Allen, Ardene 1947 - 1948 Anderson, David A. Jun 1930 hus of Severina Anderson, Sharron Lee 17 Jan 1952 - 7 Apr 2002 Anderson, Shayne 1970 - 1975 son of A. & Sharron Anderson, Thomas 1917 - 2004 son of Andy & Ethel Ard, William Craig 1894 - 1928 Armstrong, Oliver Francis 1867 - 1945 Arthurs, Ethel Wildman 1900 - 1930 Baker, Helen Georgina (nee Taylor) 25 Nov 1921 - 4 Jan 2012 Baker, John Robert 11 Nov 1948 - 1999 son of Ralph & Jean Baker, Mary Jean (nee Taylor) 19 May 1915 - 24 Oct 2004 Baker, Ralph John 29 Apr 1912 - 24 Feb 1995 Benkers, Hazel Mary 1899 - 1950 Boals, Mary Anne 1847 - 1940 Bramley, Anna Pope (nee Byers) 1889 - 1982 wife of William Bramley, William Fleming 1889 - 1948 Brown, Edward P. 1865 - 1964 hus of Matilda Brown, Jennie (nee Forbes) 1903 - 2007 wife of William Brown, Loreen R. 22 Jan 1933 - Brown, Matilda P. 1867 - 1964 Brown, Walter L. D. 31 Jul 1937 - 26 Sep 2005 hus of Loreen Brown, William 1904 - 1993 Callsen, Joyce died Dec 2015 Code, Emma Jane (nee Jackson) 1876 - 1946 wife of Waldrew Code, Waldrew Hilliard 1873 - 1958 Cooper, Calvin 'Kelly' 2 Aug 1926 - 17 Jul 1999 Copeland, Agnes (nee Finley) 29 Jul 1924 age 67 Copeland, Effie Samina 1881 - 1965 dau of Robert & Agnes Copeland, Robert 1854 - 1943 Craig, (baby girl) died 1939 Craig, W. A. 18 Dec 1927 age 48 Down, Mary B. (nee Harvey) 1864 - 1950 wife of Robert Down, Robert 1854 - 1928 son of John & Mary (nee Perkins) Dutnall, Elizabeth (nee Simpson) 1882 - 1928 Finley, Mary Isabelle (nee Reid) 1897 - 1989 wife of Robert, dau of J. W. Finley, Robert Clarence 1892 - 1963 son of James Campbell Finley, Samuel 1871 - 1943 son of James Campbell Francisco, Edna Margaret (nee Edgerton) 1900 - 1961 Francisco, Harold Delos 1896 - 1991 (bur. Kelowna, B.C.) Francisco, William Edgar 1921 - 1994 son of Harold & Edna Galbraith, Aime Hanna, (baby girl) 1928 Hanna, William J. (infant) 1927 Hill, Bruce Wilburn 12 Apr 1930 - 31 May 2009 Hill, Doreen M. (nee Stead) 1933 - 2010 wife of Harry Hill, E. Muriel (nee Forbes) 1902 - 2003 Hill, Harry E. 1928 - Hill, Morris Albert 1935 - 1994 son of Robert & Muriel Hill, Norman Hill, Pearl May (nee McKeown) 1901 - 11 Oct 1963 dau of John & Elizabeth Hill, Robert H. 1899 - 1991 Hill, William Hugh 6 Feb 1883 - 11 Oct 1963 hus of Pearl Hilts, Earl Louis 10 Oct 1910 - 26 Jul 1984 son of John & Sarah Hilts, Hilda Jessie (nee Leeks) 1914 - 1996 Hilts, John 16 Jul 1874 - 11 Feb 1932 son of Solomon & Eliza (nee Rawns) Hilts, Lloyd E. 1940 - 1996 son of Lorne & Hilda Hilts, Lorne Edward 21 Aug 1908 - 12 Nov 1986 son of John & Sarah Hilts, Sarah Edna (nee Davidson) 10 Sep 1884 - 12 Mar 1956 Holmes, Carmen M. 1926 - 1926 son of Ethel Holmes, Ethel E. (nee Grover) 1905 - 1926 Hopkins, Sherrie Marie 1970 - 1979 dau of Gilbert & Yvonne (nee Thompson) Humphreys, Harvey Ralph 6 Oct 1939 - 3 Oct 2009 son of Hugh & Stella Jardine, Harriet (nee Elliott) 1912 - 1957 wife of Allen Jones, Albert 'Bert' 8 Jun 1920 - 28 Oct 2003 Jones, Betty Lucretia (child) died 1920 Jones, Clarence A. 1886 - 1975 Jones, Lloyd 1 Dec 1998 age 81 Jones, Mary E. 1883 - 1972 Jones, Richard 1952 - 1954 Keats, Lena M. (nee Boyce) 1909 - 1991 wife of Walter Keats, Russell 1931 - 2011 Keats, Walter A. 1903 - 28 Feb 1982 Krueger, Catharina (nee Radies) 1896 - 18 Jul 1929 dau of Gottlieb & Juliana Lesson, Annie 1859 - 1937 age 78 wife of F. J. Lind, Ethel M. (nee McCauley) 