Haglof Cemetery
Elfros / Mozart district

R.M. of Elfros # 307   SE 1-32-15 W2
GPS   51.70784°N   103.99049°W

Compiled & photographed by Ron Isherwood September 7, 2010
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Bergfeldt, Alec  1890 - 1936 son of Peter & Engla
Bergfeldt, Clarence E.  1899 - 1983 son of Peter & Engla
Bergfeldt, Engla B.  1865 - 1947
Bergfeldt, Eureka  1884 - 1910 dau of Peter & Engla
Bergfeldt, Peter Eric  1854 - 1934
Bloomquist, Axel Julius  17 Dec 1857 - 18 Oct 1915

Chase, Buckley A.  16 Jan 1981 age 60
Chase, Dallas Irl  12 Jan 1902 - 2 Apr 1966
Chase, Edna L.  2 Nov 1979 - 17 Aug 1966
Clark, Jane (nee Peterson)  1929 - 1999 dau of Albert & Ellen

Erickson, (baby girl)  Jul 1916
Erickson, (unknown)

Forsberg, Albin  27 Aug 1948 age 70
Forsberg, Anna  1927
Forsberg, Henry Theodore  1888 - 1965
Forsberg, Hilma Mrs.  21 Nov 1951 age 67
Forsberg, Lowis  1911

Gillard, Fred  14 Feb 1879 - 3 Nov 1918
Go____, Lawrence  1875 - 1957

Haglof, Arthur J.  1896 - 1977
Haglof, Charlie  1868 - 1958
Haglof, Christine  1885 - 1953
Haglof, Clarence  23 Jun 1904 - 30 Apr 1994
Haglof, Edwin H.  1899 - 1964
Haglof, Frances
Haglof, Lillian R.  1911 - 1992
Haglof, (unknown)
Haglof, Walter F.  1893 - 1974
Hermiston, Bobby  1934 - 1936 son of T.
Hermiston, Marjorie  1902 - 1986
Hermiston, Thomas A.  1898 - 1973
Hill, Jim  1921 - 1996
Hoberg, Betsey C.  1892 - 1956
Hoberg, Carl J.  1883 - 1980
Hoberg, Carman J.  1913 - 1978
Hoberg, Disa S.  17 Mar 1917 - 17 Dec 1975
Hoberg, Helga Lovisa  26 May 1913 - 27 Mar 2003
Hoberg, Marvin Dayle  9 Jun 1937 - 15 Aug 1995
Hoberg, Nels J.  1870 - 1978
Hoberg, Stanley W.  10 May 1917 - 28 Aug 1994
Hunsley, Ernest  1881 - 1949
Hunsley, Jessie V.  1884 - 1968
Hunsley, Sam S.  1866 - 19?2

Isackson, Anna C.  1882 - 1959
Isackson, Beda  5 Jan 1917 - 27 Jun 1998
Isackson, Frank J.  1882 - 1965
Isackson, Helgi (baby)  1920
Isackson, Walter  29 Jan 1912 - 12 Dec 2002

Johannson, Carrie Margaret  1874 - 1934
Johnson, Eugene  8 Nov 1919 - 5 Jan 1996
Johnson, Gust A.  1869 - 1951
Johnson, (unknown)  18?8 - 1929
Joule, Charles  1870 - 1957

Lund, Eric Olaf  1857 - 1932
Lund, Julia Christine  1875 - 1940

MacKenzie, Edna L. (nee Werlin)  1936 - 1974
Maximovich, Annie  1922 - 
Maximovich, Walter  1915 - 1986
McAfee, Margaret Etta  1906 - 1989
McAfee, Samuel B.  1904 - 1952
Munroe Frank  1858 - 15 Jun 1935

Nas__, Pete  1881 - 1948
Nelson, Lila May  1911 - 1977
Nelson, Robert Leroy 'Bobby'  1911 - 1972

Oberg, Beata Mrs.  20 Dec 1914 age 39
Oberg, Lars  Jun 1945 age 77
Olson, Andrew  18 Apr 1917
Olson, Phyllis M. (baby)  9 Apr 1929

Peterson, Albert T.  1890 - 1957
Peterson, Carl W.  1886 - 1963
Peterson, Dudley A.  15 Nov 1933 - 5 Jan 2009 hus of Mary Pakish
Peterson, Ellen A. (nee Sjoberg)  1898 - 1996
Peterson, May V.  1890 - 1984
Pruden, (baby boy)  May 1939

Quesnel, Selma (nee Forsberg)  1927 age 42

Reid, Joseph  1871 - 1951
Reynolds, Vivian (nee Sjoberg)  1911 - 1992
Rothlander, Marie  1888 - 1929

Sjoberg, Annie  1903 - 1963
Sjoberg, Edwin O. C.  1892 - 1979
Sjoberg, Jennette F.  1906 - 1996
Sjoberg, Kermit  1913 - 1993

Tarrant, Arthur  1881 - 1957
Toll, Ellenore  1903 - 1991
Toll, Herbert William  1894 - 1937
Toll, Leone  1938 - 1954

unknown 1
unknown 2
unknown 3
unknown 4
unknown 5
unknown 6
unknown 7
unknown 8
unknown 9
unknown 11  1872 - 1940
unknown, George
unknown, Joseph  Sep 1932 age 68

Werlin, Erick  1882 - 1962
Werlin, Hulda  1886 - 1977
Werlin, Russell  1908 - 1995
Werlin, Stevie Iris  1914 - 1990
Whalen, Charles Bruce  21 Jul 1907 - 8 Nov 1984
Whalen, Charles Gene  1948 - 1975
Whalen, Eureka May  17 May 1910 - 11 Mar 2002
Wic__, Charles
Wic__, John E.  died circa 1919

(Click on photo to enlarge)

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