Ste. Jeanne D'Arc Cemetery (new)
Domremy district

R.M. of St. Louis # 431   SE 20-44-26 W2
GPS   52.798701°N   105.729350°W
First burial in 1906, 394 burials by 2009

Contributed by & photos by David Albert-Brunet
(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Cemetery Diagram

                         Last number is the Plot

Abel, Fridolin  1862 - 1948 F41
Agesse, Pierre  1866 - 1943 E30
Agesse, Marie  1913 - 1922 E30
Akers, Ella  1950 - 1999 C23
Autet, Alfred  1894 - 1981 C39
Autet, Arthur  21 Sep 1944 age 73 B37 (incorrect spelling on gravestone)
Autet, Eleonore (nee Blanchard)  3 Oct 1942 age 76 B36 (incorrect spelling on gravestone)
Autet, Marcel Rene  3 May 1924 - 13 Jul 2003 D39
Autet, Roger  2 Mar 1928 age 8 yrs 5 mos, son of Arthur & Eleonore A60
Autet, Roger  (2nd photo)
Autet, Vera Sylvia (nee Kwasnica)  28 Mar 1935 - 2007 D38
Authier, Bebe  died 1948 A47

Baribeau, Alice  1898 - 1954 C34
Baribeau, Andre  1927 - 1995 I21
Baribeau, Charles  1889 - 1981 E13
Baribeau, F. Xavier  1856 - 1950
Baribeau, Hormidas  1884 - 1960 H22
Baribeau, Julia  1888 - 1975 H21
Baribeau, Laurier  1966 - 1966 I21
Baribeau, Lucie M. (nee Dufresne)  18 Feb 1870 - 13 Dec 1942 wife of F. X.
Baribeau, Rita  1931 - 1995 I21
Baribeau, Suzanne  1928 - 2000 H21
Baril, Theodule  1877 - 1951 G21
Barre, Albert  1882 - 1984 F50
Barre, Alphonsine  1891 - 1984 F49
Baudais, Corinne  1884 - 1918 F55
Baudais, Flora  1896 - 1960 H26
Baudais, Gustave  1918 - 1997 I28
Baudais, Henry  1897 - 1980 H25
Baudais, Jean  1885 - 1950 F54
Baudais, Jean  1851 - 1934 E15
Baudais, Jeanne  1850 - 1930 E15
Baudais, Joseph  E17
Baudais, Josephine  1897 - 1983 H15
Baudais, Marie  1886 - 1976 F53
Baudais, Pauline  1881 - 1962 B22
Beaulieu, Honore  1859 - 1916 E34
Beaulieu, Joseph  1905 - 1909 E35
Beaulieu, Marie  1907 - 1909 E33
Beland, Agnes  1885 - 1975 E51
Beland, Francois  1848 - 1930 E50
Beland, Jean-Baptiste  1848 - 1930 E52
Benoit, Josette  15 Jul 1927 - 31 Jul 2014 dau of Joseph & Marthe
Benoit, Leonard  1922 - 1967 hus of Josette H3
Bernier, Emile  1918 - 1976 H6
Bernier, Jeanne  1928 - 1972 H5
Blier, Eugenie  1863 - 1954 G18
Blondeau, Alexander  1884 - 1911 E44
Blondeau, Anna  1854 - 1929 E46
Blondeau, Elisa  1891 - 1913 E44
Blondeau, Guy Paul Albert  5 Jan 1941 - 11 Nov 2007 hus of Rose, son of Paul & Marie
Blondeau, Jean  1881 - 1906 E44
Blondeau, Joseph  1898 - 1947 F46
Blondeau, Marie  1880 - 1911 E44
Blondeau, Paul Sr.  1851 - 1920 E44
Blondeau, Rose  1886 - 1911 E44
Boutin, Adalbert 'Bert'  1931 - 1978 E48
Boutin, Adeline  1875 - 1955 E56
Boutin, Adjutor  1904 - 1972 G39
Boutin, Armand  I32
Boutin, Bernard  1953 - 1986 F36
Boutin, Blanche Marie Agnes (nee Beland)  17 May 1931 - 31 Jan 2014 wife of Bert  
Boutin, Gerard  1938 - 1938 B54
Boutin, Irene  1911 - 1997 F35
Boutin, Jean-Marie  1904 - 1982 F34
Boutin, Jean-Marie 'John'  10 May 1941 - 5 Dec 2005 son of Jean-Marie & Irene
Boutin, Jeanne  1913 - 1998 G38
Boutin, Leger  1876 - 1939 E55
Boutin, Leonard  15 Aug 1940 - 21 Sep 2012 hus of Estelle, son of Armand & Celine (nee Robin) 
Bremner, Charles  C30
Bremner, Doug  1958 - 1999 I53
Bremner, Henri  B59
Bremner, Lionel Lyman 'Joseph'  10 Dec 1920 - 3 Mar 2010 hus of Joan Heroux, son of John & Mary
Bremner, Lynne (nee Langlois)  24 May 1958 - 20 June 2011 wife of Jim, dau of Abel & Agnes 
Bremner, Moise  1862 - 1940 B30
Bremner, Rachel  1934 - 1995 C37
Bremner, Rose  1876 - 1953 B31
Brodeur, Joseph  1935 - 1952 B60
Burechailo, Alexander  1916 - 1995 I17
Burechailo, Brian Joseph  1967 - 1984 H9
Burechailo, Celeste (nee Autet)  13 Sep 1922 - 11 Apr 2007 dau of Alfred & Julia H55
Burechailo, Hermine (nee Autet)  1927 - 1996 I18
Burechailo, John  1913 - 1995 H54
Burechailo, Shirley  1947 - 1947 dau of John & Celeste
Buztynski, Isidore  1893 - 1946 B42

