Scandia Lutheran Cemetery
Hendon district

R.M. of Lakeview # 337   NE 8-36-13 W2
GPS   52.084205°N   103.815820°W
First burial in 1912

Compiled & photographed by Andrew Grant
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

ADAMS, Elsie M.  1885 - 1977
ADAMS, Hazel  1914 - 1990
ADAMS, Launcelot Thomas  Apr 29, 1919 - Mar 15, 1998
ADAMS, William R.  1877 - 1931
ALMRUD, Martin  died 1954
ANDERSON, Albert Walfred  1888 - 1967
ANDERSON, Charles F.  1887 - 1943
ANDERSON, Gunnar  1919 - 1919 age 6 mos
ANDERSON, Gustav  1875 - 1943
ANDERSON, Selma  1885 - 1943
ANDERSON, (unknown)  1856 - 1931
ANNETTE, Agatha  1900 - 1955
ANNETTE, Albert  1894 - 1985
AUSTRING, Ingvald Anthony  Aug 20, 1887 - Jun 25, 1976
AUSTRING, Olivia Ingvalda  Apr 1, 1898 - Jul 8, 1985

BACKLUND, Gertrude M.  1889 - 1963 
BACKLUND, Peter J.  1889 - 1949
BACKLUND, Wallace P.  1918 - 1964
BENDICKSON, Carl  1919 - 1920 
BENDICKSON, Isadora  1883 - 1949
BENDICKSON, Kari  1852 - 1945
BENDICKSON, Thomas  1879 - 1962
BERGMAN, Bernard Birger  1873 - 1946
BERGMAN, Edwin W.  1910 - 1986
BERGMAN, Eric  1904 - 1975
BERGMAN, Erik  1870 - 1950
BERGMAN, Gordon A.  1941 - 1968
BERGMAN, Hazel  1916 - 2000
BERGMAN, Henning J.  1900 - 1918
BERGMAN, Olga C.  1908 - 1991
BERGMAN, Sigred  1875 - 1932 wife of Sven
BERGMAN, Sven  1872 - 1956
BERGMAN, Walter Jonas  1905 - 1991
BJERKE, Alfred
BUCKNUM, Lloyd I.  1923 - 2012
BUCKNUM, Margaret Adeline (nee Evenson)  3 Mar 1927 - 1 Mar 2011 dau of Bennie & Dolly 

CHRISTIANSON, Alfred O.  1890 - 1982
CHRISTIANSON, Allan N.  20 Jan 1934 - 15 May 2006 son of Alfred & Annette
CHRISTIANSON, Annette J.  1898 - 1958
CHRISTIANSON, Arnold  1933 - 2009
CHRISTIANSON, Byron S.  1954 - 1973
CHRISTIANSON, Canfield  Jun 17, 1922 - Oct 16, 2008
CHRISTIANSON, Canfield James  died Oct 18, 1962
CHRISTIANSON, Carl  Mar 23, 1883 - Dec 28, 1971 hus of Edith, son of Nils & Maria
CHRISTIANSON, Edgar  1934 - 1998
CHRISTIANSON, Edith Maria (nee Lilja)   19 Nov 1900 - 20 Dec 1989 dau of Hjalmer & Kristina
CHRISTIANSON, Gordon  1943 - 2009
CHRISTIANSON, Hulda Alfrida (nee Smith)   Jun 21, 1890 - Jan 13, 1990 dau of Anton & Betsy
CHRISTIANSON, John  Oct 6, 1886 - Jan 21, 1967
CHRISTIANSON, Wynifred  Jul 15, 1938 -
CRANSTON, Alice M.  1874 - 1948
CRANSTON, Robert  1867 - 1959

DAVIS, Ernest A.  1882 - 1953
DAVIS, Hattie A.  1890 - 1951 
DISTAD, Ole   
DUTTON, Ethel  1914 - 1980
DUTTON, Ron  1907 - 1995 

