Fertile Valley Cemetery
Conquest district
R.M. of Fertile Valley #285   NW 12-30-10 W3
GPS   51.561608°N   107.282019°W
First burial in 1911, 779 burials by 1999

Adair, Arthur  
Adair, Mrs. Arthur  
Adair, (baby) 
Adair, Harry 'Henry' George  1920 - 5 Dec 2014 son of Thomas & Sarah   
Adair, James  
Adair, Mansel
Adair, Marian (nee Taylor)  died 25 Sep 1996 wife of Harry
Adair, Sarah  
Adair, Thomas  
Adair, Thomas  
Adair, Winona  
Allcock, Carmin  
Allcock, Ted  
Amy, Alvey  
Amy, Eileen  
Amy, Elgin R.  
Amy, Minnie  
Anderson, James Thomas  14 Aug 2009 age 95 
Anderson, Katherine  died 2008 wife of James
Anderson, Lorne  
Anderson, Robert  
Anderson, Ruth  
Anderson, S. A.  
Ankenmann, Laura  
Ankenmann, Samuel  
Annet, Mrs. A. A.  
Armstrong, Isabelle  
Armstrong, Kenneth  
Arnold, Joan Eileen (nee Gilchrist)  11 Jul 1934 - 3 Sep 2008
Arnold, William  hus of Joan
Atwood, Mrs. H.  

Balkwill, Agnes  
Balkwill, Arthur  
Balkwill, Gilbert  
Balkwill, Lillian  
Balkwill, Lilly  
Balkwill, Marilyn  
Balkwill, Roy  
Ball, Alfred  
Ball, Louise  
Barrett, Alfred  
Barrington, Alec  
Barrington, Gladys  
Bartindale, Judith  
Bartindale, Robert  
Barton, A. H. 'Birdie'  wife of Tom
Barton, Ethel May  
Barton, John Ernest  2 May 1888 - 20 Oct 1973 
Barton, Tina  
Barton, Tom  22 Dec 1918 - 28 Dec 2016
Barton, Mildred  
Bath, Percy  
Begin, Vincent  
Bell, Albert  
Bell, (baby)  
Bell, Annie  
Bell, Harry  
Bell, Noreen  
Bell, Olive  
Bell, Richard  
Bennett, (baby)  
Bennett, Alvin  
Bennett, D. K.  
Bennett, Edith  
Bennett, Rebecca  
Bennett, Richard  
Bernett, Ruby  
Bernett, Rudolph  
Betters, (baby)  
Blakley, Myrial  
Blandford, William  
Blixt, Alice  
Blixt, Arvid  
Blixt, Doris  
Blixt, Florence  
Blixt, Jonas  
Blixt, Karen Lee  1959 - 27 Jun 1965 
Blythe, Lyla V.  
Bouchard, Alfred Ernest  23 Aug 1920 - 15 Dec 2014 hus of Corky
Bouchard, Corky  
Bouchard, Judy Anne (nee Dangstrop)  2 Jun 1955 - 25 Sep 2014 wife of Marcel, dau of Marion
Bouke, A. T.  
Bouke, K. G.  
Boyde, John  
Bridgland, Adah Robinson  1963 - 1957 wife of Clark 
Bridgland, Clark B. 1852 - 1923 
Brindle, Edith  1888 - 1957
Brittnell, Ellen  
Britnell, George  
Brown, David  
Brown, Robert  
Bruke, Elsie  
Bruke, William  
Brydan, Mrs. A.  
Brydan, Robert  
Buker, Francis  
Buker, Gordon W.  
Burchim, Angus  
Burnett, Eliza  
Burnett, Frances  
Burnett, James 
Burton, Andrew  
Burton, Mrs. G. W.  
Burton, Mary Ann  
Burton, W. D.  
Byrne, William  

