Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Cemetery
R.M. of Hoodoo # 401   SE 31-40-26 W2
GPS   52.482272°N   105.731330°W

Antosh, Zevin  30 Oct 1992 - 7 Nov 1997

Bakowky, John  1912 - 1990
Bakowky, Eugene  1945 - 1986 son of Harry
Bakowky, Harry  1898 - 1953
Bakowky, Peter K.  1910 - 1984
Bunka, Ellena  1864 - 1945
Bunka, Simon  1857 - 1945 hus of Ellena
Bykal, Frances  1903 - 1983 wife of John
Bykal, John  1887 - 1982

Ewanyshyn, Fred  1902 - 1977
Ewanyshyn, Mary  1904 - 1998 wife of Fred

Gryba, Lena  16 Jan 1904 - 30 Sep 1988

Hawrysh, Michael  1880 - 1960
Hawrysh, Parascovia  1891 - 1984
Hryciuk, Iryna  1870 - 1963
Hryciuk, John  1893 - 1975
Hryciuk, Pearl  1905 - 1996 wife of John
Hryniuk, Paraska  22 Feb 1899 - 28 Jul 1972 wife of Vasyl
Hryniuk, Steve  2 Jan 1922 - 2 May 1998
Hryniuk, Vasyl  19 Apr 1893 - 27 Sep 1960

Iwasiuk, Fred  1928 - 1990
Iwasiuk, John  1894 - 1974
Iwasiuk, Mary  1931 - 2009 wife of Mike
Iwasiuk, Mary (nee Chilliak)  23 Dec 1931 - 31 Dec 2009
Iwasiuk, Mike  1927 - 1991
Iwasiuk, Nettie  1905 - 1994 wife of John
Iwasiuk, William  1925 - 2010

Kindrachuk, Dorothy  1905 - 1993 wife of Jacob
Kindrachuk, Eugene Walter  1935 - 1996
Kindrachuk, Mary  1895 - 1978 wife of Wasyl
Kindrachuk, Wasyl, 1889 - 1957
Kindrachuk, Jacob  1895 - 1992
Kotelko, Anna  1894 - 1952 wife of Jurko
Kotelko, Anna  1933 age 47
Kotelko, (baby)  10 Nov 1956 - 16 Dec 1956
Kotelko, Ellen Mary  1921 - 1993
Kotelko, John  18 Jan 1918 - 14 Apr 1962
Kotelko, John O.  18 May 1915 - 6 Nov 1964 hus of Sophie
Kotelko, Jurko  1891 - 1983
Kotelko, Max  1948 age 70
Kotelko, Maria  1866 - 1948
Kotelko, Michael  1925 - 1959
Kotelko, Paul George  1922 - 23 Nov 2008 hus of Natalie Sopotyk, son of George & Anna (nee Wintonyk)
Kotelko, Sophie J.  7 Apr 1924 - 23 Jun 1999
Kotelko, Steve  1916 - 1985
Kowbuz, Simon  3 Aug 1891 - 12 Oct 1962

Metropolit, Beverly  26 Oct 1957 - 27 Oct 1957
Metropolit, Brenda  26 Oct 1957 - 27 Oct 1957

Nykyforuk, Alex  1924 - 2004
Nykyforuk, Josie  1923 - 1992 wife of Alex

Pitchko, Franka  1889 - 1959
Pitchko, Max  1919 - 1971 son of Tomko & Franka
Pitchko, Tomko  1885 - 1952
Prebushewski, Pauline  1916 - 1971 wife of William
Prebushewski, William  1911 - 1974

Radzivon, Nykola  1902 - 1946
Radzivon, O.  1902 - 1999
Radzivon, W.  1895 - 1967

Smoroscyk, (unknown)  8 Aug 1896 - 7 Mar 1965
Sopotyk, Anna  4 Nov 1928 - 19 Apr 1947
Sopotyk, George O.  2 May 1931 - 9 Aug 1996
Sopotyk, Maria  10 Apr 1905 - 1981
Sopotyk, Pavlo  13 Aug 1934 - 20 Jun 1970
Sopotyk, Wasyl  17 Apr 1905 - 8 Feb 1978
Stefaniuk, Fred  15 Apr 1901 - 3 Dec 2002
Stefaniuk, Mary  13 Apr 1907 - 23 Jun 1993 wife of Fred
Storoschuk, 'Mama'  19 Oct 1904 - 17 Oct 1939
Strohan, Jane Ann (nee Bayda)  21 Apr 1929 - 24 Mar 2005 dau of Dmytro & Mary (nee Bilinski)
Strohan, Joyce Ann (infant)  died 12 Dec 1965 dau of Michael & Jane
Strohan, Maria  1886 - 1946 wife of Wasyl
Strohan, Michael  19 Sep 1920 - 21 Mar 2008
Strohan, Wasyl  1884 - 1971

Tabachniuk, John  1911 - 1987 hus of Mary
Tabachniuk, Mary (ne Baziw)  1 Nov 1922 - 12 Feb 2015 dau of Alexander & Annie
Thomas, James  22 May 1960 - 27 Oct 1996
Trischuk, Agatha (nee Kotlar) 17 Dec 1919 - 1 Mar 2015 dau of Joseph & Caroline
Trischuk, Anna  1879 - 21 Oct 1959 wife of John
Trischuk, Anne M.  1924 - 1984
Trischuk, Audrey  1941 age 18 mos, dau of Stephen & Agatha
Trischuk, Cory Joseph  28 Mar 1979 - 31 Aug 2008
Trischuk, Dora  1908 - 
Trischuk, Jean (nee Oleksyn)  30 Apr 1933 - 2 May 2009 dau of Alex & Mary
Trischuk, John  1869 - 27 Apr 1944
Trischuk, Peter  hus of Dora
Trischuk, Stephen  1915 - 2003 hus of Agatha
Trischuk, William  2 Oct 1925 - 17 Sep 2003 hus of Jean
Trischuk, William J.  1919 - 2009 hus of Anne

Unknown  1877 - 1937
Unknown  1887 - 1930
Unknown  1866 - 1952
Unknown  1892 - 10 Nov 1939
Unknown  1931 age 77
Unknown, Anna  1934 age 82
Unknown, Dmytro  1898 - 1 Sep 1992
Unknown, Maria  1908 - 1987 wife of Vasyl
Unknown, Stephan  1923 - 2005
Unknown, Taras  15 Jan 1940 - 5 Apr 1960
Unknown, Vasyl  1902 - 1979
Unknown, Wasyl  25 Apr 1929 age 81
Unknown, Wasyl  15 Mar 1863 - 30 Nov 1942

Zastawny, Olga  1923 - 2002 wife of Orest
Zastawny, Orest  1921 - 1985

4 unmarked wooden crosses
1 other unidentified gravestone

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