D'Arcy Cemetery
R.M. of Kindersley # 290   NE 12-29-19 W3
GPS   51.474246°N   108.536025°W
First burial in 1911, 189 burials by 2004

Adams, Arther E. L.  1883 - 1937
Adams, Boyd  Sep 9, 1925 - Mar 14, 2002
Arnold, Frances A.  1887 - 1979 wife of Sherman
Arnold, G. W. 'Bill'  1902 - 1984
Arnold, George Henry  1864 - 1947
Arnold, Sarah Ann  1872 - 1933 wife of George
Arnold, Sherman M.  1874 - 1941

Bell, George C.  1853 - 1937
Bell, Jessie M.  1853 - 1937 wife of George
Billing, Alice E.  1875 - 1965
Billing, Gladys M. (nee Cox)  1917 - 1987 dau of Herbert & Martha
Billing, Harold G.  1901 - 1967
Billing, Henry H.  1867 - 1969
Billing, Reginald Herbert  1915 - 1932
Bluett, Fanny E.  1890 - 1970
Bluett, Harold Lovell  Jul 5, 1925 - Aug 20, 1996
Bluett, Herbert L.  1889 - 1959
Bluett, Nina Bernice  Jul 25, 1924 - Oct 1, 1998 wife of Harold
Booth, Abigale H.  1888 - 1933
Booth, Adolphus D.  Dec 19, 1928 age 67
Booth, Arthur J.  1867 - 1945
Booth, Ezra I.  1871 - 1941
Burlando, Samuel Wallis  died May 26, 2000
Byce, John Alvin  1877 - 1923
Byce, Laura C.  1903 - 1922 wife of John

Clark, Verna May (nee Holden)  1920 - 2000
Cook, Edward R.  1884 - 1934
Cook, Lena H. (nee Booth)  1895 - 1936 wife of Edward
Cox, Charles Delbert  Feb 15, 1909 - Jan 9, 2006
Cox, Ethel Viola  Aug 4, 1919 - Jun 29, 1997 wife of Charles
Cox, Herbert H.  Dec 8, 1878 - Dec 24, 1962
Cox, Martha  Aug 11, 1888 - Oct 26, 1977 wife of Herbert

de Coninck-Smith, Carl Gustov 
de Coninck-Smith, Eleanor  1926 - 
de Coninck-Smith, John  1922 - 2001
de Coninck-Smith, Leon Albert  1952 - 1952
de Coninck-Smith, Ove  1915 - 2009 hus of Eleanor
de Coninck-Smith, Thyra Alfrida  wife of Carl  
de Coninck-Smith, V. C. C.  1910 - 1992
Delarue, Fredrick  1884 - 1940 
Delarue, Margaret  1886 - 1974
Dobson, Cliff  Sep 4, 1905 - Jan 13, 1994
Dobson, Myrtle  Sep 16, 1909 - Sep 14, 1991 wife of Cliff
Dobson, William E. A.  Feb 15, 1920 age 2 yrs 6 mos, son of M. & L.
Douglas, Marjorie Kathleen (nee Cook) Lloyd  May 7, 1916 - Oct 12, 2015 wife of Hugh, dau of Edward & Lena

Ewson, Violet May (nee McIntyre)  1902 - 1992 dau of Robert & Sarah

Friedlund, Alice A.  1830 - 1954
Friedlund, Irene  Dec 31, 1951 - Jan 6, 1952
Friedlund, Joyce  1924 - 1983 wife of Leroy
Friedlund, Leroy  1922 - 2000

Gliddon, Samuel  1885 - 1970
Graham, Grant S.  1914 - 1959
Graham, Isaac Newton  1870 - 1940
Gregor, (baby)  1916 - 1916
Gunnlaugson, Alfred Grant  1935 - 2012 hus of Joan
Gunnlaugson, Barney Darrel  11958 - 1981
Gunnlaugson, Bjorn  1890 - 1983
Gunnlaugson, Joan Darlene  1941 - 
Gunnlaugson, Jodi Bjorn  Mar 24, 1986 - Apr 28, 1986
Gunnlaugson, Viola  1902 - 1998 wife of Bjorn

