Dahlton Lutheran Cemetery
Archerwill district
R.M. of Barrier Valley #   397 SE 20-40-15 W2
GPS   52.449501°N   104.118296°W
First burial in 1913

Allgrove, William  5 Mar 1978 age 54
Anderson, Alice Hazel (nee Larson)  20 May 1916 - 19 Jun 2006 dau of Kari (nee Rise)
Anderson, Anne  1878 - 1968 wife of Sever
Anderson, Ernest Otis  1918 - 2004
Anderson, John  30 Mar 1912 - 6 Nov 2003 hus of Alice
Anderson, Joyce S. (nee Wilson)  1924 - 2012
Anderson, Selmer Arnold  1915 - 1985
Anderson, Sver  1877 - 1948
Arnason, Arni S.  1882 - 1968
Arnason, Valgerdur  1858 - 1931

Benson, Anna May  1925 - 1935
Benson, Lillian H.  1907 - 1981
Benz, Mildred L.  1907 - 1984
Benz, William F.  1896 - 1980
Bidyk, Ethelyn Lavon  26 Dec 1919 - 25 Mar 1983
Blomquist, Karl Gustaf  1892 - 1972
Bloomquist, Emma L. (nee Larson)  1864 - 1953 
Bloomquist, Gus  died 1972 son of Karl & Emma
Bloomquist, Hjalmer E.  1895 - 1966 son of Karl & Emma
Bloomquist, Joseph A.  1899 - 1977 son of Karl & Emma
Bloomquist, Karl J.  1862 - 1941
Bloomquist, Otto Gilbert  1887 - 1985
Boe, Anne Enga  1920 - 1992 wife of Ole
Boe, Bruce E.  1947 - 1965
Boe, Clarence R.  1926 - 1954
Boe, Einar  1887 - 1970
Boe, Ethel May  1893 - 1949
Boe, Mabel C.  1933 - 1947
Boe, Marvel B.  1921 - 1935
Boe, Ole Edwin  1914 - 1952
Bourque, Alice (nee Holter)  19 Jul 1934 - 20 Oct 1995 wife of Leon
Bourque, Leon  3 Jan 1931 - 
Bredeson, Hjalmer  died 31 Jan 1947
Bredeson, Oscar  11 Dec 1883 - 30 Aug 1948
Broeckel, Gloria  1941 - 2013
Buranen, John  1875 - 1985

Cameron, Eliza  1896 - 1984 wife of John
Cameron, John  1892 - 1969
Chowen, Eileen Marie Christianson Sshapansky  20 Dec 1934 - 12 Jun 2008
Christianson, Albert  1899 - 1985
Christianson, Antonette  1890 - 1963 wife of Carl
Christianson, Carl Martin  1887 - 1966
Christianson, Dina  1876 - 1970
Christianson, Donna Mae  26 Oct 1952 - 29 Oct 1952
Christianson, Garnette G.  1910 - 2005 wife of Oscar
Christianson, Ingia Dorothia (nee Holter)  1918 - 1988 wife of Orville
Christianson, Kerry  12 Apr 1977 - 12 Apr 1977
Christianson, Lyla Mae  9 May 1935 - 12 Aug 1985
Christianson, Oliver  21 Feb 1902 - 13 Nov 1912
Christianson, Orville  1914 - 1999
Christianson, Oscar E.  1908 - 1971
Christianson, Otto  28 Oct 1877 - 30 Oct 1917
Cliffgard, Alben T.  1900 - 1979 son of John & Kari
Cliffgard, Clarence James  died 1942
Cliffgard, John T.  1856 - 1951
Cliffgard, Kari  1863 - 1935 
Cliffgard, Maud (nee Pierce)  1915 - 1982 wife of Olaf, dau of Robert & Emilie
Cliffgard, Olaf  1907 - 1996 son of John & Kari
Cocker, James B.  died 1923
Cooper, Bert Stanley  28 Feb 1922 - 20 Sep 1992
Cooper, Brynhild  1883 - 1957
Cooper, Frank Edward  31 Oct 1917 - 10 Oct 1995
Cooper, Fred J.  1920 - 1921
Cooper, Sydney  1886 - 1982
Cooper, Walter Sigward  1915 - 1987
Cowell, Emma  1869 - 1929
Cross, Elsie Johanna (nee Soderholm)  22 Jul 1927 - 20 Jul 2003

