St. John's Lutheran Cemetery (old)
New Finland district - Whitewood
R.M. of Willowdale # 153   SW 36-17-1 W2
GPS   50.472191°N   102.022519°W
First burial in 1897, 228 burials by 2004

Ahosarri, Charlie
Ahosarri, John
Anderson, Arthur S.  1919 - 1994
Anderson, Ernest August  1891 - 1953
Anderson, Eugene A.  15 Oct 1951 age 33
Anderson, Hulda  1883 - 1974
Anderson, John  1888 - 1946

Baski, John  15 Mar 1922 age 59
Bond, Hilma Maria (nee Luthala)  7 Mar 1880 - 1 Jan 1899 wife of Charles
Bond, Hilma (infant)  dau of Charles & Hilma

Crowley, George  1880 - 1974
Crowley, Mary Helen (baby)  1928 dau of George & Mary
Crowley, Mary Tynne (nee Hemming)  1891 - 1969

Deito, Ansalem
Denet, Alma Albertina (nee Norlund)  1910 - 20 Jul 2005
Denet, Arnold  20 Feb 1931 - 21 Sep 1946 son of Frank & Alma
Denet, Frank  1904 - 1992
Denet, Lorne Leslie  10 Aug 1933 - 5 Aug 2004 son of Frank & Alma

Flykti, Akko
Flykti, Maria

Hammes, John  11 Nov 1911 age 11 yrs 2 mos 
Hawrwyluk, Caroline  1876 - 1948
Hecko, Elvira  1902 - 1991
Hecko, Mervin  1938 son of Stephen & Elvira
Hecko, Stephen  1896 - 1958
Hemming, Alfred E.  1908 - 1974
Hemming, Alvin Jacob  1940 - 1995
Hemming, Arnold H. E.  1930 - 1996
Hemming, Clarence Ronald  1928 - 1956
Hemming, Deborah (infant)  21 Mar 1956 dau of Arnold & Katherine
Hemming, Jacob  15 Jan 1909 age 13 son of Michael
Hemming, Laverne (nee Petays)  1999
Hemming, Maria G.  1860 - 1939
Hemming, Michael  17 Sep 1928 age 70 yrs 1 mon
Hemming, Michael  1894 - 1955
Hemming, (unknown)
Hemming, Rauha H.  1906 - 1974 wife of Alfred
Hemming, Saima  1895 - 1968 wife of Michael
Hemming, William  1897 - 1961
Hess, Arlene L.  1929 - 1984
Hilberg, John A.
Holma, Anna  1851 - 1915 wife of Jacob
Holma, Helena  1885 - 1933
Holma, Jacob  1852 - 1928
Holpainen, Adam  1860 - 1941
Holpainen, Ester  1876 - 1951
Huhtala, Charlie J.  1903 - 1956
Hyytiainen, Hulda  1878 - 1940 wife of John
Hyytiainen, John P.  1881 - 1949

James, Jerrold  14 Apr 1910 - 20 Feb 2000
James, Mary (nee Lauttamus)   11 Jul 1919 - 10 Apr 2006 dau of Gustav & Lydia
Junnila, John E.  1905 - 1987
Junnila, Lillian E.  1907 - 1993 wife of John

Kallio, Isaac  1 Jan 1859 - 18 Oct 1938
Kangas, A. Benhard  1920 - 1980
Kangas, Allan  1939 - 1962
Kangas, Charles William  6 Jul 1910  -  17 Feb 1913 son of A. & M.
Kangas, David  1951
Kangas, Gayle (baby)  1959
Kangas, Janet M.  1857 - 1974
Kangas, Marlene  1935 - 1948
Kangas, William  1905 - 1954
Kangas, Winnifred  1915 - 1983
Kaukinen, Robert  1923
Kautonen, David J.  1846 - 1909
Ketola, Sylvia Dagmar (nee Lauttamus)  1916 - 4 Aug 1990 dau of Gustav & Lydia
Ketola, William  1909 - 1998 hus of Sylvia
Kirvesmaki, Anna  1849 - 1913
Kirvesmaki, Matti  1850 - 1930
Kivela, Olga  1893 - 1984 wife of Nick
Kivela, Samuel  21 Aug 1969 - 17 Sep 1901
Kivela, Samuel 'Nick'  1897 - 1966
Korby, Elsie  1920 - 1987
Korby, Jack 1954 - 1973 son of Uno & Elsie
Korby, Uno  1917 - 1992
Koskela, (baby)  1916
Koskela, John Saari  1867 - 1914
Koskela, John T.  May 1891 - Feb 1958
Koskela, Susanna  Jan 1893 - Jan 1974

