Garrick Cemetery

R.M. of Torch River # 488   SE 7-52-16 W2
GPS   53.473615°N   104.340281°W
First burial in 1946

Photographed by Patricia "Tris" M.
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Ackerman, David  1899 - 1940
Adlam, Joe  1887 - 1969
Amundrud, Martin  1899 - 1992
Amundrud, Rose Marie  1913 - 1964
Anderson, Florence M.  1906 - 1970
Ansell, Arthur W.  1 Apr 1961 age 72
Archibald, Alice  1890 - 1964
Archibald, Dorothy M. 'Doris' (nee Headley)  4 Sep 1921 - 22 May 2006
Archibald, Dorothy M. 'Doris' (nee Headley)  (2nd gravestone)
Archibald, Ellen (nee Kartio)  1955 - 
Archibald, Gordon  1898 - 1981
Archibald, Hugh G.  1920 - 1975
Archibald, Robert Ryan  1978 - 2004
Archibald, Robert Wesley  1945 - 2005 son of Willis & Dorothy
Archibald, Willis Macbeth  1922 - 1988
Atkinson, Ellis  
Atkinson, Freda  

Balcombe, Elenora Josepha  27 Feb 1921 - 28 Sep 1981
Balcombe, Frederick William  29 Aug 1923 - 11 Dec 1985 
Banks, James 'Chip'  1899 - 1974
Beckett, Alexander G.  1914 - 2000
Beckett, Elizabeth Mary 'Betty' (nee Turnbull)  21 Nov 1923 - 21 Mar 2014
Beckett, Harry  19 Jul 1917 - 6 Nov 2004
Beckett, Iris (nee Wager)  20 Sep 1928 - 
Black, Harold Edward James  21 Jun 1979 age 60
Black, Ida Jean  1924 - 1970
Black, Leo T. A.  1915 - 2003
Black, Michael Ashley  18 Aug 1978 - 16 Dec 1978
Blair, Florence  1904 - 199?
Blair, Joseph  1886 - 1981
Blair, Leonard Frank  12 Jan 1960 - 27 Nov 1960
Blair, (unknown)  
Brazier, A. Gordon  1912 - 1979
Brazier, Mary A. E.  1915 - 2002

Cassils, Ruth Ann  1891 - 1988
Collins, Alice  1875 - 1942
Collins, George  1863 - 1954
Corrin, Wilhelmina  1919 - 2005
Corrin, William  1909 - 1981
Cursinger, A.  

Davidson, Alexander Andrew  1900 - 1983 
Desender, Barbara E. (nee Lumb)  4 Jul 1940 - 25 Feb 1989 
Dewar, Daniel A.  21 Jul 1899 - 30 May 1998
Dewar, Daniel A.  (2nd photo)
Dewar, Margaret A.  5 Sep 1904 - 29 Jul 1998
Doyle, Louisa Pearl Evelyn (nee Von Bieker)  16 Aug 1923 - 3 Oct 2012 wife of Mike
Drumheller, Bob B.  1934 - 1976
Drumheller, Fred R.  1909 - 1960
Drumheller, Jacob  3 Jun 1916 - 17 Feb 1982
Drumheller, Jean E.  1913 - 1993
Drumheller, Margaret E.  15 Jan 1923 - 30 May 1985

Edwards, Margaret  1917 - ????
Edwards, Wilbert 1919 - 1950
Erno, C. D.  1921 - 1977
Erno, Lina May Jackson Lewis  1913 - 1998
Elve, Earl Blair  1926 - 2004

Flegel, Marie R.  1927 - 
Flegel, Mike L.  1923 - 1989
Flegel, Wayne John  1 Jun 1960 - 28 Feb 2005
Franklin, Bertha E.  1918 - 2001

Gipman, Allan J.  1949 - 2002 son of Otto & Katherina
Gipman, Frances Louise  1 Aug 1939 - 24 Jun 2005
Gipman, Katherina 'Katie' M. (nee Shmyr)  21 Nov 1908 - 18 Aug 1968 dau of Nykola & Aleksandra (nee Tkaczyk)
Gipman, Otto B.  1 Apr 1908 - 27 Mar 1974
Graham, James Donald  1912 - 1949
Graham, Roy W.  1914 - 1980
Graham, Shirley  1927 - 1994
Gunnis, Gladys  1902 - 1991 
Gunnis, Thomas  1908 - 1989
Gustovson, Albin J.  1895 - 1992

Hadden, Louise  27 Sep 1904 - 9 Feb 1990
Hanke, Eva May  1904 - 1984
Hanke, William  1893 - 1968
Harker, James T.  8 Jan 1909 - 4 Mar 1988
Harris, Darryl Kim  1958 - 1974
Harris, Daryl
Ha__, Tal
Hetherington, Alice E.  31 Aug 1928  -  19 Oct 2000
Hetherington, Marie M.  27 Jun 1948  -  1 Jul 19?? dau of Alice
Hughes, Dennis A.  1936 - 1999
Hughes, Ernest D.  1908 - 1995
Hughes, Richard J.  1906 - 1963
Hughes, Violet A.  1913 - 1994