Dahl, Enga Karoline (nee Beitstad)  1873 - 1937
Dahl, Jessie  1917 - 1988
Dahl, Ole  1909 - 1978 son of Peder & Enga
Dahl, Peder Dalen  5 May 1878 - 15 Ov 1955
Danielson, Delphin  1891 - 1960
Danielson, Harvey L.  22 May 1920 - 3 Aug 2010 hus of Marit
Danielson, Hattie Alphine  1889 - 1974
Danielson, Jalmer  1888 - 1948
Danielson, Marit (nee Grytbak)  19 Apr 1924 - 
Dewhurst, Aaron  1880 - 1953
Dewhurst, Amelia (nee Cameron)  1882 - 1951
Dewhurst, Cliff F.  1912 - 1985
Dewhurst, Doris M.  1925 - 1996 wife of Fred
Dewhurst, Fred A.  1911 - 1985
Dewhurst, Harold  1908 - 1995
Dewhurst, Ralph E.  1907 - 1967
Dewhurst, Walter E.  1905 - 1927 son of Aaron & Amelia
Diffet, James Lowe  1858 - 1944

Fountain, Beverly Ann  1964 - 1968
Fountain, J. Edward  1 May 1916 - 14 Mar 2000 hus of Minnie
Fountain, Larry Edward  1947 - 2008
Fountain, Margaret M.  1888 - 1977
Fountain, Minnie  7 Jul 1920 - 3 Jul 2010

Gopfrich, Florence  1916 - 1988
Gopfrich, John  1909 - 1998
Gopfrich, Mary Anne  1943 - 1961
Gregovski, James L.  1964 - 1964

Hage, Alvin C.  1900 - 1969
Hage, August Theodore  1897 - 1970
Hage, Ernest O.  1926 - 2010
Hage, Frances M.  1926 - 
Hage, Ida Geneva  1904 - 2000
Hage, Marie  1900 - 1967
Hansen, Andrew  1867 - 1939
Hanson, Albert W.  1907 - 1959
Hanson, Bennie M.  1904 - 1998
Hanson, Carl  died 20 Dec 1935
Hanson, Peter  1872 - 1949
Hanson, Julie  died 15 May 1945
Hanson, Leona Ball  died 17 Dec 1940
Harrison, Jay Thomas  5 Nov 1889 - 5 Jan 1938
Harwood, Lester William  22 Dec 1892 - 10 Dec 1944
Healey, William J.  1875 - 1950
Hedin, Arvid  1886 - 1950 son of Ole & Mary
Hedin, Diana (nee Ferris)  1936 - 2005 wife of John
Hedin, George  1891 - 1974 hus of Petra
Hedin, Helga (nee Bloomquist)  1898 - 1931
Hedin, May (nee Piper)  1915 - 1978 wife of Arvid
Hedin, Oliver  1921 - 1999 son of Arvid & Helga
Hedin, Petra (nee Dahl) 1901 - 1999 dau of Peder & Enga
Hegg, Amelia  26 Mar 1878 - 13 Aug 1952
Hegg, Sigvart  23 Apr 1885 - 23 Jun 1955
Hewitt, Edith S.  1907 - 1991
Hewitt, James H.  1900 - 1967
Hewitt, William A.  1935 - 1995
Hill, Herbert William  1884 - 1964
Hill, Nellie (nee Stone)  1882 - 1942 wife of Herbert
Holter, Delphin Conrad  1913 - 1987
Holter, Devon Richard  26 Jul 1985 - 21 Apr 2006
Holter, Ethel Jennet (nee Rolles)  1925 - 2012
Holter, Evelyn I.  1925 - 1995
Holter, Ida  1892 - 1962
Holter, Jens Thoralf  3 Dec 1911 - 25 Aug 2009
Holter, John Martin  1865 - 1941
Holter, Julius  1875 - 1946
Holter, Lloyd C.  17 Dec 1919 - 27 Dec 1983
Holter, Martin  13 Jan 1864 - 21 Sep 1932
Holter, Rudolph Alfred  2 Mar 1928 - 28 Feb 2005
Hyde, Donna (nee Dahl)  27 Jul 1947 - 17 Oct 2008