Harrison, Lucy M.  1886 - 1974
Helgason, Alvin  1927 - 1951
Helgason, Ann  1894 - 1966
Helgason, Charles  1918 - 1918
Helgason, Fred R.  1915 - 1982
Helgason, Helgi J.  1886 - 1982
Helgason, Isabel  1922 - 2007
Helgason, Robert Erlendur  1921 - 1994
Helgason, Sarah Pearl  Dec 12, 1913 - Aug 6, 1917 dau of H. J. & A. E.
Hoenecke, Charles F. W.  1888 - 1951 hus of Esther
Hoenecke, Esther Josephine (nee Tiedt)  Aug 12, 1902 - 1988 dau of Karl & Emma (nee Voss)
Hoenecke, Howard  11923 - 2001
Hoenecke, Joyce  1928 - 1931
Hoenecke, Marjorie  1925 - 2006 wife of Howard
Holden, Clara Lena  1896 - 1973
Holden, William Stanley  1892 - 1973
Holtzman, Stuart Claude  1920 - 2005
Holtzman, Winnifred Margaret  1918 - 2007 wife of Stuart
Hurst, Ingibjorg  1898 - 1991 wife of Rodrick
Hurst, James Fredrick  1890 - 1980
Hurst, Rodrick  1895 - 1977 
Hutchinson, Frank  1923 - 1924

Jickling, William McKim  1873 - 1937
Johnston, A. Everett  Oct 28, 1919 - Dec 14, 2014
Johnston, F. Keith  1916 - 1981
Johnston, Fredrick Nelson  Jan 16, 1890 - Oct 23, 1982
Johnston, Harriett G. (nee Harrison)  Jul 23, 1882 - Nov 1, 1914 wife of T. J.
Johnston, Myrtle Mariam  Jul 18, 1911 - Feb 2, 1916 dau of T. J. & Harriet
Johnston, Sarah J.  1886 - 1941
Johnston, Susan Laura (nee McCosh)  Dec 4, 1884 - Jan 26, 1976 wife of Fredrick

Kitchenmaster, John  1878 - 1935
Kollin, Cora E.  1922 - 2012
Kollin, Edith H.  1892 - 1978
Kollin, Ethel  Jan 9, 1914 - Nov 1, 2007
Kollin, Myron E.  1917 - 2012
Krupa, Dorothy I. (nee Bluett)  1923 - 1977

Lambden, Agnes Rose  1886 - 1961 wife of Walter
Lambden, Gladys Agnes  Jul 14, 1946 - Dec 22, 2009
Lambden, Harry  1880 - 1965
Lambden, James Raymond  Mar 28, 1900 - Dec 2, 1923
Lambden, James Reginald  Oct 23, 1928 - Aug 23, 2006 hus of Gladys
Lambden, Jane (nee King)  Mar 7, 1856 - Jul 3, 1933
Lambden, Kathleen  1910 - 1999
Lambden, Laura  1895 - 1974
Lambden, Mabel May  11892 - 1919 wife of Harry
Lambden, Murray Carlton  Nov 23, 1946 - Jan 13, 2015
Lambden, Robert  Jan 27, 1857 - Mar 27, 1923 hus of Jane
Lambden, Robert  1885 - 1967
Lambden, Robert V.  1934 - 1962
Lambden, Sarah Isabelle  1875 - 1956
Lambden, Walter  1888 - 1969
Lambden, William R.  1897 - 1958
Lingard, Shirley Rose (nee McIntyre)  Sep 13, 1927 - Feb 15, 2013 wife of Richard, dau of Charles & Violet
Lloyd, John  1904 - 1969, 1st hus of Marjorie Cook

Massett, Horace F.  1900 - 1988
Mathieson, Alexander  1878 - 192?
McAnulty, John Edmund 'Ed'  1890 - 1970 hus of Margaret
McAnulty, John Edmund 'Jack'  1925 - 2002
McAnulty, Margaret Elizabeth  1887 - 1983
McCowan, Harry  1886 - 1945
McCowan, Jennie  1881 - 1964 
McIntyre, Charles Robert  1896 - 1966
McIntyre, May Adeline  1900 - 1972
McIntyre, Robert  1858 - 1945 hus of Sarah
McIntyre, Robert James  1898 - 1973 hus of May
McIntyre, Sarah  1864 - 1940
McIntyre, Violet Janet  1905 - 1989 wife of Charles
McLearn, Clarence E.  1883 - 1961
McLearn, Edna K.  1881 - 1951
McLearn, Maurice B.  1911 - 1926
Milner, Charles  1880 - 1974
Milner, Wanda Louise  1959 - 1984
Monteith, Andrew  1909 - 1998
Monteith, Bertha  1911 - 1999 wife of Andrew

Nagel, Dawn Leslie  1956 - 1988
Nagel, Erhart Eman  1918 - 2009
Nagel, Hilda May  1923 - 1994 wife of Erhart

Osborn, Albert Kingdon  Sep 1, 1893 - Jan 10, 1978
Osborn, Lillian Cathie  Jul 8, 1891 - May 16, 1977 wife of Albert

Parcher, Lyla (nee Smith)  1896 - 1936
Pawelko, (baby)  1926 - 1926 

Reid, William R.  1910 - 1969
Ridalls, Charles William  1898 - 1995
Ridalls, Helen Georgenia (nee McLearn)  Oct 1913 - Oct 2002
Rogerson, Hazel  1907 - 1987 wife of Robert
Rogerson, Robert  1905 - 1958
Rogerson, Thomas  18?? - 1932
Rogerson, Violet E. H.  1903 d. 1964

Scott, Levi H.  1851 - 1921
Scott, Mattie E.  1850 - 1919 wife of Levi
Smith, Eliza Jane  1871 - 1948
Smith, Frances Lillis  Mar 5, 1907 - Oct 22, 1918 dau of W. J. & Eliza
Smith, W. J.  Mar 26, 1870 - May 12, 1932
Smith, William Merrill  Aug 19, 1910 - Dec 1, 1914
Stonehouse, Charles  1902 - 1991
Stonehouse, Charlotte  1834 - 1919
Stonehouse, Christy J.  died Sep 7, 1981
Stonehouse, Eliza Jane  1887 - 1938
Stonehouse, James Honey  1863 - 1944
Stonehouse, Margaret A.  1884 - 1961
Stonehouse, Mary  1909 - 2002 wife of Charles 
Stonehouse, Maryetta Elizabeth  1924 - 2012 wife of Russell
Stonehouse, Russell Warren  1916 - 1988
Stonehouse, William H.  1872 - 1955

Thompson, Charles S.  Sep 10, 1879 - Sep 12, 1951
Thompson, Margaret E.  Jun 28, 1883 - Nov 5, 1973 wife of Charles

Wade, Elizabeth A.  1889 - 1942
Wade, Milton O.  1868 - 1933
Wade, Ruby Alice  1914 - 2009
Wade, Walter  1910 - 1983
Wade, Winifred B.  1879 - 1961
Wallis, Donald Charles  1923 - 193? son of Herbert & Luella
Wallis, Eunice E.  Jan 30, 1923 - Jan 21, 2010 wife of Russel
Wallis, Herbert M.  1876 - 1965
Wallis, Lawrence Manley  Jan 27, 1925 - Dec 4, 2012 hus of Violet, son of Herbert & Luella
Wallis, Luella A.  1885 - 1969
Wallis, Russel J.  Jan 1, 1918 - Nov 9, 2000 son of Herbert & Luella
Williams, William Price  1876 - 1954
Woods, Ethel A. (nee Snider)  1888 - 1918 wife of Matthew
Woods, Lulu Mildred  Dec 3, 1916 age 1 yr 10 mos 20 days
Woods, Matthew H.  1889 - 1918 

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