Anderson, Gladys C. 1909 - 1994 Anderson, Harold H. 1900 - 1981 Anderson, James E. 1929 - 1982 son of Harold & Gladys Anderson, Myrtle E. Mar 15, 1929 - Anderson, Rose E. 1934 - Anderson, William H. Jul 5, 1927 - Apr 22, 1989 Anniuk, Alex 1887 - 1965 Ballard, Clarence Elmer 1912 - Dec 14, 1942 son of George & Harriet Ballard, George A. 1879 - 1963 Ballard, Harriet 'Hattie' 1892 - 1983 Ballard, Harvey James May 27, 1921 - Jan 3, 2005 son of George & Harriet Ballard, Mildred 'Millie' Christina (nee Sloman) Jun 5, 1938 - Oct 10, 2012 dau of Earl & Christina Blackie, Beatrice Nov 20, 1896 - May 5, 1973 Brack, Barrie 1940 - 1940 son of Charles & Mildred Brack, Charles 1900 - 1960 Brack, Dale William Jun 15, 1955 - Dec 4, 2006 hus of Gayla, son of Charles & Betty Brack, Mildred I. 1908 - 1952 Brack, Sarah Merle 1903 - 1984 Brack, William Holden 1898 - 1976 Bredt, Charles 188? - 191? Bredt, Charles M. 1881 - 1952 Bredt, Frances 1881 - 1958 Bredt, James 188? - 1939 Bredt, Margaret Ursula 1902 - 1949 dau of Charles & Frances Caron, Claude Arthur 1942 - Nov 3, 2007 son of Cesaire & Elizabeth Carroll, Earl Feb 5, 1982 age 61 Carroll, Joyce Allison (nee Norman) 1959 - Jun 20, 2012 wife of Les, dau of Peter & Grace Carroll, Phyllis Oct 23, 1919 - Jul 21, 2007 Carroll, Vivianne (nee Gaucher) 1944 - Craig, Charles 1862 - 1937 Craig, Minnie 1868 - 1941 wife of Charles Day, Ada May 1899 - 1975 Day, Alvin R. 1925 - 1967 Day, Glendon 1927 - 1963 Day, Robert 1887 - 1951 Delong, Albert Montillion 1859 - Mar 16, 1947 Delong, Emily (nee Turner) 1859 - 1939 Dreher, Daniel 1927 - 1991 son of George & Helen Dreher, Frank J. 1923 - 1994 son of George & Helen Dreher, Gayle M. Feb 18, 1954 - Aug 2, 1954 Dreher, George 1895 - 1964 Dreher, Helen 1903 - 1999 Dreher, Isador 1921 - Dreher, Minnie 1918 - 1985 Dreher, Noella 1919 - 1998 Dreher, Vincent B. May 7, 1925 - Mar 20, 2011 son of George & Helen Duke, Ella Sarah K. 1891 - 1977 Duke, Fredrick C. 1888 - 1943 Duke, Joyce C. 1928 - Duke, William H. 1927 - Fahlman, Arnold D. 1944 - 1952 Geiger, George died Jan 6, 1958 Geiger, George (2nd photo) Gentes, Raymond 1931 - Mar 23, 2010 Gentes, Vera 1932 - 1998 Getz, Janet M. 1940 - Getz, Joesph James Michael (infant) died Nov 11, 1961 Getz, Wendelin Michael 'Wendel' Jan 14, 1928 - Aug 11, 2009 son of Michael & Veronica Giddins, Francis C. 'Frank' Mar 3, 1974 age 70 Giddins, Grace F. (nee Brown) Jul 17, 1907 - Jan 1, 2001 wife of Frank Gould, George S. 1880 - 1962 Gould, Minnie Adeline (nee Delong) Jan 4, 1891 - Jul 8, 1977 dau of Albert & Emily Haines, William R. 1887 - 1955 Hall, Adam 1861 - 1955 Hall, Elsworth R. 1896 - 1946 Hall, Emma H. 1861 - 1955 Hall, Lillian G. 1893 - 1973 Hardos, Marlin (infant) died 1963 twin of Karen Helfrick, Florentina H. 1893 - 1991 Helfrick, Helena 1930 - Helfrick, Jack Jul 14, 2012 age 84 son of Stephen & Florentina Helfrick, Joesph Karl 'Feener' Oct 