Dilke Cemetery

R. M. of Sarnia # 221   SW 14-22-24 W2
GPS   50.86962°N   105.23976°W
First burial in 1907

Compiled & photographed by Ron Isherwood August 16, 2010
Additional information contributed by Lydia Selinger December 21, 2012

(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

Ackerman, Albert Max  1944 - 1944 son of Max & Matilda
Ackerman, Matilda M.  1919 - 1953
Ackerman, Max F.  1909 - 1979
Anderson, Albert F.  25 May 1925 - 13 Jun 1925
Anderson, Astrid Amanda  12 Feb 1903 - 19 Apr 1916 dau of Hilda
Anderson, Clara  1886 - 1957 wife of Otto
Anderson, Clarence  1920 - 2001
Anderson, Harold E. L.  1872 - 1951
Anderson, Hilda Sofie  26 Jan 1880 - 3 Feb 1916 wife of Olaf
Anderson, Otto  1887 - 1947
Anfinson, Agnes  1891 - 1975
Anfinson, Henry S.  1878 - 1963
Anfinson, Marguerite  1891 - 1925
Archer, Frederick David  1939 - 21 Jun 2002 son of Jack & Wilhelmina
Archer, Jack  Jul 1890 - Sep 1969
Archer, Wilhelmina  Feb 1896 - Oct 1957

Ball, Agnes  1923 - 16 Dec 2006
Ball, Alphonse Adam  10 Aug 1940 - 31 Oct 2010 hus of Alvina
Ball, Alvina  1940 -
Ball, Carl  1924 - 1980
Ball, Felix  1917 - 1992
Ball, James  1888 - 1965
Ball, Katherine  1890 - 1960
Barry, Agnes Cora  1915 - 1917 dau of James & Nancy
Barry, Evelyn Pearl  8 Mar 1917 - 18 Jun 1917 dau of James & Nancy
Barry, David James  1883 - 1960
Barry, Nancy Anne  1878 - 1957
Bast, Amelia  1897 - 1969
Bast, John  1895 - 1974
Bast, Katherine (nee Folk)  1912 - 28 Nov 2000 dau of Anton & Adeline
Bast, Sebastian  1915 - 1978 son of John & Amelia
Bathgate, Claire  1907 - 1985
Bathgate, Gwendolyn (nee Daintree)  15 Jun 1913 - 5 Jul 2011 dau of George & Eliza
Bathgate, Janet Marion  5 Sep 1942 - 18 Dec 1942 dau of Claire & Gwendolyn
Bathgate, Robert  1911 - 1977
Belcher, John Boswell  1922 - 1977
Belcher, Margaret  19 Dec 1920 - 29 Jun 2003 dau of Stanley & Mary
Belcher, Mary (nee McArton)  5 Sep 1893 - 28 Aug 1986
Belcher, Stanley Robert  18 Nov 1895 - 17 May 1980
Bell, Dorothy  1926 - 1926
Bemrose, Alice E.  29 Apr 1909 - 24 Aug 1921 dau of Arthur & Marion  
Blayone, Eileen (nee Bast)  1947 - 
Blayone, Gordon  1942 - 
Bodmam, Ann Elizabeth (nee Perry)  1860 - 1917 wife of George
Bohme, Anna H.  1880 - 1959
Bohme, Arthur  1888 - 1969
Bohme, Carl  1927 - 1927
Bohme, Emma  1895 - 1961
Bohme, Friedrich K.  1877 - 1948
Bonogofsky, Albina (nee Lipp) Massine  14 Feb 1922 - 17 Jan 2013 dau of Theodore & Magdalena 
Breese, Ellen Rose  1872 - 1963
Breese, James H.  1909 - 1943
Brook, Herbert  1870 - 1941
Buch, Mr.  
Budge, (baby)  
Budge, Mrs.

