Bakewell, Gerald 'Gerry' 19?0 - 2008 Bateman, Edward & Harriet Bateman, Edward George 1889 - 1976 Bateman, Frances V. (nee Ames) 1933 - 1 Jun 2005 Bateman, Harriet 1899 - 1991 Bateman, Jack 1930 - Beck, Annie 1880 - 1959 Beck, Benjamin James 1913 - 1982 Beck, James 1880 - 1940 Beck, Mary Gertrude 1917 - 1980 Beck, William Edward 1918 - 1936 Bell, Annie (nee Pritchard) 1891 - 1915 wife of Leslie A. Bell, Harvey Roy 1887 - 1968 Bell, Katharine 1876 - 1939 Bell, Lorna May 1899 - 1973 Bell, Solomon 1855 - 1927 Campbell, Colin Henry 1914 - 1928 Campbell, George Henry 1885 - 1955 Campbell, Jessie 1884 - 1975 Campbell, Ross 1915 - 1974 Carson, Clarence 1910 - 1914 Carson, Lillian 1915 - 1921 Carson, Matt 1879 - 1970 Carson, 'Mother' 1884 - 1918 Dann, Norman C. 1922 - 1997 Dobson, Gordon 1906 - 1999 Dobson, Henrietta 'Hattie' 1904 - 14 Apr 2006 Dyer, Elizabeth E. 1863 - 1966 Dyer, Roland W. 1895 - 1984 Dyer, Sydney 1883 - 1974 Dyer, William H. N. 1859 - 1939 Douglas, Isabel (nee Sutherland) 1867 - 1908 wife of George Fisher, Helen Stewart 4 Aug 1918 age 46 Fuchs, Adelheid 1865 - 1953 Fuchs, Anton 1884 - 1968 Fuchs, Joseph 1865 - 1951 Fuchs, Joseph Anton 27 Jun 1919 - 1 Aug 1919 Fuchs, Katharina 1888 - 1957 Gehl, Barbara 1855 - 1936 Gehl, John S. 23 Jan 1918 - 25 Jan 1918 son of M. & A. Gilmour, Andrew 1883 - 1942 Gilmour, James E. 1917 - 1996 Gilmour, Mina 1882 - 1932 Goar, Phebe Jane 1861 - 1937 Grant, Elizabeth 1882 - 1936 wife of John Grant, John 1876 - 1949 Grant, John William 4 May 1920 age 10 yrs 4 days, son of J. & E. Grierson, Gilbert Russel 1868 - 1946 Grierson, Isabelle 1874 - 1954 Hipkin Family Headstone Hipkin, Ellen E. 23 May 1920 age 65 Hipkin, Ethel M. 19 Jan 1887 - 18 Dec 1936 wife of James Hipkin, James Wm. 28 Jun 1844 - 4 Dec 1922 6044 Howell, Margaret I. 1933 - 1998 Howell, Robert N. 1926 - 6 Jul 2007 Kistner, Bertha 1911 - 2001 Kistner, George 1901 - 1982 Kistner, Eva Eileen 1933 - 1935 Kohler, Lena 1919 - 1919 dau of B. Kreh, Lawrence E. 16 Feb 1913 age 10 mos 3 days Kreh, Lawrence (2nd photo) Landry, Leon 1900 - 1978 Landry, Lula (nee Rice) 1908 - 1996 Lindner, Gustav 1853 - 19?? Lindner, Martha 1858 - 19?? Lindner, Otto F. 21 Feb 1896 - 7 Dec 1918 Little, Archibald & Jemima Lttle, Archibald 28 May 1912 age 87 Lttle, Jemima (nee Turnbull) 5 Apr 1911 age 85 wife of Archibald Luhning, Helen M. 1921 - 2009 Luhning, Herbert Oswald 30 Mar 1920 - 5 Apr 2004 Luhning, Herman Henry 1888 - 1948 Luhning, Hildegard 12 Nov 1923 - 22 Apr 1924 493 Luhning, Johanna Margaret 1893 - 1942 Luhning, Mabel Adeline (nee Lidberg) 1920 - 6 Jun 2006 Luhning, Walter H. 1914 - 1986 Lustig, Anton 1888 - 1941 Lustig, Evelyn 2 Jan 1914 - 20 Oct 2004 Lustig, John H. 25 Mar 1907 - 28 Jun 1997 Lustig, Johan 4 Nov 1877 - 5 Jan 1924 Lustig, Johann 18 Jan 1841 - 16 Nov 1918 Lustig, Marie 1888 - 1929 Lustig, Rosalia 1844 - 1935 Matts, Martha 1907 - 2000 Nash, Raylene Noelle (nee Seidler) 19 Dec 1969 - 21 Dec 1997 Nicholson, Bruce 1907 - 1981 Nicholson, Helen (nee Rogan) 1911 - 2003 Oberg, Kathy 1943 - 1998 Oberg, Merle D. 21 May 1941 - 22 Oct 2007 Porter, Eva F. (nee Rogan) 26 May 1916 - 10 Dec 1992 Porter, Joseph A. (Putra) 15 Mar 1911 - 4 Mar 1994 Powers, Charlie 8 Feb 1920 - 7 Oct 1986 Powers, Helen (nee Scrope) 25 Dec 1922 - 28 May 2002 Puhlmann, Harold 'Butch' 1937 - 2004 Randall, Alma M. 1897 - 1988 Rice, George 1867 - 1945 Richter, Bernhardt Frederick 1879 - 1959 Richter, Charlie Paul 1916 - 1925 Richter, Frank 1915 - 1965 Richter, Frieda A. 1894 - 1944 Richter, Frieda Martha 18 Apr 1922 age 35 yrs 10 mos Richter, George 1949 Richter, George 1919 - 1919 Richter, Helene 1900 - 1929 Richter, Margaret 9 Mar 1938 age 53 yrs 10 mos Richter, Otto 1885 - 1967 Rogan, Audrey Lillian died age 7 mos, dau of Charles & Lulu Rogan, Bud 1923 - 1981 Rogan, Charles 1878 - 1939 Rogan, Lula Amelia 1887 - 1963 wife of Charles & Lulu Rogan, Malcolm C. 1905 - 1996 Rogan, Jack Wilke 21 Aug 1917 - 6 Mar 2009 Seidler, August Lebrecht 10 Jul 1901 - 3 Aug 1992 Seidler, Blanche 3 Feb 2013 wife of Carl Seidler, Carl 31 May 1918 - 4 Nov 2012 Seidler, Clara M. 1912 - 1929 Seidler, Dorothy J. 1923 - 1926 Seidler, Eleanor Evelyn (nee Bell) 10 Oct 1921 - 18 May 2000 Seidler, Eric Kurt 1896 - 1955 Seidler, Evelyn E. 1924 - 1925 Seidler, Gerdrui 25 Mar 191? - Aug 1918 Seidler, Gertrude Marie 1892 - 1973 Seidler, Janice 9 Aug 1949 - 25 Oct 2012 dau of August & Evelyn Seidler, Marie Anna 1866 - 1930 wife of Paul Seidler, Martha 1914 - 1932 Seidler, Paul 13 Dec 1908 - 22 Jul 1911 Seidler, Paul Frank 1872 - 1913 Seidler, Paul (twin) 5 Aug 1947 - 5 Aug 1947 son of August & Evelyn Seidler, Pauline (twin) 5 Aug 1947 - 5 Mar 1948 dau of August & Evelyn Seifert, Irene Gladys 1900 - 1964 Seifert, John 17 Apr 1930 - 9 Sep 2006 Seifert, Lottie 4 Nov 1933 - Seifert, Maria 1896 - 1935 Seifert, Max Louis 1889 - 1972 Seifert, Rosalia H. 31 May 1908 - 3 Aug 1915 dau of E. H. & K. Sigmeth, Archie 1922 son of John & Ethel Sigmeth, Ethel M. 9 Jun 1916 - 23 Oct 1917 dau of J. & E. Sigmeth, Magdalena (nee Klein) 27 Dec 1890 - 5 Jan 1912 wife of Josef Sigmeth, Maria 1864 - 1908 wife of Anton Sigmeth, Maria 11 Jun 1864 - 21 Jun 1908 508 Sigmeth, Steve 1922 son of John & Ethel Smith, Isabelle (nee Rogan) 1910 - 1991 Smith, Paul G. 1900 - 1973 Spearman, Elsie & Orval Spearman, Elsie Emily (nee Dyer) 3 May 1908 - 29 Jun 2004 Spearman, Orval Franklin 11 May 1917 - 6 Mar 2000 Stewart, Samuel 1868 - 1932 unknown 1 unknown 2 unknown 8 Jul 1908 age 42 Weisbrod, Caroline Elizabeth 'Carol' 1919 - 19 Jan 2008 Weisbrod, William C. 'Willie' 10 Mar 1923 - 26 Jun 2002 Wieduwilt, Rosalia 1883 - 1973 Wieduwilt, Siegmunt 1884 - 1970 Wilkie, Duncan 1867 - 1949 Wilkie, Malcolm 1858 - 1940 Wisniewski, Felix 8 Mar 1920 - 8 Jul 1977 Wisniewski, Stella 24 Apr 1914 - 2 Mar 1997 Zerr, Erasmus 'Ross' 24 Aug 1919 - 5 Aug 1993 Zerr, Mabel 14 Dec 1928 - 14 Mar 2017 Zerr, Sandra Ann 1953 - 1976 dau of Erasmus & Mabel
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