Horse Butte Cemetery
Kyle district
R.M. of Lacadena # 228   NE 10-21-16 W3
GPS   50.774055°N   108.129522°W

Complied by Herb Barge

Allen, Alice Josephine  1916 - 1964
Allen, Hugh  1914 - 1972
Anderson, Allan  1910 - 1990
Anderson, Anna Beatrice  1903 - 1971
Anderson, Arthur  1893 - 1972
Anderson, (baby)  1949 - 1949
Anderson, Charles  1900 - 1966
Anderson, Frank Richard  1895 - 1994
Anderson, Gertrude  1974 - 1966
Anderson, Gladys  1914 - 1978
Anderson, Harold  1907 - 1974
Anderson, Martin  1866 - 1931

Basol, Strener J.  1851 - 1914
Benson, Hazel  1924 - 1995
Benson, Jettie  1900 - 1980
Benson, Thomas Mikkel  1890 - 1952
Bornes, Henrik  1905 - 1998
Bornes, Signe  1913 - 2000
Brose, Carl  1906 - 1996
Brose, Olga  1913 - 1985

Caldwell, Clarence  1937 - 1992
Caldwell, Marcella  1905 - 1996
Campbell, Kenneth  1936 - 1993
Christensen, Ejner C. K.  1904 - 1956
Christensen, Elsie  1909 - 1987
Christensen, Marlene Joy (nee Bird)  22 Mar 1942 - 1 Aug 2011 wife of Chris, dau of Cliff & Avon
Christofferson, Ole  1869 - 1943

Draper, Lennox  1906 - 1990
Draper, Violet Adella  1909 - 1987
Dyrland, Alma May  1886 - 1955
Dyrland, (baby)  1924 - 1924
Dyrland, Denise  1951 - 1965
Dyrland, Edna  1921 - 1981
Dyrland, Ellert G.  1904 - 1972 hus of Selma
Dyrland, Elvin  1906 - 1988
Dyrland, Enok Magnus  1876 - 1961
Dyrland, Gudbjor  1880 - 1955
Dyrland, Jacob  1871 - 1947
Dyrland, Jacob Jr.  1917 - 1987
Dyrland, Nikoli  1879 - 1954
Dyrland, Selma Andrea (nee Hystad)  3 May 1912 - 5 Mar 2013 dau of Halvor & Alida (nee Moberg)  
Dyrland, Thea Gurine  1889 - 1943
Dyrland, Verni  1904 - 1930
Dyrland, Vernon Lyle  1930 - 1985

Engene, Elsie Marie  1922 - 1926
Erickson, Peter August  1893 - 1974

Ferguson, David Clarence  1940 - 1986
Frew, Beatrice  1907 - 1983

Gronhovd, (baby)  1927 - 1927
Gronhovd, Evelyn  1929 - 1945
Gronhovd, Thorvald  1900 - 1936
Gundacker, Helena  1876 - 1953
Gundacker, Ludwig  1876 - 1946
Gunderson, Benjamin  1889 - 1975
Gustavson, Evelyn  1933 - 1984
Gustavson, Kevin Lyle  1963 - 1963
Gustavson, Margarite  1911 - 1999
Gustavson, Pete  1888 - 1984

Hartman, Anna B.  1886 - 1968
Hartman, Carl  1912 - 1992
Hartman, Clinton  1878 - 1946
Hartman, Owen  1957 - 1999
Hartness, John Gilmour  1930 - 1992
Helstad, Hans  1884 - 1941
Hendrickson, Janice Delila  1946 - 1946
Hesla, Einar  1935 - 1936
Hesla, Marilyn Rose  1951 - 1954
Holdal, George  1885 - 1949
Holdal, Josephine  1893 - 1964
Holdal, Peter  1884 - 1978
Hylene, Mrs. C.  1882 - 1921
Hystad, Alida  1889 - 1974
Hystad, Halvor  1880 - 1951

Jordheim, Kenneth  1926 - 2000
Jordheim, Shirley  1932 - 1998

Karlson, Erik  1901 - 1930

Larson, Anne B.  1835 - 1921
Larson, (baby)  1941 - 1941
Larson, Emil  1924 - 1999
Lee, Hans J.  1855 - 1914
Lee, Helen  1899 - 1992
Lee, John  1887 - 1969
Lee, Sanford  1895 - 1975
Lium, Otto  1883 - 1936
Loftsgard, (baby)  1935 - 1935
Loftsgard, Ella Ruth (nee Hadwen)  10 Sep 1914 - 20 Jul 2010 dau of Percy & Florence 
Loftsgard, Karl  1909 - 1993 hus of Ella
Loustad, Etil  1908 - 1989

