Earlswood Cemetery
Wapella district

R.M. of Martin #122   NW 13-13-34 W1
GPS   50.095433°N   102.005403°W
First burial in 1884, 104 burials by 2003

Compiled by Les & Jean Morrow and Margaret Debenham

Baker, Alice  13 Nov 1920 age 76
Beaton, Mary Ann  22 Apr 1902 age 22 yrs 3 mos, dau of Angus & Ann
Boyd, Isabelle (nee McLeod)  29 Sep 1903 age 43 yrs 10 mos, wife of William 
Boyd, James  1896 - 1977 son of Isabelle & William
Boyd, William  1859 - 1945
Brown Clifford  4 Oct 1893 age 6 yrs 6 mos, son of W. K. & M. A
Bruce, Agnes F.  1 Jan 1900 age 7
Bruce, Donald  30 Jan 1899 age 5 mos
Bruce, Elizabeth   23 Aug 1900 age 5 mos
Bruce, Flora  14 Aug 1949 age 84
Bruce, James  30 Sep 1898 age 3 mos
Bruce, Lexie  3 Sep 1894 age 9 mos
Bruce, Lexie E.  21 Jan 1895 age 1 mon, dau of Wm. & F.  
Bruce, William  2 Jun 1904 age 54 

Campbell, Duncan
Campbell, James
Campbell, Kate  24 Aug 1890 age 43 wife of James
Campbell, Neil  22 Aug 1925 age 57
Cameron, Alexander 'Sandy'  1872 - 1957
Cameron, Arthur  8 Jul 1915 - 11 Dec 1915
Cameron, Donald  22 oct 1899 age 80
Cameron, Flora  7 Nov 1895 age 66 wife of Donald
Cameron, Lawrence  1908 - 1963
Cameron, Rebecca Jane (nee Hamilton)  1876 - 1962 wife of Alexander
Cameron, William  30 Mar 1914 - 30 Sep 1917
Clandin, Thomas Hales   11 Dec 1909 age 84
Coughlan, John  1865 - 1917
Crawford, Donald  1851 - 1932
Crawford, Mary  1865 - 1938 wife of Donald
Crawford, Thomas  1899 - 1939
Crawford, (unknown)  1897 - 1971

de Nevers, Christy Helen  1880 - 1959 
de Nevers, Edouard A. V.  1872 - 1946 hus of Christy
Dickey, Annabelle (nee Wickman)  18 Aug 1904 age 25 yrs 3 mos, wife of John B.
Dodds, O. (infant)

Ferguson, John  6 Jun 1830 - 7 Aug 1902
Ferguson, Kenneth
Ferguson, Mrs. R.
Ferguson, Roderick  15 May 1919 age 72

Graham, Angus  25 Feb 1898 age 54
Graham, Mary A. (nee McPherson)  1 Jan 1887 age 33 wife of Angus
Graham, Hugh  4 Aug 1886 age 6 mos
Graham, Marion  14 Mar 1909 age 31 yrs 8 mos 24 days, wife of James Morrow
Graham, Neil  6 Jun 1884 age 1 yr 3 mos
Graham, Peter Charles  1 Apr 1908 age 21 yrs 10 mos 9 days, son of Angus & Mary
Grantham, Verna  1902 - 1991 dau of J. A. C. Grantham & M. M. Beatrice Parker

Hamilton, Bertha Isabella  24 Feb 1904 age 9 yrs 2 mos, dau of Andrew & Lettia
Hamilton, C. (infant)
Hamilton, Chester A.  1887 - 1975
Hamilton, Ethel (nee Hall)  1887 - 1931 wife of Chester
Hamilton, H. (infant)
Hamilton, (infant)  1918
Harvey, Effie  1901 - 1987
Harvey, V. Calvin  May 1900 - Sep 1958
Hendry, James Reid  17 Aug 1930 - 11 Nov 2015 son of William & Lizzie
Henry, Mary Ella  1 Nov 1889 age 18 dau of John R. & Margaret  
Hiscock, Edward  1925 - 1938
Hunt, Alexander  19 Jan 1901 age 24 yrs 6 mos
Hunt, Earl Eddy  14 Sep 1913 age 11 mos, son of J. B. & E.
Hunt, Isabella  Dec 1874 - Dec 1949
Hunt, Melissa  16 Dec 1892 age 54 yrs 6 mos  
Hunt, William Duncan  17 July 1845 - 6 Mar 1921
Hunt, William Percival  Oct 1874 - Feb 1932

Kitchen, A. Reginald  1881 - 1967 
Kitchen, Beth (infant)  dau of Reginald & Margaret
Kitchen, Margaret I.  1892 - 1987 

Laing, J. (infant)

