Bayerle, Christopher 1885 - 1931 Bayerle, Magdalena 1891 - 1981 Birg, Apolonia (nee Till) Springman 18 Sep 1880 - 17 Aug 1976 wife of Mathias Birg, Mathias 24 Sep 1877 - 26 Aug 1928 Deutsch, Michael 1856 - 1918 Deutsch, Michael (2nd gravestone) Fleischhaker, Anna 1885 - 1964 Fleischhaker, Anton 1851 - 1935 Fleischhaker, Elizabeth 1913 - 1919 Fleischhaker, Magdalen (nee Deutsch) 1883 - 1917 dau of Michael Fleischhaker, Margaret (nee Hind) 1855 - 1943 wife of Anton Fleischhaker, Mathias 1877 - 1963 Fleischhaker, Paulin 1896 - 1919 Folk, M. Frycz, Helen Eva (nee Schenher) 1 Mar 1933 - 16 Mar 2012 dau of Michael & Margaret Frycz, John 4 Jul 1928 - 1 Oct 2011 Genswein, A. Genswein, Martin Edward 21 Apr 1916 - 28 Sep 1918 Hardoch, J. 1859 - 1939 Herle, Andreas 20 oct 1875 - 1945 Herle, Anna (nee Sonleitner) 15 apr 1879 - 1944 Janzer, Leo George 1 Jan 1900 - 21 Dec 1999 Kesslering, Elizabeth Kesslering, Eva 1906 - 1995 Kesserling, Eva (nee Gerbrich) 1868 - 19 Dec 1950 Kesslering, Helen 1936 - 1956 Kesslering, Max 1897 - 1958 Kesslering, Michael 1864 - 1932 Kesslering, Michael J. 1888 - 29 Jan 1942 Klein, Edward H. 1885 - 1975 Klein, Edward H. (2nd gravestone) Klein, Katherine 1861 - 1961 Klein, Mabel D. 1900 - 1962 Klemenz, Frank J. 1918 - 1999 Klemenz, Joan M. 1935 - Klemenz, John 1886 - 1946 Klemenz, John Peter 1933 - 1998 Klemenz, Josephine Katherine (nee Nagy) 12 Sep 1922 - 11 Nov 1986 Klemenz, Magdalena 1892 - 1963 Klemenz, Magdeline Klemenz, Mavis J. 1940 - Klemenz, Michael 1890 - 1945 Klemenz, Mike George 7 Sep 1915 - 1995 Klemenz, Nicholas 1922 - 2001 Klemenz, Sophie Klemenz, Theresia (nee Zirri) 1895 - 1985 Klemenz, Theresia (2nd gravestone) Kraft, Eleanor 3 Jan 1892 - 20 May 1935 Kraft, Sylvester J. 23 Jan 1931 - 31 Mar 1978 Mayer, John 8 Jan 1874 - 10 Sep 1925 Mayer, Mrs. McCann, Brandie Jolene 23 Mar 1975 - 18 Jan 1977 Murray, John 1946 - Murray, Vicki 1947 - Nagy, John F. 24 Mar 1881 - 15 Jan 1939 son of Martin & Josephine Nagy, John Frank 4 Jun 1927 - 22 Apr 1929 Nagy, John George 28 Nov 1925 - 29 Nov 1925 Nagy, Maria 'Mary' (nee Kokesch) 1 Sep 1882 - 1950 dau of Josephus & Anna (nee Wurtz) Nelson, Allan George 1952 - 1969 Nelson, David G. 1960 - 1974 Nelson, Reginald 1925 - 1996 Nelson, Rosina J. 1921 - 2011 Neverka, A. Neverka, Barbara (nee Oberding) 30 Sep 1857 - 1927 wife of Peter, dau of Franciscus Neverka, Peter 16 Apr 1852 - 1924 son of Petrus & Juliana (nee Komig) Oberding, Mary 2 Feb 1870 - 25 Feb 1926 