Boels, Hendrick Fr. 1882 - 1918 Boyko, Ann 1868 - 1963 Boyko, Bill 1880 - 1942 Boyko, John 1917 - 1995 Bryck, Avin 1987 - 2004 Byski, Mary 1908 - 2000 Byski, Thomas 1900 - 1991 Fedyk, Katie 1889 - 1934 Fedyk, William 1889 - 1982 Greschuk, Eva 1905 - 1993 Greschuk,George 1902 - 1984 Greschuk, John 1934 - 1972 Greschuk, Mary 1961 - 1961 Horashewich, Andrew 1870 - 1940 Horashewich, Mary 1869 - 1962 Horashewich, Steve 1915 - 1946 Kilokowich, John 1908 - 1920 Klus, Mike 1917 - 1994 Kokakewich, Peter 1920 - 192? Kolikowich, Annie 1885 - 1959 Kolikowich, Harry 1885 - 1958 Korchinski, Adolph 1912 - 1925 Korchinski, Caroline 1921 - 1985 Korchinski, Carl 1911 - 1944 Korchinski, David 1940 - 2002 Korchinski, Ed 1877 - 1939 Korchinski, Helen 1922 - 1994 Korchinski, Helen 1918 - 1991 Korchinski, Henry 1918 - 1992 Korchinski, Julia 1851 - 1935 Korchinski, John 1913 - 1937 Korchinski, Julian 1881 - 1920 Korchinski, Leon 1914 - 1983 Korchinski, Leonard 1945 - 1945 Korchinski, Mary 1923 - 2005 Korchinski, Mike 1908 - 1992 Korchinski, Nick 1902 - 1923 Korchinski, Olga 1918 - 2003 Korchinski, Pauline 1881 - 1974 Korchinski, William 1909 - 2003 Kowaliw, A. 1898 - 1918 Kowaliw, Julie 1917 - 1925 Kowaliw, Katie 1918 - 1918 Krawchuk, Anna 1920 - 1993 Krawchuk, Johnny 1951 - 1951 Krawchuk, Metro 1949 - 1949 Krushelnicki, Greg 1927 - 1927 Krushelnicki, Julia 1917 - 1999 Krushelniski, Alec 1875 - 1931 Krushelniski, Anna 1873 - 1914 Krushelniski, John 1886 - 1969 Krushelniski, Pearl 1891 - 1959 Krushelniski, Stephina 1956 - 1956 Krushelniski, Stephine 1914 - 1950 Lozinski, F. 1856 - 1936 Lozinski, John 1890 - 1958 Lozinski, Mary 1894 - 1966 Lozinski, Tim 1863 - 1931 Lucyk, Charlie 1925 - 2006 Lucyk, Peter 1853 - 1922 Lucyk, Rose 1924 - 1998 Lulchak, John 1934 - 1934 Lulchak, Pearl 1909 - 1988 Lulchak, William 1892 - 1978 Machuik, Eva 1915 - 2008 Machuik, Eugene 1939 - 1996 Machuik, John 1909 - 1992 Machuik, Michael 1874 - 1939 Maksymiw, Metro 1918 - 1918 Maksymiw, Myroslow 1920 - 1930 Mandziak, Andrew Sr. 1898 - 1995 Mandziak, Anna 1860 - 1932 Mandziak, Anna 1900 - 1973 Mandziak, Emil 1928 - 1929 Mandziak, Greg 1966 - 1982 Mandziak, Metro 1900 - 1979 Mandziak, Rose 1906 - 1980 Oryschak, John 1895 - 1955 Oryschak, Katie 1904 - 1986 Oryschak, Nettie 1899 - 1971 Otchenash, John 1921 - 2001 Parachoniak, Ann 1920 - 1920 Parachoniak, Anna 1874 - 1918 Parachoniak, Gordon 1939 - 1941 Parachoniak, Mary 1904 - 1988 Parachoniak, Mike 1936 - 1971 Parachoniak, Nick 1894 - 1965 Parachoniak, Theodore 1874 - 1918 Parachoniak, Verna 1941 - 1944 Parachoniak, Walter 1925 - 1992 Parfeniuk, Anna 1891 - 1989 Parfeniuk, Anne 1919 - 1943 Parfeniuk, Metro 1916 - 1925 Parfeniuk, Rose 1927 - 1936 Parfeniuk, Sam 1884 - 1943 Petrichuk, Anton 1928 - 2001 Petrichuk, Steffi 1927 - 1989 Poloyko, George 1885 - 1978 Poloyko, Maria 1896 - 1946 Popyk, Mary 1915 - 2005 Popyk, Michael 1908 - 1975 Protz, Angeline 1910 - 2002 Protz, John Sr. 1898 - 1962 Pryhitka, Catherine 1903 - 1998 Pryhitka, Julia 1943 - 1943 Pryhitka, John 1894 - 1974 Pryhitka, Metro 1929 - 1996 Pryhitka, Mike 1916 - 1998 Pryhitka, Peter 1921 - 1928 Pryhitka, Steve 1923 - 1998 Senkiw, Hant 1879 - 1953 Shach, Michael 1888 - 1965 Shach, Stephania 1892 - 1978 Shoma, Peter 1862 - 1912 Shubaly, Anastasia 1893 - 1945 Shubaly, John 1889 - 1967 Shubaly, Michael 1919 - 1978 Shubaly, Minnie 1922 - 1986 Shubaly, Sidney 1933 - 1958 Shuflita, Michael 1941 - 1985 Siminowski, Catherine 1888 - 1916 Vigara, Michael 1885 - 1912 Yuristy, Anna 1890 - 1972 Yuristy, Anna 1920 - 1927 Yuristy, Steve 1880 - 1961A number of deaths in 1918 were contributed to the Spanish Influenza, including Father Hendrick Boels
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