Anaka, William Jun 13, 1943 - Dec 24, 1943 Andrusiak, Anna 1914 - 1915 Andrusiak, George 1871 - 1960 Andrusiak, John 1912 - 2003 Andrusiak, Katherine 1921 - 1996 wife of John Armstrong, Mary (nee Rokochy) 1921 - 2004 dau of Metro & Aksana Buzinski, John 1892 - 1933 Buzinski, Mary 1920 - 1959 Char, Wawrine Mar 1932 age 86 Chaykoski, Emma Apr 5, 1915 - Jul 22, 2011 wife of George Chaykoski, George 1891 - 1959 Chicosky, Mike Sep 24, 1929 - May 16, 2000 Chorney, Angeline 1867 - 1933 Chorney, Annie 1882 - 1978 Chorney, Annie 1908 - 1908 dau of Nickoli & Mary (nee Dvernichuk) Chorney, Carmen Dale Feb 18, 1952 - Apr 1, 1952 son of Alex & Emily Chorney, Domna 1910 - 1924 Chorney, Elaz 1867 - 1955 Chorney, Katerena 1875 - 1955 Chorney, (unknown) 1871 - 1945 Danyluk, Alexander 1875 - 1929 Danyluk, Irene 1877 - 1952 wife of Alexander Danyluk, Sandy died 1927 Danyluk, Stephan died 1934 Daviduik, Dymetro died 1937 son of Dymetro & Sophie Daviduik, Savela Apr 4, 1942 - Apr 5, 1942 dau of Dymetro & Sophie Dvernichuk, Alex 1907 - 1955 Dvernichuk, Irene (nee Polonich) 1899 - 1935 wife of Nickolai Dvernichuk, John 1880 - 1951 Dvernichuk, Mary Jul 21, 1890 - Sep 21, 1978 wife of Wasyl Dvernichuk, Miles 1959 - Feb 7, 2015 Dvernichuk, Rose 1920 - 1920 Dvernichuk, Wasyl Sep 8, 1874 - Jan 22, 1949 Elynuick, Dora May 4, 1891 - Nov 6, 1965 Elynuick, John Jan 19, 1888 - Dec 22, 1968 Elynuik, Alex 1917 - 1989 Elynuik, Anna 1925 - 1941 Elynuik, Mary 1922 - 2005 wife of Alex Elynuik, Metro died 1918 Elynuik, Nick 1925 - 1976 Fedoriuk, Mary 1916 - 2001 wife of Wasyl Fedoriuk, Wasyl 1909 - 1982 Feniuck, Harry 1895 - 1957 Feniuck, Jennie 1902 - 1989 Fosti, Elizabeth 1896 - 1989 wife of Nick Fosti, Nick 1888 - 1962 Hluckman, Nikola 1920 - 1942 Homeniuk, Gregory 1826 - 1919 Homeniuk, Paraska 1828 - 1926 Kaban, Alex 1922 - 1949 Kaban, Anna 1918 - 2005 wife of Roy Kaban, Gerald Terry Feb 5, 1959 age 16 mos Kaban, Roy 1914 - 1997 Kaban, Steven Randall Apr 7, 1957 - Jan 26, 1977 son of William & Margaret Kitzul, Frozina 1918 - 1925 Kitzul, Jake 1874 - 1962 Kitzul, John 1872 - 1941 Kitzul, Kalyna 1882 - 1952 Kitzul, Katherine 1881 - 1957 Kitzul, Marushia 1810 - 1923 Kitzul, Petro 'Peter' 1906 - 1951 Kitzul, Wasyl 1903 - 1906 Korolyk, Simon 1868 - 1947 Kostichuk, Matey 1863 - 1921 Kowalchuk, Katie (nee Dvernichuk) Jan 1, 1920 - May 10, 1974 wife of Wasyl, dau of Nickolai & Irene Kowalchuk, Lily 1904 - 1948 wife of Nick Kowalchuk, Nick W. 1896 - 1977 Kowalchuk, Violet Fay Sep 21, 1937 - Feb 13, 1939 dau of Matt & Lena (nee Chorney) Kowalchuk, Wasyl 'Bill' Feb 12, 1913 - Jan 20, 1993 son of Harry & Gafica (nee Ostapowich) Kozak, Nactacia Jul 1880 - Oct 1936 Kushniruk, (infant) 1913 - 1913 Kuyek, Katerina 1904 - 1967 wife of Todor Kuyek, Mike Oct 6, 1895 - Jul 22, 1962 Kuyek, Rosie Apr 5, 1900 - Oct 11, 1974 wife of Mike Kuyek, Todor 1889 - 1937 Martinuik, Eugene 1940 - 1943 son of Wasyl & Mary Maximuik, Annie 1923 - 1937 Maximuik, John 1917 - 1934 Maximuik, Metro 1886 - 1925 Michaluk, John 