BUBISH, KATHERINE 1893 - 1984 BUBISH, STEVE 1896 - 1944 BUBYN, ALEX 1878 - 1951 BUBYN, ANDREW 1897 - 1966 BUBYN, ANNE 1909 - 1997 BUBYN, ANNIE 1910 - 1999 BUBYN, BERNICE 1944 - 1945 BUBYN, BESSIE (nee Bubyn) 1910 - 27 Apr 2008 dau of Frank & Katherine BUBYN, DIMITRO 1918 - 1918 BUBYN, EVA 15 Mar 1878 - Oct 12, 1954 BUBYN, FRANK 1896 - 1945 BUBYN, FRED 1902 - 1971 hus of Bessie BUBYN, GREGORY 1876 - 1945 BUBYN, HARRY J. 1905 - 1975 BUBYN, JOHN F. 1912 - 1990 BUBYN, JOHN J. 1923 - 1983 BUBYN, JOSEPH 6 Jan 1871 - 22 Nov 1936 BUBYN, KATHERINE 1880 - 1962 BUBYN, MARIANN 1947 - 1957 dau of Fred & Bessie BUBYN, MICHAEL 1911 - 1983 BUBYN, NICK 1906 BUBYN, PETER 1916 - 23 Sep 2002 son Frank & Katherine BUBYN, STEVE 1908 - 1992 BULA, FRANK H. 1896 - 1953 BULA, JOSEPH 1905 - 1952 BULA, MARIA 14 May 1919 age 62 BULA, PHILIP 1888 - 1979 BULA, SOPHIA 1888 - 1940 BULA, STAN 1860 - 1943 CATLACK, JOHN 30 Dec 1916 age 18 CATLACK, JOHN (2nd photo) CATLACK, Mrs. MIKE & (baby) 1915 DENESOWYCH, (baby) 1953 - 1953 DENESOWYCH, EDDIE 1946 - 1946 DENESOWYCH, MIKE 1921 - 1921 DROZDA, ANNIE 15 Mar 1907 - 6 Feb 1998 DROZDA, ARLENE MARY (nee Schill) 1933 - 21 Jul 2011 wife of Joseph DROZDA, (baby) 1929 - 1929 DROZDA, FANNY 29 Sep 1876 - 3 May 1968 DROZDA, JACK 24 Jan 1901 - 6 Jul 1993 DROZDA, JOSEPH STANLEY 1933 - 10 Feb 2009 son of Jack & Annie DROZDA, NICKOLAS 9 Sep 1878 - 10 Jul 1956 DUNCAN, VICTORIA BUBISH 1928 - 1981 FEDCHAK, ANDREW 1870 - 18 Jan 1944 FEDCHAK, DMYTRO 1872 - 1945 FEDCHAK, MARIA 1862 - 1935 GILAVISH, MIKE 1914 HALBGEWACHS, LOUIS JOHN 1923 - 4 Aug 2008 son of John & Anne HALBGEWACHS, MARY (nee Bubyn) 1923 - KANCHERE, AGNES 1868 - 1958 KANCHERE, STEVE 1906 - 1941 KANCIR, IRENE 1916 - 1919 dau of William & Bessie KOLENICH, JEAN XENIA 1874 - 1965 KOLENICH, KATHERINE 1853 - 1935 KOLENICH, MICHAEL 1907 - 1997 KOLENICH, PETER WALTER 1913 - 1997 KOLENICH, STEPHEN 1882 - 1956 KOLENICH, UNA 1915 - 2001 KOMAR, AGNES 5 Aug 1910 - 20 Jul 1987 KOMAR, ANDREW 9 Feb 1900 - 29 Aug 1981 KOMAR, BILL 1935 - 10 Dec 2009 son of Andrew & Agnes KOMAR, DOROTHY 1940 - KOZEY, HARRY 1916 - 1981 LAWREK, FRANK 1921 - 1966 LAWREK, HENRY 1876 - 1961 LAWREK, JOHN 1913 - 1913 LAWREK, JOHN J. 1915 - 2002 LAWREK, JOSEPH 12 Mar 1926 - 2 Nov 2015 son of Fred & Lena LAWREK, LENA 1895 - 1977 LAWREK, MARY 1912 - 1988 LAWREK, OLGA 1930 - LAWREK, THEODORE 1880 - 1948 MOLESKY, ANNE (nee Belan) 19 Jun 1919 - 13 Dec 2013 dau of John & Catrina MOLESKY, DAISY 1913 - 1913 MOLESKY, JOHN 1855 - 1939 MOLESKY, LEONARD 1944 - 1945 son of Nick & Anne MOLESKY, MARIA 1855 - 1938 MOLESKY, MARY 1893 - 1975 MOLESKY, MICHAEL 1913 - 1939 MOLESKY, MIKE 1920 - 1920 MOLESKY, NICHOLAS 'NICK' 15 Feb 1917 - 23 Nov 2016 son of William & Mary MOLESKY, PEARL 1944 - 1945 MOLESKY, WILLIAM 2 Aug 1885 - 20 Sep 1941 NAKONECHNY, ANNIE May 1923 - Oct 1923 NAKONECHNY, FRANK 1915 - 1998 NAKONECHNY, GARRY 1945 - 1945 NAKONECHNY, GREGORY 1958 - 1972 NAKONECHNY, JOHN 1918 - 1924 NAKONECHNY, MARIA 1914 - 1916 NAKONECHNY, MARY 1875 - 1962 NAKONECHNY, PHILLIP 1916 - 1918 NAKONECHNY, PHILLIP 1859 - 1929 NOKONECHNY, ANNE 1919 - NOKONECHNY, GERALD 1940 - 2008 NOKONECHNY, PETER 1908 - 1964 PILIPCHIK, ANN 1998 PILIPCHACK, JOSEPH 8 Jul 1902 - 24 Oct 1949 PILIPCHOCK, PETER 1928 - 2008 PILIPCHOCK, PETER 1887 - 1960 PILIPCHOCK, THEODOSIA 1896 - 1966 ROMANSON, DONNIE 1934 - 1935 SAWULAK, MICHAEL 1904 - 1965 SCHNAIDER, ANN 1907 - 1961 SCHNAIDER, ANN (2nd photo) SHALOVELA, ANNE 19 Jan 1910 - 23 Jan 1938 SHALOVELO, EMILY 4 Jul 1920 - 8 Mar 2010 SHALAWYLO, JOHN 1900 - 1961 SHALOVELO, STEVE 1905 - 1988 SHALOVELO, THEODORE 31 May 1941 - 31 Oct 1945 son of Theodore & Emily STECYK, GRACE 1932 - STECYK, JEAN 1880 - 1955 STECYK, MICHAEL 1901 - 1974 STECYK, PETER 1875 - 1947 STECYK, WALTER 11 Jun 1928 - 29 Mar 2013 son of Mike & Anne UMRISH, BILL 1886 - 1959 Unknown 1 Unknown 2 Unknown 2 (2nd photo) Unknown 3 WEIGHILL, JANE (nee Kolody) 22 Jul 1955 - 17 Mar 2014 dau of Nick & Tessie WEIGHILL, JANE (nee Kolody) (2nd photo) YURAS, ALEXANDER 1893 - 1956 YURAS, THOMAS 1889 - 1951 ZGRABOWSKI, (unknown) 1914
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