Jamieson, Orville Martin  7 Nov 1947 - 11 Feb 1948 son of Orville & Jeanne
Jellison, Elizabeth  1907 - 1953
Jellison, Elward Wesley  1903 - 1969
Johnson, Clair Duncan S.  1904 - 1973
Johnson, Edna  1916 - 1984
Jordan, Elwyn  1911 - 1993
Jordan, Mae  1910 - 1999

Karst, Edna M.  1911 - 1990
Karst, S. Julia  1893 - 1982
Keeble, Edna D.  1914 - 1947
Keeble, Harold D.  1942 - 1943
Keeping, Agnes I.  1909 - 1994
Keeping, Kenneth J.  1911 - 1988
Kenn, Elna C. E.  1911 - 1984
Kenn, James  31 May 1970 age 72
King, George M.  5 Sep 1959 age 83
Knipe, Alice H.  1918 - 1969
Knipe, Thomas W.  1913 - 1979

Lang, (unknown)  
Larson, Carl S.  1905 - 1975
Larson, Elva M.  1918 - 2002
Lee, Albert O.  1926 - 1954
Lee, Donna D.  1953 - 
Lee, Edwin A.  1898 - 1974
Lee, Gena  1890 - 1960
Lee, I. Jean  1911 - 1995
Lee, Leslie W.  1896 - 1998
Lee, Louis  188? - 1961
Lee, Marie P.  1915 - 1973
Lee, Murray A.  1953 - 1995
Lewis, Roy S.  1911 - 1950
Lyons, John M.  1905 - 1995
Lyons, Lillian B.  1913 - 1996

MacGregor, Cyrus H.  1892 - 1986
MacGregor, Irene (nee Johnson)  12 Sep 2015 age 80 dau of Simon & Hagbarda
MacGregor, Laura J.  1899 - 1967
Maguire, Alma  1882 - 1959
Mag_, John
Martin, Louis Lorne  20 Dec 1984 age 73
McAuley, Arthur W.  1891 - 1978
McAuley, Berten R.  1927 - 1991
McAuley, Ella Pearl  1895 - 1958
McAuley, May  1926 - 2006
McAuley, Olive  1923 - 
McAuley, Robert  27 Feb 1991 age 71
McAuley, (unknown)  
McBain, Kenneth  16 Apr 1882 - 14 Feb 1966
McGonigle, Annie C.  1891 - 1972
McGonigle, Floyd J.  1924 - 2006
McGonigle, James  1883 - 1962
McGonigle, Margaret Jean (nee Fyfe)  9 Nov 1926 - 24 Oct 2011
McGorman, Ethel  31 Oct 1899 - 28 Aug 1993
McGorman, Gordon  1897 - 1978
McGorman, Gordon  1920 - 1993
McGorman, Hazel S.  1918 - 198?
McHarg, E. Cresson Scott  1903 - 2001
McKay, C. A. Percy  1906 - 1990
McKay, Jessie (nee Traill)  1910 - 1999
McNamar, Clara E.  1888 - 1968
McNamar, Otis R.  1886 - 1974
Mills, Walter  1936 - 1977
Milne, Archie  15 Mar 1916 - 21 Feb 2001
Milne, James  1907 - 19??
Milne, John  1914 - 1985
Milne, Mary M.  1915 - 2003
Milne, Ruby Margaret  1940 - 1989
Milne, (unknown)  
Milne, Stewart Leslie  15 Aug 1944 - 17 Dec 2005
Moen, Clara  1935 - 2006
Mollison, Betsey (nee Anderson)  1906 - 1987
Mollison, John  1899 - 1967
Mundell, Alfred James  6 Dec 1889 - 15 Jul 1980
Mundell, Doris  1902 - 2003
Mundell, Elizabeth (nee Ryder)  15 Dec 1872 - 16 Jan 1969
Mundell, John  22 Jun 1866 - 29 Sep 1954
Munro, K. W. 'Ken'  1904 - 1988
Munro, P. Block  1914 - 1981
Munro, W. H. Winnie  1904 - 1994

Newton, Edward John  1906 - 1995
Newton, Lily Pearl  1907 - 1993

Paschke, Albert  1911 - 1986
Paschke, Alida  1917 - 2004
Paschke, Ella (nee Kellem) Harker  12 Sep 1923 - 17 Jun 2010 wife of Ron Harker, dau of Gustave & Anna
Paschke, Sheldon Wayne  5 Feb 1986 - 15 Oct 1987
Paschke, William A.  1921 - 1999, 1st hus of Ella
Patton, Kathleen M.  1903 - 1983
Patton, Wesley W.  1909 - 1993
Plageman, George  1907 - 1981