1907 - 1938 Onifreychuk, John 1892 - 1931 Onofrichuk, Mary 1920 - 1924 Osachuk, Dymetro died 1918 Ostapowich, Alex 1887 - 1957 Ostapowich, Bill H. 1917 - 1971 Ostapowich, Elash 1872 - 1941 Ostapowich, Gafica 1897 - 1990 Ostapowich, Jean (infant) died 1920 Ostapowich, John son of Alex & Gafica Ostapowich, John W. 1907 - 1985 son of Wasyl & Wasylina Ostapowich, Katie 1898 - 1918 Ostapowich, Katrina 1911 - 1911 Ostapowich, Lena dau of Alex & Gafica Ostapowich, Maria died 1917 Ostapowich, Maria 1921 - 1927 Ostapowich, Mary dau of Alex & Gafica Ostapowich, Mary 1907 - 1987 wife of John Ostapowich, Matt (infant) died 1920 Ostapowich, Metro 1916 - Ostapowich, Metro (infant) died 1913 Ostapowich, Nick son of Alex & Gafica Ostapowich, Peter 1922 - 1924 Ostapowich, Vaselena died 1952 Ostapowich, Vaselena 1923 - Oct 4, 1923 Ostapowich, Wasyl Jan 16, 1917 - Dec 28, 1999 Ostapowich, Wasyl 1858 - 1928 Ostapowich, Wasylina (nee Stadnyk) 1866 - 1952 wife of Wasyl Polonich, Dymetro 1922 - 1922 son of John & Mary Polonich, John died 1926 Polonich, Nikoli 1872 - 1921 Polonich, Vaselena 1873 - 1922 Rogoza, Dmytro Mike 1920 - 1999 Rogoza, Domka 1876 - 1948 Rogoza, Dora Domnica 1892 - 1966 wife of Wasyl Rogoza, Timofee 1871 - 1940 Rogoza, Wasyl 1884 - 1940 Rokochy, Agafia 1866 - 1907 Rokochy, Aksana (nee Ostapowich) 1897 - 1994 dau of Wasyl & Wasylina Rokochy, (infant) 1922 - 1923 Rokochy, Katrina died 1917 Rokochy, Maria died 1916 Rokochy, Metro 1890 - 1947 Rokochy, Metro died 1919 Rokochy, Oksana died 1913 Rokochy, Steve 1927 - 2008 son of Metro & Aksana Samotis, Mike 1927 - 2008 Shewchuk, (child) 1910 - 1914 Shewchuk, Shirley Jan 8, 1946 - Jan 30, 1946 dau of John & Katie Shewchuk, Vaselka (nee Kostichuk) 1889 - 1949 dau of Matey Shpak, Anna 1872 - 1958 wife of Max Shpak, Jennie Aug 1907 - Aug 1912 Shpak, Max 1868 - 1942 Skyhar, Nick 1896 - 1945 Stacheruk, (unknown) died 1913 Stacheruk, Alex 1885 - 1967 Stacheruk, Anna died Apr 27, 1947 Stacheruk, N. died 1919 Stacheruk, Rose Jan 29, 1921 - Sep 7, 1997 Stacheruk, Steve Jan 7, 1921 - Feb 7, 2009 Stadnyk, Maria 1846 - 1924 Streelasky, Evan 1867 - 1936 Streelasky, Mary (nee Sebulsky) 1915 - 2007 wife of Mike Streelasky, Mike 1914 - 1958 son of Evan & Todosia Streelasky, Todosia 1876 - 1938 Temoshawski, Alex 1874 - 1924 Temoshawski, Bill 1906 - 1936 Temoshawski, Paraska 1876 - 1952 Temoshawski, Steve 1922 - 1980 Temoshawsky, Katie 1912 - 2001 wife of Maxie Temoshawsky, Maxie 1898 - 1977 Tomoshawski, Elena died 1905 Waselowich, Lily (nee Rokochy) 1920 - 1979 dau of Metro & Aksana Wesznuik, Nastasia 1871 - 1945 Wygony, Wasyl 1903 - 1974 Yanchuk, Wasyl died 1919 Zadororniak, George Jan 8, 1946 - Dec 17, 1948 Zadorozniak, Elmer Mar 27, 1944 - Dec 17, 1948 Zadorozniak, Evlyne Apr 15, 1936 - May 27, 1954 Zadorozniak, John Zadorozniak, Sanhiera 1867 - 1927 Zelizney, Anna 1899 - 1966 Zelizney, George 1895 - 1975 Zelizney, Rosie 1925 - 1949 Zelizney, Wasil died age 4 mos
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