EDDISON, John Garth  1916 - 1928
EDLUND, Ernest Peter  died 1948
EDLUND, Jacob  1856 - 1930
ELPHINSTONE, John  1900 - 1983
ERICKSON, C. G. Helge  1907 - 1977
ERICKSON, Carrie  1883 - 1961
ERICKSON, Clarence  1885 - 1964
ERICKSON, Dorothy Jean  1916 - 1944 wife of F. D.
ERICKSON, Harry  1911 - 1995
ERICKSON, Hazel Evelyn (nee Pettersen)  Apr 17, 1921 - Aug 21, 2005 dau of Harold & Tina (nee Anderson)
ERICKSON, Ingeborg  1863 - 1948
ERICKSON, Jean  1883 - 1953
ERICKSON, John A.  1875 - 1954
ERICKSON, Leif  1848 - 1918
ERICKSON, Oscar  1920 - 1941
ERICKSON, Reynold W.  Feb 23, 1923 - Feb 7, 1999
EVENSON, Adolph T.  1849 - 1961
EVENSON, Bennie  1901 - 1965
EVENSON, Dolly  1906 - 2002
EVENSON, Edward J.  1889 - 1970
EVENSON, Frances F.  1904 - 1968
EVENSON, Ragnhild  1878 - 1964
EVENSON, Ralph A.  1929 - 1968

GARDINER, Myrtle  1913 - 1943
GARRISON, Mary E.  1888 - 1967
GARRISON, Howard Jay  1888 - 19??  
GRADIN, (baby girl)  died Nov 18, 1933
GRADIN, David (baby)  
GRADIN, Carey Cecelia ‘Sadie’  1907 - 1992
GRADIN, Elden Clifford  Sep 7, 1931 - Feb 6, 2010
GRADIN, Elly  Oct 28, 1898 - Oct 30, 1914
GRADIN, Enar  Jan 3, 1903 - Jul 16, 1933
GRADIN, Knut Elis  1900 - 1957
GRADIN, Lars  1876 - 1945
GRADIN, Margaret  1870 - 1956
GRADIN, Marion Elsie  Nov 22, 1934 - 
GUSTAVSON, Johanna  1855 - 1947

HAGEN, Christain R.  1902 - 1965
HALVORSON, Boyd Alexander  Feb 20, 1937 - Mar 24, 1954 son of Albert & Esther 
HALVORSON, Einar  1897 - 1970
HARMSWORTH, Edwin  1925 - 1999
HARMSWORTH, Elna  1928 - 2102  
HENDRUM, Johanna  1884 - 1956
HENDRUM, Peter  1874 - 1934
HOKANSON, (twins)  children of Ragnar  
HOLSTEN, Genive  
HOLTE, Arthur O.  1902 - 1986
HOLTE, Christopher  1908 - 1966
HOLTE, Hilda M.  1880 - 1970
HOLTE, Jens A.  1864 - 1928
HOLTE, Jens Adolph  Dec 27, 1916 - Jul 6, 2004
HOLTE, Margaret  1918 - 2008
HOLTE, Thomas James  Jan 5, 1912 - Dec 19, 2008
HULTIN, Eunice Roseline  Apr 28, 1930 - Mar 8, 1910

JACOBSON, Hans Peter  1889 - 1972
JOHNSON, Andrew  1898 - 1971
JOHNSON, Arden, A.  Jun 5, 1945 - May 4, 1982
JOHNSON, (baby)  child of Art 
JOHNSON, (baby)  child of Ted
JOHNSON, (baby)   died May 26, 1944
JOHNSON, Carrie  1855 - 1939
JOHNSON, Catherine P.  1913 - 1999
JOHNSON, Charles O.  1909 - 1995
JOHNSON, Elizabeth  1898 - 1983
JOHNSON, Elsie  1918 - 1968
JOHNSON, Fred A.  1892 - 1978
JOHNSON, Fernie C.  1912 - 1990
JOHNSON, Hal Raymond  Aug 26, 1962 - Feb 6, 2006
JOHNSOM, Harry M.  1898 - 1982
JOHNSON, Hilda  1883 - 1934
JOHNSON, Irma Ann  May 29, 1944 - 
JOHNSON, Larry Phillip  1951 - 1995
JOHNSON, Lawrence W.  1911 - 1982
JOHNSON, Lloyd George  Apr 29, 1946 age 26 son of Oscar & Hilda
JOHNSON, Magnus  1884 - 1931
JOHNSON, Ole  Jun 25, 1846 - Sept 2, 1913
JOHNSON, Oscar  1876 - 1926
JOHNSON, Vern Uno  Jul 26, 1933 - Jun 11, 1993
JOHNSON, Yvonne  died 1930 age 2 mos