Cameron, Gladys  
Cameron, John  
Campbell, John  
Cavanaugh, Ernest  
Cavanaugh, George  
Cavanaugh, Lillian  
Chapman, Elsie  
Chapman, Mary  
Chapman, Rebecca  
Chapman, Whitford  
Chapman, William  
Christensen, Oluf A.  
Clark, Alice  
Clark, C. W.  
Clark, Cecil  
Clark, Elsie  
Clark, Fredrick  
Clark, Gertrude  
Clark, Gladys  
Clark, Grdon A.  
Clark, Helen  
Clark, J. F.  
Clark, Jean  
Clark, Joanne Fay  
Clark, John  
Clark, Kate  
Clark, Leato Lea Irene  
Clark, Margaret  
Clark, Mary  
Clark, Stella  
Clark, Thomas  
Clark, Thomas
Clark, Tommy    
Clark, W. Lorne Dr.  
Clark, Walter  
Clark, Wilbert  
Code, Benjamin Coulter  30 Jul 1886 - 7 Dec 1955 hus of Margaret
Code, Bernice  
Code, Donavon  
Code, Fordyce  
Code, Margaret (nee McMunn)  10 Feb 1891 - 28 Mar 1965 dau of Edward 
Cole, Anna  
Cole, Beatrice  
Cole, Bertha  
Cole, Ole  
Cole, Watson  
Cole, William  
Cone, Alfred  
Cone, Ernest  
Cone, Lulla  
Conquergood, Hazel 
Cooper, Christopher  22 Sep 1910 age 69
Cooper, Isabella  6 Aug 1916 age 73 wife of Christopher
Copeland, E.  
Corey, Mary  
Coyle, Dennis  
Cree, Annie  
Cree, William   
Crooper, Kay  
Cunningham, (baby)  
Cunningham, (baby)  
Cunningham, Charles  
Cunningham, Ellen  
Cunningham, James  
Cunningham, Wilhelmina 
Cunningham, Wilma Tate   

Dallas, (3 babies)  
Dallas, Gladys  
Dallas, John  1870 - 1951
Dallas, Lilly  
Dallas, Lloyd  
Dallas, Lyla  
Dallas, Mary  
Dallas, Mary Jane (nee Loughead)  1872 - 1959
Dallas, Merle
Dallas, Raymond  
Dallas, Wilbert  
Davis, Mary  
Deschamps, Florence  
Deschamps, J. Antonio  
Deschamps, Joseph  
Deschamps, Madeline  
Dishaw, Earl  
Dishaw, Gladys  
Dishaw, Harry  
Dishaw, Inez  
Dishaw, Joseph  
Dishaw, Ken  
Dishaw, Maria  
Dodd, Marion  
Dodd, Sidney  
Dogniez, Madeline  
Dolan, Alexander  
Dolan, (2 babies)  
Dolan, Doris  
Dolan, Jennifer  
Dolan, Leslie John  
Dolan, Margaret  
Dolan, William  
Douma, Thelma  
Dowse, Edith  
Dumaresq, Edith  
Dumaresq, Philip  
Dunmore, Fanny  
Dunmore, R. J.  

Eatock, Mary  
Edwards, May  
Edwards, Samuel  
Edwards, Samuel Jr. 
Eilers, Art  19 Dec 1914 - 24 Oct 2009 
Elder, Mrs. C. 
Elliott, (baby)  
Elliott, Bertha  
Elliott, Flossie  
Elliott, Ivan  
Elliott, J. C.  
Elliott, James A.  
Elliott, Margaret  
Elliott, W. L.  
Emmerson, Rose  
Emmerson, William  
Erwing, John  
Evans, John  

Fagen, L. (baby)  
Fearnside, (baby)  child of Margaret
Fearnside, James  
Fearnside, Jim  
Fearnside, Margaret  
Fearon, Henry  
Ferguson, Albert  
Fletcher, Fern  
Fletcher, Horace  
Fletcher, John Stanley  
Fletcher, Lisa  
Fletcher, Peggy  
Fletcher, T. (baby) 
Fletcher, William Melvin   26 Aug 2003 age 89 hus of Elva 
Forsyth, Abe  
Forsyth, Alex  
Forsyth, Pauline  
Fowler, Janet  
Fox, William  
Franken, Catherine Harriet  28 Sep 1909 age 73 
Franken, Harry Arthur  15 Nov 1880 - 15 Sep 1939 
Friesen, Edwin Albert  25 Jun 2010 age 90
Friesen, Sarah  17 Apr 2010 age 92 wife of Edwin
Fullen, Narlan M.  1921 - 1933

