Spring Valley Cemetery
Hinchcliffe District
R.M. of Preeceville # 334   SE 10-36-4 W2
GPS   52.072515°N   102.494221°W
First burial in 1900, 109 burials by 2002

Compiled by Evangeline Mostowchuk
Photographed by Gena (nee Dronyk) Crowston

(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Auramenko, Anna L.  Jul 15, 1935 - Jul 21, 1935

Babiarz, Joseph  1911 - 1978 (removed to Sturgis Cemetery)
Braitwaite, Reuben Lee (baby)  Jan 30, 2005 son of Robert & Christine
Budnek, Gashitza  Jun 9, 1873 - Jul 14, 1948
Budnek, Jiorji   1865 - Jan 17, 1954
Budnek, Kalyna  1911 - Apr 7, 1911
Budnick, Helen  Dec 31, 1917 - Oct 8, 2002 wife of Peter
Budnick, Mike  Sep 20, 1910 - Mar 5, 1998
Budnick, Peter  1903 - Sep 1979

Chalus, Alexandra Sadie  1903 - 1977
Chalus, Freddie  Feb 24, 1930 - Oct 11, 1937
Chalus, John W.  Aug 14, 1892 - May 7, 1965
Chalus, Tony  Feb 6, 1928 - Jul 2, 2013
Chekoway, Cecilla  1887 - 1967
Chernawsky, Mary  died Oct 30, 1963 age 73
Chernawsky, Peter  died Apr 28, 1961 age 91
Cherniauski, Hari  1929 - Feb 19, 1930
Cherniawsky, Dokitsa  1900 - 1991 wife of George
Cherniawsky, George  1892 - 1948
Chernowsky, John  1918 - 1967
Chorniauski, Frozina  1874 - Jan 7, 1916 
Chorniauski, Tima  died 1911 son of Wasel 
Chorniauski, Wasel  died 1911 hus of Frozina 
Constantinescu, Jim  May 26, 1912 - Oct 11, 1968 son of Safron & Florence 
Constantinescu, Safron  died Nov 30, 1947 age 79 hus of Florence 
Constantinescue, Florence  1878 - 1937 wife of Safron 

Dronyk, Domnika  Sep 9, 1919 - Sep 26, 1919
Dronyk, Domnika  (2nd photo)
Dronyk, Maria  Jun 21, 1915 - 1915
Dronyk, Maria  (2nd photo)

Federuk, Trandakira  Jun 1898 - May 24, 1970 
Folwark, Margaret  1920 - 2005 
Folwark, William  1918 - 1978 brother of Mary (nee Folwark) German 

German, Anna  1856 - May 5, 1948 age 92 
German, Anne  died Dec 27, 1916 
German, Anniza (nee Filipchuk)  died Nov 25, 1918 wife of Toder 
German, Domka  died Apr 20, 1928 
German, George J.  Oct 27, 1912 - Nov 16, 1974 son of Toder 
German, John  1913 - 1984 
German, Maria  died 1918 twin to Vasel 
German, Mary G. (nee Folwark)  1913 - Aug 13, 1969 wife of George 
German, Paraska 'Polly'  1893 - Oct 22, 1944 age 54
German, Paraska 'Polly'  (2nd gravestone)  
German, Peter  1889 - 1969 hus of Paraska 
German, Petrina  1925 - 
German, Toder  Mar 25, 1866 - 1944 
German, Vasel  died Nov 25, 1918 twin to Mary 

Haidamacha, Tytiana  1852 - 1908 
Hnetka, Hrehori  Aug 30, 1860 - Dec 9, 1922 
Hnetka, Wilma  died Aug 15, 1909 
Hutzal, George  1899 - 1939 

Kapis, Pete  1892 - Jan 27, 1959 
Kostaschuk, Shirley Jannet  Mar 19, 1946 - Apr 17, 1946 
Kusiak, Helena  1872 - Oct 20, 1912
Kusiak, Tanasi  1884 - Nov 19, 1943 

Lesenko, Aleksander  died age 84 
Lesanko, Cathrine  1886 - 1952 wife of John 
Lesanko, John  1881 - 1962 (original owner of land cemetery is on) 

MacKinnon, Evangeline 'Vange' (nee German)   May 18, 1956 - Mar 19, 1999 wife of Shane
Masley, Mary  1921 - 1988 dau of John & Allie 
Melnek, Mike  1887 - May 27, 1961 brother-in-law to John Prekaska 
Melnychuk, Billie  died 1933 
Meroniuk, Eliana 'Helen' (nee Mostowchuk)  Nov 18, 1893** - Dec 5, 1918 dau of Simeon & Maria 
Michaluk, Domka  died 1927 
Michaliuk, Michalo  died Mar 16, 1916 
Michaluk, Lina  1885 - 1962 
Michaluk, Wasyl  1880 - 1953 hus of Lina 

