Arndt, Dorothy Jun 9, 1946 age 11 Arndt, Kenneth Jun 9, 1946 age 7 Arndt, Thelma Jun 9, 1946 age 10 Cornell, Donald Lloyd Mar 3, 1927 - Aug 8, 2009 Cromar, Charlotte (nee Bacon) Jul 31, 1823 - Jan 31, 1905 wife of George Smith, dau of Joseph & Susanna Cromar, James Dec 23, 1835 - Dec 24, 1907, 2nd hus of Charlotte Dahlquist, Amanda C. 1868 - 1951 Dahlquist, Uno Bernhard Feb 22, 1908 age 39 Dick, Edward Jul 24, 1924 - Jan 30, 2007 Dreger, Fredrich Richard Aug 7, 1916 - Jun 13, 1944 son of August & Othilie Dreger, Othilie (nee Herman) 1891 - 1937 wife of August Dukart, Joseph Thomas Aug 31, 1996 age 74 Dukart, Joyce Sep 13, 1924 - Mar 9, 2013 Duke, Albert 1882 - 1955 Duke, Albert Adolph 1954 - 1954 son of G. & E. Duke, Amelia (nee Mittelsted) 1890 - 1974 dau of Gustav Duke, Bernice Loretta (nee Gamble) May 27, 1921 - Dec 18, 2014 Duke, Eric 1910 - 1969 Duke, William 1955 - 1955 son of G. & E. Duke, William 1917 - 1998 hus of Bernice Ertman, Ernest Jun 1924 - Jan 1996 Ertman, Ludwig 1892 - 1976 Ertman, Lydia 1893 - 1951 Feddersen, Jens 1896 - 1973 Feddersen, Olga 1905 - 1996 wife of Jens Ferchoff, August 1893 - 1984 hus of Augusta & Emilia Ferchoff, Augusta (nee Bauschke) died Mar 1928, 1st wife of August Ferchoff, Emilia (nee Schmidt) 1893 - 1981 wife of Rudolph Stubel Francis, Marvin Leslie 1933 - 1952 Galan, Elizabeth died 1937 age 83 Greening, August 'Gust' May 21, 1915 - Apr 21, 2012 hus of Ester, son of Gustave & Tillie Greening, 'Mother' 1848 - 1941 Greening, Ronnie 1950 - 1950 son of August & Tillie Greening, Tillie (nee Zilke) 1920 - 1987, 1st wife of August Guderian, Julius 1877 - 1961 Guderian, Mathilda 1895 - 1953 Guderian, William 1922 - 2000 son of Julius & Mathilda Hall, Albert 'Bruce' Jan 4, 1883 - Oct 31, 1963 Hall, George 1916 - 1918 Hanelt, Emil 1928 - 1983 son of Heinrich & Lydia Hanelt, Karl Oct 11, 1930 - Dec 13, 2012 son of Heinrich & Lydia Hanelt, Lydia (nee Hartenberger) 1898 - 1984 wife of Heinrich Hanelt, Rudolf Dec 4, 1935 - Jul 11, 2014 hus of Joan Allen, son of Heinrich & Lydia Hanelt, Wilhelm 30 Apr 1933 - 12 Nov 2016 son of Heinrich & Lydia Harrison, Audrey (nee Jesse) Dec 3, 1939 - Mar 29, 2013 wife of Arthur H. Lausch Hartenberger, Garry Sep 2, 1946 - Jun 4, 1947 son of G. & A. Hartenberger, Johann 'John' 1890 - Oct 28, 1961 Hartenberger, Lena (nee Weiss) 1901 - 2002 wife of Johann Hartenberger, (unknown) Hartfield, Gustave 1918 - 1987 hus of Hertha Hartfield, Hertha 1924 - Hase, Conrad Dallas (infant) died Jun 14, 1978 Hase, Elfriede 1908 - 1989 wife of Heinrick Hase, Heinrick 1911 - 1998 Hase, Oskar 1904 - 1983 Herman, Henry A. 1909 - 1972 Herman, Ruth Milla died Jun 2009 Hesketh, Larry B. Dec 9, 1951 - Jan 12, 1992 hus of Dianne Wilhelm Hillert, William K. A. Aug 9, 1859 - Oct 7, 1946 Hoesly, Fred 1893 - 1974 Hoesly, John Feb 25, 1913 age 47 hus of Karolina Hoesly, Lena 1898 - 1963 Hoffard, Matt 1884 - 1960 Humphries, Frank Basil Aug 10, 1913 - May 23, 1916 