East Mount Cemetery
Strasbourg district

R.M. of Longlaketon # 219   SE 4-25-20 W2
GPS   51.09583°N   104.74030°W
First burial in 1905, 89 burials by 1994< br />
Compiled by Ron Isherwood October 27, 2006
(Updated January 9, 2009 with the assistance of Roy E. Erickson)
Photographed by Ron Isherwood & Kim Oscienny August 28, 2011

Ayer, Edna M. (nee Jonson)  1916 - 1998 dau of Erik & Sara
Ayer, Theodore J.  1896 - 1978

Berkan, Elmer Albert  2 Feb 1924 - 21 Nov 2008 son of Fred & Martha
Berkan, Irene I. (nee Lofgren)  24 Jun 1926 - 15 Jun 1976
Branstrom, Mrs. & her baby

Carroll, Everett  1876 - 1962 hus of Sarah
Carroll, Sarah H. (nee Bamford)  1871 - 1971 sister of Annie Bamford

Danielson, Anna  1916 - 1965
Danielson, Caroline  1892 - 1968
Danielson, Daniel  1885 - 1960
Danielson, Lillian J.  5 Oct 1915 - 23 Aug 1998
Danielson, Lydia M.  3 Dec 1883 - 11 Apr 1958
Dynna, Glen H.  1951 - 2009

Entner, (baby)
Entner, Caroline  13 Nov 1946 - 19 Jun 1947
Entner, Charles F.  1875 - 1935
Entner, Earlene (baby)  1942 dau of Earl
Entner, Ida  1874 - 1964
Entner, Sylvia (baby)
Erickson, Augusta (nee Hey)  1906 - 18 Dec 2001
Erickson, Charlotte  1861 - 1941
Erickson, Ephraim E.  1899 - 1996 son of Hans & Charlotte
Erickson, Hans  1864 - 1932
Erickson, Marguerite L. (nee Magnusson)  1934 - 1998
Erickson, Marguerite & Roy  (2nd photo)
Erickson, Roy E.  1934 -             son of Ephraim & Augusta
Erickson, Rudolf  1904 - 1905
Everett, George F.  1909 - 1984
Everett, George Niel  1 Apr 1932 - 20 May 1932
Everet, Mrs. J. C.  8 Jun 1935
Everett, Jennie L.  21 Jun 1911 - 6 May 2008 wife of George
Everett, Lindon Mahlon  2 Oct 1911 - 21 Mar 1927

Forsman, Carrie E.  1898 - 1952
Forsman, Ernest B.  1902 - 1987
Forsman, Gustav  1865 - 1940
Forsman, Hannah  1865 - 1961
Forsman, Harry A.  1888 - 1907
Forsman, Lloyd A.  1924 - 1925
Forsman, M. Isabella  1904 - 1989
Forsman, Roy G.  1892 - 1958
Forsman, Ruth  1907 - 1916
Forsman, Willard M.  1916 - 1929
Fraser, Edward  14 Feb 1935 - 28 Mar 2007 son of Carrie
Fraser, Syster Karine 'Carrie' (nee Danielson)  29 Jun 1913 - 16 Oct 2007 dau of Dan
Fuller, Lillian Rose (nee Wright)  1948 - 1996
Fuller, Mary  1926 -
Fuller, Vic  1918 - 1994

Giebert, Mrs.
Graham, Evelyn Lucille  1912 - 2006
Graham, Robert Giffen  1909 - 1998
Graham, (unknown)  
Gustafson, (baby)
Gustafson, Gustav  1907 - 1907 son of Gustav & Sara
Gustafson, Gustav Adolph  1875 - 1957
Gustafson, Minnie L.  1914 - 1915 dau of Gustav & Sara
Gustafson, Sara  1908 - 1908 dau of Gustav & Sara
Gustafson, Sara Margretta  1882 - 1958

