St. John's Lutheran Cemetery (new)
New Finland district - Whitewood
R.M. of Willowdale # 153   NW 24-17-1 W2
GPS   50.454811°N   102.028924°W
First burial in 1896, 319 burials by 2006

Aho, Charles Arthur  1900 - 1984
Aho, Eila Maria  9 Jun 1939 - 10 Jun 1939
Aho, Eino Ilmari  1898 - 1961
Aho, Helmi Maria  1904 - 1965 wife of Walter
Aho, John  10 Sep 1869 - 16 May 1939
Aho, John Omni  1 Sep 1892 - 14 Nov 1969
Aho, Mamie Marie  10 Aug 1908 - 18 Jun 1991 wife of John
Aho, Maria  25 Feb 1870 - 14 Mar 1946
Aho, Seila Frances  4 Apr 1934 - 23 Jul 1938
Aho, Tassa Lena  1920
Aho, Walter Matias  1901 - 1968
Anderson, Martha S.  1904 - 1985 wife of Matias
Anderson, Matias J.  1892 - 1970

Bender, Elizabeth (nee Heinemann)  Feb 24, 1912 - Aug 3, 2008 dau of Gustav & Caroline (nee Hack)
Bender, Otto  hus of Elizabeth
Bennett, Bertha (nee Sippola)  1916 - 2003

Coghill, Kathleen Patricia (nee Maki)  Mar 14, 1959 - 8 Jan 2012 wife of Bruce, dau of John & Martha (nee Perasalo)

Denet, Carl John  23 May 1929 - 18 Feb 2008 hus of Elvie, son of Frank & Alma (nee Nordlund)
Denet, Elvie (nee Filpula)  1932 - 
Dorma, Edwin Arne  4 Dec 1942 - 19 Mar 2012 son of Martin & Lily
Dorma, Lily (nee Nieminen)  
Dorma, Martin Ivor  1909 - 1990

Filpula, Aarne  1920 - 1921 son of Matti & Ruusa
Filpula, Albert  1923 - 2003
Filpula, Alvena  1927 - 2002 wife of Albert
Filpula, Bertha A. S.  1912 - 1993
Filpula, 'Grandmother'  1857 - 1919
Filpula, Jofne 'Lorne' Stuart  6 Aug 1934 - 23 Mar 2006 son of Matti & Ruusa
Filpula, Julia  1914 - 1916 dau of Matti & Ruusa
Filpula, Matti  1887 - 1955
Filpula, Ruusa (nee Vehkajarvi)  1889 - 1957
Filpula, Verna E.  1940 - 1996 wife of Lorne
Filpula, Walter M.  1909 - 1981 hus of Bertha
French, Dorothy (nee Filpula)  1928 - 1988

Greening, Ester Kylliki (nee Dora) Nieminen  4 Jun 1916 - 4 Jun 2017 dau of Ivar & Elma

Haddow, Hugh C.  1939 - 1988 hus of Leila
Haddowm Leila M.  1943 - 
Hagyard, Linda  28 Sep 1903 - 26 Aug 1992 wife of Maurice
Hagyard, Maurice  28 Oct 1902 - 2 Sep 1992
Hakala, Matti  1888 - 1988
Hakala, Saima  1893 - 1970 wife of Matti
Hakala, Sulo  10 Oct 1922 - 1 Feb 2005
Hanni, Elizabeth  4 Dec 1918 age 62 wife of John
Hannuksela, Anna Liisa  1875 - 1961 wife of Mikko
Hannuksela, Maria E.  1872 - 1913
Hannuksela, Mikko  1873 - 1947
Heikkila, Laurie  1904 - 1982
Heikkila, Matilda  1907 - 1998 wife of Laurie
Heikkila, Shirley Elizabeth (baby)  9 Aug 1946
Hill, John  1 Mar 1938 age 34
Holpainen, Bernard  1918 - 2002
Holpainen, Sadiwe E.  1921 - 2003 wife of Bernard
Huhtala, Geraldine Anne  1952 - 2005 wife of Wayne
Huhtala, Jaakko  1862 - 1940
Huhtala, Jaakko  9 Apr 1891 - 22 Nov 1909
Huhtala, Jaako J. 1874 - 1948
Huhtala, Jenny E.  1881 - 1916 wife of Jaako
Huhtala, Sanna Maria  1886 - 1952
Huhtala, Wayne Stewart  1949 - 

Jarvi, Elma  1898 - 1935
Jarvi, Leonard (infant)  son of Elma
Jarvi, Jacob W.  1902 - 1976
Jarvi, Maria J.  1906 - 1991
Jarvi, Wilbert Andrew  1929 - 1930 son of Jacob & Maria
Jarviluama, (unknown)
Johnson, Anna  1893 - 1956
Johnson, Eliina  1864 - 1931
Johnson, Fanny  1897 - 1988
Johnson, Harvey  1892 - 1944
Johnson, Helmi watson  1899 - 1938
Johnson, Lempi  1897 - 1915
Johnson, Oscar  1866 - 1958