Casavant, Edmond  1876 - 1962 G30
Casavant, Nora  1888 - 1963 G31
Casavant, (unknown)  A61
Casavant, Yvette  1944 - 1944 B50
Charette, Helene  1861 - 1946 C42
Charette, Naploeon  1860 - 1945 F6
Chatlain, Elizabeth  1907 - 1991 G46
Chatlain, Fred  1902 - 1975 G45
Chatlain, Joseph  1939 - 1997 G47
Cocheril, Louis  1886 - 1943 B39
Compagnon, 1913 - 1985 G51
Cote, Robert  1930 - 1935 A55

Dansereau, Jean  B57
Dansereau, Marie  B61
Deault, Albina  1863 - 1929 B26
Deault, Leandre  1859 - 1937 B27
Deault, (unknown)  A68
Demers, Lionel  1924 - 1932 A56
Denis, Kristina “Faye”  1987 - 1997 C26
Detillieux, Leon  1935 - 1935 B56
Detillieux, Victor  1921 - 1992 H51
Detillieux, Wesley  1984 - 1985 J9
Dinelle, Bernadette  1902 - 2000 F45
Dureau, Augaustine  1880 - 1908 E16
Dureau, Joseph  1928 - 1928 E16
Duval, Charles Berome  1870 - 1948

Ethier, Alex  1902 - 1991 H40
Ethier, Camille  1900 - 1980 H41
Ethier, Joe  B53
Ethier, Louis  died 2001 H34
Ethier, Pierre  H42
Ethier, Ronald  B51

Favreau, Marie  1954 - 1954 J5
Florizoone, Camiel  1865 - 1954 F24
Florizoone, Francois  1871 - 1938 F25
Fortier, Olive  F43
Francois, Joseph  1902 - 1921 E14
Francois, Louise  1875 - 1913 E14
Frigon, Adrien  1879 - 1942 B35
Frigon, Arthur  A60
Frigon, August  24 Nov 1928 - c.1929
Frigon, (boy)  27 Feb 1928 - 28 Feb 1928
Frigon, Eugenie (nee Autet)  1890 - 1983 wife of Adrien C38
Frigon, Joseph  24 Nov 1928 - 24 Nov 1928
Frigon, (stillborn)  child of Adrien & Eugenie A68