son of William & Isabelle Humphries, Harry W. 1908 - 1936 son of William & Isabelle Humphries, Isabelle Florence (nee Roluf) Sep 25, 1880 - Jan 9, 1977 Humphries, William James May 9, 1874 - Mar 24, 1953 Jess, Melita (nee Trapp) 1938 - Jess, Rudolf 'Rudy' Apr 1, 1935 - Jul 13, 2013 hus of Melita, son of Adolf & Ida Jesse, Erick 1916 - 1981 hus of Wanda Jesse, Wanda 1924 - Johnson, Charles W. 1872 - 1948 Johnson, Reta I. 1935 - Johnson, Rose 1874 - 1961 wife of Charles Johnson, Wallace A. 1933 - 1998 hus of Reta Kallis, Edward 1886 - 1975 Kallis, Florence 1894 - 1982 wife of Edward Kjer, Agnes Kjer, Ericginia Kjer, Ida Kjer, Petra 1858 - 1934 wife of Thomas Kjer, Thomas Aug 29, 1920 age 61 yrs 1 mon Klatt, Adolf Dec 15, 1857 - Nov 22, 1957 Klatt, Albert F. 1894 - 1969 son of Adolf & Emilie Klatt, Anna Maria (nee Dahlquist) Mar 1896 - Jul 1957 Klatt, Daphne Marlene Anne 1936 - 1936 dau of Albert & Anna Klatt, Donald E. 1937 - 2000 son of Ernest & Gladys Klatt, Emilie Wilhelmina (nee Stubel) Dec 6, 1863 - May 1947 dau of Andreas & Karoline (nee Hinz) Klatt, Ernest 1903 - 1977 Klatt, Gladys Edna (nee White) Sep 14, 1905 - Feb 14, 1996 Klatt, Glen E. 1932 - 1994 son of Donald & Jacelyn Klatt, Jacelyn 1942 - 2003 Kleckner, Amelia (nee Seeman) 1914 - 1997 wife of Joseph Kleckner, Joseph 1914 - 1994 Kreager, Elspeth 'Betty' 1923 - Kreager, William 1916 - 1997 hus of Elspeth Kreuger, Elizabeth Ann 1954 - 1954 Kreuger, Terrence Apr 4, 1950 - Oct 20, 1952 son of W. & E. Krieger, Erna 1906 - 1996 Krieger, Norman Mar 18, 1944 - Jul 31, 2010 son of Wilhelm & Erna Krieger, Wilhelm 1905 - 1975 Krueger, Henry 1898 - 1932 Lausch, Arthur Harold 1931 - 1989 hus of Audrey Jesse Lausch, Audrey I. 1927 - Lausch, Brian Greig Dec 21, 1954 - Jan 30, 2007 Lausch, Edwin Herman 1929 - 2007 hus of Audrey I. Lausch, Emil 1873 - 1946, 2nd hus of Pauline Lausch, Herman 1902 - 1979 son of Emil & Pauline Lausch, Leonard 1936 - 2013 Lausch, Natalie (nee Wilhelm) 1908 - 1996 wife of Herman, dau of Emil & Emma Lausch, Pauline Rothenberger 1880 - 1969 Lausch, Robert 1939 - 1939 Lightfoot, Coralie Olive 1884 - 1953 wife of William Lightfoot, William Foster 1884 - Sep 27, 1980 Lockstein, Daniel died 1925 age 64 Lockstein, Mathilde 1862 - 1946 Mappin, Cassie Marie died Feb 13, 2004 Mappin, Keaghan Mathew died Jun 16, 2003 Matusik, Emelie 1883 - 1944 McPherson, Alice May May 1909 - Nov 3, 1918 dau of Thomas & Charlotte McPherson, Alva Jan 1892 - Nov 1918 dau of Thomas & Charlotte McPherson, Bruce 1918 - 1919 son of Thomas & Charlotte McPherson, Charlotte (nee Smith) May, 1869 - Nov 4, 1918 McPherson, J. A. McPherson, James Murdock 1891 - 1937 son of Thomas & Charlotte McPherson, Mary Edith Aug 1902 - Nov 5, 1918 dau of Thomas & Charlotte McPherson, Minnie (nee Sellsted) Apr 20, 1892 - Nov 8, 1980 dau of John & Inga (nee Hagelin) McPherson, Thomas May, 1869 - 1957 Miller, Adolf Freier 1940 - 1956 Miller, Donald 1934 - 1934 