18, 1933 - Jun 10, 2001 son of Stephen & Florentina Helfrick, Mary Pauline 1921 - 1994 Helfrick, Stephen J. 1891 - 1978 Helfrick, Steve 1929 - Hepp, Earl B. 1896 - 1918 Hepp, Etta 1873 - 1961 Hepp, Gladys M. 1893 - 1917 Hepp, Phillip B. 1867 - 1929 Horack, Barry Dec 2, 1954 - Apr 19, 1955 Horack, Barry (2nd photo) Hoy, Elizabeth Jean (nee Reid) 1892 - 1977 dau of Charles & Mary Irwin, Hamilton 1880 - 1963 Irwin, Stella T. 1885 - 1961 Jones, Elaine Phyllis Mar 9, 1979 - Aug 29, 1980 Keeler, John 1888 - 1965 Keeler, Zella G. 1898 - 1984 wife of John Klein, Anna Mary (nee Kress) Apr 8, 1924 - Jul 2, 2001 dau of Wendelin & Katharina (nee Weimer) Klein, Andrew Jan 18, 2014 age 96 hus of Cecilia, son of Edward & Catherine Klein, Anton P. 'Tony' Dec 8, 1911 - Nov 1, 1980 Klein, Edward A. May 23, 1970 age 29 son of Frederick & Marcella Klein, Fredrick Frank Dec 13, 1915 - May 14, 2006 son of Edward & Catherine Klein, Marcella K. (nee Wiome) Feb 7, 1915 - Sep 8, 2007 Klein, Mark A. D. Mar 25, 1955 - Jan 31, 1987 son of Frederick & Marcella Klein, Mark & Edward (2nd photo) Knoll, Catherine 1922 - Knoll, Christina (nee Ziegler) 1924 - Apr 26, 2007 dau of Joseph & Gertrude Knoll, Doreen (nee Eisler) 1932 - 9 Jul 2012 Knoll, Jacob 'Jake' Jun 7, 1921 - Oct 12, 2010 son of Jacob & Anastasia Knoll, Philip Joesph Sep 14, 1926 - Sep 14, 2011 son of Jacob & Anastasia Knoll, Raymond 1918 - Apr 29, 2006 son of Jacob & Anastasia Linnen, Harry V. 1901 - 1986 Linnen, Helen L. 1905 - 2000 Loeffler, Ralph 1910 - 1984 MacRae, Emma J. 1875 - 1963 MacRae, Hilda 1905 - 1994 MacRae, John 1870 - 1961 MacRae, Murdock 1898 - 1976 MacRae, Robert 1901 - 1968 Mann, Mary Eleanor Dec 23, 1931 - Nov 7, 2009 wife of Oscar Mayer, Anna Marie 1940 - 1954 dau of Henry & Mary Mayer, Henry John 1910 - 1985 Mayer, Mary Catherine 1914 - 1982 McCuaig, Christina Ann Jan 3, 1870 - May 3, 1970 McCuaig, Duncan Farquhar Aug 17, 1867 - Jun 15, 1946 McGillivray, C. D. Jul 1, 1957 age 59 McGillivray, J. Wesley 1899 - 1975 McGillivray, John N. 1880 - 1959 McGillivray, Mary A. 1884 - 1956 McIntosh, Mary Mar 10, 1863 - Jul 17, 1933 McMillan, Duncan A. 'Mick' 1901 - 1955 McMillan, Ewan Allan 1876 - 1961 McMillan, Hugh D. 1863 - 1924 McMillan, Mary Ann 1866 - 1942 McMillan, Mary Lynette 1898 - 1988 McRae, Norman H. 1871 - 1942 McRae, Susan 1872 - 1960 Mitchell, Charlotte 1862 - 1937 Mitchell, Evelyn G. 1899 - 1993 Mitchell, Flora Margaret (nee Cameron) Dec 3, 1903 - Dec 1, 2000 dau of Archie & Margaret Mitchell, George A. 1896 - 1988 Mitchell, Gerald C. 1935 - 1984 Mitchell, Stewart 1861 - 1949 Mitchell, Stewart 'Tooke' 1898 - 1983 son of Stewart & Charlotte Morrison, Archibald Oct 12, 1912 age 77 Morrison, Archibald A. 1887 - 1958 Morrison, Catherine (nee McLoed) Jun 19, 1911 age 76 Morrison, Malcom Aug 18, 1873 - Dec 24, 1940 son of Archibald & Catherine Morrison, Malcolm (2nd photo) Muhr, Corey Robert 1971 - 1971 Nell, Aeneid 1915 - 1992 Nell, William Irwin 1908 - 1974 Ortman, Adolf Peter 'Eddy' May 30, 1923 - Apr 23, 2006 son of Jacob & Julianna Ortman, Patrick died 1954 Ortmann, Jacob F. 1893 - 1974 Ortmann, Julianna 1894 - 1970 Pierce, Della H. 1922 - 1982 Pierce, M. Louis 1920 - 1993 Pillac_, Alexander 18?? - 19?? Porter, Catherine Sarah 1877 - 1913 Porter, Christina (nee Collis) 1871 - 1946 Porter, James 1912 - 1937 son of William & Catherine Porter, William 1877 - 1913 Porter, William 1881 - 1947 Proctor, Christena 1874 - 1956 Proctor, James L. 1880 - 1944 Reid, Charles 1858 - 1909 Reid, George Grant 1901 - 1907 son of Charles & Mary Reid, Marion Jun 30, 1905 age 59 wife of Samuel Reid, Marion (2nd photo) Reid, Mary 1865 - 1951 Reid, Samuel Dec 15, 1913 age 70 Sanheim, Anton R. 1907 - 1994 Sanheim, Dora M. 1915 - 1955 Sanheim, Ludwig 1882 - 1969 Sanheim, Mary 1883 - 19?? wife of Anton Schaffer, Bertha R. Nov 4, 1925 - Sep 23, 1995 Schaffer, Harold A. Jan 15, 1929 - Feb 26, 1997 Schiller, Anthony W. 1926 - 1966 Schiller, Anton 1895 - 1981 Schiller, Darrell Ernest 1956 - 1981 Schiller, Dwight George 1957 - 1978 Schiller, Eva 1904 - 1983 Schiller, Jake 1904 - 1991 Schiller, Josephine S. 1936 - 1964 Schiller, Judith G. 1942 - 1977 Schiller, Mary 1905 - 1991 wife of Jake Seaman, Charles 1910 - 1989 son of Mead & Victoria Seaman, Jeanie 1917 - Seaman, Mead Truman Sep 8, 1874 - Aug 17, 1963 Seaman, Victoria Adelaide (nee Spence) 1876 - 1946 Seitz, Adolf 'Shorty' 1920 - 1998 Seitz, Kasper Mathew 1940 - 1984 son of Matthew & Wilhelmina Seitz, Matthew 1899 - 1988 Seitz, Rose 1925 - Seitz, Wilhelmina 1898 - 1974 Selinger, Joseph 1900 - 1966 Selinger, Joseph (2nd photo) Shepherd, Annie C. 1872 - 1941 Shepherd, Robert 1869 - 1959 Stewart, David Gordon May 17, 1930 - Oct 23, 1977 son of Hugh & Jean Stewart, Hugh S. 1890 - 1972 Stewart, James I. 1926 - Stewart, Jean C. (nee Doig) 1891 - Jul 22, 1969 Stokes, Thomas 1888 - 1962 Swanson, Beverly A. Oct 7, 1938 - Oct 24, 1964 Thompson, Maud D. (nee DeShane) died 1921 age 40 Thompson, W. C. died 1924 age 46 Tilt, Annabell 1878 - 1934 wife of Isaac Tilt, Isaac Brock 1872 - 1963 Trueman, Bert J. 1921 - 1983 son of James & Florence Trueman, Florence 1896 - 1967 Trueman, James A. 1898 - 1964 Trueman, Wesley A. 1926 - 2002 son of James & Florence unknown, Anna Wightman, Addison Porter Nov 2, 1870 - Dec 2, 1940 Wightman, Lulu Frances (nee Eskew) 1878 - 1955 Wilkerson, Eleanor A. 1879 - 1955 Ziegler, Adam Feb 25, 1926 - Jul 21, 2009 son of Joseph & Gertrude Ziegler, Anna 1934 - Ziegler, Frank Oct 30, 1921 - Dec 26, 2001 son of Joseph & Gertrude Ziegler, Gertrude 1901 - 1963 Ziegler, Irene Elsa (nee Tease) 1929 - Sep 1, 2005 dau of Gustav & Phyllis Ziegler, James 1920 - May 27, 2015 son of Joseph & Gertrude Ziegler, Joseph 1897 - 1966 3 other unidentified gravesites
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