Kallio, Charles  1884 - 1929
Kallio, George Robert  1928 - 2007
Kallio, Ida Maria  1887 - 1980 wife of Oscar
Kallio, Jaakob  1855 - 1923
Kallio, John Jr.  1896 - 1960
Kallio, John Sr.  1853 - 1951
Kallio, Kalle J.  1892 - 1954
Kallio, Karl Emel  1913 age 4 weeks
Kallio, Kristina  1857 - 1939 wife of Jaakob
Kallio, Oscar  1894 - 1937
Kallio, Sanna K.  1889 - 1984
Kallio, Walter (baby)  1920
Kamppi, Elsie  1905 - 1990 wife of John
Kamppi, John  1900 - 1976
Kangas, Amanda  1883 - 1956
Kangas, Antti  1883 - 1971
Kangas, Bonnie  19 Jun 1967
Kangas, Dennis Victor  1944 - 1972
Kangas, Harold  1924 - 1975
Kangas, John  1862 - 1943
Kangas, John  23 Apr 1912 - 8 Nov 2000
Kangas, Kaisa  8 Dec 1841 - 28 Apr 1914
Kangas, Mary  1892 - 1969 wife of Antti
Kangas, Milja  13 Aug 1924 - 23 Aug 1995 wife of John
Kangas, Severus  1881 - 1962
Katajamaki, Elias  1882 - 1979
Katajamaki, Elias  1918 - 1918
Katajamaki, Elizabeth  22 Oct 1874 - 7 Apr 1943
Katajamaki, Gabriel  1904 - 1982
Katajamaki, John  12 Feb 1868 - 11 Feb 1932
Katajamaki, Lempi  1890 - 1918
Katajamaki, Liisa  1845 - 1919
Katajamaki, Manta  1895 - 1923
Katajamaki, Maria  1915 - 1917
Katajamaki, Saima Alice (nee Sippola)  1909 - 1989
Kaukinen, Hannah  1887 - 1974 wife of Tahvo
Kaukinen, Tahvo  1876 - 1958
Kaukinen, Wilhant T.  1909 - 1954
Kemp, Jagor  1867 - 1913
Kivela, (baby)  1953
Kiviharju, Arvo  1899 - 1984
Kiviharju, Tyyne  1904 - 1994 wife of Arvo
Knuttilla, Allie Aune Marie (nee Salo)  21 Jan 1918 - 17 Oct 2015 dau of Aaron & Jenny
Knuttilla, Arthur Andrew  1909 - 2003
Knuttilla, Bertha Rachel  31 Oct 1914 - 20 Feb 2006 wife of Ray
Knuttilla, Charles  1911 - 1986 hus of Allie
Knuttilla, Edna S.  1920 - 1987 wife of Walter
Knuttilla, Einar  1900 - 1965
Knuttilla, Ellen  1900 - 1969
Knuttilla, Elmer M.  1907 - 1987
Knuttilla, Emil  1914 - 1914
Knuttilla, Gabriel  1863 - 1934
Knuttilla, Gabriel  1886 - 1958
Knuttilla, Gus  1894 - 1972
Knuttilla, Hilma  1904 - 1994
Knuttilla, Ida H.  1896 - 1949 wife of John
Knuttilla, Impi M.  1909 - 1996 wife of Elmer
Knuttilla, (infant)  1936 dau of Gabriel & Ellen
Knuttilla, John  1892 - 1968
Knuttilla, Liisa  1870 - 1952
Knuttilla, Lisa  1894 - 1978
Knuttilla, Ray John  28 Jan 1914 - 18 Mar 2009
Knuttilla, Ruth  1938
Knuttilla, Walter  1916 - 1917
Knuttilla, Walter G.  1917 - 
Koski, Aino K.  1913 - 1959
Koski, Alex William  1916 - 1997
Koski, Barry G.  1952 - 1990
Koski, Matti  1894 - 1935
Koski, (unknown)  1951 dau of Aino
Koskinen, Elsie E.  1918 - 1952 wife of Uno
Koskinen, Hilma  1871 - 1945
Koskinen, John  1871 - 1929
Koskinen, Maria  1850 - 1937
Koskinen, Uno E.  1908 - 1960