Naroski, George  1888 - 1972 
Narouski, Maria  1874 - Feb 3, 1946 
Nutzulak, Peter  1909 - Jan 14, 1950 

Okrainetz, Eva  Aug 10, 1940 - Dec 1971 
Okrainetz, Harry  1918 - 1919 son of John & Mary 
Okrainetz, John  1884 - 1968 
Okrainetz, Leo  1928 - 2000 son of John & Mary
Okrainetz, Mary  1900 - 1981 wife of John 
Okrainetz, Mary  1942 - 1942 
Okrainetz, Victoria  1921 - 1934 dau of John & Mary 

Patraschuk, Fred  1916 - 1980 
Peniuk, Andrey  1865 - Dec 22, 1947 
Peniuk, George  1899 - 1968 son of Andrey 
Peniuk, George  (2nd gravestone)
Peniuk, Mary  1907 - 1977 wife of George
Peniuk, Marya  died 1935 wife of Andrey 
Prekaska, Mary (nee Mentanko)   1880 - 1949 mother of Allie 
Prekaska, Metro  died Apr 29, 1948 son of Wasel & Mary 
Prekaska, Mitro  1869 - Feb 11, 1937 
Prekaska, Wasel  Mar 16, 1859 - Mar 16, 1941 
Prekaski, Allie (nee Prekaska)  1900 - Oct 1, 1984 age 84 dau of Dmitro & Mary 
Prekaski, Dolly  Jul 3, 1947 - Dec 1, 1950 dau of Nick & Mary 
Prekaski, John  Aug 29, 1893 - Feb 7, 1984 age 91 hus of Allie, son of Wasel & Mary 
Prekaski, Lena  Mar 22, 1926 - Mar 16, 1947 
Prekaski, Mary (nee Bugera)  Jun 26, 1909 - Mar 22, 2007 
Prekaski, Nick Wasel  Jul 1, 1903 - 1963 son of Wasel & Mary 

Rack, Ann  Jan 26, 1925 - Aug 28, 1929 
Rack, Grigori  1896 - Feb 22, 1937
Rusnak, Nekolai  1876 - Jan 25, 1941 

Semeniuk, (sons)  4 sons of Nick
Semeniuk, Theodore  died 1914 hus of Ellana
Semeniuk, William  1892 - Apr 20, 1936
Snihor, Annie  1907 - 1980 
Snihor, George  1899 - 1975 hus of Annie 
Snihor, Michalo  Aug 4,1924 - Sep 17, 1924 
Snihor, Woleksa  Mar 18, 1864 - Aug 24, 1943 
Solovan, Metro  1868 - Dec 1913 hus of Maria 
Spenel, Ieva  died 1922 
Spenel, Metro   died 1912
Stratechuk, Sofia  died 1918 
Strijak, Alexandra N.  1919 - 1919 
Strijak, Alice  1914 - 1978 
Strijack, Domnica  1889 - 1974 wife of George 
Strijack, Dumetro  1914 - 1986 
Strijack, Erna Evangeline  1915 - 1975 
Strijack, George  1881 - 1938 
Strijak, Nick  May 17, 1919 - Aug 13, 1919 
Strijak, Wasyl  1910 - 1992 
Strijack, Nick  Dec 18, 1936 - Mar 1, 2011
Strijack, Pauline (nee Roth)  Mar 6, 1941 - Dec 12, 2006

Sullivan, Nettie  died 1911 
Sullivan, Walter  died 1908 

Talanchiuk, Ivan  1893 - Nov 1948 son of Oleksi & Tetianna
Toderash, Ivon  1853 - Feb 1, 1926 
Tureski, Katie  1912 - 2000 wife of Steve
Tureski, Maria  1867 - 1969 wife of Peter 
Tureski, Marie  1941 - 2010 dau of Steve & Katie
Tureski, Mary  1919 - 1937 
Tureski, Peter  1868 - 1935 hus of Maria
Tureski, Peter  1940 - 1998 son of Steve & Katie
Tureski, Steve  1897 - 1986

Unknown  (wooden cross)

Wovchuk, Wasel  died Oct 25, 1908

Yachnevicz, Alek  1879 - Sep 21, 1955
Yachnevicz, Maria  1870 - 1956

**NOTE from Evangeline Mostowchuk: She was actually born Jul 15, 1892, which I researched in the village where she was born in 2014 (my dad’s sister)    

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