Redford, Dora Sylvia  1892 - 1974
Redford, Leslie Cabot  1896 - 1948
Reider, Shannon Walker  8 Jan 1878 - 7 May 1979
Revell, Irene  9 Apr 1906 - 16 Mar 1999
Revell, Walter W.  4 Sep 1975 age 78
Rigg, Dorothy I.  1923 - 
Rigg, Herbert M.  1911 - 1964
Ross, Barbara Jean (nee McGorman)  1932 - 1964
Ross, Ida  1899 - 1964
Ross, Robert  1898 - 1969
Rothwell, Bertram  11 Dec 1975 age 86
Rothwell, Dorine  1922 - 20??
Rothwell, Kent  19?? - 2007 son of Kim & Jan
Rothwell, Kim  1932 - 
Rothwell, Jan  1934 -
Rothwell, Lyla  18 Feb 1985 age 91 
Rothwell, Wilfrid B.  1914 - 2001
Rutledge, Delmar  1922 - 2001
Rutledge, Emma Ida Anna (nee Schultz)  23 Aug 1926 - 26 Feb 2011 dau of Robert & Elizabeth

Scarf, Evalena  1891 - 1977
Scarf, Russel Thompson  29 Jul 1927 - 23 Jan 2011 son of Silas & Evalena
Scarf, Silas  1882 - 194?
Scarf, Viola Elaine (nee Rothwell)  192? - 
Schindel, Albert  22 Jan 1902 - 31 May 1964
Schindel, Dorothy Mae  15 Jul 1910 - 3 Apr 2000
Schindel, Emil  1889 - 1978
Schindel, Frederick  1904 - 1967
Schindel, Walter E.  5 Jun 1935 - 2 Dec 1962
Schmid, G. L.  8 Mar 1935 - 29 Apr 1957
Schmid, Jacob  1893 - 1961
Schultz, Edwin C.  1925 - 2000
Schultz, Ruth Edna  1923 - 1989
Scott, Arnold 'Bud'  1928 - 1999
Scott, James G.  1900 - 1959
Scott, Wilbur Albin  1933 - 1995
Scott, Zane Leroy  1 May 1955
Seabrook, Clara G.  1897 - 1984
Seabrook, Harvey M.  1922 - 1952
Seabrook, William  1884 - 1958
Shelke, Walter  
Shelkie, Alice Carolyn  18 Jul 2010 age 68 dau of Eric & Annie
Shelkie, Eric  1913 - 1985
Shelkie, Harvey  29 Aug 1940 - 27 Jun 2010 son of William & Helen
Shelkie, Helen R. (nee Hess)  1916 - 2004
Shelkie, William R. 'Bill'  1910 - 19??
Sherry, George  11 Jul 1996 age 77
Stolar, Nicholas  14 Mar 2003 age 81
Swiggum, Christian  1899 - 1973
Swiggum, Madeline  1907 - 1998

Taylor, Harry  1884 - 1968
Thompson, Francis E.  1900 - 1976
Thompson, Gertrude N.  1900 - 1950
Thompson, Jean Jessie  1918 - 2007
Thompson, Leo Michael  1904 - 1996
Thoresen, K. T.  7 Nov 1971 age 75
Totty, Katie
Totty, William  1898 - 1963
Townsend, Eyleen  1920 - 1981
Townsend, Fred  1914 - 1981
Townsend, Ralph L.  1922 - 1992
Townsend, Roy  1887 - 1971
Townsend, Rubie  1892 - 1956
Traill, Walter  1870 - 1957 son of William & Harriet
Traub, George  1891 - 1973
Traub, Ruth  
Traub, Vergie  1899 - 1947

unknown 1  
unknown 2  
unknown 3
unknown 4   
unknown 5  1924 - 1994 
unknown 6  
unknown 7
unknown 8   
unknown, (baby)
unknown, Margaret O.  1894 - ????  

Wager, Adrian Cecil  13 Feb 1930 - Apr 2010 son of Cecil & Constance
Wager, Beryl (nee Backstrom)  1931 - 
Wager, Cameron H.  1958 - 1974 
Wager, Cecil Arthur  1901 - 1977 son of Edwin & Emma
Wager, Constance Edith  1903 - 1961
Wager, Emma (nee Fourmont)  1876 - 1958
Wager, James Gordon  28 Feb 1931 - 18 Apr 2001
Wager, Kenneth 'Graham'  24 Aug 1966 - 24 Oct 1966 son of Ivan & Velma
Wager, Valerie Leola Barks Baldwin  26 Jan 1932 - 
Warkentin, Charles E.  1923 - 1966
Webster, John A.  9 apr 1964 age 40
Welykochy, Alec  1892 - 1968
Whitrow, Lorne W.  1924 - 1987
Whitrow, Mae G.  1926 - 1997
Wicks, Lois  
Wilmot, G. Jean  1916 - 1998
Wilmot, Gordon Malcolm  6 Jul 1936 - 29 Mar 2017 hus of Amanda Peters, son of William & Jean
Wilmot, Norma  1945 - 1982 dau of William & Jean
Wilmot, William I.  1898 - 1953
Wionzek, Annie (nee Kortubash)  7 Jun 1914 - 17 Dec 2012 dau of Hilary & Maria
Wionzek, Frank Joe  1913 - 1985

Yelland, Amy S.  1873 - 1969
Yelland, Francis H.  1877 - 1950
Young, David Lyle  16 Jan 1939 - 18 Apr 1996
Young, Judi G.  1946 - 

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