Cairnes, Barbara Joan (nee Roberts)  3 Jun 1935 - 26 Nov 2006 dau of William & Irene
Cairnes, William Garvin  1932 - 16 Nov 1998 age 66
Carr, Susannah M.  1893 - 1943
Carswell, Andrew  1871 - 1940
Carswell, Mary (nee McAlpine)  1861 - 1933 dau of Archibald & Sarah
Chapman, Charles H.  1855 - 1918
Chapman, Josephine (nee McCray)  1878 - 1965 dau of Samuel & Ellen
Chapman, Rolla W.  1883 - 1929 hus of Josephine
Church, Ada Selina  1889 - 1959
Church, Arthur  1930 age 16 days, son of Charles & Ada
Church, Charles Boyle  1884 - 1961
Church, Glenn Francis  10 Jun 1921 - 17 Dec 2005 hus of Rose, son of Charles & Ada
Church, J. M.  1919 - 30 Jul 1943 (bur. Hamburg, GER)
Church, Rose M. (nee Bast)  1927 -
Chypiska, Annie J.  1910 - 1990
Chypiska, Marion Matilda (nee Hein)  1929 - 22 Dec 2004 dau of August & Emma
Chypiska, Philip C.  1927 - 1998
Chypiska, William  1900 - 1967
Clark, Edith  185 - 1959
Clark, James Walter  1910 - 1977
Culic, Tony  6 Feb 1963 - 9 aug 1997

Daintree, Eliza  1884 - 1967
Daintree, George  1883 - 1980
Davidson, Elsie  Jun 1866 - May 1959
Davidson, John  1869 - 1937
Delowski, William  14 Aug 1928 age 30
Dewar, Mary Jane  1858 - 1949
Dewar, Robert Taylor  5 May 1925 age 70
Dielschneider, Jacob J.  1892 - 1983
Dielschneider, Magdalena  1893 - 1959
Duesing, Albert  1875 - 1935
Duesing, Albert Ian  1 Sep 1951 - 16 Dec 2006 son of Lester & Audrey
Duesing, Colleen R. (nee Gartner)  1952 - 
Duesing, Fred  1856 - 1918
Duesing, Paul Jr.  1969 - 1969 son of Albert & Colleen

Eberts, Dorothy B.  1928 - 
Eberts, Stephen Joseph  1922 - 13 Oct 2006 son of Edward & Rosa
Eisworth, Andrew  1945 - 1945 son of Ferdinand & Rose
Ell, Albert  1923 - 1947 son of Henry & Philipina
Ell, Frederick Frank  28 Aug 1925 - 12 Jan 2015 son of Henry & Philipina (nee Schmidt)
Ell, Fredrick  1952 - 1952 son of Frederick & Juliana
Ell, John Lawrence  1930 - 9 Dec 2007 son of Henry & Philipina
Ell, Juliana Margaret 'Julia' (nee Ziegler)  6 Nov 1927 – 15 Jul 2014 dau of John & Anna
Embury, Dorothy Mary  16 Mar 1895 - 28 Mar 1952
Embury, Frank G.  1925 - 5 Jan 2008 hus of Anne
Euteneier, Fred  1881 - 1951

Faircloth, (baby)  1913 - 1914
Frohlick, Chance Peter  31 Aug 1984 - 21 Feb 2010
Fuchs, Alexander  1901 - 1982
Fuchs, Barbara (nee Bukart)  1916 - 17 Sep 2009 dau of Joseph & Anna
Fuchs, Conrad L.  1928 - 1997 son of Alex & Philippina
Fuchs, Donald Leo  1941 - 19 Jul 2006 son of Joseph & Katherine
Fuchs, Elsie  21 Nov 1934 - 
Fuchs, Frances E.  1931 - 
Fuchs, Jordan F.  14 Apr 1986 - 8 Jul 2003 son of Frank & Janice
Fuchs, Joseph (infant)  25 May 1962 son of Conrad & Frances
Fuchs, Peter  1872 - 1959
Fuchs, Peter A.  22 Jul 1936 - 
Fuchs, Philippina  1908 - 1985
Fuchs, Robert  1913 - 1988
Fuchs, Rosalia  1876 - 1957