Miller, Emilia 1900 - 1998 Miller, Gustav 1900 - 1966 Miller, Helen 1903 - 1995 wife of Gustav Miller, Josephine 1938 - 1939 Mittelsted, Gustav Aug 6, 1885 - Oct 1, 1942 Muller, Ferdinand 1905 - 1973 Nystrom, Lyle E. 1956 - 1998 Palmer, William 1893 - 1958, 1st hus of Charlotte McPherson Resler, Frank 1927 - 1966 Rothenburger, Albert Oct 18, 1929 - Mar 22, 2003 son of Henry & Olga Rothenburger, Armin Feb 24, 1938 - Oct 23, 1996 son of Henry & Olga Rothenburger, Henry Jan 16, 1903 - May 24, 1997 Rothenburger, Olga (nee Jesse) 1908 - 1961 Sabados, Emily 1909 - 1998 wife of John Sabados, John 1898 - 1953 Schmidt, Carl 1873 - 1937 Schmidt, Emelia Jan 27, 1911 - Dec 10, 2003 wife of Emil Schmidt, Emil 1906 - 1958 Schmidt, Karl 1888 - 1962 Schmidt, Katherina 1877 - 1942 wife of Karl Schmidt, Martha 1903 - 1997 Seehagen, Daniel 1890 - 1931 Seeman, Albert May 20, 1908 - Dec 3, 1975 Seeman, August 1884 - Aug 11, 1969 Seeman, Darlye Garth 1954 - 1954 Seeman, Dianne Faith (nee Rae) Mar 11, 1946 - 2007 wife of Kenneth Seeman, Ernest 1909 - 1986 son of August & Salomea Seeman, Garry Daryle Oct 12, 1943 - 2007 son of Albert & Helen Seeman, Glenn 1943 - Seeman, Helen Elizabeth (nee Klackner) Apr 24, 1924 - Dec 3, 1975 Seeman, Henry hus of Joyce Seeman, (infants) died Jul 6, 1975 son of Dale & Charlene Seeman, Joyce Ivy Marion (nee Klatt) Apr 19, 1926 - Sep 15, 2011 dau of Albert & Anna Seeman, June 1946 - 2002 wife of Glenn Seeman, Kenneth 1941 - Seeman, Mary (nee Yesske) 1915 - 1981 wife of Ernest Seeman, Salomea (nee Griien) 1885 - Dec 25, 1975 Seeman, Wayne Wesley 1945 - 2004 son of Albert & Helen Selk, Irene 1929 - Selk, Lewis 1921 - 1991 hus of Irene Selk, Murray Dale Jul 7, 1952 - Jul 28, 2001 Sellsted, Albert 1925 - 2001 Sellsted, Albert John 1873 - 1949 son of John & Christina Sellsted, Christina 1848 - 1927 Sellsted, Donald 1933 - 1935 Sellsted, Edith 1879 - Apr 2, 1956 Sellsted, Isabelle (nee Graves) 1896 - Mar 31, 1971 wife of Tenor Sellsted, John 1843 - 1919 Sellsted, Tenor Floyd 1897 - Mar 3, 1932 son of Albert & Edith Sellsted, Victor 1899 - 1919 son of Albert & Edith Smith, Charlotte May 11, 1869 - Nov 4, 1918 Stach, Adolf Nov 28, 1896 - 1966 Stach, Eric R. A. 1921 - 2001 Stach, Mathilda (nee Unger) Feb 5, 1896 - Feb, 1978 wife of Adolf Stapleton, Annie E. (nee Krueger) 1924 - 1975 wife of Victor Stapleton, Victor Norman Aug 5, 1920 - May 1, 2010 son of Norman & Margaret Stehr, Benjamin 1916 - 1978 Stehr, Susanna 1921 - 2002 wife of Benjamin Stengel, Jessica Dorothy Mar 14, 1978 - Mar 16, 1978 Stubel, Albert Karl Mar 24, 1896 - Dec 25, 1970 son of Karl & Karoline Stubel, Arthur Albert 1928 - 1928 Stubel, Elmer George Oct 31, 1941 - Nov 1941 son of Reinhold & Karolina (nee Waldbauer) Stubel, Emma (nee Lausch) May 27, 1907 - May 30, 1999 wife of Albert Stubel, Erwin Arthur Mar 11, 1925 - Sep 13, 1945 son of Reinhold & Karolina Stubel, Karl Mar 22, 1851 - Jan 5, 1930 Stubel, Karoline (nee Klatt) Jan 