Gallagher, William  
Garner, Frank  
Garner, Irene Elizabeth (nee Lemon)  23 Nov 1918 - 21 Dec 2000
Gerein, Donna  
Giberson, Lowell  
Giberson, Simon  
Gibson, Mrs. S.  
Gibson, Thomas  
Gilchrist, Anne  
Gilchrist, Archibald  
Gilchrist, Christina  
Gilchrist, Duncan  
Gilchrist, Jessie  
Gilchrist, John  1874 - 18 Sep 1911
Gilchrist, John Jr.  
Gilchrist, John Sr.  
Gilchrist, Margaret  
Gilchrist, Neil  
Gilchrist, William C.  
Gilroy, J. F.  
Glendenney, (baby)  
Gorham, Celia  
Gorham, William  
Grant, A.  
Grant, Mrs. A. J.  
Grant, Bruce  
Grant, Lillian  
Gratton, (baby)  
Gratton, Bertha Jane  1896 - 1984 wife of Silas  
Gratton, Harvey  
Gratton, Silas Antoine  11 Sep 1884 - 10 Mar 1952
Gratton, Silas Lloyd  3 Sep 1912 - 21 Jan 1913
Green, Allene  2 Feb 1928 - 4 Feb 1928 
Green, Bill 
Green, Francis  
Green, George  
Green, Helen  
Green, Nellie  
Greier, Hank  
Greier, Margaret  
Greve, Clara M.  
Greve, William George  

Hainstock, Cecil  
Hallan, Bereth (nee Buret)  4 Nov 1879 - 8 Mar 1957 wife of Paul 
Hallan, Harold  
Hallan, Hazel  
Hallan, Paul Sigurd  1883 - 1951 son of Magnus & Oline
Hammond, Margaret  
Hanley, George  
Hanley, Margaret  
Hanna, G. (baby)  
Hanna, Guy  
Hanna, Helen  
Hard, (baby)  
Harrington, John Richard  11 Nov 1887 - 18 Aug 1977 son of William & Sarah 
Harrington, Rosa Mae (nee Kelly)  25 Mar 1891 - 10 Jan 1977 
Harrison, Charlie  
Harrison, George (baby)  
Harrison, Thelma  
Haviland, Cecil  
Haviland, Edith  
Haviland, Edy  
Haviland, Gladys  
Haviland, Margaret  
Haviland, Willace  
Heffel, Elsie (baby)  
Henderson, Angus  
Henderson, Arlene  
Henderson, Byron  
Henderson, Cecil  
Henderson, Colin  
Henderson, Evelyn  
Henderson, Harriet  
Henderson, J. (baby)  
Henderson, J. T.  
Henderson, John  
Holden, Ellen M.  6 Oct 1909 age 37
Holden, Janet  died 1920
Hornby, Charles  
Hornby, Charles M.  
Hornby, Ellen  
Hornby, Frank  
Hornby, Gilbert  
Hornby, Herbert R.  
Hornby, Robert  
Hornby, Thomas  
Houlden, Janet  
Howell, Ethel  
Howell, Ted  
Hudson, C.  
Hudson, Emma  
Hudson, G. 
Hudson, George  
Hudson, Richard  
Hughes, Arthur  
Hughes, Flora  
Hughes, F. William  
Hughes, Frank  
Hughes, Frederick W.  
Hughes, Margaret   
Hughs, Edward  
Hughs, Flora  
Hughs, George D.  
Hughs, Lena E.  
Humphrey, Ellen  
Humphrey, Williams  17 Jan 1845 - 6 Sep 1908 
Hunter, Jessie W.  

