Aasberg, Leonard 1918 - 1936 Aasberg, Vivian M. 1927 - 1931 Anderson, Annie 1853 - 1918 Anderson, Henry 1849 - 1918 Bachman, Joyce H. 6 Mar 1915 - 26 Sep 1917 dau of G. & P. Bachman, Pearl 1945 - 1945 Bachmann, Elsie Frances 1904 - 1987 Bachmann, Mary I. (nee Biccum) 1926 - 5 Jun 2013 dau of MacKenzie & Lily Bachmann, Pearl I. 1884 - 1963 Bachmann, Wesley Harold 14 Nov 1921 - 16 Dec 2005 son of William & Pearl Bachmann, William G. 1880 - 1966 Bartley, (infant) son of W. R. Bartley, Jessie 1883 - 1918 Bartley, Mary 1852 - 1917 Bartley, William 13 May 1914 age 53 Barton, Madeline 1915 - 1915 Bell, Betsey 1855 - 1935 Bell, Clarke 1882 - 1945 son of Betsey Bell, George Austin 30 Jun 1911 Bell, John Cleveland 1891 - 1949 Biccum, Blake C. 1924 - 1980 son of MacKenzie & Lily Biccum, Lily I. M. 1893 - 1954 Biccum, MacKenzie 1886 - 1963 Boettger, (baby) 1926 - 1926 Brethour, J. Percy 1880 - 1959 Brillon, (baby) 1918 - 1918 Brillon, Alice 1900 - 1918 Brooks, Robert 1922 - 1922 Brown, (baby) 1911 - 1911 Brown, Jessie 1889 - 1918 Burch, Thirza (nee Bartley) 15 Jan 1915 age 29 yrs 9 mos 16 days, wife of A. C_tlarski, Joseph 1851 - 1925 Caldwell, (baby) 1912 - 1912 Caldwell, Flora 1885 - 1935 Cameron, Jean A. (nee Gemmell) 1916 - 1999 Cameron, Jessie E. 1880 - 1957 Cameron, John R. 'Rory' 1877 - 1941 Cameron, Letitia 'Tish' (nee Smith) 1941 - Cameron, Roderick A. 'Roddie' 1905 - 1992 Cameron, Roderick 'Dale' 16 Oct 1938 - 15 Jun 2006 hus of Tish, son of Jean & Roddie Carlson, John 1848 - 1916 Carroll, Joyce Allison (nee Norman) 20 Jun 2012 age 53 dau of Peter & Grace Colbert, Alice 1889 - 1960 Colbert, George J. 1887 - 1960 Connelly, Lorena Helen 12 Oct 1912 age 1 yr 1 mon 2 days, dau of A. G. & M. A. Coverett, Edward 21 Jan 1971 age 70 Coverett, Sarah C. 11 Mar 1976 age 68 Crush, E. Matilda 1884 - 1969 Crush, Thomas F. 1878 - 1936 Curok, Michael 1853 - 1933 Dennis, (baby) 1923 - 1923 Dennis, John 1923 Derenicki, Nick 15 Dec 1887 - 28 Oct 1918 Detta, (baby) Detta, Julias 1911 Detta, R. Milton 15 May 1924 age 13 yrs 6 mos Downs, George 1915 - 1915 Downs, William 1850 - 1916 Duke, Joseph R. 1859 - 1940 Easterby, Darren Quinn 11 Sep 1967 - 16 Sep 1967 son of Gene & Marie Easterby, Ernest Edward 1931 - 1931 Easterby, George David 1875 - 1948 Easterby, Muriel Ann Ruth 1893 - 1953 Edwards, Bessie Lois 25 Jul 1881 - 23 Feb 1970 Edwards, John 16 Aug 1870 - 3 Jan 1964 Edwards, Charles 1842 - 1936 Edwards, Llewellyn L. 