Holy Ascension Ukrainian Orthodox Cemetery
Hubbard district
R.M. of Ituna Bon Accord # 246   NW 21-25-10 W2
GPS   51.180397°N   103.363315°W
First burial in 1922, 25 burials by 1995

Compiled by Walter A. Wawruck

 Boychuk, John  1894  – 1961 
 Boychuk, Mary  1899 – 1960

 Filko, Michael  1905 -1922
 Filko, Fred  1879 - 1946
 Filko, Nastia  1874 - 1930
 Filko, Paul  1909 – 1988
 Filko, Nicholas  1875  - 1950
 Filko, Olena  1933
 Filko, Mary  1913  - 1922
 Filko, Sophia  1916 - 2007

 Gendzelevich, Glenn T.  1941 - 1943

 Kentz, (infant)
 Korchinski, Therese (nee Wawruck)  died 11 Mar 2014 dau of Nickolas & Kathleen
 Krysowaty, Tekla  1870 - 1939
 Krysowaty, Ivan  1864 - 1937

 Malevich, Harry  1947
 Melnechenko, Andrew  1880  - 1931

 Naumetz, Yarina  1897 – 1990
 Naumetz, Lahna  1928 – 1994
 Naumetz, Timofay  1897 – 1983
 Navidzielo, Daria Anna  1937 - 1938

 Pilat, Alexei  1884  - 1971

 Showhaniuk, Alexei Rev.  1883 –1952
 Tokaruk, Alexander 'Toby'  23 Jun 1929 - 14 Jan 2013 hus of Mary, son of Peter & Raisa (nee Filko)
 Tokaruk, Louise  1957 – 1995
 Tokaruk, Peter Rev.  1893 – 1967
 Tokaruk, Rose  1903 – 1962

 Wawruch, Maksym  1870 - 1952 
 Wawruch, Maria  1872 - 1957
 Wawruck, Nickolas  1913 – 1960
 Wawruck, Kathleen  1920 - 2002
 Wawruck, Adele  1909 - 2002
 Wawruck, Walter  1911 - 2008

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