Irwin, (baby)  

Jenkins, William  
Jewell, William  
Johnson, Addie M. (nee Fraser)  1852 - 1907 wife of Bruce
Johnson, Adelaide (nee Clarke)  1855 - 1935, 2nd wife of Bruce
Johnson, Bruce E.  1852 - 1936  
Johnson, Grace  
Johnson, James  
Johnson, Mabel  
Johnson, Mary  
Johnson, Norman I.  
Johnson, W. R.  
Johnston, cecil  
Johnston, Ina  
Jones, Alfred  
Jones, Alvide L.  
Jones, Christopher  
Jones, David  
Jones, Florence (baby)  
Jones, Frederick H.  
Jones, George G.  
Jones, Grace V.  
Jones, Harry G.  
Jones, Jean  
Jones, Jenny A.  
Jones, Sarah May  
Jones, Vivian (baby)  
Joyes, Blaine  
Joyes, Brenda  
Joyes, Don  died 2003
Joyes, George 
Joyes, Helen Margaret (nee Sully)  9 Jan 1939 - 4 Apr 2014 dau of Cecil & Rena   
Joyes, Keith  died 1996 son of Don & Helen
Joyes, Nella  
Joyes, Norman  

Kasserman, Charles William  30 Oct 1899 - 13 Feb 1913 son of Jacob Jr.  & Emilie 
Kasserman, Emilie Auguste (nee Ewald)  26 Dec 1867 - 30 May 1919 dau of August & Dorothy (nee Magnus)
Kasserman, J.  
Kasserman, Jacob Jr.  28 Mar 1858 - 8 May 1910 son of Jacob & Gertrude (nee Baker)
Kasserman, Otto  1908 - 1920 son of Jacob Jr. & Emilie
Kelland, W. (baby)  
Kennedy, Hugh  
Kennedy, Mary L.  
Kennedy, Peter  
Kennedy, Sarah E.  
Kennedy, William A.  
Kerr, Anna  
Kerr, Annie Jane (nee Ankenmann)  1883 - 1960 wife of John
Kerr, Clarence  
Kerr, Frank  
Kerr, Isobel  
Kerr, John Philip   
Kerr, Lorne  
King, Bertha  
King, Henry  1862 - 1946
King, Margaret (nee Nisbet)  
King, Naomi (nee Seay)  dau of Courtney & Gertrude
King, Spencer  son of Henry & Margaret
Kirk, (baby)  
Kirk, (baby)  

Larocque, Esau  1888 - 1959
Larocque, Ida May (nee Skinner)  1891 - 1967 dau of Archibald & Isadora
Larocque, Ida Mary Agnes  1912 - 25 Aug 1922 dau of Esau & Ida 
Larocque, Lee Loyd  1927 - 1978 son of Esau & Ida 
Larocque, Norma Loreen (nee Schrader)  
Larocque, Peggy  
Latimer, Carl  
Latimer, James Frederick  18 Jul 1959 - 31 Dec 1960 
Latimer, William  
Lawson, Edna  
LeBlanc, Joseph A.  
Lemon, Harry  
Lemon, Hepzibah  
Lemon, Hugh 'Gig'  14 Jun 2012 age 61 
Lemon, Lena  
Lemon, May  
Lemon, Walter  
Lewis, (baby)  
Lewis, (baby)  child of Constance
Lewis, Constance   
Lewis, E. (baby)  
Lewis, Elizabeth  
Lewis, F. J.  
Lewis, Harold  
Lewis, Louisa Ann  
Lewis, Mary  
Lewis, Roy  hus of Zillah
Lewis, Tomas  
Lewis, Zillah May (nee Seay)  28 Sep 1913 - Aug 2011 dau of Courtland & Gertrude
Lockhart, Jody  
Lockhart, Thelma  
Lockwood, Charles  
Lockwood, G. Lillian  
Lockwood, Gertrude  
Lockwood, Lillian  
Lockwood, Lloyd J.  
Lockwood, R. (baby)  
Lockwood, Roy  
Logan, Christina  
Logan, William  
Logan, William  
Lorimer, Anne Jane (nee Green)  25 May 1879 - 26 Dec 1963
Lorimer, George Green  15 Mar 1908 - 4 Oct 1950 son of Joseph & Anne
Lorimer, Joseph  2 Apr 1870 - 2 Dec 1931
Lusk, Alice  

