Aaro, Agnes K. 1919 - 1970 Aaro, Arlen Feb 8, 1954 - Apr 30, 1999 Aaro, Hans A. 1894 - 1990 Aaro, Hubert Melvin 1925 - 1989 hus of Shirley Aaro, Mabel 1900 - 1962 Aaro, Shirley L. 1930 - Adamson, Andrew 1858 - 1933 Adamson, Jessie Evelyn Mar 1930 - Sep 1930 Adamson, Sarah 1856 - 1930 wife of Andrew Albert, Jacquelene 1944 - 1983 Armstrong, Emma Beatrice Feb 18, 1911 - Oct 2, 1928 dau of Robert & Minnie Armstrong, Mary F. 1876 - 1944 Armstrong, Robert Arneson, Christian 1878 - 1966 Arneson, Ingeborg 1880 - 1972 wife of Christian Bahnman, George 1910 - 1970 hus of Susan Bahnman, John Arthur 1943 - 1967 Bahnman, Justina 'Chris' May 6, 1952 - Feb 8, 2008 Bahnman, Susan (nee Dahl) Nov 27, 1913 - Apr 27, 2008 dau of John & Anne Baker, Elsie E. 1905 - 1990 wife of James Baker, James H. 1901 - 1983 Barlow, Helen Thelma (nee Bjorgan) May 17, 1923 - Jan 27, 2012 dau of Halsten & Clara Barlow, Jane B. 1871 - 1947 Barlow, Ralph 1916 - 1995 hus of Helen, son of William & Jane Barlow, William 1868 - 1940 Bartel, Angela D. 1968 - 2004 dau of Marion Bartel, Anton 1904 - 1969 Bartel, Joseph died Jun 9, 1930 Bartel, Marion R. 1942 - 2014 Bartel, Mary 1906 - 1986 wife of Anton Bartel, William Joseph Feb 3, 1925 - May 21, 1992 Bartley, Alfred Alexander 1894 - 1967 hus of Rose Bartley, J. H. Dec 27, 1865 - Jan 4, 1943 Bartley, Rose Anne 1906 - Bartley, Sarah Ann Jul 8, 1871 - Apr 23, 1961 Beingessner, K. E. Bell, Elizabeth (nee McCallum) Jan 18, 1834 - Jan 9, 1919 wife of John Bell, John Nov 20, 1927 age 89 Bergman, Helen J. 1905 - 2005 wife of Rudolph Bergman, Rudolph J. 1906 - 1967 Berndt, Anna Gudrun 1891 - 1970 wife of William Berndt, Ernest Boyd 1920 - 1968 Berndt, H. Leonard 1922 - 1988 Berndt, Irene C. (nee McLean) 1919 - 1995 Berndt, Lawrence E. Dec 3, 1917 - Jan 20, 1978 Berndt, Wallace Richard 1922 - 1992 son of William & Anna Berndt, Walter E. 1922 - 2002 son of William & Anna Berndt, William Henry 1887 - 1973 Berry, A. died 1923 Birchard, Harvey P. May 18, 1838 - Jan 1, 1916 Bjorgan, Blanche J. 1924 - 2008 wife of Gordon Bjorgan, Gordon E. 1924 - 1983 Book, Arthur Walter 1917 - 2003 Book, Donald 1923 - 2010 hus of Lorry Book, Edna Lenore 'Nikki' 1918 - 1986 wife of Arthur Book, Gerald Ronald 1951 - 1968 Book, Lawrence W. 'Babe' 1909 - 2000 Book, Lorry 1929 - Book, Ronald Wilbur Jun 22, 1952 - Nov 17, 2015 Book, Thelma M. 'Thel' 1916 - 2004 wife of Lawrence Bourassa, Margaret Euphemia (nee Hodge) 1915 - 1956 Bowers, Edwin 1931 - 2002 Bowers, Janice 1936 - 2008 wife of Edwin Bowers, John George Oct 1, 1911 - Feb 28, 1989 hus of Lauretta Bowers, Lauretta Elizabeth (nee Schinold) Nov 19, 1912 - Jul 4, 1995 dau of George & Elizabeth Bowers, Richard L. 