Gagnon, Adalare  1914 - 1983 H14
Gagnon, Adelore  H8
Gagnon, Adelore  1884 - 1957 G7
Gagnon, Agnes  1917 - 1984 G56
Gagnon, Ervin  1917 - 1990 G57
Gagnon, Helene  1914 - 20012 H56
Gagnon, Leslie  1915 - 1995 H57
Gagnon, Philomene  1893 - 1954 G8
Gareau, Leonard  6 Aug 1934 - 8 Sep 2007 hus of Therese, son of Joseph & Rose
Gaudet, Deshae Alice  28 Nov 2005 age 2 yrs 5 mos 11 days, dau of Francis & Lizanne
Gaudet, Marie Jeanne (nee Nault)  died 1 Dec 2002 wife of Raoul
Gaudet, Raoul 'Ralph'  25 Jun 1930 - 31 Mar 2005 
Gaudet, Yvon  1914 - 1999 I34
Georget, Albertine  1915 - 1985 I10
Georget, Alexander  1913 -      I11
Georget, Alexis  1861 - 1926 E29
Georget, Alexis  1887 - 1925 E37
Georget, Cecile  1950 - 1978 G35
Georget, Charles  1922 - 1971 E25
Georget, Claude  1954 - 1954 E28
Georget, Francois  1886 - 1933 E24
Georget, Francois  1856 - 1920 E22
Georget, Henri  1961 - 1961 C54
Georget, Joseph  1896 - 1967 F29
Georget, Joseph  1942 - 1942 C60
Georget, Jules  1890 - 1945 F4
Georget, Julien  1855 - 1936 E5
Georget, Lucien  1918 - 1981 I7
Georget, Maria  1927 - 1934 E27
Georget, Marie  1900 - 1920 B8
Georget, Marie  1864 - 1945 E21
Georget, Marie Rose  1860 - 1925 E29
Georget, Marie St.  1864 - 1939 B28
Georget, Maurice  1960 - 1960 J2
Georget, Rene  1917 - 1993 I31
Georget, Roland  1924 - 1927 E38
Georget, Rosida  died 1996 I30
Goddue, Alexandrine  1889 - 1965 F12
Goddue, Hormidas  1877 - 1944 F11
Godin, Achille  1868 - 1959 F9
Godin, Armande  1924 - 1993 G16
Godin, Bertha  1894 - 1980 H11
Godin, Bruno  1888 - 1971 H10
Godin, Charles  1891 - 1952 G10
Godin, Emilie  1861 - 1945 F10
Green, Thomas  I25
Guillet, Alexis  1886 - 1953 F7
Guillet, Clement  1922 - 1986 H31
Guillet, Florence  1928 - 2001 G58
Guillet, Francois  1855 - 1932 E9
Guillet, Georgianna  1891 - 1945 F8
Guillet, Henri  1889 - 1974 H32
Guillet, Jeanne  1896 - 1982 H33
Guillet, Marie  1857 - 1920 E10
Guillet, (unknown)  A57

Hamoline, (baby)  J10
Hamoline, Bernadette  1940 - 1941 B57
Hamoline, (unknown)  A66
Heroux, Adelaide  1891 - 1950 G28
Heroux, Elmer  1917 - 1951 G20
Heroux, Eugene  1885 - 1966 G29
Hoey, Delarisse  1898 - 1976 B45
Hoey, James  1894 - 1948 B44
Hoey, Rose - Amande  1925 - 2000 C46
Houle, Albert  1918 - 1998 I36
Houle, Francoise  1947 - 1947 B48
Huard, Edmond  1890 - 1953 G19
Huard, Jeanne  1895 - 1929 E47
Huard, Jhoseph  1883 - 1971 H20
Huard, Raymond  1920 - 1983 H17
Huard, Rose - Anna  1894 - 1964 H19
Huard, Theodore  E42