Hansen, Eva  1876 - 1929

Johnson, Arvid O.  1909 - 1990
Johnson, Barry  14 Apr 1957 - 16 Jun 2004 son of Arvid & Velda
Johnson, Chad J. E.  14 Feb 1979 - 21 Feb 1979 son of Barry & Sherri
Johnson, E. Velda (nee Hill)  1923 -
Johnson, Sherri  16 Jul 1957 -
Jonson, (babies)  children of Erik & Sara
Jonson, (baby)  child of Erik & Sara
Jonson, Erik O.  1880 - 1964
Jonson, Ernest E.  1916 - 2009
Jonson, John Edgar  1914 - 1953
Jonson, Ruth Johanna (nee Forsman)  1921 - 12 Feb 2011 dau of Roy & Carrie
Jonson, Sara L.  1876 - 1953
Jonson, Wayne E.  1947 - 1965 son of Ernest & Alice

Lofgren, Axelina 'Lena' (nee Fredsberg)  19 Sep 1877 - 12 Jan 1944
Lofgren, C. E. August  1875 - 1959
Lofgren, E. Edward  1927 -               son of Eric & Myrtle
Lofgren, Eric G.  1909 - 1989 son of August & Alexina
Lofgren, Floyd E.  1946 - 1966
Lofgren, Ivan F.  1932 - 1986
Lofgren, Lina  19 Sep 1877 - 12 Jan 1944
Lofgren, M. Marie (nee Findlay)  1928 - 28 May 2002
Lofgren, Myrtle M. (nee Entner)  1905 - 1944
Lofgren, Selma  1909 - 1998
Lofgren, Sven A.  1902 - 1978
Lofgren, William E.  1912 - 1977
Lundell, Augusta (nee Johanson)  1861 - 1951
Lundell, Edwin E.  1899 - 1990 son of Patrick & Augusta
Lundell, Ernest Emanuel  27 Aug 1897 - 10 Oct 1914 son of Patrick & Augusta
Lundell, Ernest Emanuel  (2nd photo)
Lundell, Hildegard M. (nee Gravender)  1888 - 1934 wife of Einar, son of Patrick & Augusta
Lundell, (infant)  4 Sep 1937 son of Edwin & Mary
Lundell, Mary V. (nee Danielson)  1915 - 2000
Lundell, Patrick E.  1869 - 1948

MacDonald, Archie Kenneth  1929 -          son of James F. & Charlotte
MacDonald, Dorene E. (nee Foster)  1937 - 1998

Neilson, Mrs.
Nordquist, Anna Louise (nee Norlin)  12 Apr 1882 - 8 Sep 1967 wife of Per, dau of E. O. & Martha
Nordquist, Ellen (nee Edin)  1914 - 1962 wife of Adolph, son of Per & Anna 
Nordquist, Eric Derrel (infant twin)  21 Feb 1941 age 3 mos, son of Adolph & Ellen
Nordquist, Per Magnus  1863 - 1958 son of Erik & Johanna

Norleen, Harold E.  1916 - 1994 son of Carl & Eva
Norleen, Klara 'Ella' (nee Huber)  May 2012 age 86
Norleen, Richard Lloyd  1947 - 9 Sep 2002 hus of Lucia Deis, son of Harold & Ella
Norlen, Carl Johan  1879 - 1950
Norlen, Eva (nee Bostrom)  1881 - 1950
Norlin, Jennie Adelena  30 Apr 1902 - 11 Nov 1916
Norlin, Jennie Adelena  (2nd photo)
Norlin, Jonas A.  1885 - 1909
Norlin, Martha K.  1841 - 1913 wife of E. O.

Olson, Alma Margretta (nee Wiberg)  1879 - 1962
Olson, Olaf Peter  1867 - 1951
Olson, Oscar  1870 - 1918 hus of Hulda Erickson

Pederson, Augusta (nee Gustafson)  1899 - 1919 wife of Alfred, dau of Gustav & Sara 

Salmonson, Hulda (nee Erickson) 1880 - 1960 wife of Oscar Olson & Albin Salmonson
Strickert, C. Lloyd  6 Jan 1925 - 11 Apr 1925 son of Frank & Bertha
Strickert, Frederick Charles  1872 - 1943 hus of Hulda
Strickert, Hulda (nee Marquardt)  1872 - 1948 dau of Wilhelm

unknown 1
unknown 2

Wagner, C. (baby)

(Click on photo to enlarge)


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