Laakso, George Emil  14 Mar 1913 - 17 Oct 1989
Lammi, Lyyli Marjatta  7 Dec 1925 - 21 Sep 2008
Lauttamus, Alex E.  1913 - 1975
Lauttamus, Aili  1911 - 1911
Lauttamus, Jack  1917 - 1917
Lauttamus, Jenny  1894 - 1902
Lauttamus, Jenny  1912 - 1913
Lauttamus, John  1867 - 1924
Lauttamus, John W.  1902 - 1936
Lauttamus, Kusti  1910 - 1926
Lauttamus, Laina  1892 - 1912
Lauttamus, Maria  1871 - 1907
Lauttamus, Sanna  1876 - 1917
Lauttamus, Vieno  1910 - 1911
Lien, Louise Edna  5 Sep 1915 - 26 Feb 2000
Louma, Arnold W.  1936 - 
Louma, Ruby (nee Knuttila)  1939 - 
Luhtala, Mary  1910 - 1992
Luhtala, Ralph Walter  1962 - 1980
Luhtala, Walter  1908 - 1976
Lukkarinen, Sinikka Irja  19 May 1929 - 4 Dec 2015 dau of Lauri & Kerttu

Mackenzie, Audrey (nee Maki)  1936 - 
Makela, Aarne  1924 - 1926 son of Alexander & Maria
Makela, Alexander  1883 - 1954
Makela, Eero  1907 - 1911 son of Alexander & Maria
Makela, Maria  1878 - 1969
Makela, Reino Bernhard  1921 - 1958
Maki, Armas Hill  1901 - 1918
Maki, Arvo  1910 - 1990
Maki, Bertha Serafina (Katajamaki)  21 Apr 1914 - 9 Dec 2011 dau of Charles & Maria
Maki, Charles (Kalle)  1874 - 1953
Maki, Charles A.  1902 - 1979 hus of Ida
Maki, Charles Arthur  1909 - 1995
Maki, Donald Charles  7 Aug 1941 - 15 Jan 2017 son of Charles & Ida
Maki, Eino Henry  1916 - 1987 hus of Myra
Maki, Gus Eino  1911 - 1988
Maki, Helen  1934 - 2007
Maki, Ida Elvira  1903 - 1987
Maki, John D.  7 Jul 1948 - 7 Nov 1950 son of John & Martha
Maki, John H.  21 Nov 1912 - 13 Jan 1987
Maki, John Henry 'Harry'  21 May 1924 - 2 Jan 2010 hus of Audrienne Schentag, son of Gus & Elsie
Maki, Julia  1922 - 1925 dau of Kustaa
Maki, Lorna  1930 - 2006
Maki, Kustaa Y.  1897 - 1975
Maki, Margaret Lynn  1957
Maki, Maria  1878 - 1952 wife of Charles
Maki, Martha E.  25 May 1926 - 8 Jun 1997
Maki, Myra Miriam Niemi  1923 - 10 Nov 2002 
Maki, Patricia E.  1956 - 1979
Maki, Robert C.  1935 - 1993
Maki, Sigrid  1916 - 1924
Maki, Sylvia (baby)  1920
Matley, Eno  1918 - 1990
Matley, Sandra  7 Sep 1869 - 11 Jan 1944 wife of Victor
Mattila, Earney John  8 Sep 1922 - 16 May 2009
Mattila, Hilda M.  1893 - 1976 wife of Victor
Mattila, Margaret May  1914 - 2005
Mattila, Toivo  1912 - 1982
Mattila, Victor  1883 - 1969
Mustama, William M.  1895 - 1982
Myllymaki, Aarne  1915 - 1993
Myllymaki, Anna  20 Sep 1844 - 28 Feb 1910
Myllymaki, Bertta Ann Katarina  1908 - 1994
Myllymaki, Jacob  1877 - 1960
Myllymaki, Mikael  1946 - 1934
Myllymaki, Siiri Dagmar  25 Nov 1913 - 3 Sep 2009
Myllymaki, Susanna  1879 - 1963

Niemi, Alfred  1921 - 2006
Niemi, Edna A.  1928 - 1988
Niemi, Lyle A.  1965 - 1968 son of Alfred & Edna
Nieminen, Bernard E.  1928 - 1970
Nieminen, John O.  1914 - 1979
Nieminen, Leonard  1925 - 2002
Nieminen, Toivo Anselm  1912 - 1986, 1st hus of Ester (nee Dorma) Greening
Nieminen, William R.  1915 - 1993
Norman, Isaac  1873 - 1938

