 - 2003 wife of Arnold Johnson, Fred 1885 - 1966 Johnson, George L. 1899 - 1994 Johnson, Ida 1891 - 1987 wife of Fred Johnson, Irene S. 'Rene' Oct 16, 1929 - May 8, 2000 wife of Lawrence Johnson, Ivan E. F. 1935 - 1975 Johnson, Jean M. 1939 - Johnson, Laverne 1927 - 1942 Johnson, Lawrence E. G. 1951 - 1992 Johnson, Lawrence M. A. Sep 30, 1928 - May 14, 2000 Johnson, Minnie 1903 - 1993 wife of George Johnson, N. A. 1854 - 1936 Johnson, Norma 1933 - 1933 Johnson, Oscar 1882 - 1957 Johnson, Otto E. 1878 - 1934 Johnson, Wilfred H. died 1924 Jorgenson, August 1855 - 1938 Jorgenson, Carol V. 1910 - 2011 wife of Stanley Jorgenson, Carrie 1867 - 1946 wife of August Jorgenson, G. Albin 1895 - 1950 Jorgenson, Stanley A. 1897 - 1977 Jorgenson, Victor G. May 5, 1894 - Mar 19, 1918 Jorgenson, Wilfred Oscar 1900 - 1984 Kennedy, Mary Ann Elizabeth(nee Drake) Jul 28, 1863 - Mar 27, 1915 Kindratsky, Martha 1922 - Kindratsky, Willie B. 1914 - 1977 hus of Martha Larson, Gustaf 1871 - 1954 Leonhard, Edith Feb 29, 1888 - May 3, 1908 Leonhard, Holger Danish Sep 16, 1913 - Mar 24, 1914 Lindgren, Carl J. 1909 - 1973 Lindgren, Clinton 1935 - 1965 Lindgren, Grace E. 1913 - 2001 Lindgren, Leona 1915 - 1992 wife of Rudolph Lindgren, Martin 1872 - 1953 Lindgren, Matilda 1879 - 1920 wife of Martin Lindgren, Rudolph 1905 - 1996 Lindgren, Sigfried 1916 - 1977 Locken, Ben A. Aug 9, 1887 - Feb 24, 1971 Locken, Helge C. died Nov 11, 1935 Locken, (infant) 1920 - Feb 5, 1920 son of B. A. Locken, M. Nettie Feb 17, 1887 - Jul 17, 1958 Locken, Ole Oct 14, 1852 - Dec 28, 1924 Locken, Syneva Jul. 6, 1862 - Feb 1, 1922 wife of Ole Mogren, Albert 1870 - 1932 Mooney, Anna 1854 - 1923 Neufeld, Gwen (nee Johnson) 1939 - 2000 Newberg, Amanda 1884 - 1968 wife of Gustaf Newberg, Clarice 1919 - Newberg, Donald 1924 - Newberg, Gustaf 1875 - 1929 Newberg, Ruth 1935 - 2008 wife of Donald Newman, John Apr 25, 1931 age 60 Newman, John M. 1920 - Oct 24, 1989 hus of Clarice Newman, Ruth Jul 7, 1973 age 81 wife of John Nystrom, Arthur 1885 - 1955 son of Aron & Carolina Nystrom, Carolina (nee Johnson) 1845 - 1925 Nystrom, Ida 1883 - 1980 wife of Victor Nystrom, Russell 1912 - 2000 Nystrom, Selma 1887 - 1978 wife of Arthur Nystrom, Victor 1883 - 1945 son of Aron & Carolina Olson, Amanda 'Manda' (nee Nystrom) 1881 - 1959 dau of Aron & Carolina Olson, Andrew 1838 - Apr 24, 1912 Olson, Anna Charlotte 'Lottie' (nee Johnson) 1848 - Apr 1926 wife of Andrew Olson, Victor May 23, 1883 - 1970 hus of Amanda Peterson, August 1842 - 1929 Peterson, Maria 1844 - 1916 wife of August Peterson, Philip 1889 - 1918 Quist, Carl J. F. 1868 - 1936 Quist, Einar T. J. 1895 - 1941 Quist, Elmer A. E. Jan 28, 1926 age 21 Quist, Eskil 1899 - 1993 Quist, Hazel 1906 - 1976 wife of Eskil Quist, Maria F. 1870 - 1951 wife of Carl Schiller, John F. 1910 - 1995 Skog, Carl Sep 29, 1880 - May 19, 1922 Wall, Alfred E. 1884 - 1956 Westerlund, Eddie A. 1887 - 1962 Westerlund, Eric Bert Jul 27, 1977 - Oct 15, 1977 son of B. Westerlund, Evelyn A. 1914 - Westerlund, Hulda M. 1876 - 1969 wife of Levi Westerlund, Levi E. 1877 - 1946 Westerlund, Raymond 1909 - 1966 Westerlund, Rosa E. 1886 - 1976 wife of Eddie Westerlund, Walter L. 1911 - 1914 Westerlund, Wendell F. 1914 - 1978 hus of Evelyn Wickstrom, Adeline Alvina Jul 10, 1922 - Jul 10, 2004 dau of Robert & Ellen Wickstrom, Anna S. 1854 - 1921 wife of John Wickstrom, Ellen T. (nee Johnson) 1891 - 1968 Wickstrom, John 1850 - 1928 Wickstrom, Robert F. 1890 - 1980 Wickstrom, Vernon 1918 - 2001 son of Robert & Ellen 2 unidentified gravesites
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