MacDonald, Christina  1860 - 1920
MacDonald, 'Dad'  1891 - 1931
MacDonald, Finlay  1844 - 1941 
MacDonald, Kenneth  7 Dec 1913 age 19 yrs 2 mos 3 days, son of F. & C.
MacPherson, (unknown)
Matheson, Annie (nee McPhail)  24 Mar 1913 age 73
Matheson, Dan  1868 - 1956
Matheson, Donald  1851 - 1938 
Matheson, Norma  1874 - 1917
Maywood, Albert Roy  1900 - 1993
Maywood, Fred
Maywood, James  20 Aug 1865 - 4 Oct 1949
Maywood, Mina  16 Jun 1909 age 30 yrs 11 mos 8 days, wife of J. A. 
McDonald, Marion (nee Ferguson)  9 Apr 1902
McDonald, (unknown)  1868 - 1956
McDougall, Robert Laughlin Rev.  15 Dec 1843 - 6 Mar 1926 
MacLean, Barbara  1848 - 1944
MacLean, Murdoch  1831 - 1936
McLean, Ethel Rickman  26 Oct 1929 age 18 yrs 4 mos 
McLean, Margaret  1861 - 1947
McLean, Murdoch  6 Mar 1916 age 72 hus of Margaret 
McLeod, Christina  1866 - 1951
McLeod, Donald  21 Mar 1887 age 53
McLeod, Donald Jr.  8 Mar 1886 age 21 yrs 7 mos
McLeod, Donald M.  1855 - 1924
McLeod, Donald M.  19 Nov 1913 age 31 son of John & Effie
McLean, Finley  14 Jun 1900 age 6 mos
McLeod, Ian  1909 - 1987
McLeod, John
McLeod, Mrs. J.
McLeod, Mrs. M.
McLeod, Malcolm  13 Feb 1859 age 6 mos
McLeod, (unknown)  dau of N.
McPherson, L.  (ashes on Wm. McPherson grave)
McPherson, Marion  wife of William 
McPherson, William  28 Feb 1894 age 48 
McRae, Donald  1829 - 1896
McRae, Catherine (nee McLeod)  1837 - 1901
McVicar, Mrs. W.
McVicar, William  21 May 1905 age 72 yrs 7 mos
Miller, Bertha Letitia (nee Cameron)  7 Oct 1911 - 21 Apr 2012 dau of Alexander & Rebecca
Miller, James  1835 - 1906
Miller, Laughlin  1908 - 1983 hus of Bertha
Miller, Maggie Ann (nee Hunt)  Apr 1912 - Nov 1932
Miller, Mary Ann  1845 - 1920
Miller, Thomas  1870 - 1937
Miller, Thomas George  4 Nov 1909 - 4 Dec 1919
Miller, W. (children)
Mitchell, Elsie (nee Kitchen)  1 May 2003 age 70 dau of Reginald & Margaret
Morrow, James  1869 - 1942
Morrow, Marion (nee Graham)  14 Mar 1909 age 31 yrs 8 mos 24 days, wife of James
Morrow, Mary (nee Hunt)  1869 - 1941
Morrow, Thomas  1899 - 1975
Muir, May  20 Aug 1908 age 3 yrs 5 mos
Murray, (baby)  1896 - 1896

New, R. (infant)

Paul, Donald James  10 Jan 1912 age 22
Paul, John
Paul, Mrs. John

Reynolds, Amaret Bates  1917 - 1989
Reynolds, Elizabeth Alice 'Betty'  10 April 1920 age 4 years 3 mos, dau of W. C. & M.
Reynolds, Mary  1888 - 1958
Reynolds, Walter Boyd  1913 - 1988
Reynolds, Walter Charles  1880 - 1946
Rose, Ellena  1889 - 1926
Rose, James  1863 - 1943 

Schenfield, Mrs. C.
Shackleton, Mary  29 Mar 1896 age 25 yrs 13 days, wife of Fred 
Simpson, John  1883 - 1972
Simpson, Nelson (infant)
Shadrick, Dorothy Helen (nee deNevers)  1908 - 1985
Stewart, Jessie  1876 - 1888
Stewart, Mrs. James  1840 - 1888
Stewart, Katie
Stone, Blanche  4 Jun 1919 age 16 dau of Geo & Rose
Stone, George  26 Apr 1915
Stone, John  1866 - 1937 (brother to George)
Stutt, Anna E. (nee Lewis)  18 May 1862 - 7 Nov 1927
Stutt, Gladys M.
Stutt, John   20 Sep 1895 age 63 yrs 7 mos 20 days
Stutt, John A.  1856 - 1940
Stutt, Mary Ann   26 June 1901 age 1 yr 7 mos, dau of John A. & Anna 
Stutt, Mary Jane  10 Apr 1907 age 71 wife of John
Swain, Frank W.  1895 - 1982

Wickman, Harold MacDonald  10 Mar 1891 age 1 yr 10 mos 21 days, son of Richard & Tena
Wotton, Emma  29 Jun 1923 age 79

Yeo, Mary Ann  29 Jan 1901 age 39 wife of R. H.

(Click on photo to enlarge)


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