'Dick' 1922 - 2004 Bramble, Jason Robert May 25, 1978 - Jun 5, 1978 Briere, Kayla Lucienne Sep 23, 1987 - Brown, E. 1842 - 1927 Brown, Gordon M. Matthew Jul 3, 1983 - Mar 29, 2016 son of Sonia Sekulich Brown, Hugh N. Apr 23, 1837 - Oct 27, 1912 Brown, J. died 1929 Buckton, Ernest William died Jan 3, 1995 Busse, Darcey Lee May 6, 1961 - May 11, 2008 hus of Cindy Crow, son of Rodney & Joyce Cafferata, Charlotte M. 1918 - 2012 wife of William Cafferata, William J. 1914 - 1983 Capps, Edith A. 1908 - 1999 Capps, Liddle Hampton 1877 - 1954 Capps, Nellie 1879 - 1928 Capps, Ralph 1934 - 2007 son of Raymond & Edith Capps, Raymond C. 1899 - 1975 son of Liddle & Nellie Capps, Richard 1947 - 2010 son of Raymond & Edith Carnahan, Chancye M. 1896 - 1970 son of Joel & Hannah Carnahan, Hannah (nee Imsdahl) 1868 - 1928 Carnahan, Joel Chancey 1858 - 1921 Carr, Bessie Sep 3, 1916 age 84 Casey, Mrs. 1886 - 1921 Chernick, Adam 1904 - 1973 Chernick, Kenneth William 1953 - 2003 Chernick, Robena E. 1924 - 1989 wife of Adam Chernick, Ross Graham 1967 - 1998 Chester, Horatio Nelson 1871 - 1948 Chester, Jesse Jun 2, 1885 - Oct 18, 1946 Chesters, S. 1862 - 1946 Ciauque, Leslie (twin) Jul 30, 1916 - died age 25 days Ciauque, Wesley (twin) Jul 30, 1916 - died age 25 days Cleasby, Adella (nee Ball) Krieger Jan 31, 1859 - May 10, 1959 Cleasby, Blaine Forest 1897 - 1980 son of William & Adelia Cleasby, Elsie 1914 - 1997 wife of Blaine Coghlan, Barbara Ann 1855 - Aug 22, 1940 Coghlan, Jessie (nee Newbigging) Jan 31, 1923 age 37 yrs 2 mos 14 days Coghlan, Richard Dec 31, 1855 - Mar 13, 1928 Coghlan, Richard Edgar Jul 1, 1916 age 3 yrs 4 mos 3 days Cochlan, Robert Owen Dr. 1884 - 1981 hus of Jessie Colburn, Catherine 'Kay' (nee Kowk) Dec 26, 1916 - Dec 28, 2006 wife of Earl Colburn, Earl Everette Jul 28, 1914 - Dec 22, 1981 son of Margaret Colburn, (infant) Jan 24, 1921 - Jan 24, 1921 Colburn, Margaret Jane (nee McCaw) Aug 14, 1892 - Jan 24, 1921 Cole, Florence (nee Chester) 1889 - 1977 Cook, Elizabeth J. 1905 - 1984 Cook, J. Clifford 1904 - 1986 hus of Elizabeth Cotts, Marilyn Jean Nov 25, 1940 - Jun 17, 2000 Courtney, Harold Murray 1925 - 1966 Croft, Ernie 1889 - 1978 Croft, John E. 1886 - 1959 Croft, Margaret 1886 - 1952 wife of John Dahl, Anna 1890 - 1961 Dahl, Ernest Howard 1951 - 1971 Dahl, John 1915 - 1996 Dahl, John J. 1885 - 1958 hus of Anna Dahl, Nettie May 23, 1921 - Oct 4, 2012 dau of John & Anna Danielson, Nels 1876 - 1943 Daniluk, Harry Nov 18, 1933 - May 19, 2016 hus of Irene, son of Dennis & Julia Dann, Francis 'Frank' 1904 - 1978 Davies, Mary Myrtle (nee Ector) Nov 23, 1897 - Apr 4, 1928 Dean, C. Jeffrey 1906 - 1987 hus of Margaret Dean, Margaret J. 1907 - 2005 DeCamp, Mary Jane 1867 - 1917 Deyenberg, Elmer N. 1916 - 1990 Deyenberg, Emily A. 1924 - 2008 wife of Elmer Deyenberg, Marion E. 1909 - 1994 Deyenberg, Vansal K. 1891 - 1959 Deyenberg, William K. 1894 - 1973 Dobbin, William 1916 - 1917 Doerksen, Lillian Ruth (nee Hawthorne) 1894 - Feb 28, 1920 dau of Samuel & Syrena Dutkiewicz, Darren Carl Apr 27, 1974 - Dec 18, 2008 so of Donald & Virginia Dutkiewicz, Donald C. 