Laakso, Charles Kalle  23 Sep 1939
Laakso, Emil  1885 - 1957
Laakso, Hella A.  14 Mar 1885 - 14 Jan 1969
Laakso, Magna J.  1892 - 1955
Laine, Anni  1888 - 1968
Laine, Antti  1877 - 1948
Laine, Elizabeth  1880 - 1975 wife of Antti
Laine, Harley Andrew  1935  -  1993
Laine, Herbert  1935 - 1941
Laine, Ida  22 Aug 1882 - 27 Jul 1927 wife of A.
Laine, Ivar E.  1900 - 1977
Laine, Maria S.  1912 - 1989 wife of William
Laine, Tahvo  1890 - 1935
Laine, William K.  1909 - 1985
Lake, Alten E.  1921 - 1993
Lake, Charles Sr.  1901 - 1971 hus of Lily
Lake, E. A. 'Bill'  6 Feb 1925 - 
Lake, Ethel  1905 - 1984 wife of Walter
Lake, Emil R.  1910 - 1961
Lake, Lily M.  1902 - 
Lake, Rose M.  1921 - 2004 wife of Alten
Lake, Walter J.  1905 - 1975
Lauttamus, Alfred J. G.  11 Dec 1940 - 
Lauttamus, August  1884 - 1922 son of John & Sanna
Lauttamus, Doreen  1936 - 1936 dau of Tauno & Bertha (nee Mustonen)
Lauttamus, Gustav  1879 - 1958
Lauttamus, Harry  1997
Lauttamus, Janet P.  22 Sep 1941 - 
Lauttamus, John Kustaa  1845 - 1927 son of John & Maria
Lauttamus, John W.  1910 - 1957 son of August & Lydia
Lauttamus, Leonard  1907 - 1977 son of August & Lydia
Lauttamus, Lillian  1909 - 1960 wife of John
Lauttamus, Lydia (nee Vehkajarvi)  1882 - 1955 wife of August
Lauttamus, Lydia (nee Klemetsoo)  1888 - 1965
Lauttamus, Reino Alfred  29 Dec 1982 age 60 son of Gustav & Lydia
Lauttamus, Sanna Lisa (nee Isoomppi)  1840 - 1921
Lauttamus, Thelma  1937 - 1964 dau of Tauno & Bertha 
Lauttamus, Tauno John  10 Dec 1911 - 19 Jan 1989 son of Gustav & Lydia
Lauttamus, Toivo Gus  1909 - 1943 son of Gustav & Lydia
Lauttamus, Vera M.  1906 - 1989 wife of Leonard
Luhtala, Albertina  1877 - 1963 wife of Alex
Luhtala, Alex  1872 - 1948
Luhtala, Ivar  1900 - 1985
Luhtala, John  1898 - 1976
Luhtala, Mary  1990 wife of Ivar
Luoma, Lillian  1908 - 1990 wife of William
Luoma, Michael  1850 - 1932
Luoma, Ronald Garry  22 Nov 1935 age 4 wks, son of William & Lillian
Luoma, Rudolph  28 Apr 1921 son of Michael
Luoma, William R.  1908 - 1981

Mantysaari, A.
Mantysaari, Emil  1892 - 1972
Mantysaari, Jacob  16 Sep 1957 age 60
Mantysaari, Olga  1899 - 1962 wife of Emil
Mattson, Anna G.  1890 - 1983
Mattson, Eli Matthew  1912 - 1978
Mattson, Frank Sakri  1884 - 1954
Mustama, Emil  1891 - 1981 hus of Hilma
Mustama, Hilma E.  1903 - 

Nikula, Agnes (twin)
Nikula, Anna M.  1913 - 1990 wife of Arne
Nikula, Arne A.  1916 - 1975
Nikula, Hannah  1883 - 1959 wife of Waino
Nikula, Reino  1908 - 1911
Nikula, (unknown twin)
Nikula, Waino  1884 - 1947
Nordlund, John

Pasanen, Aale  1913 - 1922 son of Jalmar & Tyyne
Pasanen, Eugene (infant)  1926 son of Jalmar & Tyyne
Pasanen, Jalmar  1885 - 1942
Pasanen, Tyyne (nee Hilberg)  1892 - 1957
Perry, Lillian Ellen (nee Lauttamus)  1921 - 17 Dec 1997 dau of Gustav & Lydia
Petays, Anna Matilta  1848 - 1931 wife of Saloman
Petays, Ethel May  17 Dec 1923 - 23 Mar 1925 dau of Solomon & Lydia
Petays, Fanny S.  1891 - 1982 wife of Jalmar
Petays, Helvi E.  22 Mar 1923 - 26 Mar 2008 wife of Walter
Petays, Jalmar U.  1881 - 1974
Petays, Julia Ester  29 Oct 1909 - 24 Feb 1929 dau of Solomon & Lydia
Petays, Lillian M.  1911 - 1990
Petays, Lydia  1881 - 1971
Petays, Mary  1928 - 1989 wife of Walter
Petays, Saloman  12 Jun 1850 - 12 Mar 1928
Petays, Solomon A.  1878 - 1950
Petays, Sylvia Estelle  28 Jul 1907 - 3 Dec 1915
Petays, Walter  1914 - 1997 hus of Anna
Petays, Walter William  4 Oct 1917 - 14 Aug 1996
Potro, Peter

Rautio, Charles N.  13 Dec 1886 - 20 Apr 1957
Rautio, Dith A.  24 Apr 1872 - 1 May 1957
Rody, Krystale  1995

Salonen, Charles
Sero, Anna  1855 - 1929
Sero, Fred Leonard  2 Nov 1910 - 8 Jan 2002
Sero, Joseph  1854 - 1935
Smith-Lake, Milga Sulima  26 Jun 1915 - 15 Aug 2000
Soini, Jacob
Soini, Joseph
Sutherland, Elsie  13 Oct 1921 - 2 Nov 1944
Sutherland, Fred  5 May 1882 - 3 Jan 1945

Toth, Paul  1891 - 1917

Urzada, Marlene

Wauhkonen, A.
Wauhkonen, Wilhelmina  1845 - 1924
Wigg, Kustaa  1848 - 1930

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