MacBean, John  
MacCaulay, Howard   
MacDonald, James  
MacLeod, John Campbell  30 Nov 1924 - 25 Jul 2000
MacRae, Donald  
Mannen, Euphemia  
Mannen, John  
Markus, John  
Martin, Ernest  
Mathison, Allen  1915 - 1915 son of Edward & Flora  
Mathison, Donald C.  8 Sep 1882 - 27 May 1961 
Mathison, Florence (baby)  
Mathison, George E.  1919 - 2003
Mathison, Helen Esther  1914 - 1915 dau of Edward & Flora
Mathison, Orvil  
Maxwell, Mary  
McAdam, Andrew  
McAdam, Bev Anne  
McAdam, Caroline  
McAdam, Cecil Raymond  18 May 1925 - 26 Nov 1991 hus of Mary Ida Larocque 
McAdam, Clarence William 'Clare'  died 2 Jan 1988 hus of Pearl 
McAdam, Courtney  
McAdam, Doris  
McAdam, Gordon  
McAdam, Isaac  
McAdam, Isaac  
McAdam, Jane Elizabeth  
McAdam, Mabel  
McAdam, Mary Ann  
McAdam, Pearl Elizabeth (nee Larocque)  11 Aug 1916 - 23 Jul 2010 dau of Esau & Ida
McAdam, Stanley M.  
McAdam, Thomas  
McAdam, William A.  
McAuley, (baby)  
McAuley, Donald  
McCoy, Audrey  
McCuaig, Donald  
McDonald, Cliff (baby)  
McDonald, Mrs. Gratton  
McDonald, John W.  died 2 Apr 1931
McDonald, Jean (baby)  
McDonald, Mrs.  died 28 Feb 1920
McDougall, Stewart  
McGilroy, R. H.  
McGilroy, S.  
McKenzie, William 
McKimmie, Katherine   
McLaughlin, Annie  
McLaughlin, Robert  
McLaughlin, Robert W.  
McLaurin, Isabella  
McLaurin, Mary  
McLaurin, Peter  
McLeay, (baby)  
McLeay, John  
McLeay, Margaret  
McLellan, Arnold  1888 - 1948
McLellan, Ethel  
McLellan, Flora May (nee Smith)  1894 - 1983 
McLeod, (baby)  
McLeod, Eva  
McLeod, Grace  
McLeod, William George  2 May 1876 - 8 Nov 1955  
McLeod, Rhainey (nee McPherson)  15 Mar 1883 - 19 May 1916 wife of William
McLure, Emma  
McLure, John  
McMillan, (baby)  
McMillan, (baby)  
McMillan, Barbara  
McMillan, Charles  
McMillan, Duncan  
McMillan, Ida (nee Sibbald)  wife of Ralph 
McMillan, James  
McMillan, Jean  
McMillan, Margaret  
McMillan, Ralph  
McMillan, William  
McMurdo, Vera  
McNamar, Rena  
McNamar, Warren  
McNamar, William  
McNaughton, Don  
McPhadden, Alexander  16 Jul 1873 - 25 Nov 1955 son of John & Mary (nee Morrison)
McPhadden, Cameron  
McPhadden, Caroline  
McPhadden, Donald John  16 Jan 1909 - 30 Nov 1973 hus of Flora, son of Alexander & Margaret  
McPhadden, Emerson  
McPhadden, Flora Mabel (nee Seay)  28 Sep 1913 - 18 Sep 1998 dau of Courtland & Gertrude
McPhadden, Keith  hus of Mary
McPhadden, Margaret D. (nee McLaurin)  28 Apr 1881 - 21 Dec 1920 dau of Donald & Catherine (nee McNab)
McPhadden, Mary Eliza (nee Porter)  1922 - 1 Dec 2014 
McPhadden, Morrison  
McPhadden, Myrtle 
McPhadden, Stanley   
McPherson, Alice  
McPherson, Cecilia  1852 - 1940
McPherson, Colin J.  1846 - 1927  
McRae, Florence  
McRae, D. (baby)  
McRae, D. (baby)  
McRae, James  
McRae, Ronnie  
Megaw, Norma R.  
Megaw, Susan  
Megaw, Thomas  
Millar, M. A. (baby)  
Milligan,  Flora  
Millions, Ganet  hus of Marie
Millions, Marie Jeanne (nee Bouchard)  8 Apr 1923 - 3 Feb 2014 dau of Joseph & Julie
Montgomery, Lillian  
Moran, (baby)  
Moran, Brian Michael  29 May 1946 - 6 Oct 2000 son of Mick & Helen
Moran, Duncan  
Moran, Helen Catherine (nee Sibald)  21 Dec 1918 - 4 Oct 2010
Moran, Maggie  
Moran, Mick  
Munton, ERnest  
Murchison, Andrew  
Murchison, (baby)  
Murchison, (baby)  child of Margaret
Murchison, John  
Murchison, Margaret  