Gardiner, Edith  9 May 1913 - 6 Apr 2007
Gardiner, Robert  21 Feb 1915 - 2 Dec 1996
Gardner, George  1878 - 1950
Gardner, Margaret  1881 - 1961
Gartner, Adam  1908 - 1982
Gartner, Anthony 'Tony'  1922 - 2003
Gartner, Dorean  1939 - 1939
Gartner, Emelia  1914 - 1978
Gartner, Gary  1962 - 1988 son of Anthony & Theresa
Gartner, Hilda  1935 - 1935
Gartner, John  1910 - 1995
Gartner, Mary Ellen  1916 - 1956
Gartner, Theresa Mary (nee Fuchs)  9 Feb 1930 - 12 Nov 2010 dau of Alex & Philippina 
Gemmell, John Duane 'Bud'  1931 - 10 Jan 2008
Gemmell, Marie Agnes Claire  1934 - 
Gerris, Mary  1873 - 1940
Gerris, William  1860 - 1959
Gustafson, Ealey Wayne (baby)  27 May 1948

Hendry, Earl Robert  1911 - 1992 son of John & Hazel
Hendry, Evelyn May (nee Naldrett)  1920 - Dec 2010 dau of Jack & Edith 
Hepburn, Lucretia  1857 - 1947
Hild, Andreas  1929 - 
Hild, Maria Magdalena Ernestine (nee Claudy)  1932 - 9 Jul 2009 dau of Andreas & Clara
Hitcherick, Agnes  1927 - 2012
Hoffart, Agatha C. (nee Gardner)  1903 - 1987
Hoffart, Andrew  1899 - 1975 son of Peter & Katherine
Hoffart, Gordon Donald  1944 - 1945
Hoffart, Jacob  1936 - 1997
Holland, Ole P.  1879 - 1966
Holland, Rhoda  1884 - 1942
Horne, Albert Leigh Harcourt  1921 - 3 Mar 2010 son of Leigh & Fannie
Horne, Fannie Ann (nee Crumley)  1893 - 1927 wife of L. H.
Horne, Winnifred Rose (nee Mitchell)  11 Dec 1921 - 14 Oct 2016 wife of Albert
Hornung, Monica  1955 - 1955
Hungle, Elsie  5 Jan 1926 - 21 Nov 2008
Hungle, Ferdinand 'Fritz'  24 Jul 1931 - 
Hungle, Joan B.  1946 - 1983
Hungle, Joseph C.  23 Feb 1906 - 28 Jan 1979
Hungle, Katherine  2 Mar 1911 - 4 Nov 1997

Jones, Anne  1880 - 1978
Jones, Deborah May (nee Skinner)  12 Aug 2008 age 56 dau of Russell
Jones, Elizabeth Ruth  1928 - 2011
Jones, Ivor S.  1923 - 1997
Jones, Lewis W.  1878 - 1943
Jones, Lois E.  1927 - 1991
Jones, Mary Margaret  1915 - 11 Apr 2001 dau of Lewis & Anne

Kalberg, Dawn  1941 - 
Kalberg, Peter  1965 - 1993
Kinnear, Dorothy Agnes  29 Jul 1882 - 15 Nov 1967
Kinnear, Thomas  1883 - 1936
Kinnear, Thomas Westropp  24 Apr 1885 - 24 Apr 1936
Klein, John  1885 - 1948
Klein, John Jr.  1920 - 1990
Knop, Carl  1870 - 1950
Koch, Andrew 'Andy'  1929 - 16 May 2002
Koch, Emily (nee Fahlman)  1931 - 21 Nov 2013
Koch, Gustav A.  (Reserved)
Koch, Heather Rowan (nee Stitt)  1914 - 5 Oct 2007 dau of Joseph & Maggie
Koch, Joseph  1893 - 1969
Koch, Margaret Rose  1903 - 1974
Koch, Margareta  1891 - 1961
Koch, Randy A.  26 Oct 1968 - 30 Aug 2002 son of Andrew & Emily
Koval, Joseph  1904 - 1979

Laduke, Dorothy  1958 - 1958
Link, Ann  14 Apr 1855 - 18 Oct 1942
Link, Edward  27 Jul 1847 - 21 Jul 1925
Lipp, Andrew  1928 - 13 Jun 2011 age 83
Lipp, Anne B.  1922 -
Lipp, Frank  1933 - 1995 
Lipp, Garry Charles  1948 - 1977 son of Michael & Anne
Lipp, Gladys M.  (Reserved)
Lipp, Helen  1899 - 1939 wife of Michael F.
Lipp, Jack A.  1938 - 1988
Lipp, Jack F.  1912 - 1994
Lipp, Magdalena  1903 - 1988 wife of Theodore
Lipp, Michael F.  1895 - 1965
Lipp, Michael Gordon  11 Nov 1916 - 18 Feb 2001 son of Carl & Walburg
Lipp, Monica Anne  1955 - 1977
Lipp, Sadie  1932 -
Lipp, Sebastian  1908 - 1986
Lipp, Simon  8 Oct 2013 hus of Janice, son of Michael & Anne
Lipp, Theodore  1901 - 1971
Lutes, (baby)  1914 - 1914

