Arnold, (unnamed) Atkinson, Keith 13 Feb 2013 age 52 son of Ian & Dorothy Barker, George F. 1877 1958 Barker, Mary H. 1979 1961 Beadle, Lillian M. 1981 1954 Beadle, Andrew R. 1875 1928 Bell Family Plots Bell, Archie J. 1873 1953 Bell, Archie Louis 29 Sep 1948 12 Jun 1996 son of Gordon & Levearn Bell, Archie Louis (back of headstone) Bell, Betty Jane Aug 1940 Bell, Blanche M. 1880 1969 Bell, Charles A. 1902 1967 Bell, Gordon A. 1910 1983 Bell, Howard C. 1904 1988 Bell, John Russell (baby) 20 Nov 1965 Bell, Levearn Sylvia (nee Amberson) 20 Jun 2015 age 96 Bell, Mary P. 1881 1955 Bell, Mervin John 10 Jun 1984 age 67 Bell, Muriel J. 21 Mar 1915 18 Jul 1915 Bell, Muriel (2nd photo) Bell, Richard I. 1875 1951 Bell, Trent 28 Dec 1975 Bell, (unnamed) Bell, Violet E. (nee Ledingham) 1910 1992 dau of Thomas & Catherine Bohlinger, Othilps?? 1891 1913 Boyle, Robert Bruce 6 Aug 1916 24 Nov 1916 Boyle, Robert Bruce (2nd photo) Broughton, Thomas George 1917 1997 Broughton, Kathleen Gertrude (nee Ledingham) 30 May 1914 23 Jan 2002 dau of Thomas & Catherine Carefoot, Elizabeth 1864 1931 Carefoot, Albert 1865 1916 Clement, Art 1848 1925 Clement, Agnes 1855 1932 Coulter Family Headstone Coulter, Billie 1938 1940 Coulter, Martha Jane 1883 1942 Coulter, Robert George 1910 1975 Coulter, William James 1882 1974 Dewson, Ida Lillian Stinson 29 Aug 1915 age 32 yrs 11 mos 26 days, wife of Frederick L. Dewson, Ida Lillian Stinson (2nd photo) Dewson, Myrtle Rae 26 Jan 1923 age 29 yrs 1 mon, wife of William Dewson, Myrtle Rae (2nd photo) Dunn, George Allen Engell, (unnamed) Fellows, Howard Samuel 21 Nov 1998 18 Oct 1905 Gates, David Walter 1951 1998 Gates, Florence M. 1924 2007 Goodwin, Eli 1882 1947 Goodwin, Beryl 1901 2005 Hewitt, Edith A. 1906 1985 Hewitt, Ernest 1911 1987 Hewitt, Harold 1907 1989 Hewitt, Violet 1914 Howe, Herbert Charles 1898 1968 Hurlbut, Baxter E. 1876 1923 Ingell, Agnes Mabel 15 Mar 1914 age 3 yrs 10 mos, dau of Lore & Agnes Ingell, Agnes Mabel (2nd photo) Killian, Annie 21 Mar 1916 13 Jun 1916 child of Albert F. & Mary Killian, Aggie 18 Dec 1919 12 Feb 1920 child of Albert F. & Mary Killian, Annie & Aggie (2nd photo) Kitson, James Bruce 1953 - 1953 son of Mac & Ruth Kitson, James Mackey 'Mac' 8 Aug 1918 18 Aug 2005 son of Joshua & Edith Kitson, Ruth M. (nee Broughton) 1920 Kitson, Robert Bruce 1927 son of Joshua & Edith Lambert, Etta Winola Ledingham, Catherine 'Cassie' (nee McKechnie) 1880 1950 Ledingham, Marjorie May (twin) 18 Jun 1914 age 18 days, dau of Thomas & Cassie Ledingham, Mark A. 1883 1941 Ledingham, Millie 1886 1964 Ledingham, Mark & Millie (2nd photo) Ledingham, Thomas 1881 1933 Ledingham, Walter 1877 1929 Ledingham, Mary 1881 1959 Ledingham, Walter & Mary (2nd photo) Ledingham, (unnamed) Lewis Family Plot Lewis, (baby) 13 Sep 1939 13 Sep 1939 Lewis, Agnes E. 1884 1964 Lewis, Dahlton A. 1936 - Lewis, Edward 1908 1978 Lewis, Edward 1876 1943 