KELAND, Norvald  Mar 18, 1915 - Mar 24, 1919
KIDD, Beverley  Mar 27, 1937 - Feb 27, 2001
KILAND, Arthur Gordon  1917 - 1972
KILAND, Caroline  1973 - 1959
KILAND, Cecile  1918 - 1954
KILAND, Clara B.  1896 - 1982
KILAND, Clarence T.  1911 - 1928
KILAND, Eva Anne  died 1942
KILAND, Eva M.  Apr 28, 1915 - Dec 9, 1999
KILAND, Gurnie  1862 - 1931
KILAND, Hazel  1910 - 1998
KILAND, Irvin R.  Aug 2, 1913 - Jan 25, 1985
KILAND, Joseph S.  1892 - 1973
KILAND, Oliver  1883 - 1953
KILAND, Selmar Orlin  1903 - 1980
KILAND, Theodore  1872 - 1961
KILAND, Thorvald  1859 - 1931

LARSON, Christina  1848 - 1919
LARSON, Karen Emilia  Jul 1, 1856 - Sept 4, 1931
LARSON, Karen Ida (nee Bergman)  Aug 23, 1944 - Oct 26, 1999
LARSON, Peter  Dec 15, 1889 - Jun 13, 1947 son of Karen
LARSON, Theodore Alvin  Nov 29, 1932 - Dec 25, 2008
LEITCH, Gerald Dwayne  23 May 1941 - 11 Jul 2012 son of Ken & Mary
LEITCH, Sandra (nee Ostapowitch)  1947 - 
LILJA, Carl H.  1916 - 1994
LILJA, Hjalmer P.  1875 - 1948
LILJA, Juliette V.  1915 - 2014
LILJA, Kristina  1882 - 1964
LINDE, Archie  1914 - 2007
LINDE, Ingrid  1916 - 2005
LOVDAHL, Dagny Kristina  1912 - 2011
LOVDAHL, Erika Marta  1882 - 1971
LOVDAHL, Nels O.  1914 - 1996
LOVDAHL, Oscar Eric  1881 - 1957
LOVDAHL, Wilma  1921 - 2009
LOVENHAGEN, Carl  1855 - 1922
LYTLE, Brenda Lynn  died 1951 age 2 days
LYTLE, Ralph R.  1870 - 1942

MAHLUM, Jesse Garner  Jan 11, 1887 - Aug 24, 1952
MAHLUM, Margaret Astrid  Sep 25, 1905 - Apr 11, 2001
MAHLUM, Milo Garner  3 Sep 1941 - 2 Apr 2014 hus of Marie Germain, son of Jesse & Margaret
MARTINSON, Archie L.  1912 - 1985
MARTINSON, Thelma S.  1906 - 1984
McGEE, (baby)    
McKENZIE, Ida C.  1918 - 1988
McMARTIN, Dianne K.   1945 -
McMARTIN. G. Neil  1941 - 2000
MELLUM, Erick  1878 - 1955
MERLAND, E.  1921 - 1976
MOCK, Valentein  1873 - 1949

NELSON, Anna E. M.  1916 -
NELSON, C. A.  1878 - 1953
NELSON, C. A. Mrs.  1877 - 1943
NELSON, Hams Peter  1910 - 1994
NELSON, Kattarina L.  1869 - 1941
NELSON, N. O.  1875 - 1941
NELSON, Olea Marie  187 - 1948
NELSON, Otto  1863 - 1951
NELSON, Otto Bengt  1912 - 1992 son of Olea
NELSON, Verner S.  Jun 19, 1924 - Nov 28, 1996
NORDLI, Hans  1884 - 1963
NYGREN, Morris  Sep 27, 1923 - Oct 4, 1923 son of O. & I.

OBERG, Fred  1927 - 2010
OBERG, Herbert Carl  1912 - 1992
OBERG, Lloyd A.  1907 - 1985
OBERG, Milton R.  1904 - 1968
OBERG, Pearl H.  1912 - 1993
OBERG, Walter E.  1908 - 1984
OLSON, Maria  1890 - 1971
OLSON, Peter  1881 - 1964
OSTAPOWICH, Johntee  1938 - 1991
OSTLIE, Florence E.  1916 - 2008
OSTLIE, Glenn A.  1922 - 2000
OSTLIE, Oliver  
OTT, Karl  Aug 2, 1878 - Jun 2, 1942

PEDERSON, Nels  Feb 24, 1861 - Jun 22, 1932
PEDERSON, Olena  Jul 8, 1858 - Jun 22 1955
PEDERSON, Peder  Jan 30, 1885 - Dec 20, 1971
PETERS, Jasper  1900 - 1937
PETTERSEN, Birgit  1880 - 1962
PETTERSEN, Karl  1883 - 1951
PILE, Harold Olaf  Mar 22, 1920 - Oct 7, 1920 son of Andrew & Hilda
PILE, Hilda E.  Feb 22, 1896 - Sept 24, 1920
PLANTE, Anne  1875 - 1953