'Duke' 1947 - 1996 Dyck, Doris 1922 - 1999 wife of Peter Dyck, Peter H. 1918 - 2009 Dykes, Annie 1875 - 1951 Dykes, James 1873 - 1905 Eastwood, E. died 1928 Ector, Archibald 1862 - May 11, 1930 hus of Emmaline, son of Robert & Fanny Ector, Archibald J. 1934 - 1975 Ector, Archie 1902 - Feb 18, 1951 son of Archibald & Emmaline Ector, Bertha Emmeline 190 - Mar 17, 1977 dau of of Archibald & Emmaline Ector, Bertha Eva (nee Atkinson) 1900 - 1977 dau of Joseph Ector, Bessie 1893 - 1960 Ector, Donald 1939 - Ector, Dorothy May 1936 - 1941 Ector, Emmaline 'Emma' (nee Ritchie) 1866 - 1935 dau of William & Margaret Ector, Ialean 1910 - 2005 Ector, Jo Dee 1927 - 2005 Ector, Margaret Ellen 1896 - 1946 dau of Archibald & Emmaline Ector, Maureen E. (nee Kober) 1948 - Ector, Raymond 1904 - 1976 hus of Ialean Ector, Robert Raymond Feb 6, 1904 - Jul 22, 1978 Ector, Viola 1912 - 2000 Ector, William George 1894 - Oct 13, 1954 hus of Bessie, son of Archibald & Emmaline Ector, William Ritchie Jan 12, 1943 - Jan 3, 2006 hus of Maureen, son of Archie & Viola Edelheiser, Charles 1870 - 1938 Edge, James 1885 - 1964 Edge, Laura 1892 - 1958 wife of James Ellison, Alexander Mar 18, 1866 - Mar 25, 1952 Ellison, Fanny Dec 7, 1866 - Sep 12, 1952 wife of Alexander Emblem, Edward 1855 - 1933 Emblem, Hannah 1856 - 1942 wife of Edward Emblem, W. 1882 - 1958 Evenson, Verona Philomena (nee Schinold) Mar 3, 1918 - Dec 30, 2013 dau of George & Elizabeth Fallis, Della M. 1904 - 1970 wife of Edward Fallis, Edward S. 1903 - 1970 Fallis, Irene M. Dec 16, 1878 - Aug 13, 1969 Fallis, John J. Jun 21, 1869 - Nov 14, 1930 Fallis, John Junior May 29, 1933 - Sep 1, 2012 Fallis, Marjorie I. 1925 - 1996 Fellman, Betty J. (nee Wilson) 1940 - 1998 dau of John & Myrtle Fellman, Steven Vincent 1966 - 2000 son of Betty Fellows, Olive Mabel 1898 - 1989 Fischer, George 1921 - 1921 Fischer, Helen E. Jan 4, 1916 - Apr 15, 1990 wife of Leonard Fischer, Leonard F. Mar 8, 1911 - Nov 1, 1986 Fiske, Burrel Edgar Jan 12, 1931 - Dec 30, 2005 Fiske, Donna B. 1937 - Fiske, Garry B. 1933 - 2013 hus of Donna Fiske, Vida Marie Mar 30, 1930 - Nov 16, 1998 wife of Burrel Fletcher, Marjorie K. 1917 - 2002 Friesen, Edna 1928 - 2001 wife of Irvin Friesen, Irvin 1930 - Froese, Carol (nee Kretsch) 1949 - 2004 dau of Clarence & Esther Furgeson, Hilbert C. 1918 - 1993 Furgeson, Mildred D. 1923 - 1981 wife of Hilbert Gain, Hazel Aileen 1904 - 1941 wife of Henry Gain, Henry Andrew 1895 - 1961 Gallant, Alice Marie Clayton (nee Jutras) 1910 - 1993 Gallant, Frank 1933 - 2000 Ganes, Anna R. 1890 - 1976 wife of Norman Ganes, Eileen G. 1914 - 1990 Ganes, Norman 1886 - 1968 Ganes, Norris A. 1920 - 1999 hus of Eileen