Neff, C. (baby)
Neve, Arthur Edwin  1 Jul 1937 - 28 May 2014 son of Herbert & Ruth   
Neve, Herbert  
Nicolis, R. (baby)  
Nicolson, Donald  
Nicolson, Hamilton  
Nicolson, Lucy  
Nirkirk, Charles Marion  25 Aug 1880 - 30 May 1947 son of Henry
Nirkirk, Julia May (nee Leach)  23 Sep 1888 - 6 Oct 1926 wife of Charles
Nisbet, Charles  
Nisbet, Hazelena  
Nisbet, John  
Nisbet, Maggie  
Nisbet, Margaret  
Nisbet, Robert  
Nisbet, William  
Norman, Fanny  
North, Harry  
North, Shirley  
North, Louise  
Nye, Elizabeth  
Nye, William  

O'Neil, Arthur  
O'Neil, Melvin  
Oen, Arthur  
Oen, Emma  
Oen, Olga  
Ogilvie, Amos Edgar  
Ogilvie, (baby)  
Ogilvie, Earl Franklin  15 May 1929 - 20 Nov 2016
Ogilvie, Mary  
Ogilvie, Matthew 
Ogilvie, Mildred Irene (nee Hills)  9 Jul 1927 - 30 Jan 2011 dau of William & Ellen
Olson, Anna  
Olson, Annie  
Olson, Ebediah E.  
Olson, Engelbert  
Osborne, Agnes  
Osborne, James  
Osborne, Mary M.  
Owen, Alfred  
Owen, Mary  

Palmer, A. M.  
Palmer, John  
Peachy, Alice Edith  
Peachy, Edward L.  
Pearson, Carl  
Pearson, Elsie  
Peterson, Emily  
Pickard, Clifford Albert  28 Oct 1909 - 21 Sep 2011 hus of Gilberte, son of George & Rhoda
Pickard, Gilberte Marguerite (nee George)  18 Mar 1924 - 21 Feb 2012 dau of Edouard & Leda
Pope, John  
Porter, J. (baby)  
Porter, Lorne H.  
Porter, W. (baby)  
Prendecast, Peter  

Quine, (baby)  

Rafoss, Elsa  
Rafoss, John David  
Rafoss, Margaret  
Rafoss, Staale  
Rafoss, Willard  
Rambeck, Bert O.  
Rambeck, C. C.  
Rambeck, Clara  
Rambeck, Vern  
Ranson, Elizabeth  
Rashbrook, Alice  
Rashbrook, S. J.  
Raymes, Daniel  
Raynard, George  
Raynard, Madeline  
Read, (2 babies)
Read, Edith  
Read, Edward  
Read, Henry  
Read, Ivan  
Read, Ivy Mae  
Read, James  died 1954
Read, Lawrence  
Read, Margaret  
Read, Margaret 'Maggie' (nee Haviland)  died 1 Jul 1991 wife of James 
Read, Matthew  
Read, Milton  
Read, Robert  
Read, Robert Sr.  
Read, Stewart  
Read, Wesley  
Reddrick, C. G.  
Reid, George  
Reid, Leslie  
Reynolds, Archibald  died 1986
Reynolds, Gerald  died 1973 son of Archibald & Bernice
Reynolds, Roland A.  27 Sep 2008 age 64 hus of Helen, son of Archibald & Bernice
Rodger, Kerry Lynne Moore Rabby  1 Feb 1970 - 29 Oct 2011
Rogers, Marjorie Eleanor  2 Jun 1899 - 21 Mar 1993  
Rogers, Miles  
Rogers, Sarah  
Romer, Sophia  
Ross, Garnet  
Roulf, T.  
Rudd, Alvin  
Rudd, Eileen  
Ruhl, Mary  
Ruttle, Bill  
Ruttle, Carol  
Ruttle, Donald  
Ruttle, Isabelle  
Ruttle, John Edward  23 Feb 1933 - 26 Aug 2013 son of Bill & Isabelle
Rylesky, Michael  

