Elm Lawn Catholic Cemetery
Lampman district

R.M. of Browning # 34   SE 9-5-6 W2
GPS   49.366047°N   102.746652°W
First burial in 1895, 121 burials by 1982

Photographed by Bev Weston
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Buller, Vivianne 
Budshka, Peter 
Butchka, Anna
Butchko, Metro  1866 - 1922  
Butchko, Thomas 
Bean, Anna 
Belanger, Marie   
Belanger, Peter  
Brasseur, Joseph  28 Feb 1906 age 38
Brasseur, Joseph  (2nd photo)
Brasseur, Marie  
Bachmeier, Isidor  son of Otto & Martha
Boire, Eugene  1879 - 1918
Boire, Jules  6 Jan 1857 - 5 Jan 1944
Boire, Zenaide 

Chiles, Melvin Taten  7 Mar 1915 - 15 Mar 1915
Cote, Adell Octavia  1889 - 1976
Cote, Alfred  1863 - 1936
Cote, Amanda 
Cote, Clarence  19?7 - 193?
Cote, Clarisse  
Cote, Ernest  1908 - 1999
Cote, Frederic
Cote, James Joseph  1874 - 1929
Cote, Lazare  7 Nov 1914 age 54 hus of Clarice Bergeron
Cote, Malvina Florina  22 Oct 1937 age 48
Cote, Omesime  1880 - 1931
Cote, Rachel  
Cunningham, Mary Ann  Feb 29, 1908 age 45
Cunningham, Mary Ann  (2nd photo)

Dame, Telesphore  26 Aug 1915 age 69 yrs 6 mos
Dame, Telesphore (2nd photo)
Dame, Thomas  1919 - 1940
Doherty, James  Leo  1895 - 1938
Doherty, James Leo  (2nd photo)
Doyle, Daniel 
Doyle, Martha 
Doyle, Mary  1878 - 1941
Doyle, Michael H.  1854 - 1944 
Doyle, Terance P.  1876 - 1927
Doyle, Thomas R.  1871 - 1939
Doyle, (unknown) 
Doyle, (unknown)  (2nd photo)
Doyle, William
Duttenhoffer, Victoria

Fieber, Mary Matlina  16 Oct 1911 - 3 Feb 1912
Fieber, Mary Matlina  (2nd photo)

Gauthier, Alphonsine 
Gauthier, Francois 
Gauthier, Henriette
Gauthier, Philip  
Gendreau, John
Gendron, Margaret
Gisi, Joseph
Gisi, Marion
Glasser, Anna  1863 - 1939
Gorman, Joseph  6 Aug 1876 - 6 Nov 1923
Gorman, Joseph  (2nd photo)

Hagel, (unknown)  wife of John
Hanreider, Anton  1884 - 1940
Honan, (infant)
Hukulak, John 
Hukulak, Paul  

Imbury, Eugenia

Kapfhamer, Robert
Kapfhamer, Theresia
Keating, Anne
Keating, Doug
Keating, Joseph D.
Keating, Owen
Keating, Thomas
Keating, Thomas J.  23 Dec 1904 age 68
Keating, Thomas Joseph  25 May 1876 - 19 Feb 1915
Keating (unknown)  
Keating (unknown)  (2nd photo)
Krieg, Elizabeth (nee Steiner)  11 May 1876 - 27 Sep 1932
Krieg, Joseph
Kubian, Anthony

Lebel, A. Delphus
Luterbach, Joan

Mack, Francis
Mack, Lawrence
Mainil, Arthur
Mainil, Flora (nee Delbauve)  12 Aug 1922 age 99 wife of A.
Martin, Catherine
McGill, George  1864 - 1941
McGilvray, Frank
Menard, Barnaby
Menard, Esther
Menard, Ludger  
Morin, Russel
Mozill, William

Nadon, Venance  2 May 1873 - 22 Sep 1939 age 66

Piermantier, Louisa
Pilon, Agnes (nee Brown)  15 Jun 1914 age 38 wife of Andrew
Pilon, Andre  
Pourbaix, Aimee Marie A. (nee Brognies)  13 Aug 1871 - 11 Apr 1924 wife of C.
Puffer, Percy  1906 - 1942

Resler, Martin L.  
Ritchotte, Victoria  died 1982
Richards, Mary Agnes  died 12 Mar 1934 dau of George & Agnes
Rivard, Anna C. 
Rivard, Edouvard
Rivard, Louise
Rivard, Marie
Rondeau, Pierre  31 Sep 1895 age 81 
Roy, Absolom  17 Nov 1908 age 49 yrs 6 mos 12 days
Roy, AbsolomSavary, Alphonse  17 Mar ????
Savary, Clarisse (nee Rondeau)  28 May 1915 age 58 wife of Joseph 
Savary, Joseph  2 Sep 1862 - 6 Oct 1925
Savary, Joseph  (2nd photo)
Servais, Archie 
Stelmastuck, Arnold
Stelmastuck, Peter
Soroko, Nicholas  Mar 7, 1940 age 39 hus of Staffie

Thieven, Mary Ann
Todd, Dora
Turgeon, Eva  1 Dec 1878 - 25 Jun 1915 wife of A.  

Ummell, Mary 
Unknown 1
Unknown 2 

Verbrugge, Henry  18 Nov 1918 age 49 hus of Leonie
Verbruyer, Harry
Verbruyer, (infant)
Veroba, Bernice 

Wanner, Daniel
Weinrauch, Joseph
Weinrauch, Matthew
Winter, Carl  

Yakimenko, Pauline  1894 - 1943

Zimmerman, Alois  
Zimmerman, Jean
Zimmerman, Raphael

(Click on photo to enlarge)

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