Genung, Calvin David 1907 - 1969 Genung, Calvin Oscar 1882 - 1973 Genung, Ruby Loretta 1911 - 2000 German, Bernard 1918 - 2011 German, Irene 1923 - 2012 wife of Bernard German, Joanne Marie 1955 - 1976 German, Jordan Michael 1974 - 1976 son of Michael & Joanne German, Michael John 1951 - 1976 Gibbons, F. died 1927 Gibbons, R. 1890 - 1960 Grant, John 1908 - 1932 Grant, Mary 1904 - 1932 Grant, Ratchel 1902 - 1925 Grant, W. Grant, Wilfred 1891 - 1908 Grant, Willie Graver, Emma 1874 - 1960 wife of Herman Graver, Herman 1870 - 1931 Gray, Jessie 1863 - 1950 Griffin, H. Arthur 1903 - 1973 hus of Violet Griffin, Violet May 1909 - 1984 Guluck, Wilfred J. Jun 5, 1920 - Jan 7, 1921 Hagemeister, Louis Hagemeister, Lydia Hagen, Adolph 1898 - 1988 Hagen, Alfred 1922 - 2003 son of Henry & Minnie Hagen, Arne 1906 - 1976 Hagen, Austa Z. 1922 - 1925 dau of Rachel Hagen, Dennis Owen Feb 5, 1949 - Jun 26, 2013 hus of Lily, son of Leonard & Mabel Hagen, Grace 1893 - 1961 wife of Nels Hagen, Henry 1886 - 1957 Hagen, Melvin 1900 - 1966 Hagen, Minnie 1890 - 1964 wife of Henry Hagen, Nels 1894 - 1970 Hagen, Rachel 1902 - 1925 Hagen, Thelma Charlotte (nee Holmes) 1905- 1992 wife of Arne Halladay, Mable Jan 20, 1887 - Apr 5, 1920 Halladay, Ray 1920 - 1920 son of Mable Halladay, Roy 1920 - 1920 son of Mable Harland, John Richard Jan 28, 1898 - Oct 29, 1988 Harman, David E. Jul 2, 1921 - Mar 29, 1922 Harris, Annie Eleanor 1887 - 1928 wife of Newton Harris, Newton 1877 - 1935 Hastey, Thelma R. (nee Polley) 1899 - 1919 Hawthorne, Samuel 1846 - 1932 Hawthorne, Syrena 1857 - 1933 wife of Samuel Hazle, Elizabeth 1872 - 1950 Hazle, Robert 1869 - 1949 Hazle, Robert Mar 2, 1896 - Feb 23, 1986 son of Robert & Elizabeth Hedstrom, H. 1917 - 1923 Heese, Alexander 1902 - 1964 Heese, Helen 1906 - 1995 wife of Alexander Helliwell, Edward 1880 - 1963 Herll, John 1913 - 1977 Hewitt, Elizabeth C. 1861 - 1940 Hewitt, Eugene W. 1934 - 1998 Hewitt, Serena C. 1902 - 1974 Hewitt, Theodore R. 1902 - 1961 Hewitt, Walter E. 1885 - 1966 son of William & Elizabeth Hewitt, William S. 1857 - 1938 Higbie, Abram Nov 3, 1843 - Feb 11, 1927 Hodge, E. 1926 - 1928 Hodge, Jessie V. (nee Hagen) Dec 19, 1929 - Sep 4, 1998 dau of Henry & Minnie Hodge, Wm. Haig Aug 15, 1918 - Aug 2, 1981 hus of Jessie Holmes, Donald Herbert 1932 - 2010 hus of Kathryn Holmes, John H. 1880 - 1955 Holmes, John Thomas Sep 28, 1917 - Apr 20, 2001 Holmes, Joseph Albert 'Bert' 1882 - Oct 25, 1956 hus of Lulu Holmes, Kathryn Anne 1935 - Holmes, Lulu May (nee Colburn) May 11, 1887 - Oct 29, 1965 dau of Eugene & Ada Holmes, Lyle Jan 28, 1931 - Jan 28, 1931 Holmes, Margaret 1897 - 1978 Hornoi, Quinton Spencer 1945 - 2007 Houghton, Grace N. 1882 - 1968 Houghton, Kathleen I. 1924 - 2012 wife of William Houghton, Roy A. 1880 - 1941 Houghton, William D. 1912 - 1972 son of Roy & Grace Houston, James 1860 - 1929 Houston, Margaret 1862 - 1948 wife of James Hundeby, Arthur N. 1913 - 1998 Hundeby, Doris M. 1916 - 2001 wife of Arthur Hundeby, Edward H. 