Sanders, Amy  
Sanders, Edgar  
Scadden, Beatrice G.  
Scadden, Doug  
Scadden, John E.  
Scadden, Kevin
Scadden, William  
Schudwitz, Paul  died 1931/32
Schull, Frederick  
Schull, Winnifred  
Schuttleworth, Ambrose  
Schwartz, Pearl 
Seay, Alfred  
Seay, Caleb Gilbert  9 Aug 1849 - 15 Apr 1933 son of James & Jane (nee Gilbert) 
Seay, Courtland Wellington 23 Dec 1877 - 5 Aug 1970 son of Caleb & Zillah
Seay, Gertrude Beatrice  
Seay, Harold  son of Courtland & Gertrude (nee Milligan)
Seay, Mabel  
Seay, Zillah (nee Tripp)  31 Dec 1852 - 14 Sep 1952 dau of Samuel & Mary (nee Eaton)   
Selfers, Robert  
Shea, Maria 
Shuttleworth, Ambrose C.  21 May 1907 - 24 May 1968
Shuttleworth, Robert Ambrose  7 Sep 1909 age 52
Sibbald, Clint  
Sibbald, Edgar  
Sibbald, Edna  wife of Edgar
Sibbald, Ethel  
Sibbald, Harold  
Sibbald, Howard  brother to Edgar
Sibbald, Joseph 
Sibbald, Lois  
Sibbald, Mary  
Sibbald, Robert   
Silverthorn, Annie Pearl  
Silverthorn, (baby)  
Silverthorn, (baby)  
Silverthorn, Ben  
Silverthorn, Cliff  
Silverthorn, Coletta Pearl  
Silverthorn, May  
Silverthorn, Olive  
Silverthorn, Orval  
Silverthorn, Samuel  
Silverthorn, Vera   
Skaggs, Andy  
Skillingstad, (baby)
Skinner, Archibald  18 Jan 1850 - 22 Dec 1943
Skinner, Charles John  1884 - 1962 son of Archibald & Isadora
Skinner, Edena Mae (nee Johnston)  16 Apr 1885 - 20 Oct 1913 wife of Carlton L.
Skinner, Elizabeth M.  1883 - 1955 wife of Charles
Skinner, Isadora Agnes (nee Lundy)  25 Nov 1865 - 11 Jul 1935
Skinner, Walter Thomas  29 Oct 1918 age 17 yrs 6 mos, son of Archibald & Isadora 
Smith, Alice  
Smith, Archie  
Smith, Archie M.  
Smith, Cyril B.  
Smith, David  
Smith, Donald  
Smith, Douglas  son of Gordon & Mildred
Smith, Gordon  
Smith, Harold  
Smith, James  
Smith, K.  
Smith, Lloyd Watson  31 Jul 1926 - 21 Oct 2015
Smith, Lois Katherine  15 Jul 1933 - 24 Oct 2011 dau of Gordon & Mildred
Smith, Margaret  
Smith, Mildred  
Smith, Olive  
Smith, Rose  
Snider, Isaac  
Snider, Joseph  
Snider, Lawrence  
Snider, Mary Ann  
Snider, Myrta  
Snider, Olive P.  
Snider, Roy  
Stanley, Gil  
Stanley, Ernest  
Stanley, Gordon  
Stanley, Lawrence  
Stanley, Maitland  
Stanley, Martha  
Stanley, Mildred  
Stephens, Leslie  
Stephens, Shirley  
Stephenson, Kathleen B. (nee Murdoch)  13 Aug 1886 - 11 Jun 1921 
Stephenson, Stuart  
Stevens, Esther  
Stevens, F. R.  
Stevens, Helen J.  
Stevens, Mary Jane  1845 - 1936
Stevens, William D.  1845 - 1920 
Stewart, (baby)  
Stewart, Eileen  dau of Jack & Laura
Stewart, John M. 'Hank'  3 Nov 1917 - 6 Dec 2008 son of Jack & Laura
Stewart, Laura  
Stewart, Robert  
Strouts, Isabella  
Strouts, R. F.  
Sullivan, Catherine S.  
Swain, Catherine (nee Greenly)  wife of Richard 
Swain, Richard Wellington  16 Aug 1853 - 24 Apr 1930 son of Johnn & Sarah
Swain, Stuart  
Tait, Janet  
Taylor, Beatrice Viola  
Thompson, (baby)  
Thompson, (baby)  
Thompson, Brent  
Thompson, Edith  
Thompson, James  
Thompson, John  
Thompson, Nettie  
Thompson, William James 
Twidale, Fredrick A.  24 Nov 1863 - 9 Jan 1917 
Twidale, Jane  
Twidale, Robert  
Tyler, Arnold  
Tyler, Bonnie Louise  
Tyler, Clarence Lloyd  
Tyler, Frank  died 1977 hus of Myrtle
Tyler, Frederick James  
Tyler, George  
Tyler, Herbert  
Tyler, James (baby)  
Tyler, L. (baby) 
Tyler, Lillian  
Tyler, Marian Emily  
Tyler, Marion  
Tyler, Mary  
Tyler, Myrtle (nee Carlson) 17 Oct 1913 - 7 Nov 2010 dau of Severin & Italia
Tyler, Phyllis 
Tyler, Thomas  
Tyler, William J.  
Tyler, Winnifred  
Tysdal, Elmer Emery  died 3 Jun 2000 hus of Margaret, son of Orville & Hazel
Tysdal, Margaret Evelyn (nee Tyler)  27 Aug 1923 - 28 May 2003 dau of Thomas & Winnifred

