Dunblane Finnish Cemetery
R.M. of Coteau # 255   NE 19-26-7 W3
GPS   51.234776°N   106.965504°W
First burial in 1914, 106 burials by 1980

Compiled by Rod Beattie

                                         Year of burial

Aho, Gust Jr.  1974 son of Gust & Amanda	
Angle, Henry  b. 1 May 1896 d. age 64 yrs 10 mos 17 days - bur. 18 Mar 1961
Apukka (baby)  1918 child of Fred & Impi  

Haapala, Gordon  1968
Haapala, James  1970
Haapala, Rhonda  1970
Hakkinen, Delena  1936
Hakkinen, Dwayne  d. age 9 - bur. Jun 1962 son of Alf & Nora
Hakkinen, Leo  d. age 7 - bur. 1929 son of Alex & Hannah
Hakkinen, Onni  1935
Hakkinen, Toivo  d. age 19 - bur. 1926 son of Alex & Hannah 
Hanson, Anna Mrs.  1953
Hatt, Alexander 'Alec'  1936 
Hietala, Aliina   1917 wife of Matt  
Hill, Anselm T.  1919
Hill, John   b. 1880 d. age 55 - bur. 28 Mar 1935
Hill, Mary  b. 1867 d. age 63 - bur. 4 May 1930 wife of John	
Hjelt, Edith  1919 dau of Magnus & Jennie
Hjelt, Toivo Rudolf  1925 son of Magnus & Jennie
Honkawaara, Briita Maria (nee Riekki)  1923 wife of Sakarias	
Honkawaara, Sakarias  1918	

Johnson, Wilhelmina (nee Sarvela)  b. 24 May 1877 d. age 68 - bur. 1945 wife of Olaf  

Kellokoski, Mary  1928
Koski, Edla  1941
Koski, Tauno  1950
Koski, Veikko  1951
Kumpula, Andrew Alfred   Dec 1956
Kumpula, Hilda Amanda   Mar 1933 wife of Andrew 

Laaksonen (baby)  1918
Laaksonen, Annie Mrs.  1918
Lahti, Anna Lillian  1919
Lahti, Anna 'Annie' (nee Kaisa)  d. age 42 - bur. 25 Dec 1918 wife of Viktor  
Laitinen, Victor  1922	 
Laukkanen, Herman  1942
Laukkanen, Liisa  1965 wife of Herman 
Laukkanen, Onni  1952 son of Herman & Liisa 
Lauttamus, Bertha  1938
Lauttamus, Doreen	1938
Linden, Walter  1932

Makie, Ellen Eliina  1921 dau of Jack & Liina
Mandolin, N.  1924 child of Albert & Selma
Maunu, Gideon  1954 son of Jacob & Karolina
Maunu, Jacob  b.9 May 1947 d. age 84 - bur. 5 Jan 1932 
Maunu, Karolina  b. 2 Jan 1861 d. age 71 - bur. 20 Aug 1932 wife of Jacob
Maunu, Kreeta  1926
Miller, August  b. 1875 d. age 84 yrs 7 mos 27 days - bur. 1969
Miller, Kaisa 'Sofia'   b. 1885 d. age 84 - bur. 1969 wife of August 
Miller, Vera 'Pauline' (nee Opsahl)  1980 wife of Frank 
Mursu, Daniel  1914 hus of Eva

Niemi, Arvo  b. 1903 d. age 59 - bur. 1962 son of John & Josephine 
Niemi, John  b. 1867 d. age 78 - bur. 1945	  
Niemi, Josephina  b. 1875 d. age 69 - bur. 1944 wife of John
Nikula, Edith  1980
Nordholm, Walter  b. 1890 d. age 36 - bur. Jan 1926 hus of Esther Angle
Nurmi, Harvey  1945 son of John & Viola

Pelto, Antti 'Andrew'  1953
Pelto, Elizabeth 'Lizzie'  1940 wife of Andrew
Pelto, Fred  1964 son of Andrew & Lizzie
Pelto, George  1951 son of Andrew & Lizzie
Pelto, Matt Sr.  1924 hus of Eva Mursu
Pirness, Esther (nee Simonson)  Dec 1968 wife of Arvid

Rapakko, Henry (baby)  1917 son of John & Annie
Rapakko, Annie (nee Angle)  b. 5 Jun 1898 d. age 65 yrs 3 mos 5 days - bur. 10 Sep 1963 wife of John 
Rapakko, Charles  b. 1898 d. age 73 - bur. 9 Dec 1967 son of Simon & Kaisa
Rapakko, George  b. 16 Jul 1919 d. age 50 yrs 9 mos 18 days - bur. 3 May 1970 son of John & Annie
Rapakko, Henrik  b. 1897 d. age 78 - bur. 24 Mar 1975 son of Simon & Kaisa
Rapakko, John  b. 11 Jul 1890 d. age 75 yrs 10 mos 3 days - bur. 14 May 1966 son of Simon & Kaisa
Rapakko, Kaisa  d. age 69 - bur. 28 Jul 1923 wife of Simon 
Rapakko, Simon  b. 24 Aug 1860 d. age 85 - bur. 1945
Rapakko, William  b. 1899 d. age 74 - bur. 1973 son of Simon & Kaisa 
Rikkilehto, Anna  1925

Sarvela, Ida  1964
Seppala, Eugene  1917
Simonson, Esther Ida (nee Koski)  1966 wife of Henry & John
Simonson, Ada Maria  1918
Simonson, Edwin  1964
Simonson, Henry A.  1971 hus of Esther Koski	
Simonson (Simontaival), Henry Sr.  b. 12 Jun 1845 d. age 99 yrs 9 mos - bur. 1945
Simonson, John 'Henry'  b. 1890 d. age 65 - bur. 1955 hus of Esther Koski, son of Henry
Simonson, Keith  1946 son of Henry & Mamie
Simonson, Mimmie Johanna  d. age 19 - bur. 1929  
Simonson, Mimmie Mrs.  1964
Simonson, Nestor Alfred  1918 
Simonson, Roger  1958 son of Arthur & Irene 

Tamminen (Tammi), Emil 'Einar' (child)  d. age 4 - bur. 1923 son of Emil & Hannah
Tapanila, Emma (nee Simonson)  abt. 1916 wife of Matt
Tapanila, Evert John (child)  Jul 1915 son of Jacob & Jennie
Tapanila, Jacob  b. 1 Jul 1882 d. age 84 - bur.  1966
Tapanila, Jennie (nee Nordholm)  b. 19 Nov 1887 d. age 77- bur. abt. 1964 wife of Jacob
Tapanila, Matt  b. 1885 d. age 37 - bur. Jul 1922

Waara, Anna Katriina  1918
West, Annaliisa 'Lizzie'  1932 wife of Mike
West, Mike  1956
Wuonola, Albert  Aug 1962

NOTE: The information for this submission is based on the local history book "Echoes of Coteau" published in 1981. 

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