'Ted' 1930 - 2007 hus of Pearl Hundeby, George 1892 - 1979 Hundeby, Marie 1891 - 1970 wife of George Hundeby, Pearl C. 1929 - Hundeby, Robert G. 1925 - 2013 Hundeby, Thelma J. 1923 - 2001 wife of Robert Hunt, Eliza (nee Burns) Sep 26, 1876 - Jul 14, 1911 Jackson, Leo Isaac 1920 - 1971 Joel, A. Ellen 1919 - 2011 wife of Edwin Joel, Edwin J. 1916 - 1996 Joel, Everett Eldon 1925 - 2004 Joel, Glenn Edward Feb 14, 1940 - Aug 17, 2009 Joel, Gordon O. 1912 - 1993 Joel, Gudrun 1886 - 1972 wife of Julius Joel, Julius 1876 - 1965 Joel, Kathleen L. 1911 - 2006 wife of Thomas Joel, Marie J. 1915 - 2002 wife of Gordon Joel, Mildred Viola 1913 - 1984 Joel, Randal Douglas 1923 - 1980 Joel, Thomas A. 1910 - 1991 Jutras, Pierre 1907 - 1992 Karolat, Iris Noreen (nee Ganes) 1955 - 2015 Keith, Irene Gertrude Feb 28, 1920 - Dec 6, 1930 Kelly, Celia B. 1863 - 1937 wife of James Kelly, James 1853 - 1933 Kelly, Sarah 1863 - 1946 Kelly, T. Harold 1900 - 1976 son of Thomas & Sarah Kelly, Thomas A. 1855 - 1939 King, Jason D. 1976 - 1994 Knutson, Bernice Louise Sep 15, 1919 - Jul 28, 2010 wife of Gerhard Knutson, Bjarne 1922 - 1977 Knutson, Edward 1932 - 1981 Knutson, Elmer 1919 - 2010 Knutson, Gerhard 'Gay' 1920 - 2003 Knutson, Greta 1895 - 1965 wife of Kaspar Knutson, Kaspar 1891 - 1984 Knutson, Lindon Bjarne 1951 - 1977 son of Bjarne & Olive Knutson, Olive Marie 1921 - 2005 Kobe, D. (infant) died 1937 Kobe, Reuben V. Feb 23, 1915 - Oct 22, 1915 Kobe, Roy died Nov 9, 1913 Kobe, (infant) died 1938 Kober, Ada 1922 - Kober, F. Kober, John 1917 - 2001 hus of Ada Kohnke, (baby) Aug 6 - Oct 1 son of Henry F. & Nellie Korlak, Theodorus 'Fred' 1888 - 1971 Kozak, Agatha 1917 - 1968 wife of Nick Kozak, Nick 1901 - 1984 Kramer, Walter Fred Dec 7, 1900 - Oct 29, 1919 Kretsch, Allan David 1928 - 1981 Kretsch, Beatrice F. A. 1925 - 1964 Kretsch, Bernadette 1937 - 1937 Kretsch, Clarence J. 1916 - 2008 Kretsch, Cyril Anthony Nov 21, 1918 - Feb 14, 1991 Kretsch, Diana Joy (nee McLean) 1960 - 1992 Kretsch, Esther L. 1922 - 1989 wife of Clarence Kretsch, Florence A. May 17, 1895 - Aug 27, 1991 wife of Peter Kretsch, Leonard W. 1927 - 2013 hus of Doreen J. Kretsch, Mervyn Francis Aug 3, 1922 - Jul 14, 1995 Kretsch, Peter Sep 7, 1891 - Sep 25, 1972 Kretsch, Raymond Peter 1920 - 1975 Kroeker, L. (infant) died 1965 Kroetsch, Joseph Mar 2, 1919 age 35 yrs 3 mos Krogan, Agnes E. 1908 - 1993 wife of John Krogan, Florence Marion (nee Beaton) Busch Dec 22, 1928 - Jan 24, 2010 dau of James & Annie Krogan, John 1889 - 1973 Krogan, Robert L. Nov 8, 1930 - Apr 21, 1990 hus of Florence Krywy, Jacob Dec 22, 1925 - Mar 22, 1985 Laird, Gregory Alexander 1958 - 1989 son