Walsh, Samuel  
Watson, Monica  
Waud, (baby)  
Weir, A. J.  
Weir, (baby)  
Weir, Doris  
Weir, E. (baby)  
Weir, Elizabeth  
Weir, Frank  
Weir, Harry  
Weir, Louise M.  
Weir, Mary M.  
Weir, Norman  
Welch, John  
Weldon, Gladys  
Weldon, Sidney  
Wesley, John  
Whitely, Ellen  
Whitley, Lillian  
Whitwell, Frank  
Willis, Julia  
Willis, Robert Earl  5 Aug 1911 - 23 Apr 2012 
Wilson, Charles  
Wilson, (baby)  
Wilson, E. (baby)  
Wilson, E. (baby)  
Wilson, Edward  
Wilson, G. (baby)  
Wilson, Herbert  
Wilson, Jennie  
Wilson, Lewis  
Wilson, Mary Lee  
Wilson, Robert Henry  
Wilson, T. A.  
Wilson, William  
Wood, Ella  
Wood, John M.  
Woods, George (baby)  
Woods, William (baby)  
Wray, George Stewart Dr.  1878 - ????
Wyatt, Birdeena  
Wyatt, Edward  
Wyatt, George  
Wyatt, Laura M.  
Wyatt, Owen  

Van Der Waal, Arie  11 Dec 2002 age 86 hus of Wilhelmina Toos
Van Meir, C.  
Varty, (baby)  
Varty, Douglas  

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In this labor of love, we aspire to preserve family histories by digitally immortalizing the sacred grounds of our ancestors. Whether you seek a loved one, an ancestor, or wish to uncover a long-lost cousin, our comprehensive cemetery records might hold the key. As winter blankets these resting places in snow, our year-round cemetery headstone digitization program allows for virtual exploration worldwide.

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Warm regards, The Saskatchewan Cemetery Project Volunteer Team

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