Joubert, Anysie  1909 - 1981 H39
Joubert, Auguste  1869 - 1948 F32
Joubert, Emilie  C31
Joubert, Gustave  1866 - 1933 B17
Joubert, Marie Louise  1869 - 1960 F33
Joubert, Tancrede  1899 - 1983 H38

Kuppenbender, Jeanne  1914 - 1997 I23
Kuppenbender, Leo  1948 - 1995 I24
Kuppenbender, Pete  1904 - 1992 I22
Kusch, Albert  1878 - 1954 E18
Kusch, Alice  1919 - 1920 E18
Kusch, Carl  1914 - 1996 I19
Kusch, Maria  1893 - 1983 E19
Kusch, Therese  1919 - 2001 I20

Langlois, Adrien  1902 - 1965 C28
Langlois, Antoinette  1905 - 1993 C27
Langlois, Edgar  1897 - 1961 C29
Langlois, Edouard  1866 - 1936 B21
Langlois, Onesiphore  1894 - 1954 G12
Langlois, Ozida  1847 - 1944 B40
Langlois, Rosa (nee Baril)  1896 - 1955 wife of Onesiphore G11
Langlois, Therese  1920 - 1950 F47
Lavertu, Arthur  1886 - 1958 H29
Lavertu, Emilius  1916 - 1992 H27
Lavertu, Joseph  1946 - 1946 B49
Lavertu, Pamela  1916 - 1992 H28
Lavoie, Albina  1888 - 1979 I6
LeBlanc, Bernadette  1911 - 1920 B5
LeBlanc, Bernard  1965 - 1980 G53
LeBlanc, Elizabeth  1927 - 1997 wife of Louis I58
LeBlanc, Henri  1865 - 1940 F18
LeBlanc, Josephine  1899 - 1954 G13
LeBlanc, Leodina  1867 - 1952 F19
LeBlanc, Louis Henri  15 Apr 2007 age 82
LeBlanc, Lucienne  1907 - 1917 B4
LeBlanc, Marie  1901 - 1986 H48
LeBlanc, Napoleon  1899 - 1933 H49
LeBlanc, Willis  1903 - 1917 B3
Lecoq, Anne  1868 - 1948 E58
Lecoq, Victor  1907 - 1947 E57
LeFrancois, Marie  A53
Legault, Joseph  1902 - 1927 B7
Legault, Marie  1876 - 1916 B6
Legault, Paul  1935 - 1952 B62

Mareschal, Georgette  1881 - 1960 E1
Mareschal, Irene  1920 - 1990 I15
Mareschal, Jack  1914 - 1995 I14
Mareschal, Janet  1934 - 1991 I16
Mareschal, Lucien  1880 - 1955 E2
Mareschal, Marguerite  1913 - 1989 I5
Mareschal, Paul  C61
Marsollier, Marie  1875 - 1929 E8
Marsollier, Pierre  1875 - 1957 E7
Martineau, Henri  1885 - 1956 F1
Memec, Marie  1886 - 1981 H2
Menec, Mathurin  1888 - 1967 H1
Mercier, Charlotte  1911 - 1984 G25
Mercier, Gabriel  1907 - 1978 G26
Mercier, Henrie  1931 - 1933 A54
Mercier, Joseph  1934 - 1937 E32
Mercier, Marie  1969 - 1969 C40
Mercier, Mason  2000 - 2000 C43

Neider, Alfred  1869 - 1951 F56

Parent, Adolphe  1890 - 1947 B43
Parent, Marie  1911 - 1987 B25
Paul, Julienne  1880 - 1939 B29
Perrault, Emile  25 Feb 2013 age 91
Perrault, Yvette  A51
Pratt, Elias  1942 - 1942 A52
Pratt, (girl)  1942 - 1942 twin sister to Elias A52
Prefontaine, Aderlard  1915 - 1954 G9
Prefontaine, Charles  1888 - 1942 F17
Prefontaine, Daniel  1925 - 1925 F16
Prefontaine, Gabrielle  1918 - 1980 H36
Prefontaine, Lea  1901 - 1950 F52
Prefontaine, Louis  1894 - 1969 G52
Prefontaine, Roger  1922 - 1993 F15
Prefontaine, Victor  1917 - 1976 H35