Mangel, Andrew W. 1890 - 1964
Mangel, Mary E. (nee Wolfe)  1905 - 1996
Mangel, Wendy Lee  May 1960 age 1 day
Manz, Zachary Edward  11 Apr 1994 - 27 May 2009
Massine, Valerie T.  1911 - 1980, 1st  hus of Albina Lipp
McAdam, Anita M. J.  1934 - 1982
McAdam, Robbie  1963 - 1977
McIntosh, John  1884 - 1974
McLeod, Beryl L.  1925 - 1998
McLeod, Frank Stanley  5 Jun 1927 - 210 Jan 008
Mengel, Barbara Anne (nee Schwartz)  1929 - 25 Apr 2010 dau of Adam & Marie
Mengel, Harold  1932 - 
Metz, Anne  1928
Metz, Christina  1919 - 19 Jan 2009 dau of Martin & Margaret
Metz, George Stephen  1915 - 20 Nov 2003 son of Martin & Margaret
Metz, Margaret  1892 - 1954
Metz, Martin  1889 - 1966
Metz, Philip  1921 - 1998 son of Martin & Margaret
Metz, Rosina M.  1915 - 1971
Minielly, Wayne  1948 - 1948
Molloy, Lillian Anne  1942 - 1988
Moore, Robert  1913 - 1936
Mortin, Elizabeth H.  1875 - 1956
Mortin, Elizabeth Jean  1908 - 1920 dau of Evans & Elizabeth
Mortin, Evans S.  1873 - 1963

Naldrett, Edna H. (nee Minielly)  1907 - 2000
Naldrett, Robert William  1907 - 1982
Nugent, Charles  21 Apr 1938 - 7 Dec 2012 hus of Delores Metz, son of William & Marie
Nugent, S. Marie (nee Breese)  1898 - 1998
Nugent, William J.  1880 - 1941

Pankonin, Frieda  1901 - 1949
Pasquire, Herbert A.  1888 - 1946
Pesek, Bohumil  1924 - 1991
Petruic, Hilda M.  1914 - 2005
Petruic, Patricia Anna  Oct 1945 - May 1946
Petruic, Pete  1918 - 1965
Pillipow, Angelina Magdelina (nee Gartner)  1942 - 9 Feb 2009 dau of John & Milly
Purves, Gordon  2014

Reid, Charles Arthur  1919 - 10 Aug 2007
Reid, Harold  1914 - 1945
Reid, Rose P.  1913 - 1997
Reiersen, Charlie Haakon 14 Sep 1905 - 1 May 1915 son of E. C. & J. T.
Rissling, Magdelena  died 1947
Ritson, Frank
Robertson, (baby)  3 Jun 1950 child of Stewart & Elizabeth
Robertson, Christina  1884 - 1950
Robertson, Elizabeth  1925 - 22 Apr 2002
Robertson, Jessie S.  1886 - 1966
Robertson, Nellie Caroline (nee Bielby)  1920 - 20 Oct 2015
Robertson, Philip Cress  1881 - 1959
Robertson, Stewart Austin  1919 - 1995
Robertson, W. J. Eric  1912 - 1988
Robertson, W. John B. 'Jack'  1915 - 1995
Robertson, William A.  1884 - 1974
Rogne, Erik  1917
Rogoschewsky, Helen M.  1928 -
Rogoschewsky, James  3 Feb 2015 age 63 hus of Joyce Fahlman, son of Joseph & Helen 
Rogoschewsky, Joseph P.  1922 - 1987
Rogoschewsky, Raymond G.  24 Oct 1944 - 14 Aug 2008 son of Leo & Mary
Rogoschewsky, Shirley E.  1948 - 