Maalerud, Gary J.  1953 - 1973
Maalerud, James  1921 - 1993
Martinson, Hannah  1888 - 1949
Martinson, Ole  1883 - 1949
Master, Clarence  1926 - 1994
Masters, Edward  1887 - 1963
Masters, Lillie  1888 - 1975
Melbo, Christina Alma  1898 - 1984
Melbo, Mrs. Anna  1858 - 1929
Melbo, Harold  1894 - 1974
Melbo, Sigrid  1900 - 1913
Melland, Elvin Clark  1924 - 1925
Mikkelson, Anna  1859 - 1939
Montgomery, Murdock Sidney 1885 - 1968
Montgomery, Olga  1901 - 1957

Nelson, Axel  1858 - 1916
Nelson, (baby)  1930 - 1930
Nelson, (baby)  1933 - 1933
Nelson, (baby)  1936 - 1936
Nelson, Carl  1879 - 1944
Nelson, Christina  1866 - 1945
Nelson, Ernest  1907 - 1963
Nelson, Luverne  1924 - 1945
Nelson, Lyle Richard  1930 - 1930
Nelson, Mildred Francis  1928 - 1930
Norheim, David Albert  1952 - 1992
Norheim, Harold  1911 - 1995

Olsen, Eva  1884 - 1944
Olson, Alice B. M.  1895 - 1931
Olson, Reinart  1901 - 1933
Olson, Stephen  1885 - 1937
Omland, Darrin Garth  1965 - 1965
Omland, Garth  5 Nov 1942 - 27 Dec 2005 hus of Sandra Gray, son of Raymond & Helen
Omland, Helen  1912 - 1998
Omland, John Lauris  1882 - 1952
Omland, Laura C.  1885 - 1974
Omland, Raymond Lawrence  1913 - 1960
Omland, Sven Rudolph  1884 - 1934

Pederson, Adolph  1856 - 1937
Pederson, Albert  1899 - 1920
Pederson, Axel  1894 - 1958
Pederson, (baby)  1926 - 1926
Pederson, Helga  1895 - 1917
Pederson, Hulda  1928 - 1930
Pederson, Martha  1906 - 1993
Pederson, Nils Olaus  1861 - 1936
Pederson, Norman  1897 - 1947
Pederson, Randine  1860 - 1946
Potter, Helen  1917 - 1995
Prime, Jacqueline  1925 - 1991

Rud, Christ  1875 - 1942
Rud, John  1880 - 1941

Sather, Axel  1886 - 1944
Sather, Tona  1891 - 1973
Seveum, Bonnie Lou  1963 - 1963
Seveum, Oliver  1900 - 1961
Skreden, Osmund  1906 - 1969
Smid, Beatrice  1906 - 1975
Smid, Riekele  1904 - 1974
Sondrol, Ivor  1889 - 1974
Sondrol, Myrtle  1905 - 1978
Strom, Agnes  1915 - 1920
Strom, Alfred  1921 - 1991
Strom, Alice  1897 - 1986
Strom, Barry  1948 - 1980
Strom, Dorothea  1891 - 1982
Strom, Mrs. Margit  1892 - 1925
Strom, Martin Berent  1893 - 1964
Strom, Mons Olai  1901 - 1963
Strom, Ole  1891 - 1973
Strom, Oscar  1919 - 1961
Sundae, Kornelius  1875 - 1933
Sveum. Ken  1936 - 1989
Sveum, Lloyd  1938 - 1991
Sveum, Randy  1959 - 1998
Swanson, Johan Anton  1880 - 1947
Swanson, Thyra  1889 - 1943

Thompson, Camilla  1909 - 1997
Trydal, Osmud  1859 - 1926
Trytten, Clifton Andre  1929 - 1980
Trytten, Eugene  1927 - 1998
Trytten, Irving  1892 - 1961
Trytten, Lloyd Royce  1937 - 1937
Trytten, Pearl  1908 - 1988
Tynning, Irgens  1905 - 1997
Tynning, Karl  1909 - 1995

Veason, Alfred Orris  1914 - 1940
Veason, Ella  1885 - 1938

Wahlen, Doris  1918 - 1991
Westgard, Amanda Odeida  1905 - 1958
Westgard, (baby)  1944 - 1944
Westgard, Benjamin E.  1898 - 1965
Westgard, Clarence  1900 - 1978
Westgard, Ella Caroline  1876 - 1943
Westgard, Leonard  1941 - 1993
Westgard, Melita (Molly)  1909 - 1987
Westgard, Myrtle  1904 - 1915
Westgard, Selma Lucille  1947 - 1947
Westgard, Samuel  1864 - 1937
Westgard, Sydney  1914 - 1979

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