Dovre Lutheran Cemetery
Spalding district

R.M. of Spalding # 368   SE 18-39-17 W2
GPS   52.347589°N   104.433516°W

Compiled & photographed by Ron Isherwood July 14, 2013
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Anderson, Adelade  1925 - 1926
Anderson, Alfred  1893 - 1916
Anderson, Anton  1855 - 1915
Anderson, (infant)  
Anderson, (infant)  
Anderson, Kenneth Ernest  15 Sep 1925 - 18 Jan 1975
Anderson, Rosy  1869 - 1952
Andresen, Emilie  1913 - 1998
Andresen, Marius  1907 - 
Austin, Mr.  

Ballard, Cecil A.  1898 - 1983
Ballard, Claud L.  1893 - 1976
Beasley, Gladys  1925 - 
Beasley, Madeline I.  1899 - 1981
Beasley, Norval  1921 - 2000
Beasley, Richard Barry  30 Sep 1968 - 28 Feb 1996
Beasley, Wilfred  1892 - 1982
Beckwick, John  1876 - 1954
Bolt, George  1866 - 1950
Bolt, Leslie  1897 - 1969
Bolt, Margaret Ann  1873 - 1962
Bolt, Olive  1893 - 1964
Bonter, Ian W.  21 Dec 1916 - 3 Jan 1967
Bonter, M. Eleanor  7 Dec 1913 - 29 Dec 1996
Bowers, (baby)  
Branvold, Dianna Mae  1946 - 1946
Brataschuk, Anne  (nee Korzyk)  1914 - 12 Jul 2010 dau of Alex & Ksenia (nee Zazula) 
Brataschuk, Harry  1910 - 1998
Brenna, Gerda K.  1910 - 1968
Brenna, Orval E.  1929 - 1984
Brenna, Oscar G.  1904 - 1993
Brenna, Ruby L.  1925 - 
Broberg, Carl Valentine  2 Feb 1883 - 3 Aug 1963
Broberg, Carl W.  1926 - 1930
Broberg, Cecilia (nee Sweluk)  12 Dec 1921 - 27 May 2013 dau of Alexander & Agatha
Broberg, Douglas Warren  3 Mar 1921 - 22 Jun 2009 son of Carl & Stella
Broberg, Glenn Lester Sampson  1931 - 1998
Broberg, Pamela Fay  27 Apr 1957 - 5 Sep 2014 dau of Douglas & Cecilia
Broberg, Stella Florence (nee Sampson)  9 Nov 1895 - 3 Oct 1948
Brophy, Hazel  1914 - 1994
Brophy, Michael  1911 - 28 Nov 2000
Burg, Anthony E.  1907 - 1976
Burg, Anthony Kenneth  13 Jun 1976 - 16 Jun 1976
Burton, Doris (nee Williamson)  19 Dec 1909 - 30 Mar 2003 dau of Charles & Ethel
Burton, Vernon  1 Feb 1906 - 22 Jun 1990 hus of Doris

Card, Elizabeth Labann  10 Sep 1868 - 4 Feb 1922 wife of Eugene
Card, Eugene  1860 - 1930
Card, Mrs. E.  
Christopherson, Andrew  1857 - 1943
Christopherson, Mary  1867 - 1940
Cockburn, Jeannie F.  1946 - 1969

Dale, Raymond  1908 - 1936
Dale, Ron  
Darkovich, Nick  1896 - 1983
Davies, Lillian F.  1903 - 1992 - 1770
Davies, William G.  1898 - 1976
Dickey, Olive Mary (nee Pruden)  14 Mar 1913 - 18 Nov 1997
Dickey, Sidney C.  1946 - 1968
Dickey, Walter A.  1950 - 1975
Dynna, Anna  1904 - 1992
Dynna, Elmer Adolph  1924 - 2004
Dynna, Hans  1897 - 1990

Ehalt, Keith Robert  1 May 1965 - 9 Jun 2002 son of Peter & Ruth
Ehalt, Peter Fredrick  30 Nov 1926 - 14 Mar 2014 son of Alvin & Elenora
Ehalt, Ruth Lucille (nee Nelson)  died 7 Jun 2010 dau of Jack & Antoinette
Eklund, Carl  
Eklund, Eunice  1927 - 2010
Eklund, Hildy  
Eklund, Mabel Edna  
Eklund, Margaret  1922 - 1936
Eklund, Vernon  1925 - 2003
Ellingson, Ingval  1875 - 1945
Ellingson, Julia  1888 - 1979
Elliott, David L.  1921 - 
Elliott, George A.  4 Jul 1915 - 20 May 2003
Elliott, George Wilson  2 Aug 1852 - 19 Aug 1918
Elliott, Shirley M.  1924 - 2001
Elliott, William Harris  19 Oct 1877 - 21 Jul 1943
Etienne, Douglas  1951 - 1984 son of William & Roxy
Evanishin, Kathleen R.  1933 - 
Evanishin, Michael J.  1917 - 1995