Jankauskas, Anton  1905 - 1996
Jankauskas, Medora  1928 - 2009 wife of Anton
Johnsen, Anna Ivadell  1907 - 1996 wife of Carl
Johnsen, Carl Bernard  1900 - 1984
Johnsen, Fern  1908 - 1968
Johnsen, Hugo Julien  1903 - 1979
Johnsen, Nora Helene Segerstrom  1905 - 1983
Johnsen, Roy Harry (infant)  died 21 Nov 1938
Johnson, Alice Neoline  10 Sep 1898 - 7 Dec 1986
Johnson, Peter Laug  1864 - 1938

Karr, Alice  3 Mar 1906 - 6 May 1938
Karr, Morris  died 1928
Kimball, Floyd E.  1899 - 1973
Kimball, J. Kristine  1900 - 1993
Knudson, Cecile  1876 - 1955
Knudson, Harold R.  1880 - 1962
Knudson, Marion  1926 - 1993 wife of Stanley
Knudson, Ralph C.  22 May 1917 - 26 Mar 2002
Knudson, Stanley  1916 - 1998
Knudson, (unknown)

Larson, Alfred Melvin  1884 - 10 Apr 1924 hus of Kari Rise
Larson, Lindahl  1888 - 1972 hus of Martha
Larson, Martha (nee Rolles)  1898 - 1949 dau of Ole
Linen, Milt  1862 - 1951
Lorriman, George  died 7 Nov 1942

Mason, Thomas J.  1878 - 1947
Mickelson, Beulah M.  1908 - 1972
Mickelson, John  23 Dec 1920 - 18 Jun 2002
Mickelson, Kari  1894 - 1987
Mickelson, Magnar  9 Jun 1919 - 24 Apr 1997
Mickelson, Mickel  1890 - 1969
Mickelson, OLe  1922 - 1989
Misfeldt, Annie Gunelie (nee Dahl)  1898 - 1993 dau of Peder & Enga
Misfeldt, Elizabeth  1879 - 1965
Misfeldt, Ib H.  1922 - 1963 son of Ib & Annie
Misfeldt, Ib Hanson  1888 - 1943 
Misfeldt, Ronald Curtis  19 Sep 1966 - 1 May 1991

Nalepa, Adell (nee Slind)  1931  - 
Nalepa, Edward Christopher  1922 - 2003 hus of Adell
Nelson, Edwin W.  1884 - 1964
Nelson, H. Marie  1891 - 1969
Nelson, Harris  3 Apr 1880 - 24 Jan 1942
Nelson, Norman C.  1909 - 1977 son of Harris
Newberry, Eunice Winnifred (nee Stamp)  2 Jun 1925 - 11 Sep 2007 wife of Leroy
Newberry, Julia Adeline  28 Jan 1870 - 21 Nov 1943
Newberry, Leroy  26 Oct 1992 age 92
Newberry, Lucille Marie  22 Feb 1926 - 30 Sep 1936 dau of Leroy & Minnie (nee Schmidt)
Numedahl, (baby)  died 10 Mar 1917
Numedahl, Edith  1919 - 1929
Numedahl, Herman  1890 - 1971
Numedahl, Lilla (nee Misfeldt)  1884 - 1951 wife of Herman
Nustad, Margaret A.  1909 - 2003 wife of Norman
Nustad, Norman L.  1905 - 1999