1854 - Feb 5, 1939 dau of Johann & Dorothea Stubel, Rudolph Jul 28, 1887 - Dec 28, 1928 son of Karl & Karoline Trapp, Calvin Allan 1934 - 1934 son of Harry & Helen Trapp, Eileen Erna 1936 - 1936 dau of Harry & Helen Trapp, Gilbert Elmer 1935 - 1935 son of Harry & Helen Trapp, Gustave 1873 - 1932 Trapp, Harry Herman Nov 12, 1905 - Jan 13, 1967 son of Gustave Trapp, Helen Linda (nee Unger) 1902 - 1994 Trapp, Vernon Elmer 1933 - 1933 son of Harry & Helen Turner, Bella 1881 - 1919 wife of Joseph Ulrich, Johanna 1910 - 1997 wife of John Ulrich, John J. 1905 - 1988 Unger, Paul May 16, 1958 age 91 Walker, Florence E. 1915 - 1991 wife of Robert Walker, Robert A. 1916 - 2002 Weger, Matilda 1910 - 1972 wife of Reinhold Weger, Norma 1926 - 1984 wife of Rudolf Weger, Reinhold 1904 - 1984 Weger, Rudolf 1932 - 1998 Weise, Benjamin Oct 3, 1921 - Oct 31, 2006 son of Edward & Emelia Weise, Bertha 1912 - 1977 wife of Rudolph Weise, Edward 1887 - 1966 Weise, Emelia Annie 1888 - 1978 Weise, Fredrick Arthur Feb 28, 1931 - May 7, 1999 son of Edward & Emelia Weise, Joseph May 18, 1925 age 3 mos, son of Edward & Emelia Weise, Louise wife of Benjamin Weise, Rudolph Apr 7, 1912 - Apr 6, 1999 son of Edward & Emelia Weise, Tillie 1916 - 1986 dau of Edward & Emelia Wilhelm, Albert 1895 - 1982 Wilhelm, Albert 1911 - 1997 hus of Hilda, son of Emil & Emma Wilhelm, Carol Arlene 1939 - 2000 Wilhelm, Clara 1903 - 2002 wife of Albert Wilhelm, Emil 1883 - 1964 Wilhelm, Emma 1890 - 1954 Wilhelm, Erna 1920 - Wilhelm, Erna Irene 1928 - 1928 Wilhelm, Ernest 1923 - 1998 hus of Marion Wilhelm, Ernest 1917 - 1998 son of Emil & Emma Wilhelm, Frederick 1927 - 1927 Wilhelm, Gustav 1902 - 1951 Wilhelm, Henry 1900 - 1918 Wilhelm, Henry A. 1921 - 2001 hus of Erna Wilhelm, Hilda Maria (nee Boers) Jun 12, 1920 - Oct 19, 2008 Wilhelm, Isabella (nee Taylor) 1915 - 1996 wife of Ernest Wilhelm, Jacob 1942 - 1994 Wilhelm, John Feb 12, 1948 age 95 yrs 5 mos, hus of Sofia Wilhelm, John 1914 - 1999 son of Emil & Emma Wilhelm, Marion (nee Gammie) 1926 - Aug 19, 2002 Wilhelm, Natalie 1902 - 1985 Wilhelm, Sofia 1867 - Oct 4, 1941 age 73 yrs 5 mos Wilhelm, Thelma Martha 1930 - 1936 Wilhelm, Walter Robert 1939 - 1942 Wolgram, Emil May 1904 - Jun 22, 1982 Wolgram, Freda A. (nee Swayze) 1932 - 1982 wife of Mervin Wolgram, Ida Marie (nee Otto) 1910 - 1989 wife of Emil Wolgram, Mervin A. 1936 - Wood, Charlotte Eleanor 'Ella' (nee McPherson) 1897 - 1972 dau of Thomas & Charlotte Wood, George Feb 8, 1846 - 1951 Wood, George Herman May 1884 - Mar 1968 Wood, Margaret (nee McPherson) Jan 24, 1913 age 56 yrs 8 mos 24 days Wood, Mary Bertha Mar 1889 - Dec 1968 Wood, Rex Elmor 1900 - 1988, 2nd hus of Charlotte Wood, Robert Edward Nov 17, 1912 age 33 yrs 3 mos 25 days, son of George & Margaret Zilke, Amelia 1891 - 1963 Zilke, Gustave 1912 - 2002 Zilke, Valeria Dec 29, 1915 - Mar 20, 2008 3 unidentified gravesites
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