Fall, Stanley Everett  3 Mar 1987 age 64
Fediuk, Katrynac 'Kay'  1908 - 1979
Fellman, Godfred  1884 - 1984
Fellman, Sarah  1885 - 1964
Fielder, Eileen M.  1930 - 2005
Fielder, Garnett L.  1918 - 2000
Fielder, Marion Earl  1910 - 1977
Floyd, Elenor  191? - 22 Apr 1915
Foushe, Eileen  1929 - 2007
Foushe, George  1920 - 1996
Foushe, Ron  1954 - 1992 son of George & Eileen

Gamble, Ivan  
Gellner, Gerd Irene (nee Brenna)  21 Jul 1931 - 16 Sep 1995
Genkens, Evert  1900 - 1984
Grasdal, Alvin C.  1916 - 2004
Grasdal, Donna M.  1951 - 1966
Grasdal, Margaret A.  1917 - 2013
Gubberud, Amanda  1892 - 1981
Gubberud, Gustave  1888 - 1961
Gubberud, Martin  1884 - 1983
Gulutzan, William  1936 - 1992
Gunther, Mr.  
Halvorson, Arne  1888 - 1951
Halvorson, Emma G.  1892 - 1960
Halvorson, Halvor  1879 - 1945
Hansen, Olaf  1865 - 1933
Hanson, Julius  1861 - 1945
Hartl, Rosaly  1927 - 1991
Hetland, Harold  1895 - 1976 hus of Lillian
Hetland, Lillian (nee Larson)  16 Jan 1919 - 3 Apr 2013 dau of Ole & Severina
Hetland, Orville O.  1924 - 1974
Hoffos, Bertha  1866 - 1928
Hoffos, Johan  1859 - 1917
Hogenson, Fred J.  1905 - 1988
Hogenson, Theodore G.  1888 - 1976
Holland, Mr.  
Hollingstien, L.  
Hufnagel, Andrew  1910 - 1971
Hufnagel, Annie  
Hufnagel, Tony  
Hushagen, Byron Keith  3 Jan 1930 - 28 Aug 2005 son of August & Elizabeth

Iverson, Alfred  1892 - 1976
Iverson, Bertha Amelia  1896 - 1982
Iverson, Ella  22 Feb 1922 - 27 Oct 2009
Iverson, L.  
Iverson, M.  

Johnson, Bella H.  1890 - 1977
Johnson, E.  
Johnson, Edwin N.  1892 - 1958
Johnson, Ellsworth D. R.  1929 - 
Johnson, Evelyn H.  1930 - 2011
Johnson, W.  
Jordan, Trudy (nee Etienne)  29 Feb 1960 - 5 Dec 2012 wife of Bryan, dau of William & Roxy

Lake, Mrs.  
Larson, Gilbert  10 Oct 1891 - 4 Jan 1921
Larson, Hans  1860 - 1950
Larson, Minnie  1860 - 1947
Larson, Ole C.  27 Mar 1874 - 16 Nov 1945
Larson, Severina (nee Rogstad)  24 Mar 1883 - 16 Dec 1962
Lau, Mr.  
Lee, David  1923 - 2003
Lee, David  (2nd photo)
Leicht, Paulina  1910 - 1993
Leicht, Theodore F.  1910 - 1996
Lien, Aslaug Kristine  5 Oct 1903 - 5 Nov 1982
Lien, Hans T.  8 Mar 1888 - 29 Aug 1977
Lunsford, (baby)  
Lunsford, Napoleon  1845 - 1906
Lyonais, Evelyn C.  1919 - 2009
Lyonais, Marvin J.  1918 - 1987