of Murray & Laverne Laird, Laverne 1925 - 2005 Laird, Murray A. 1924 - Nov 29, 2004 Lawrence, J. 1885 - 1959 Lawrence, Mary 1887 - 1939 Lemke, Robert William 'Bob' Nov 20, 1937 - May 20, 2013 Lemon, D. Harry 1893 - 1977 hus of Gladys Lemon, Gladys H. E. 1902 - 1987 Lennox, Catherine 1890 - 1963 Lennox, Robert Dec 6, 1928 age 42 Lennox, William 1876 - 1954 Lobie, A. H. 1844 - 1923 Lobie, J. H. 1858 - 1938 Locke, D. 1943 - 1945 Lockhart, Norman P. Nov 28, 1936 - Nov 15, 1998 Loewen, Henry D. 1921 - 2003 Loewen, Mimi 1925 - 1999 wife of Henry Long, Vera J. (nee Kelly) 1889 - 1947 dau of Thomas & Sarah Long, William Francis 1884 - 1965 hus of Vera Low, Jim 1937 - 1990 Low, Ron 1936 - 2010 Low, Stanley Kenneth died 1949 age 13 Low, Walter died Jun 24, 1968 age 63 Low, Winnifred E. 1909 - 1995 MacLeod, J. 1893 - 1918 MacLeod, John A. Aug 16, 1918 age 25 MacPherson, Florence E. Jan 17, 1914 - Aug 17, 1918 Main, Laurie Dec 21, 1885 - Aug 19, 1916 Marks, Catherine Elizabeth 1879 - 1964 Marks, Francis Charles 'Sandy' Feb 5, 1920 - Mar 22, 2008 hus of Louise Irving, son of James & Katherine Marks, H. W. 1870 - 1944 Marks, J. M. 1876 - 1945 Martens, Agatha Louise (nee Martens) 1915 - Sep 25, 2000 dau of Jacob & Nettie Martens, Peter J. 1914 - 2014 Martens, Wally P. 1943 - 2008 son of Peter & Agatha McCauley, Frederick 1897 - 1991 McCauley, George Thomas 1928 - 1989 McCauley, Margaret Florence Jul 1923 - Jun 1924 dau of Frederick & Nellie McCauley, Nellie 1904 - 1991 McConnell, Robert L. 1923 - 2000 McFarlane, David 1875 - 1927 McFarlane, Doris 1920 - 2013 wife of James McFarlane, Helen 1881 - 1966 wife of David McFarlane, James 'J. D.' 1911 - 2005 McFarlane, John 1878 - 1946 McIntosh, J. W. 1870 - 1938 McLean, Elva (nee Babb) Jan 8, 1912 age 28 yrs 6 mos 5 days, wife of Lloyd McLean, James D. 1882 - 1918 McLean, Lloyd C. 1884 - 1953 McLean, Rachel 1889 - 1969 McLean, Velda Gayle (nee Fraser) Dec 1, 1936 - Sep 17, 2013 wife of Dalton, dau of Gladys McLeod, Flora (nee McDonald) 1858 - 1927 McMillan, Donald 1885 - 1938 McMillan, Elvin Donald Dec 31, 1910 - Mar 27, 1912 McMillan, Francis 1919 - 1945 dau of Donald & Jessie McMillan, Jessie 1890 - 1957 McTavish, Graham Allan Feb 14, 1958 - Feb 16, 1958 McTavish, John Raymond 1933 - 2011 Medby, George Kristen 1897 - 1971 Middagh, Ettie May (nee Snowdy) Mar 20, 1880 - Aug 23, 1908 wife of James H. Middagh, Hugh G. 1905 - 1989 Middagh, Izetta (baby) died May 3, 1911 dau of James H. & Izetta Middagh, Izetta (nee Reanza) Nov 3, 1914 age 23 Middagh, Joseph A. 1844 - 1930 Middagh, Mac Sep 8, 1903 - Sep 2, 1905 Middagh, William J. C. 1902 - 1928 Midgley, Ross 1851 - 1928 Milhausen, (unknown) Miller, Edna S. 1878 - 1955 wife of John Miller, Emma 1895 - 1957 wife of Fred Miller, Fred 1893 - 1987 Miller, J. (infant) died 1934 Miller, John H. Nov 17, 