RUMPEL, Ralph R.  Dec 19, 1928 - Dec 19, 2000

SCHULZON, Sivert  1877 - 1952
SCRAMSTAD, Marie  1883 - 1962
SCRAMSTAD, Nickolai  1879 - 1961
SCRAMSTAD, Sigfred  1912 - 1976
SELBERG, Edwin Oliver  Apr 1, 1908 - Oct 9, 1991
SELLBERG, Alice  1923 - 1975
SELLBERG, Edward C.  1874 - 1940
SELLBERG, Ernest  1918 - 1980
SELLBERG, Marie C.  1887 - 1954
SMITH, Anton  1863 - 1951
SMITH, Augusta  1901 - 1981
SMITH, Betsey  1868 - 1945
SMITH, Gotfred  1906 - 1984
STASIUK, Carolyn  1955 - 1990
STEINER, Olga (nee Pederson)  Dec 22, 1900 - Oct 19, 2001
STROMBERG, C. Ludwig  1880 - 1977
STROMBERG, K. Lenora  1896 - 1978
SVEDBERG, Clara M.  1914 - 1995
SVEDBERG, Kristina  1872 - 1929
SVEDBERG, Per Johan  1870 - 1969
SVEDBERG, Walter B. M.  1913 - 2001

THOMAS, Emma  1920 - 2009
TORGERSON, Edna Cora (nee Bendickson)  Apr 8 - 1923 - Mar 25, 2010
TULLOCK, John  1895 - 1977
TWEIDT, (baby)  died Oct 1951 son of Alfred & Dorothy
TWEIDT, Bennie  1920 - 2011
TWEIDT, Beverly Jean  1956 -
TWEIDT, Carl M.  1910 - 1992
TWEIDT, Della L.  1908 - 1998
TWEIDT, Hertha Johanna (nee Molkenthin)  6 Jan 1924 - 23 Jul 2014 dau of Gustav & Anna
TWEIDT, (infant twins)  died 1946 daus of C.
TWEIDT, Linnea C.  1913 - 2007
TWEIDT, Marie  1882 - 1940
TWEIDT, Martin  1881 - 1947
TWEIDT, Melvin B.  Jun 15, 1918 - Aug 21, 2013
TWEIDT, Noreen P.  Mar 16, 1933 - 
TWEIDT, Pearl K.   May 18, 1928 - Jul 2, 2012
TWEIDT, Richard Dean  1956 - 2006
TWEIDT, Selmer O.  Mar 1, 1922 - Aug 18, 1995
TWEIDT, Rick  


VIKLUND, Hilda  1873 - 1951
VIKLUND, Louis  1865 - 1931

WALLSTER, Elin  Feb 1923 - Dec 1996
WALLSTER, Elsie  1926 - 1996
WALLSTER, Gosta  1915 - 1998
WALLSTER, Iva Lylabell (nee Gradin)  Sep 25, 1926 - Feb 20, 2015 dau of Ellis & Sadie
WALLSTER, Kristina  Nov 26, 1884 - Jul 11, 1971
WALLSTER, Lars  Nov 2, 1884 - Jun 7, 1974
WALLSTER, Martin Walter  Jul 4, 1920 - Jul 26, 1995
WALLSTER, Rudolph  1912 - 1995
WALLSTER, Sigurd  1910 - 2007
WALLSTER, Stig  Nov 12, 1913 - Apr 11, 1993
WEEKLUND, Alexander  1916 - 2000
WEEKLUND, Louis  died 1931
WELTIE, Al Robert  Dec 19, 1934 - Aug 19, 2004
WELTIE, Lorraine Joyce  May 10, 1948 - 
WELTIE, Lorraine & Al  (2nd photo)
WELTIE, Ragna  Nov 5, 1880 - Oct 10, 1961
WIK, John  1881 - 1949
WILD, Ed  1877 - 1946
WINSLOW, Annie  1908 - 1943
WOLFF, Dennis L.  1940 - 2008
WOLFF, Julius  1908 - 1986
WOLFF, Michielle S.  1944 - 
WOLFF-KORMAN, Sannie  1914 - 1997

(Click on photo to enlarge)



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