Abram, Francis Stanley 1890 - 1956 Abram, Margaret 1862 - 1941 Abram, W. Scott 1898 - 1966 Bitzer, Andrew 27 Feb 1862 - 25 May 1917 Bitzer, Waldimar 18 Feb 1900 - 7 Jun 1914 Demers, Adella 1889 - 1958 Demers, David A. 1886 - 1926 Dennis, Blanche Elizabeth (nee Gates) 30 Sep 1923 - 9 Apr 2003 dau of George & Irene Dennis, Edward Smith 1884 - 1968 Dennis, John 'Jack' Edward 1914 - 20 Sep 1989 Dennis, Matilda Hughene 1886 - 1971 Euteneier, Frederich 11 Oct 1860 - 11 Jan 1922 Euteneier, Louisa 12 Jul 1871 - 21 Feb 1963 Fuller, James Albert 20 Jul 1826 - 9 Jun 1905 Guy, James Lloyd 1932 - 1974 Heyer, G. Iverson, Albert J. 1918 - 1927 Iverson, Edna Louise 1920 - 2000 dau of Julius & Olive Iverson, Florence L. 1919 - 1930 Iverson, Gordon E. 1930 - 1940 Iverson, Howard D. 1925 - 1945 Iverson, John Maxwell 1921 - 2000 son of Julius & Olive Iverson, Julius Howard 1878 - 1948 Iverson, Olive Joy 7 Feb 1933 - Jan 2009 dau of Julius & Olive Iverson, Theodore Lloyd 1927 - 1999 son of Julius & Olive Iverson, Olive Violet (nee Reid) 1893 - 1968 Iverson, William R. 1924 - 1934 Kenyon, Albert W. 1876 - 1956 Luedtke, Johanna Lunda, F. Maerz, Arthur W. Sep 1920 - Oct 1920 Maerz, Barbara (nee Hill) 1 Oct 1932 - 14 Jun 2010 dau of Robert & Martha Maerz, Helen 1891 - 1962 Maerz, Johanna L. Aug 1919 - Nov 1919 Maerz, John G. 1929 - 1939 Maerz, Wilfred William 29 Dec 1923 - 17 Jul 2012 son of Conrad & Helene Maerz, William C. 1881 - 1936 Masson, Thomas 22 Oct 1922 McCollom, Doris Ann 16 Feb 1931 - 24 Feb 2008 McWilliams, Beulah 1891 - 1980 McWilliams, Clayton 1918 - 1985 McWilliams, Ernest B. 1889 - 1950 McWilliams, Ethel Helen (nee Blashill) 1916 - 8 Mar 2003 dau of Walter & Margaret Measner, A. Mildred 'Millie' 1926 - 1995 Measner, Claus A. 1918 - 1988 Measner, Elroy Henry 1919 - 1994 Measner, Henry C. 1874 - 1959 Measner, Henry Claus 1920 - 1999 Measner, Herman R. 1880 - 1954 Measner, Lillian P. 1887 - 1988 Measner, Martha C. (nee Myrah) 1887 - 1966 Measner, Nealand C. 1915 - 1988 son of Herman & Martha Measner, Orell Doreen 1927 - 1987 Measner, Ralph 1921 - 1996 Measner, Verna Myra 12 Apr 1917 - 19 Dec 2011 dau of dau of Herman & Martha Measner, William A. 1885 - 1972 Measner, Winnifred A. 'Winnie' 1928 - Myrah, Arthur 29 Jul 1889 - 9 Feb 1960 Myrah, Christine 1854 - 1926 Myrah, Edward Henry 1927 - 6 May 2014 hus of Betty Myrah, Katherine Ann 'Kass' 1923 - 1992, 1st wife of Edward Myrah, Nils 1854 - 1928 Norman, William Pickering, Viola 1913 - 1978 Rath, Augustina (nee Lamp) 31 Mar 1892 - 13 Oct 1915 Souch, Norman Samuel 1871 - 1952 Steinhauer, Dorothea 1881 - 1944 Steinhauer, Gustave 1882 - 1950 Steinhauer, Martha C. 1898 - 1930 Steinhauer, Olga 1913 - 1941 Steinhauer, Walker (baby) 1929 Steinhauer, Peter 1895 - 1975 Swedberg, Kristine 1885 - 1974 Swedberg, Peter 1881 - 1943 Szerba, A. 3 Jul 1922 age 14 mons Thompson, J. B. Thompson, Martin 18 Jan 1857 - 25 Dec 1919 unknown unknown Walker, Christine 6 Jul 1868 - 21 Sep 1919 Walker, Ernest 1898 - 1980 Walker, Gottlieb 1865 - 1925 Walker, Mathilde 1906 - 1978 Wetstein, Christine 1 Jan 1889 - 7 Jun 1917
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