Lewis, Ella Dorothea (nee Maier) 19 Jun 1930 - 10 Feb 2014 dau of Daniel & Nettie Lewis, Ella & Dahlton (2nd photo) Lewis, Herbert Henry 1906 1996 Lewis, Kathrine 1868 1947 Lewis, Mary Myrtle 1911 1989 Lewis, Richard 1871 1951 Liddle, Dorothy M. 1923 1994 Liddle, John 1880 1946 Liddle, Nellie 1889 1940 Liddle, Wm. Reginald 1912 1977 Lizuck, Annie Nov 1906 25 Nov 1975 Lizuck, Nicholas 1888 1950 Mackey, Albert E. 1898 1918 Mackey, Charles J. 1859 1924 Mackey, Martha Ann 187(3?) - 1955 McDougall, Annie Maude 1903 1997 McDougall, Hugh 1879 1939 McDougall, Hellen Jane (Hay) 1895 1975 McDougall, John Thomas 1905 1978 McDougall, Kenneth 12 Aug 1929 20 Mar 1997 McDougall, Thomas 1870 1941 McDougall, Sarah Annie 1870 1952 McGowan, Violet 1918 1994 McGugan, Alvin 1896 1968 McGugan, Alvin (second photo) McGugan, Palecia Elizabeth McLeod, Donald 1 Oct 1882 25 Feb 1971 McLeod, Mildred Irene 12 Jan 1900 2 Mar 1958 McLeod, John T. 1902 1977 McLeod, Minnie G. 1910 1978 McManus, James H. 1885 1944 McManus, (unnamed) McManus, Kathleen McNutt, Verna Bell (nee Fletcher) 1907 1998 McTaggart, May Reddaway 8 Oct 1887 4 Aug 1914 age 27 yrs 10 mos, wife of James McTaggart, May Reddaway (2nd photo) McTaggart, John Morrow, Joseph D. 1 Dec 1918 age 34 Morrow, (unnamed) ODonnell, Regina Magdeline 31 Dec 1912 6 Nov 1914 dau of Martin ODonnell, Regina M. (2nd photo) Oliver, George B. 1870 1951 Oliver, Mary H. 1882 1953 Oliver, Mary Sarah 1828 1907 (buried on north bank of Jewel Creek NW 8-5-14 W2) Olson, Ida Mary 1881 1970 Olson, Oscar H. 1880 1936 Paul, (girl) dau of W. Paul, Mary Ellen 1867 1953 Paul, Walter 1869? - 1945 Paxman, Delois 1897 1974 Paxman, Laura 1905 15 Jun 2002 Paxman, George Oscar 19 Jun 1909 29 May 2003 son of James & Rebecca Paxman, James 1854 1949 Paxman, Rebecca 1864 1954 Pepper, George 1855 1919 Pepper, Mary 1851 1919 Pepper, Lucy Mary 1911 1913 Pepper, Lillian 1915 1923 Pepper, Lucy & Lillian (2nd photo) Sandhoff, Mary 24 Oct 1912 age 25 wife of Peter M. Sandhoff, Mary (2nd photo) Sandhoff, Charles Henry Sargent, Gene Leonard 1934 1938 son of William & Elvina Sargent, Harvey William 31 Jul 1943 3 Apr 2003 son of William & Elvina Sargent, Timothy Duane 1957 1985 son of William & Elvina Sargent, William 1891 1971 Sargent Family Plot Shoberg, Peter 1845 1915 Shoberg, William J. 1878 1959 Sordesh, (baby) Stott, Willie 1 Mar 1914 7 Mar 1914 Stronge, Florence A. 1923 1932 Stronge, Kathleen L. died 1926 Stuart, Catherine 1834 1926 Stuart, Malcolm 1856 1920 son of Catherine Surgeson, (child) Jul 1913 Oct 1919 Surgeson, (child) (2nd photo) Setterberg, Gladys 12 Aug 1913 20 Nov 1913 Setterberg, Gladys & two other Setterberg babies Spencer, John Wesley Thackeray, Muriel Rosella 22 Apr 1912 age 2 yrs 8 mos, dau of Robert & Rosella Thackeray, Muriel Rosella (2nd photo) Thackeray, (unnamed twins) Thomas, Bessie Madeline 25 Mar 1912 16 Feb 1919 dau of Lorne S. & E. E. