St. Mary's United Church Cemetery
Gorlitz district

R.M. of Good Lake # 274   SW 9-29-4 W2
GPS   51.497727°N   102.524285°W
First burial in 1907, 84 burials by 1996

Photographed by Don Werner
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

ANANICHUK, ANDREW O.  12 Mar 1834 - 14 Oct 1920
ANANICHUK, JOHN  1852 - 1935
ANANICHUK, KATERINA  died 2 Feb 1914 wife of Yasko
ANDREASH, JOHN  1910 - 1979
ANDREASH, HREHORY  1890 - 1908
ANDREASH, NELLIE  1886 - 1974
ANDREASH, WILLIAM  died 10 Dec 1936 age 61

BARYLIUK, STEFAN  died 1913 age 23
BARYLIUK, STEFAN  1853 - 1926

CHABUN, KATERINA  died May 1907 age 4
CHABUN, YAKIW  died Dec 1914 age 27
CORROLL, METRO  1878 - 1946 hus of Maria Kasianyk

DYMIANIW, MARY  1899 - 1980
DUTKA, AXANA  died 1913

FERGUSON, LESLIE  1888 - 1918
FERGUSON, LILY  1892 - 1918

HOMENIUK, ERENA  1870 - 1913
HUPKA, DAVID (infant)  died 1937 son of George & Lena
HUPKA, GEORGE  1913 - 1997
HUPKA, LENA  1917 - 1999

KASIANYK, VARVARA  1855 - 1932
KASIANYK, JOHN  1848 - 1926

LISCHYNSKI, BILL  1918 - 1991
LISCHYNSKI, DMETRO  1862 - 22 Sep 1936
LISCHYNSKI, KOROLINA  1873 - 1 Jun 1943
LISCHYNSKI, MICHAYLO  16 Dec 1928 - 16 Jan 1929
LISCHYNSKI, METRO  21 Mar 1930 - 6 Apr 1930

MATYCHUK, DANELO  20 Dec 1857 - 1 Nov 1911
MATYCHUK, MARION ROSE  26 Dec 1943 - 22 Feb 1944
MATYCHUK, TEKENA  28 Aug 1881 - 10 May 1940
MATYCHUK, TOMA  20 Oct 1875 - 21 Jun 1940

OYSTRYK, CLAIRE (nee Lucas)  10 Apr 1917 - 19 Dec 1996
OYSTRYK, JOHN  14 May 1904 - 
OYSTRYK, LENA (nee Andreash)  4 Dec 1906 - 16 Dec 1976

SHEPITKA, ANASTASIA  29 Oct 1883 - 6 Jan 1916
SIRAK, KATERINA  died 15 Dec 1936
STETSKI, ANNA  1886 - 1973
STETSKI, GEORGI  1870 - 1944

TEMPLETON, MARTHA (nee Wiwchar)  6 Jan 1924 - 19 Jul 1996 wife of Robert
TEMPLETON, ROBERT ALEXANDER  3 Jun 1925 - 6 Sep 2006 son of Alexander & Clara

WIWCHAR, ANDREI 'HANK'  26 Jun 1915 - 9 Dec 1997
WIWCHAR, ANNA J. A.  20 Jul 1924 - 8 Sep 1924
WIWCHAR, AKSANA  1868 - 1954
WIWCHAR, JACOB  1864 - 1954
WIWCHAR, DANE H.  1937 - 1985
WIWCHAR, KAY  1936 - 1994
WIWCHAR, DEMAN  30 Jul 1917 - 23 Oct 1917
WIWCHAR, HREHORI  3 Jul 1907 - 1 Jun 1908
WIWCHAR, DMETRO  8 Nov 1889 - 9 Dec 1967
WIWCHAR, FRED  1905 - 1986
WIWCHAR, DOROTHY  1905 - 1991
WIWCHAR, HARRY A.  8 Mar 1911 - 21 Apr 1982
WIWCHAR, NETTIE  14 Jun 1914 - 4 Apr 1981
WIWCHAR, JOHN  1901 - 1986
WIWCHAR, MARY  1907 - 1990
WIWCHAR, JOHN M.  1894 - 1983
WIWCHAR, NELLIE  1905 - 1983
WIWCHAR, KATERINA  1884 - 1957
WIWCHAR, KATERYNA  1903 - 1979
WIWCHAR, NICKOLY  1892 - 1975
WIWCHAR, KERILO  20 Mar 1911 - 1 Nov 1911
WIWCHAR, LESIA ANASTASIA  26 Apr - 12 May 1924
WIWCHAR, MARIA  17 Oct 1925 - 15 Aug 1928
WIWCHAR, MARIA  1896 - 1982
WIWCHAR, MARIA O.  1880 - 1945
WIWCHAR, OLECKSA  1874 - 1947
WIWCHAR, MARIA  1859 - 1930
WIWCHAR, WASYL  1849 - 1927
WIWCHAR, MARTIN  1 May 1923 - 27 Oct 1992
WIWCHAR, MICHAEL A.  1903 - 1943
WIWCHAR, MICHAEL  1840 - 2 Oct 1917
WIWCHAR, PARASKA  1847 - 1920
WIWCHAR, ONUFREY  1908 - 1987
WIWCHAR, PAULINE (nee Heshka)  29 Mar 1924 - 5 Oct 1991
WIWCHAR, TED  29 Jul 1923 -
WIWCHAR, GORDON  1958 - 2003
WIWCHAR, WASYLENA  14 Dec 1906 - 22 Mar 1909
WIWCHAR, WILLIAM J.  1910 - 1994 brother to Alex & Nick
WIWCHAR, ALEX  1914 - 1986
WIWCHAR, NICK J.  1918 - 1997
WIWCHAR, (unknown)

YAHNEY, SOFA  died 5 Aug 1926 married 66 yrs
YAHNEY, YOSEF  10 Nov 1848 - 1 Jan 1937
YUZEK, JOHN K.  1891 - 1980
YUZEK, MARY  1896 - 1996

ZEDERAYKO, DANELO  1860 - 1910
ZEDERAYKO, AKSANA  1869 - 1932
ZEDERAYKO, STEFAN  2 Jan 1901 - 9 Aug 1935

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