Pahkala, Alma  1912 - 1976 wife of Werner
Pahkala, Anna  1876 - 1942
Pahkala, Hugo A.  1905 - 1975
Pahkala, Ida  1881 - 1920
Pahkala, John  1874 - 1955
Pahkala, Kenneth  1930 - 1989 hus of Norma
Pahkala, Martha  1907 - 1986 wife of Hugo
Pahkala, Norma  1931 - 
Pahkala, Werner  1911 - 1980
Penttila, Aili Elenora  21 Dec 1910 - 14 Mar 1917 dau of Matti & Aina
Penttila, Aini Lembi  24 Nov 1875 - 5 Nov 1918
Penttila, Senia Sofi  13 Oct 1908 - 30 Apr 1917 dau of Matti & Aina
Penttila, Matti  1871 - 1944
Peterson, Albert P.  1906 - 1998
Peterson, H. W.  4 Jul 1973 age 50
Peterson, Harry J.  1895 - 1973
Peterson, Henry  1862 - 1942
Peterson, Josefina  1900 - 1995 wife of Harry
Peterson, Miina  1871 - 1965 wife of Henry
Peterson, Stella S.  1907 - 1999
Perasalo, Amalia  1879 - 1947 wife of John
Perasalo, Emil M.  20 Oct 1910 - 19 Apr 1992
Perasalo, Ida Eliina  1902 - 1965 wife of Walter
Perasalo, John  1882 - 1950
Perasalo, Joho Kustaa  1862 - 1931
Perasalo, Walter John  1903 - 1951
Petays, Agnes  1915 - 1992
Petays, Bernard  1916 - 1989
Petays, Brian Bernard  27 Nov 1945 - 24 Feb 2013 hus of Linda
Polvi, Alfred M.  1907 - 1991
Polvi, Alma Sopia  1899 - 1900 dau of Isaka & Lisa
Polvi, Amalia (nee Katajamal)  1900 - 1988
Polvi, Bernard  1915 - 1986
Polvi, Cecil H. 1932 - 1933
Polvi, Dorothy Mae (nee Lien)  31 May 1938 - 16 Jun 2015 wife of Arnold
Polvi, Fred C.  1921 - 2005 hus of Verna
Polvi, Isaac  1893 - 1973
Polvi, John Edward 1893 - 1973
Polvi, John Isaac  4 May 1924 - 20 Jul 2015 son of Isaac & Amalia
Polvi, Karle Walter  1901 - 1918
Polvi, Lily Kristina  1896 - 1967 wife of John
Polvi, Lisa  1871 - 1917
Polvi, Martha E.  1907 - 1984 wife of Alfred
Polvi, Mary  1898 - 1987 wife of William
Polvi, Sheila M.  1936 - 1936
Polvi, Swanii  1915 - 1992
Polvi, Verna M.  1932 - 
Polvi, Waino Anselm  1896 - 1896 son of Isaka & Lisa
Polvi, William  1895 - 1971

Rintamaki, Sanna L.  1848 - 1926
Roper, Aili Emilia  1911 - 1984
Roth, F.
Roth, (unknown)  Mar 1908  -  21 Sep 1908

Salo, Aaron  1892 - 1958
Salo, Archie A.  1931 - 1990
Salo, Harley  1934 - 2006
Salo, Jenny  1896 - 1980
Salo, Oscar J.  1873 - 1966
Salo, Roy H.  1932 - 1982
Salo, Rudolph  1926 - 2004
Salonen, Charles W.  1912 - 1977
Salonen, Anna Maria  1889 - 1944 wife of Kalle
Salonen, Jenny W.  1911 - 1999 wife of Charles
Salonen, Kalle  1879 - 1957
Sheppard, Berva (nee Maki)  18 Jul 1953 - 17 Jan 1993
Sippola, Arne A.  29 May 1985 age 65
Sippola, Hannah Wilhelmina  1916 age 32
Sippola, John  1879 - 1966
Sippola, John W.  24 May 1901 - 10 Feb 1926
Sippola, Kusti T.  1903 - 1990
Sippola, Sanna  1904 - 2002 wife of Kusti
Sippola, Wayne  1907
Strandland, Arlene E. (nee Lautamus)  1923 - 1989
Strandlund, Gustave  23 May 1980 age 57

Thurstan, Elsie (nee Laine)  1915 - 2004

Wauhkonen, Aaron E.  1892 - 1982 hus of Saima
Wauhkonen, Saima Victoria (nee Myllymaki)  24 May 1909 - 6 Apr 2012 dau of Jacob & Susanna (nee Sivula)
Wehner, Tiffany Amber  22 Mar 1995 - 6 Feb 1997 dau of Bernie & Juanita
Wilson, Anne  23 Jan 1912 - 
Wilson, Bernard  1904 - 1982 hus of Muriel
Wilson, Bessie  1915 - 1998 wife of Wilfred
Wilson, Isaac J.  1870 - 1957
Wilson, Leonard  14 May 1903 - 20 Dec 1991 hus of Anne
Wilson, Muriel Evelyn Grace  21 Feb 1907 - 28 Aug 2012
Wilson, Sofia  1874 - 1955 wife of Isaac
Wilson, Wilfred  1915 - 1997

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