Marcinowski, Anjanette Lee  1969 - 1972
Marcinowski, Stancy Gary  1951 - 1972
Matchett, Arnold  1934 - 
Matchett, Arnold 'Bud'  1909 - 1976
Matchett, Betty  1936 - 
Matchett, Myrtle  1912 - 1999
McFarland, Archibald  18 Feb 1973 age 63 hus of Florence
McFarland, Florence (nee Edge)  9 Sep 1919 - 12 Jun 2015 dau of James & Mary
McGillery, (baby)  
McGillery, Mrs.  
McPherson, J. Leona  1921 - 1993
McPherson, W. Gordon  1916 - 1973
Mears, Barry B.  3 Feb 1961 - 25 Oct 1978
Mears, Faith Carol  16 May 1955 - 8 Oct 1991
Mears, James J.  1928 - 1973
Meggs, William John  1910 - 1993
Mickelson, Cornelius A.  7 Oct 1882 - 14 Jan 1949
Mickelson, Homer H.  1925 - 1984
Mickelson, Myrtle May  29 Oct 1889 - 22 Apr 1964
Moe, Chris John  1879 - 1963
Moe, Reidar Clarence  1911 - 1962
Moe, Signe Catherine  1891 - 1945
Moe, Signe Catherine  (2nd photo)
Moe, Walter Edwin  1915 - 1976
Mohagen, Douglas Charles  1935 - 1992
Mohagen, Garfield  1908 - 1976
Mohagen, Glen  1 Oct 1948 - 
Mohagen, Helga  1920 - 1984
Mohagen, Oliver A.  1910 - 1978
Mohagen, Ragnhild T.  1912 - 1999
Mohagen, Trevor  19 May 1970 - 17 Dec 2010
Moore, Judith Marilyn  1950 - 2011
Moore, Richard Glen  1946 - 
Morrison, Elizabeth  died 1989
Morrison, Angus N.  1915 - 1997
Mortenson, Albin  1893 - 1970
Mortenson, Ardien R.  1921 - 1989
Mortenson, Cora (nee Voldeng)  1901 - 1985
Mortenson, Hilmer  1886 - 1964
Mortenson, Ida Regina  1897 - 1987
Mortenson, L. Merle  1926 - 
Mortenson, Marie  1855 - 1927
Mortenson, Ole  1848 - 1924
Mortenson, Peter  1895 - 1984

Newberry, Mrs.  
Nickelson, Betty  1930 - 
Nickelson, Eslie  1930 - 2004
Nielson, Ann  
Nielson, John  
Nystuen, Alan Gary  22 Dec 1961 - 24 Oct 1962
Nystuen, Alfred  13 Sep 1902 - 11 Mar 1995
Nystuen, Magna  22 May 1904 - 10 Jul 1988

Oliver, David  1869 - 1939
Oliver, Janet  1868 - 1933
Olson, Annie Trina  1889 - 1968
Olson, George  20 Dec 1906 - 12 Jun 1948
Olson, Gladys Mae  1908 - 2007
Olson, Harvey L.  1936 - 209
Olson, Helen  20 Feb 1905 - 3 Oct 1925 dau of O. H. & J.
Olson, Helen  (2nd photo)
Olson, Helen J.  1931 - 
Olson, Herman Odin  1889 - 1983
Olson, Johanna  1873 - 1959
Olson, Lillian M.  1909 - 1999
Olson, Lottie  1901 - 1994
Olson, Lucy  1887 - 1951
Olson, Norman D.  1940 - 1968
Olson, Olaf Rost  1910 - 1969
Olson, Ole Donald Bryan  1945 - 2006
Olson, Ole P.  1906 - 1981
Olson, Oline  1881 - 1945
Olson, Otto H.  1871 - 1932
Olson, Paul J.  1929 - 1983
Olson, Pete  
Olson, Peter  1879 - 1942
Olson, Richard Carmen  1936 - 1986 son of Olaf & Gladys
Olson, Swan  1876 - 1960

Pickup, Frederick Percy  1892 - 1973
Pilgrim, Wm. H.  1885 - 1948
Presley, W.  
Pufahl, William  12 Feb 1856 - 13 Aug 1935
Pylatiuk, Harry  1907 - 1994
Pyltaiuk, Mary  1913 - 2006

Qualie, (baby)  
Qualie, Barbara  1852 - 1925
Qualie, Bennie  1885 - 1974
Qualie, Clifford  1916 - 1977
Qualie, Elie  1883 - 1975
Qualie, Engebret  1849 - 1924
Qualie, Ernest  1914 - 1995
Qualie, Garfield L.  5 Sep 1930 - 18 Apr 1977
Qualie, Gary  1953 - 1969
Qualie, Hazel  1921 - 1985
Qualie, Leslie Ernest  26 Jul 1959 - 13 Dec 1959
Qualie, J.  
Qualie, J. Mrs.  
Qualie, Olesa B.  1888 - 1967
Qualie, Pearl  1883 - 1950
Qualie, Thomas  1881 - 1945