1918 age 41 yrs 7 mos Miller, M. Muriel 1912 - 1989 Mills, John M. 1886 - 1958 Minielly, A. 1871 - 1937 Monich, Bernice M. 1929 - 2015 wife of Norman Monich, Norman W. 1941 - Monkhouse, Robertta Mae Nov 26, 1929 - Dec 16, 2013 Moore, Mary died 1929 Moulds, Stuart 1899 - 1918 Mueller, Barbara 1870 - 1933 Murray, Edith May 1882 - 1914 Nelson, Guy Wilfred 1910 - 1971 Nelson, Jessie 'Vera' (nee Cole) May 24, 1922 - Oct 24, 1999 dau of Florence Nelson, John Edwin 1913 - 1979 Neufeld, Albert Nov 20, 1916 - Jun 30, 1992 Nichols, Euphema Jane 1876 - 1918 Nielsen, John 1879 - 1968 O'Brien, Charles 1885 - 1961 O'Brien, Florene Dec 18, 1932 - Jul 21, 1982 O'Brien, Nora 1895 - 1961 wife of Charles O'Brien, Thomas C. 1924 - 1987 Olson, Nels 1888 - 1956 Olynuk, William 1929 - 2005 Osborne, Agnes (nee McAusland) Aug 12, 1836 - Jun 26, 1922 Oxendale, J. 1860 - 1920 Parr, Thomas 1872 - 1960 Pederson, Marjory Mae (nee Ector) Jun 26, 1922 - Mar 26, 2013 dau of William Pederson, Sverre 1913 - 1994 hus of Marjory Penner, Abraham W. 1902 - 1992 Penner, Elizabeth 1896 - 1956 wife of Henry Penner, Elizabeth 1909 - 1967 wife of Abraham Penner, Henry C. 1894 - 1980 Perry, Ryan S. Mar 11, 1981 - Apr 3, 1981 Pfeffer, Edna Katherine 'Pat' 1910 - 1995 Pfeffer, Elden 1905 - 1990 Pfeffer, Emma E. 1897 - 1988 wife of Henry Pfeffer, Henry J. 1896 - 1975 Pfeffer, Herman F. 1894 - 1926 Pfeffer, Tillie 1905 - 1991 wife of Elden Pfeffer, William 1884 - 1963 Pfeffer, William Henry 1892 - 1966 Pile, Alfred 1890 - 1976 Pile, Alfreda Hope 1936 - 1972 dau of Alfred & Jeannette Pile, Edward 1882 - 1979 Pile, M. Jeannette 1903 - 1993 Pomeroy, Allan C. 1916 - 1993 Porter, Eleanor Isabell Jun 16, 1921 - Jan 24, 1922 Porterfield, Beryl Mary 1905 - 1998 Porterfield, Sloan Sydney 1902 - 1972 Redshaw, Mary 1928 - 2008 Reynolds, William 1916 - 1923 Rush, M. 1904 - 1913 Sawatsky, Alice 1923 - 2008 wife of John Sawatsky, John 1915 - 1993 Schinold, Beulah 'Bea' (nee Murrell) Aug 24, 1926 - Schinold, Elizabeth Blanche 'Lizzie' (nee Bichel) Nov 19, 1882 - Aug 4, 1971 Schinold, George Ignatius Jul 29, 1883 - Dec 9, 1957 hus of Elizabeth Schinold, George Wendel Dec 6, 1923 - Apr 22, 2003 hus of Beulah Schinold, Irene Magdalena Aug 14, 1907 - Jan 16, 1947 dau of George & Elizabeth Schinold, John Joseph Feb 25, 1930 - Feb 15, 2000 hus of Loreen, son of Joseph & Olga Schinold, Joseph Frank Mar 29, 1886 - Aug 27, 1966 Schinold, Loreen 'Lorraine' (nee Penner) Sep 15, 1932 - Schinold, Magdalena (nee Diehl) Apr 27, 1864 - May 22, 1929 dau of Jean & Anne Schinold, Olga Philomena (nee Stockman) Apr 3, 1896 - Sep 29, 1971 Schinold, Wendel John Feb 2, 1914 - May 6, 1979 son of George & Elizabeth Schinold, Wendelin Wilhelm 1854 - 1939 hus of Magdalena Schmitt, Ludwig 1868 - 1937 Schram, Alvin Dec 8, 1871 - Apr 6, 1920 Schulties, Walter W. Jul 23, 