Alexander, Katrina Mrs. 1910 - Feb 1934 Alexander, Katrina & baby (2nd photo) Alexander, (baby) Feb 1934 son of Katrina Bjornsson, Gudbjorg Gisladottir 28 Dec 1842 - 8 Jan 1911 wife of Hoseas Bjornsson, Gudbjorg Gisladottir (2nd photo) Bjornsson, Gudron 1852 - 19?5 Bjornsson, Hoseas 10 Dec 1842 - 6 Oct 1917 Bjornsson, Hoseas (2nd photo) Bjornsson, Ingibjorg Hoseasdotter 1868 - 1958 dau of Hoseas Bjornson, Sigrudur 4 Aug 1827 - 6 Dec 1906 Bjornson, Sigrudur (2nd photo) Burko, Stanley Carl 1928 - Burko, Una Genevieve 1927 - Dalman, Gudron 1894 - 1939 Dalman, Jakob 1917 - 1981 Dalman, Johann died 1965 Einarson, William Finnson, Dorothy Kristjana (nee Gislason) 1924 - 1995 Finnson, Finnur Sigfinnsson 12 Nov 1880 - 1928 hus of Thorunn Finnson, Finnur Thorain 1923 - 2002 Finnson, Gordon Ellis 4 Feb 1951 - 14 Jul 2007 son of Sigfinnur & Dorothy Finnson, Gudron 17 Mar 1881 - 6 Apr 1916 Finnson, Gudron (2nd photo) Finnson, John Oskar 25 May 1915 - 31 Jul 1982 son of Finnur & Thorunn Finnson, Lindsay Joan 8 Jun 1978 - 19 Aug 1983 Finnson, Sigfinnur 20 Oct 1918 age 68 Finnson, Sigfinnur (2nd phoro) Finnson, Sigfinnur F. 1917 - 1986 son of Finnur & Thorunn Finnson, Sigfinnur Wilhelm 1 Nov 1911 - 1 Jul 1916 Finnson, Sigfinnur Wilhelm (2nd photo) Finnson, Sigurlaug Johannesdottir 7 Aug 1852 - 4 Mar 1934 Finnson, Thorunn Olof 30 Sep 1888 - 17 Jan 1985 Gillis, Adalbjorg 1890 - 1962 Gillis, Benedict H. 1922 - 2003 Gillis, Denelda Grace 1923 - 1973 Gillis, Doris M. 1927 - Gillis, Elizabeth 1898 - 1990 Gillis, Gudnes 1890 - 1968 Gillis, (infants twins) 1931 2371 Gillis, Jacob Gisli 1878 - 1969 Gillis, John S. 1918 - 1982 Gillis, Jonina S. 1889 - 1981 Gillis, Jonina S. (2nd photo) Gillis, Joseph 1876 - 1942 Gillis, Joseph (2nd photo) Gillis, Magnus 1887 - 1947 Gillis, Magnus Roy 10 Mar 1916 - 12 Apr 1998 Gillis, Mary Anne 2 Aug 1948 Gillis, Maurice Leonard died 1927 Gillis, Robert Gillis, Thorunn Bergman 1893 - 1953 Gillis, William 1928 - 1929 Gislason, Dagmar M. 1904 - 1995 Gislason, Sigridur (nee Bjarnasson) 4 Oct 1896 - 3 Oct 1982 Gislason, Valdimar A. 1920 - 1968 Gislason, Valdimar Gisli 15 Jan 1892 - 24 Sep 1982 Grandy, Katrin 1862 - 1920 Hall, Asvaldur Kajartan 1884 - 1970 Hall, Edna 1924 - 1929 Hall, H. Franklin 1912 - 1982 Hall, Irene I. 1926 - 1988 Hall, Jonas Frederick 1950 - 1996 Hall, Michael Hall, Laufey 1887 - 1976 Hallgrimson, Jan 1 May 1848 - 4 Sep 1917 Hallgrimson, Oskar 4 Jul 1899 - 17 Sep 1987 Hallgrimson, Sigridur 1 Aug 1864 - 27 Jul 1939 Johanneson, Johannes 1883 - 1962 son of Johannes & Johanna Johannesson, Anne 1924 - 2010 Johannesson, Einar Peter 18 Feb 1924 - 30 Mar 2008 son of Thoranin & Gudron Johannesson, Gudron Olof (nee Thorlacius) 1 Jan 1892 - 17 Sep 1971 Johannesson, Johannes 1855 - 1908 Johannesson, Johannes & Johanna (2nd photo) Johannesson, Johannes Jr. 1883 - 1962 Johannesson, Anne Margaret (nee Bodnar) 3 Oct 1927 - 28 May 2010 wife of Einar Johannesson, Ragnar 6 Jan 1896 - 5 Mar 1971 son of Johannes & Johanna Johannesson, Sigridur 'Johanna' (nee Johannesdottir) 17 Aug 1858 - 1942 Johannesson, Sigurrin K. 1900 - 1922 son of Johannes & Johanna Johannesson, Thorarinn 1886 - 1958 son of Johannes & Johanna Johnson, Arni 1859 - 1948 Johnson, Benedict 1906 - 1970 Johnson, Edna 1948 - 2004 Johnson, Esther 1910 - 1996 Johnson, Gudmundur A. 1896 - 1974 Johnson, Helga 1883 - 1978 Johnson, John A. 1889 - 1964 Johnson, Kristine Ingibjorg 1889 - 1965 Johnson, Laura S. 1896 - 1979 Johnson, Sigridur 1892 - 1972 Kristjansson, Herborg 13 Oct 1851 - 6 Apr 1917 Lansdell, Sigurlaug 17 Dec 1912 - 26 Jan 1995 Laxdal, Leo Grant 28 May 1927 - 13 Jan 2010 Laxdal, Leon Jon 1940 - 1983 Laxdal, Shirley Ann 10 Dec 1932 - Materna, Gudron Violet (nee Gillis) 15 Jul 1922 - Materna, Ralph 17 Apr 1917 - 25 May 2001 Nikulasson, Albert 7 Apr 1901 - 26 Feb 1986 Nikulasson, Stefan 1871 - 1926 Nikulasson, Una 1867 - 1937 Stefansson, Gudfinna Stefansson, Ingiborg Stefansson, Joe Solrun, (unknown) Thorlacius, Hallgrimur Jon 1923 - 1986 Thorlacius, Lillian Barbara (nee Petra Thorsteinson) 19 Sep 1923 - 14 Feb 2009 unknown 1 unknown 2 unknown 3 unknown 4 unknown 5 Vium, Mrs. Wright, Delbert 8 Feb 1918 - 8 Feb 1994 Wright, Sigridur K. 12 Feb 1914 - 7 Mar 2004
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