Olson, Daurph Ordin  11 Jul 1920 - 7 Mar 1996 hus of Marjebelle
Olson, Elof K.  1886 - 1952
Olson, John  died 16 Feb 1957
Olson, John A.  1891 - 1965
Olson, Marjebelle Bernice  13 Feb 1917 - 
Olson, 'Mother'  2 Jul 1845 - 20 Aug 1920
Olson, Olga  1900 - 1973

Pederson, Gunhild Marie  1922 - 1957
Pederson, Lyes  25 May 1933 - 25 May 1933
Pederson, Marie L.  15 Feb 1921 - 13 Feb 2001 wife of Peter
Pederson, Ole  died 20 Jan 1956
Pederson, Peter O.  8 Feb 1913 - 12 Oct 1991
Pederson, Sina O.  30 Aug 1867 - 11 Jan 1941
Peterson, Anna (nee Formo)  1888 - 1981 wife of Christian
Peterson, Christian  1882 - 1951 son of Peter Shinhaugen
Peterson, Lauren Elizabeth  25 Nov 1992 - 11 Apr 2011
Peterson, Peter  1889 - 1992 son of Peter Shinhaugen
Pierce, Albert Robert  1881 - 1946
Pierce, Emily Fafel  1888 - 1966 
Pierce, Harold A.  1911 - 1997 hus of Hellen, son of Albert & Emily
Pierce, Hellen A. (nee Hedin)  1923 - 
Pierce, Herbert C.  1870 - 1940
Pierce, Herbert H.  1893 - 1991
Pierce, Ivan E.  1900 - 1997
Pierce, Martha  1872 - 1956
Pierce, Melvin Glen  17 May 1903 - 13 Nov 1928
Pierce, Myrtle E.  1897 - 1988
Pierce, Neil E. A.  13 Jun 1932 - 
Pierce, Patricia M. (nee Fraser)  26 Oct 1933 - 23 Aug 2010 wife of Neil
Pierce, Robert R. H.  10 Aug 1917 - 2 Feb 1993 son of Albert & Emily
Pierce, Stanley  
Pierce, Wilma J. (nee Numedahl)  8 Oct 1920 - 23 Apr 2003 wife of Robert
Plamondon, Frances (nee Danielson)  1950 - 1975

Rolles, Carrie M. Grindahl  1858 - 1928
Rolles, Edwin L.  1893 - 1941 son of Ole
Rolles, Martin Wilbur Louis  25 Feb 1937 - 10 Mar 1938
Rolles, Ole M.  1856 - 1913
Rolles, Olga J.  4 Feb 1926 - 22 Feb 1926
Rolles, Ronald  1939 - 1940