Oberding, Wenzel 1866 - 1941 Okes, Anna Apr 1881 - Jun 1913 Oroos, Rosa Ortman, Jacob 1861 - 1945 Ortman, Katherine 1866 - 1949 wife of Jacob Planzner, John 1912 - 1986 Planzner, Mary 1913 - 1990 Planzner, M. Rosenzweig, D. Roszell, Grant 1923 - 30 May 1958 Schenher, Caroline 1931 - 1944 Schenher, Franziska 1878 - 1949 Schenher, Margaretta 1902 - 1945 Schenher, Michael 1895 - 1964 Schenher, Peter 1876 - 1947 Schmidt, Andreas 1872 - 1963 Schmidt, Christine Ann 1962 - 1975 Schmidt, Emery 1904 - 1974 Schmidt, John 1881 - 1975 Schmidt, Ludwig 1858 - 1930 Schmidt, Mary 1863 - 1942 Schmidt, Mary 1880 - 1973 Schmidt, Mary 1881 - 1970 wife of Ludwig Schwemlein, Anna Seis, Emmanuel 1880 - 1933 Seis, Katherine 1890 - 1973 wife of Emmanuel Shenher, Andrew John 1928 - 1976 Shenher, Anna 1904 - 1994 wife of Henry Shenher, Henry 1899 - 1946 Shenher, J. Shenher, Jacob 1897 - 1966 Shenher, Katherine 1902 - 1996 Shenher, Mary 1985 - 1985 Shenher, Michael Shenher, T. Sonleitner, Anna Sonleitner, Eva 1853 - 1938 Sonleitner, Georg 1925 - 1928 Sonleitner, George 1889 - 1959 Sonleitner, Katharina 1886 - 1975 Sweeney, John 19 Nov 1852 - 10 Sep 1926 Sweeney, Thresa 4 Feb 1861 - 30 Aug 1948 Tendler, Anna 1879 - 1931 wife of John Tendler, Anne Mary (nee Tuharsky) 29 Jan 1935 - 9 May 2015 dau of Martin & Maggie Tendler, Angela 1906 - 1994 Tendler, (baby) Tendler, Eric 1962 - 2005 Tendler, Geena Lynn 1 Aug 1994 - 1 Aug 1994 Tendler, George Mar 1932 - Aug 1932 Tendler, John 1869 - 1943 Tendler, Katherine 1870 - 1912 Tendler, Melville Joseph 1928 - 1978 hus of Anne Tendler, Patricia Elizabeth (nee Klemenz) 15 Jan 1946 - 7 Aug 2016 dau of Michael & Josephine Tendler, Peter 1906 - 1989 hus of Angela Tendler, Peter M. 1939 - 9 May 1987 husof Patricia Turvey, (baby) Unknown, 1 Unknown, 2 Unknown, 3 Unknown, 4 Unknown, Elizabeth Unterreiner, August 1903 - 1965 Unterreiner, Marie (nee Lohneyer) 1916 - 1947 Wagner, Albert 1907 - 2001 Wagner, Annie 1885 - 1970 Wagner, Edward A. 3 Aug 1934 - 21 Nov 1934 Wagner, Frank J. 30 Nov 1931 - 3 Jan 1934 Wagner, Gina Lynn 29 Jul 1970 - 3 Sep 1970 Wagner, John 1880 - 1944 Wagner, Katherine Johanna 1914 - 1967 Wagner, Louie 11 Jun 1911 - 6 Sep 1926 Zerie, P. Zerie, Wenzel 22 Jul 1893 - 27 Oct 1951 Zirri, Joseph 21 Oct 1906 - 17 Sep 1917 son of Nicholas & Katherine Zirri, Katherine 1874 - 1964 Zirri, M. 1869 - 1941 Zopf, Darcy Lee 29 Jun 1955 - 16 Apr 1957 son of Otto & Hazel
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