12 Oct 1892 - 26 Feb 1971 wife of Stewart Jardine & Norman Wildman Lind, Walter G. 1895 - 1956, 3rd hus of Ethel Lundquist, Helen Elizabeth 1931 - 1934 dau of John & Anna Lundquist, Marjorie E. (nee Broughton) 1913 - 1937 Lundquist, Raymond Roy (infant) died 1932 MacIntosh, Jean (nee Baird) 1883 - 1936 wife of William MacLean, Alexander R. 1854 - 1939 hus of Nettie MacLean, Nettie 1867 - 1942 MacRae, Alex Donald 29 Oct 1930 - 1931 son of Donald & Ethel (nee Ward) Martin, (baby boy) died 1925 Martin, William John 1882 - 1976 hus of Mabel McArthur, Donald M. 16 Jun 1918 - 12 Nov 1928 son of Neil & Ada McBride, Danny E. 1917 - 1985 McBride, Jeannette M. (nee Jones) 1915 - 1988 wife of Danny McColl, John Ernest 1862 - 1944 McColl, Joseph (infant) died 1928 McCullough, Katherine G. (nee Elliott) 1916 - 2005 McCullough, Elijah J. T. 1908 - 1972 son of James & Florence (nee Eagle) McCullough, Eva M. (nee Besplug) 1940 - 1971 wife of James L. McCullough, James 1913 - 1932 son of James & Florence McCullough, James Lewis 1938 - 1982 son of Elijah & Katherine McCullough, Florence 1928 - 1932 dau of James & Florence Meacham, Joseph E. 1888 - 1961 Meacham, Marion (nee Forbes) 19 Sep 1900 - 31 Aug 1996 Meyers, Nina 1888 - 1940 Meyers, Wellington 1885 - 1956 Miller, Leonard V. 1894 - 17 Feb 1936 son of Ferdinand Miller, Olga Block (nee Brown) 1900 - 1 Jul 1938 wife of Leonard Millward, Charles 1886 - 1955 hus of Lillian Kay Murphy, Alexander 'Dan' 1875 - 1943 brother to William Murphy, William C. 1873 - 1949 Myers, Mina L. (nee Williamson) 1888 - 1940 wife of Wellington Myers, Wellington S. Palin, Eldred (nee MacLean) 1889 - 1935 Palin, William 1891 - 1945 hus of Eldred Palmer, Jessica Eden 21 May 1991 - 16 Nov 2008 Pollock, Esther 1846 - 1934 Radmaker, Herman (infant) died 1931 Reid, George F. 1887 - 1954 Reid, Myrtle M. (nee Stinson) 1888 - 1970 wife of George Risdon, Mrs. O. Ritchie, Isaac Stewart 1887 - 1964 hus of Florence Ritchie, Florence (nee Hughes) 1940 - 31 Oct 1971 Ritchie, Florence Beatrice 1883 - 1940 wife of Isaac Robinson, Diane S. (nee Wildman) 4 Mar 1965 - 25 Jan 1995 Robson, Alice 1875 - 1932, 1st wife of George Robson, George 1877 - 1958 Robson, Sarah 1884 - 1956 wife of John Hilts & George Robson Rowe, Kaye died 1992 Rowe, Keith 1949 - 1951 Sauer, (baby) died 10 May 1942 dau of Frank & Marion (nee Weekes) Slimmon, Jan (child) died 1923 dau of James & Elsie (nee Stickney) Spindle, Margaret died 1923 Taylor, Elizabeth 18?? - May 1958 wife of William Taylor, William 1858 - Dec 1944 Thompson, Courtney Faith 1982 - 1984 dau of Murray & Pat (nee Croke) Thompson, Dwayne Robert 1953 - 1987 son of David & Elma (nee Carr) Thompson, Jason Paul 1972 - 1989 son of Eugene & Marcia (nee McCullough) Tree, Mary Ann (nee Pollock) 1871 - 1955 Tree, Walter Daniel 1863 - 1932 hus of Mary unknown, (baby boy) died 1929 Walsh, Joyce Lynne 29 Jul 1961 - 20 Feb 2013 wife of Joe Ward, Raymond Frank 6 Jun 1953 - 3 Jun 2009 Wheeler, George died 1921 Wheeler, Nellie 1879 - 1931 wife of George Wildman, Beulah (nee Moffat) Wildman, N. Callie 10 Jun 1935 - 28 Mar 1998 son of Norman & Beulah Wildman, Lee 1976 - 1992 Wildman, Norman 1892 - 1968 son of William & Sarah (nee Shearer) Wildman, William 1862 - 1950 Willey, Deborah C. 1867 - 1946 Willey, John J. 1865 - 1939 Wilson, Billy (infant) died 1931
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