'Chum' 1906 - 1997 Edwards, Ronald Charles 17 Jan 1916 - 4 Sep 2003 Evans Jane 1877 - 1958 Evans, Bertha (nee Young) 1 May 1917 - 29 Feb 2016 dau of William & Renatta Evans, Emrys Pryse 1917 - 1996 Evans, Hugh 1871 - 1959 Evans, Sarah 1872 - 1953 Evans, Thomas 1880 - 1948 Evans, Victor 3 Sep 1911 - 4 Sep 1992 Foucks, Phyllis 1980 - 1994 Foulks, Phyllis 1931 - 1994 Fuchs, Alfred 1932 - 1933 Fuchs, Cora 1908 - 1933 Fuchs, John 1896 - 1980 Gemmell, Annie (nee Churchill) 30 May 1850 - 29 May 1920 age 70 wife of William Gemmell, Arthur 'Art' 1906 - 1995 Gemmell, Arthur Kenneth 1942 - 1983 hus of Mary Gemmell, Clinton K. 1969 - 11 Mar 2008 son of Arthur & Mary Gemmell, Emily Gertrude 1915 - 1986 Gemmell, John 1884 - 1966 Gemmell, Marchell W. 1890 - 1949 Gemmell, William 1849 - 1928 Gemmell, William James 26 Jun 1874 - 18 Dec 1934 Goddard, Mrs. 1911 Goetting, Carl 21 Sep 1862 - 20 Sep 1916 hus of Louisa Gray, Alexander 1870 - 1931 Hehir, Patrick J. 3 Jun 1967 age 64 Hennick, (baby) 1925 - 1925 Hennig, (baby) 1926 - 1926 Herriott, James 1891 - 1962 Herriott, Sarah 1900 - 1990 Hnatyszan, Annie 1845 - 1925 Howell, Catherine 1896 - 1966 Howell, Earl Milton 1930 - 1949 son of Thomas Howell, Ida Annie 1934 - 1934 dau of Thomas Howell, Thomas 1896 - 1971 Huston, Hugh 1866 - 1950 Huston, Mary Ellen 17 Mar 1865 - 13 Dec 1921 wife of Hugh Johnson, Elisa 1878 - 1958 Johnson, Fred 1874 - 1937 Johnson, Fritz 1903 - 1979 Johnson, James P. 1908 - 1993 Johnson, Phyllis J. 1942 - 1982 Johnson, Sophia M. (nee Riche) 1909 - 12 Jan 2004 dau of James & Donna Jones, Gwilym Bonner 1912 - 18 Sep 2000 son of Lewis & Anne Jones, Harold Casey 1918 - 1960 Jones, Kathleen A. 'Kitty' (nee Forsyth) Wray 3 Mar 1920 - 27 Apr 2013 dau of James & Sarah Kelbaugh, Mabel 26 Oct 1896 - 31 Dec 1996 Klein, Doris Gertrude (nee Gemmell) 6 May 1936 - 9 Jul 2014 wife of Felix, dau of Arthur & Emily Kutcher, Andrew 1891 - 1968 Kutcher, Anthony John 'Tony' 1934 - 1980 Kutcher, Henry N. 1928 - 1974 Kutcher, Jeremy Anthony 15 Jun 1996 - 25 Mar 2016 Kutcher, Rosalia 1887 - 1974 Kutcher, Rose Marie (nee Schroeder) Metz 1933 - 17 Oct 2010 dau of Andrew & Adeline Lake, Frederick Wm. 1884 - 1965 Langley, Charles 1876 - 1949 Langley, Louisa 1880 - 1912 Loft, Ivy 19?1 - 192? Luzny, Albert 1932 - Luzny, Anna 1902 - 1963 Luzny, Doreen Gay 'Dodie' 26 Aug 1961 - 19 Jul 1978 Luzny, Eddy 1923 - 1924 son of John & Michalina Luzny, Edna Ida Josephine (nee Knuttila) 23 Jan 1920 - 14 Aug 2010 dau of Gus & Lisa Luzny, Gladys 1933 - 1995 Luzny, John 1892 - 1991 Luzny, John Peter 11 Sep 1920 - 8 Nov 2007 Luzny, Mary 1916 - 1917 dau of John & Michalina Luzny, Mary 1926 - 1926 Luzny, Michael Edward 16 Aug 1919 - 15 May 2006 Luzny, Michalina 1896 - 1968 Luzny, Panko 1881 - 1971 Luzny, Pauline 1933 - 1933 Luzny, Randall 1961 - MacFarlene, (unknown) 1912 Machan, George A. 1855 - 1921 Machan, James 1888 - 1967 Machan, Margaret 1857 - 1943 Machan, Phyllis 1898 - 1995 MacKay, Agnes 1879 - 1946 Mackay, Inez M. 1915 - 1968 Mackay, Jean H. 1905 - 1976 MacKay, John McGowan 20 Apr 1908 - 5 Oct 1978 MacKay, Murdo 