1931 - Jun 9, 1933 Seits, E. died 1913 Sekulich, Mary C. 1915 - 1991 wife of Matthew Sekulich, Matthew J. 1911 - 1988 Shaver, Thomas died 1934 Sitavanc, Margaret Rose 1938 - 2008 Skeard, Marjorie Susan 1912 - Oct 2, 2007 wife of Thomas Skeard, Thomas 1904 - 1959 Smith, Howard 1925 - 2000 Smith, Margaret (nee Shinler) Jun 17, 1914 age 44 wife of John Sogge, Garth L. Apr 1962 - Jun 1962 Sogge, Jodi Feb 1964 - Feb 1964 Sogge, Stanley V. R. Jul 16, 1928 - May 28, 2000 son of Thorolf & Ella Soggie, Ella A. 1902 - 1973 Soggie, Thorolf 1896 - 1963 Styner, C. 1862 - 1929 Styner, Clarence J. Jul 28, 1893 - Jan 22, 1919 Taylor, Ernest 1911 - 1988 Taylor, Gladys June 1920 - 2010 Taylor, June Karen 1941 - 2003 dau of Ernest & Gladys Taylor, Lorri Kim 1959 - Sep 9, 2005 dau of Ernest & Gladys Thompson, A. 1881 - 1931 Thurber, Bill 1912 - 1991 son of Guy & Nina Thurber, Charles Floyd Jun 12, 1908 - Jan 4, 1985 Thurber, Guy J. Nov 12, 1913 age 41 Thurber, Margaret Jean Aug 28, 1916 - Oct 25, 2013 wife of Charles Thurber, Nina Adeline (nee Quarters) Jul 26, 1876 - Jul 8, 1945 Thurber, Ruth E. 1916 - 1996 wife of Bill Trickie, Alexander Jul 8, 1917 age 38 Trickie, (unknown) Trickie, (unknown) Vallevand, Betty-Jean May 14, 1936 - May 17, 2016 wife of Vern Vallevand, John Melvin 1902 - 1966 Vallevand, Shawn Trevor Feb 4, 1960 - Mar 28, 2006 Vallevand, Signe 1907 - 2003 Vallevand, Vern Feb 12, 1931 - Dec 16, 2015 Vasey, R. 1899 - 1919 Wankel, Ethel May (nee Ector) 1909 - Jun 9, 1992 dau of Archibald & Emmaline Wankel, Millan J. 1897 - 1960 hus of Ethel Wankel, Robert Manly 'Bob' Jan 19, 1938 - Oct 22, 2015 Warrilow, Elgin 1888 - 1969 Warrilow, Sadie V. Sep 1, 1938 age 48 wife of Elgin Webster, Alma A. 1920 - 2007 Webster, John Richard 1927 - 1927 Webster, M. Florence 1888 - 1977 wife of Robert Webster, Margaret E. Feb 26, 1917 - Jan 17, 2000 Webster, Robert 1881 - 1969 Webster, W. Lewis Apr 4, 1910 - Apr 7, 2007 hus of Margaret Weir, Janet (nee Bell) Apr 17, 1869 - Aug 7, 1954 Weller, Carrie 1882 - 1914 Weller, Edith May (infant) died Mar 25, 1909 dau of H. C. & Carrie Weller, George Gilbert (infant) died Dec 20, 1910 son of H. C. & Carrie Weller, James died age 9 mos, son of H. C. & Carrie Weller, Mabel died age 2 dau of H. C. & Carrie Wickham, Eric 1933 - 2010 Wilhelmson, Brita 1880 - 1964 Wilhelmson, Wilhelm 'Bert' 1888 - 1970 Wilkos, (unknown) died 1941 Willis, Ross 1928 - 2008 Wilson, Florence A. 1858 - 1941 Wilson, John Black 1905 - 1957 Wilson, John Robert 1946 - 1988 son of John & Myrtle Wilson, Myrtle Ione (nee Nichols) Jul 5, 1914 - Apr 27, 2004 Wren, Leonard 1870 - 1951 Wright, Mary J. Feb 27, 1935 age 85 wife of Thomas Wright, Thomas Jun 20, 1911 age 69 Wynn, Charles Latham Wynn, Maria Christine 10 other unidentified gravesites
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