Sandaker, Arlene M.  6 Feb 1942 - 7 Feb 1942
Sandaker, Egil  1908 - 1990
Sandaker, Hilda (nee Holter)  1908 - 1990 wife of Egil
Sandaker, Olaf  1871 - 1950
Sandaker, Oline  1873 - 1933
Schoof, Lillian Evelyn Slind  17 Jun 1914 - 14 Jan 1997
Segerstrom, Carl W.  1900 - 1962
Skogsrud, Etta (nee Misfeldt)  27 Jul 1884 - 31 Oct 1948
Skogsrud, Ole J.  22 Dec 1887 - 12 Oct 1976
Skogsrud, Thomas  Misfeldt  1925 - 2011 son of Ole & Etta
Skolos, Andrew  1866  -  1946
Skolos, Sarah  1874 - 1943
Skunberg, Anna  
Skunberg, (baby)  child of Anna
Slind, Betty I.  wife of Herman
Slind, Carman M.  1924 - 2006 hus of Edna
Slind, Edna L.  1925 - 
Slind, Gordon Torphen  1912 - 1959
Slind, Gunder  1871 - 1925
Slind, Harold  1914 - 1993 hus of June
Slind, Herman G.  1914 - 1998
Slind, Jon S.  1939 - 
Slind, June  1926 - 
Slind, Justin Bernt  1905 - 1978
Slind, Karen F.  1870 - 1955
Slind, Lloyd H.  1910 - 2004
Slind, Malena  1878 - 1954
Slind, Mali  1843 - 1932
Slind, Nellie (nee Graham)  died 2007
Slind, Oscar M.  1907 - 2000
Slind, Ola Sivertson  17 Nov 1864 - 3 Aug 1933
Slind, Ole S.  1867 - 1952
Slind, Sigvard  1893 - 1973
Slind, Sivert  1932 - 1927
Slind, Sverre Olav  1908 - 1974
Slind, Tina Bergitte  1884 - 1958
Slind, Victoria (nee Landstrom)  1905 - 2008
Slind, Wesley B.  1956 - 
Soderholm, Alma Johanna  2 Jul 1890 - 23 Jul 1950 wife of Jonas
Soderholm, Arvid K.  1883 - 1966
Soderholm, Jonas Hjalmar  19 Dec 1886 - 7 Mar 1974
Soderholm, Kari (nee Larson)  1885 - 1958
Soderholm, Karl Gustav  13 Jun 1930 - 29 Sep 1982
Stephen, John Gunn  1871 - 1948
Stephen, Mary E.  1873 - 1967
Strand, Emma  died 29 Jul 1970
Strand, Helmer  died 11 Aug 1950
Swenson, Pearl Kristine  4 Dec 1957 - 10 Dec 1957

Tennent, Elizabeth  25 May 1865 - 21 Aug 1921
Tennent, Elsie  8 May 1893 - 29 Oct 1972
Tennent, William B.  21 Dec 1890 - 10 Oct 1969
Thirsk, Ida May  27 May 1879 - 30 Jan 1939
Thirsk, Joanne Mavis  14 Jul 1947 - 1947 age 6 wks
Thompson, Alice Geneva 'Eva'  1880 - 1978
Thompson, Allen  1930 - 1930 son of John & Alice
Thompson, John W.  1874 - 1944
Thompson, Louis  died 28 Jan 1931
Thompson, Ole  died Oct 1931
Turkenburg, Faye (nee Benz)   23 Oct 1937 - 6 Dec 2007 wife of Walter
Turkenburg, Walter  11 Jun 1928 - 27 Jan 2009

Veller, Joanne (nee Numedahl)  19 Feb 1965 - 17 Dec 1992

Westburg, Anna Greta (nee Sundin)  1930 - 
Westburg, (babv boy)  died 1930
Westburg, (baby boy)  died 1931
Westburg, Jalmer E.  1894 - 1962
Westburg, Joyce Bernice  1933 - 1996
Westburg, Sigurlyn G.  1889 - 1969
Westburg, Vernon Jalmer  1928 - 2006 hus of Anna
Westburg, Verona Ann  1926 - 1928
Wheeler, Ruth Bernice  13 Nov 1921 - 10 May 1937 dau of Norman
Wikjord, Indiana  1855 - 1928
Wikjord, Olaf  1884 - 1937
Wilson, Arthur L.  1885 - 1964
Wilson, Arnold  1914 - 1995
Wilson, Charles (baby)  died 1952
Wilson, Eunice S.  1931 - 
Wilson, Hans J.  1853 - 1927
Wilson, Harold Glen  11 Oct 1911 - 15 Dec 1999
Wilson, Harry M.  1922 - 2001 hus of Eunice
Wilson, Henry  1887 - 1944
Wilson, Ida  1911 - 1999 wife of Arnold
Wilson, Keith Harold  1951 - 1977
Wilson, Lana Marie  23 Jul 1976 - 25 Jul 1976
Wilson, Leah  1925 - 2006 wife of Manfred
Wilson, Mabel  1897 - 1965 wife of Henry
Wilson, Manfred  1917 - 
Wilson, Ruth  1941 - 1942
Wilson, Serine M.  1885 - 1966

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