Renton, W.  
Richards, Sally O.  
Rogstad, J.  
Ruten, Iver 'Jamwanli'  1920 - 2008
Ruten, Magnar  died 1929
Ruten, Margaret  1918 - 2010
Ruten, Myrna 'Pomanli'  1920 - 2010
Ruten, Peter I.  1895 - 1984
Ruten, Tora M.  1893 - 1982

Sampson, Annie Elizabeth  15 Jun 1860 - 13 Jan 1930
Sampson, Bertha Olina  6 Nov 1883 - 1 Jun 1974 age 90 yrs 6 mos 26 days
Sampson, Clatis J.  21 Sep 1907 - 24 Feb 1924
Sampson, Edward Sylvester  9 Jul 1884 - 8 Mar 1919 age 35 yrs 8 mos 7 days
Sampson, Martin O.  9 Aug 1860 - 25 May 1929
Selin, Adolph  1914 - 
Selin, Charlotte L.  1906 - 1993
Selin, Emily  1920 - 1931
Selin, Evelyn  1912 - 1973
Selin, Harry H.  1905 - 1985
Selin, Hulda E.  1876 - 1937
Selin, Mildred (nee Fielder)  28 Aug 1921 - 3 Dec 1991
Selin, Mildred Hazel  1956
Selin, Vernon  19 May 1912 - 17 Mar 1958
Skok, Mary  21 Feb 1889 - 8 Jan 1947
Skok, Tony  
Slater, James Edward  1933 age 2 days
Smith, Bertha M.  3 Feb 1920 - 5 Dec 1987
Smith, George  31 Oct 1909 - 21 Sep 1990
Strom, Annie  1882 - 1969
Strom, Lynn Norman  1906 - 1980
Strom, Mayfred Meryl  1911 - 1985
Strom, Ole Alfred  1862 - 1947
Strom, Orie Clifford  1911 - 1968
Strom, Stanley Edward  3 Apr 1923 - 11 May 1923

Thom, A. Laurie  1887 - 1972
Thom, Daniel  1884 - 1976
Thom, Elmer  1919 - 2001
Thom, Lavern  1955 - 1997
Thom, Lily  1922 - 
Thompson, Vera V.  1944 - 1981

Ulrich, Alois Anton  4 Mar 1910 - 22 Jun 2013 son of Franz & Johanna (nee Reithofer)
Ulrich, Garry E.  1942 - 
Ulrich, Lena Marie (nee Halvorson)  11 Mar 1945 - 9 May 1988 dau of Albert & Esther
Ulrich, Ruby (nee Mortenson)  22 Apr 1923 - 4 Jun 2001 dau of Peter & Cora

Vetterl, Florence May  1929 - 5 Jul 2010 dau of John & Emma (nee Johnson) 
Vetterl, Linda (baby) 
Vetterl, Vickie (baby)  
Vetterl, William Joseph  16 Jan 1916 - 4 May 2010 son of Michael & Genovefa (nee Weber)
Voldeng, Edna Irene (nee Thom) 4 Aug  1912 - 26 Jan 2015 dau of Daniel & Annie (nee Hughes)
Voldeng, Jens E.  1905 - 1995

Wallaker, Almer  1902 - 1979 
Wallaker, Ardean  18 Jun 1927 - 
Wallaker, Christ  1868 - 1922
Wallaker, Dale Rusty  23 May 1962 - 3 Oct 1991
Wallaker, Doris  21 Nov 1934 - 26 Jul 1993
Wallaker, Ingerborg  1858 - 1915
Wallaker, Lila Jean  27 Jul 1937 - 10 Dec 2006
Wallaker, Ralph LaVern  3 Oct 1935 - 
Wallaker, Weslie (baby)  died 1926
Wallaker, Zylpha  1908 - 1994
Watson, Mary  1922 - 
Watson, Richard  1920 - 1992
Weberg, G.  
Weberg, O.  
Well__, (unknown)  1925 - ???? 
Williamson, Frances  12 Jul 1893 - 24 Aug 1925 wife of Dick W.
Wilson, Anna Marie  1879 - 1984
Wilson, Henry  1918 - 1989
Wilson, Irene  1925 - 2002
Wilson, William Henry  1891 - 1968
Woloshyn, Boris  27 May 1940 - 18 Mar 1993
Woloshyn, Eva  14 Mar 1914 - 12 Apr 1996
Woloshyn, Fred  15 Aug 1915 - 18 Jan 2006
Woloshyn, Janina  1912 - 2006
Woloshyn, Mary  1909 - 2002
Woloshyn, Max  1910 - 2003
Woloshyn, Wasyl  1905 - 1980
Woloshyn, Wasyl & Mary  (2nd photo)

Yatcyshyn, John  

(Click on photo to enlarge)


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