1869 - 1931 MacKay, Norman S. 1915 - 1977 Mackay, Wm. H. 1915 - Madsen, Axel 2 Jun 1895 - 5 Oct 1981 Madsen, Mary E. 25 Apr 1898 - 28 Oct 1974 Madson, Anne M. 1904 - 1999 Madson, Daphne Anne 1962 - 1964 Madson, Thorvald 1902 - 1987 McDougall, Allan J. 1925 - 1973 McDougall, Elsie 1893 - 1960 McDougall, James W. 1888 - 1967 McDougall, Vera 19 Nov 1921 - 20 Mar 2009 McGowan, Jean 1846 - 1932 McNally, Annie 15 Feb 1862 - 25 Jul 1933 McNally, John 1880 - 1970 McNally, Robert 7 Apr 1865 - 25 Feb 1934 Meekins, Annie Jane Oct 1875 - 10 Jul 1924 wife of J. O. Mengel, Carl J. 1948 - Mengel, John J. 1920 - 2001 Mengel, Leo P. 1922 - 1985 hus of Mary Mengel, Mary (nee Shatkoski) 30 Jun 2016 age 90 dau of John & Theresa Mengel, Pauline Pauline (nee Shatkowski) 20 Jun 1931 - 15 May 2012 Mengel, Sandra L. 1954 - 1998 Mustard, John 1887 - 1954 Mustard, May 1891 - 1954 Nevis, George 1883 - 1918 Ogle, George 1874 - 1941 O'Hare, Joseph 1872 - 1959 O'Hare, Sarah 1885 - 1935 Parker, Helen A. 9 Sep 1840 - 8 Apr 19?? Parker, Helen Ives 1840 - 1923 Parker, Charles Edwards 1842-1936 Paul, Ray H. 1922 - 1995 Paul, Ruby May 1922 - 9 Mar 2007 Paul, Stanley J. 1930 - 1996 Peel, Avis Helen (nee Edwards) 2 Oct 1903 - 28 Oct 2002 Petrowsky, Bronislawa 1885 - 1943 Petrowsky, Ewstachi 1879 - 1968 Quilty, Esther 1875 - 1969 Ramsay, Isabell 1869 - 1934 Schneider, Catherine 1850 - 1935 Schneider, Dave R. 1929 - 1990 Schneider, Earl Roy 1923 - 1934 Schneider, Edward 1848 - 1917 Schneider, Evelyn J. 1902 - 1980 Schneider, Walter A. 1893 - 1956 Schultenkamper, Rose (nee Luzny) 1917 - 13 Aug 2009 dau of John & Michalina Schultenkamper, Tony 1937 - Scott, Ellen M. 1930 - Scott, Jack J. W. 1927 - 1980 Scott, James A. 1924 - 1994 son of Jack & Maggie Scott, John Thomas 'Jack' 2 Sep 1893 - 20 Apr 1954 son of James & Margaret (nee Downs) Scott, Margaret S. 'Maggie' 1901 - 1993 Scott, Marie Jeanette (nee Caplette) 19 Jun 2012 age 77 dau of Garnet & Mary Scott, Ronald 2 Jul 2015 age 81 son of Jack & Maggie Shatkowski, Alios 1918 - 1919 son of John Shatkowski, Anton 'Tony' 1917 - 19 Aug 2003 son of John & Theresa Shatkowski, Barbara (nee Lipp) 1922 - 27 Dec 2003 dau of Michael & Helen Shatkowski, Benjamin John 25 Aug 1924 - 25 Nov 2001 Shatkowski, Carl 1913 - 1924 son of John Shatkowski, John 1885 - 1934 Shatkowski, Joseph 1915 - 1977 Shatkowski, Matilda E. 