Rabu, Arsene  1923 - 1994 I26
Rabu, Roger  31 Dec 1965 - 4 Nov 2006 son of Arsene & Rita
Rabut, Eliza  1894 - 1987 G4
Rabut, Fernand  1912 - 1993 G1
Rabut, Gerald  1955 - 1973 H4
Rabut, Jacques  1850 - 1928 E40
Rabut, Joseph  1914 - 1955 F2
Rabut, Marie Rose  F41
Rabut, Pierre  1879 - 1972 G3
Rayne, Mathilde  1876 - 1972 F31
Rayne, Pascal  1870 - 1948 F30
Roberge, Antime  died 1926 B2
Roberge, Blanche  1894 - 1916 B34
Robert, Emeril  1887 - 1959 G2
Robert, Joseph Pierre  1921 - 1996 G2
Robert, Madeline  1897 - 1935 F4
Rompre, Alphonse  188 - 1960 F43
Rompre, Gedeon  1886 - 1961 G44
Rompre, Gildas  1929 - 1929 A58
Rompre, Marie Rose  1892 - 1961 F44
Rompre, Therese  1929 - 1998 F27
Roux, Michel  1945 - 1980 C41
Roy, Anaise  1895 - 1926 C2
Roy, Andre Joseph  6 Jun 2014 age 88
Roy, Colin  1983 - 1984 C63
Roy, Ervin  1963 - 1998 I47
Roy, Florence  1926 - 1992 D61
Roy, Florida  1890 - 1967 H14
Roy, George  1946 - 1997 D59
Roy, Hudor  1887 - 1971 H13
Roy, Michele  1965 - 1998 I47
Roy, Phillipe  1890 - 1971 C2
Roy, Pierre  1860 - 1933 C3
Roy, Roger  2 Dec 2012 age 88
Roy, Roger A. Jr.  1957 - 1976 D62
Roy, Roger V. Jr.  1954 - 1954 C62
Roy, Victorine  1859 - 1949 C4
Ryland, Robert  1952 - 1978 G41

Salo, Linda  1957 - 1995 I26
Sarrasin, Anna  1916 - 1987 H47
Sarrasin, Augustine  1876 - 1940 B33
Sarrasin, David  1865 - 1957 C33
Sarrasin, Emilie  1933 - 1933 B58
Sarrasin, Jean  1933 - 1933 B55
Sarrasin, Joseph  1903 - 1985 H46
Sarrasin, Mary  1832 - 1912 B19
Savidan, Albert  1926 - 1965 G42
Savidan, Marielle  1931 - 1965 G43
Schmitt, Charles  1927 - 1930 E31
Schmitt, Marie (nee Agesse)  1872 - 1950 G27

Taillefer, Arthur  1876 - 1939 F23
Taillefer, Arthur  1918 - 1990 G22
Taillefer, Victoria  1884 - 1973 F22
Tauriac, Joseph  1895 - 1973 G5
Tauriac, Mathe  1905 - 1989 G6
Toullelan, Augustine (nee Moulin)  1902 - 2000 wife of Jean I1
Toullelan, Jean Marie  1882 - 1974 I2
Toullelan, Therese  1936 - 1988 I12
Trumier, Alice  1939 - 2001 C18
Trumier, (baby)  1963 - 1963 J7
Trumier, (baby)  2001 - 2001 C20

Vallee, Alphonse  1890 - 1979 G33
Vallee, Bruno  1876 - 1937 G32
Vallee, Jeanne  1893 - 1964 G323
Vallee, Robert  1917 - 1970 G34
Vallee, Yvonne  1924 - 1986 F38

(Click on photo to enlarge)



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