Schmiedge, Jacob  1889 - 1938
Schultz, Vickie D. (nee Ball)  1945 - 1998 dau of Felix & Agnes
Selinger, Aloysius  1913 - 1991
Selinger, Anne  1896 - 1974
Selinger, Della  1943 -
Selinger, Edward Ralph  1933 - 1946
Selinger, Emma (nee Dreger)  1919 - 3 Nov 2007 dau of Emmanuel & Lydia
Selinger, Eugene  12 Dec 1923 - 18 Sep 2012 son of Philip & Anna
Selinger, Geneva (nee Gardner)  1913 - 5 Sep 2007 age 93 wife of Aloysius
Selinger, George  1916 - 1998
Selinger, George  1946 - 1946 son of George & Emma
Selinger, Lennie  25 Jun 1963 - 12 Jun 1967 son of Leo & Lydia
Selinger, Leo  1899 - 1953
Selinger, Leo  1918 - 1991
Selinger, Lydia  1929 - 
Selinger, Margaret  17 Aug 1917 - 4 Sep 2009
Selinger, Maria E.  1899 - 1969
Selinger, Mildred  1943 - 1943 dau of George & Emma
Selinger, Philip  1894 - 1981
Selinger, Philip Jr.  1932 -
Selinger, Richard Frank  3 Aug 1941 - 29 Dec 2011 hus of Dawn Hendry, son of Philip & Elizabeth
Sigmuth, Richard  1956 - 1956 son of George & Pauline
Smith, Cecil Earl  1922 - 1991 son of Samuel & Laura
Smith, Clara Mrs.
Smith, Dehla (baby)  
Smith, Edna Genevieve (nee Anderson)  1923 - 14 Nov 2002
Smith, Emma May  27 Sep 1875 - 6 Jun 1914
Smith, Frances L.  1948 dau of Russell & Katie
Smith, Frances Lorraine  27 Jul 1948 - 2 Sep 1948 dau of Russell & Katie
Smith, Hollis Benjamin  3 Aug 1916 age 1 mon, son of Samuel & Laura
Smith, Julian Gordon  1914 - 1982 son of Samuel & Laura
Smith, Katie Frances (nee Chapman)  1919 - 
Smith, Laura Adele (nee Hinchey)  1880 - 1958
Smith, Mervin R.  1949 - 
Smith, Russell Burdick  1908 - 1988 son of Samuel & Laura
Smith, Samuel Elmer  1874 - 1952 son of Benjamin & Marilla
Steif, George A.  1891 - 1960
Steif, Louise  1900 - 1989
Stoykoff, Margaret A. (nee Klein)  1926 - 1991 dau of John
Strooken, John  died 1918
Stulberg, Edmund  1914 - 22 Apr 2008
Stulberg, Jean  1918 - 
Sweet, (baby)

Tait, Amelia A. (nee Chambers)  1893 - 1988
Tait, Ethel  1914 - 1990
Tait, J. A. E. 'Bert'  1920 - 1988
Tait, James A.  1887 - 1946
Tait, Louise (nee Omie)  1927 - 
Tait, Magdeline  1890 - 1983
Tait, Roy  1883 - 1938
Tait, Tammy M.  1983 - 1983
Tait, William A. 'Bill'  1920 - 1994
Thomas, Joyce A. (nee Friesen)  1933 - 
Thomas, Larry D.  1935 - 26 Dec 2001
Timoffee, Wayne  28 May 1949 - 24 Mar 2014 hus of Barb, son of John & Kate
Tuchton, Charles  1938 - 1986
Tuchton, Janet  1945 - 1990

Volk, Magdelena  1868 - 1945

Walker, Thelma K. (nee Anderson)  28 Apr 1916 - 5 Dec 2014 wife of Robert, dau of Otto & Clara
Wiley, Lindsie Marie  21 Aug 1987 - 22 Aug 1987 dau of Al & Barb
Williams, Helene (nee Bohme)  1911 - 2004
Wilson, Bertha E.  1914 - 1997
Wilson, Edward Lee  1 Jul 1970 age 19
Wilson, Elmer L.  1902 - 1980

Ziegler, Anna (nee Lipp)  1891 - 1980
Ziegler, John  1890 - 1948
Ziegler, Kendra Dawn  1972 - 29 Jan 2003 dau of Gerald & Dale

(Click on photo to enlarge)



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