'Tillie' (nee Lanz) 1930 - 1995 Shatkowski, Regina Victoria 20 Aug 1918 - 7 Jun 2012 Shatkowski, Stanley 18 Feb 2016 age 86 hus of Margaret, son of John & Theresa Shatkowski, Theresa 1890 - 1950 Skoropad, Eugenia 1905 - 1985 Skoropad, Vasyl 'Bill' 1902 - 1990 Stankow, Nicholas 24 Nov 1915 - 21 Aug 1987 Stankow, Rose Marie 10 Jun 1921 - 12 Jan 1977 Steele, Beatrice 1890 - 1959 Steele, Fred 1885 - 1965 Stelars*, Monica 18?7 - ???? (* may be incorrect) Stelars*, Thomas 1858 - 1958 (* may be incorrect) Stewart, (baby) 1928 - 1928 Stewart, Charles 1898 - 1967 Stewart, Eva F. 1905 - 1977 Stewart, John G. 1922 - 1954 Stewart, Lawrence Bryan 21 Oct 1925 - 23 Sep 2007 son of Charles & Eva Storry (Family Headstone) Storry, Dobson 1880 - 1927 Storry, Martha 1881 - 1964 Stoyand, Donna Daisy 1913 - 1995 Stoyand, Louis 1921 - 1994 Stoyand, Peggy 1924 - Stoyand, Roy 1903 - 1946 son of Steve & Ruby Stoyand, Ruby 1883 - 1931 Stoyand, Steve 1881 - 1963 Stoyand, Victor 1927 - 2004 Stride, Edwen 1851 - 1923 Swidrowich, Helen A. 16 Nov 1923 - 18 Oct 1958 wife of Walter Szatkowski, (baby) Szatkowski, (baby) 1920 - 1920 Szatkowski, Alick 19 Sep 1905 - 27 May 1912 Szatkowski, Anton 14 Jul 1916 - 18 Jan 1917 son of J. Szatkowski, Anton 25 Dec 1898 - 27 May 1912 Szatkowski, Joseph 1889 - 1978 Szatkowski, Josephine 18 Dec 1897 - 9 Aug 1924 Szatkowski, Mary (nee Boyko) 5 Aug 1905 - 26 Nov 2003 Szatkowski, Michael 14 Jul 1916 - 1 Apr 1917 son of J. Topping, Bob 1903 - 1985 Topping, Ellen 1908 - 1979 Topping, Robert D. 1936 - 1992 Topping, Yvonne K. 1939 - Torgler, Jacob 1877 - 1954 Torgler, John 1873 - 1957 Trodden, Thomas 1878 - 1929 Trumbley, Douglas E. 1932 - 1933 Trumbley, Ellen 1858 - 1950 Trumbley, Mary 1919 - 1919 Trumbley, Robert 1856 - 1936 Trumbley, Rose 1933 - 1933 Turner, William 1905 - 1923 unknown 1 unknown 2 unknown 3 unknown 4 unknown 5 unknown, Charles Vennard, (baby) 1913 - 1913 Vennard, Ardis 1927 - 1992 Vennard, Benjamin 1858 - 1931 Vennard, Elizabeth Irene 26 Dec 1907 - 3 Apr 1921 dau of Joseph & Esther Vennard, Margaret 1868 - 1963 Vennard, Robert 1899 - 1995 Vennard, William 1906 - 1993 Waite, Rachel Ellen 4 Aug 1917 age 3 yrs 11 mos, dau of J. & M. Wall, Isabella M. 1878 - 1960 Wall, Samual 1890 - 1951 Wall, William John 1879 - 1956 Waters, Alister 7 Jul 1955 - 28 Sep 2012 son of Donald & Isobel Waters, Donald 1911 - 1985 Waters, Isobel M. (nee Young) 1915 - 31 Mar 2005 Watson, (baby) 1937 - 1937 Woodward, Harry 1850 - 1935 Yates, Edith 1889 - 1977 Yates, Frank 1933 - 1947 son of Frederick & Edith Yates, Frederick 1883 - 1948 Yates, Harry 16 May 2014 hus of Shirley, son of Frederick & Edith Young, Ernest W. 1923 - 2006 Young, Ethel E. 1902 - 1912 Young, Harold Matthew 1918 - 1960 Young, Helen (nee Harriott) 1924 - 20 Jul 2015 Young, James W. 18 Feb 1946 son of Ernest & Helen Young, Margaret Mar 1889 - Sep 1955 Young, Mark L. Apr 1881 - Apr 1973 Young, Mathew Robert 10 Nov 1910 - 3 Mar 1921 Young, Nettie E. 1925 - Young, Renatta 1897 - 1928 Young, T. P. (2nd photo) Young, Thomas P. 1921 - 2000 Young, Wade James 1846 - 1946 Young, William Sherwood 1877 - 1955
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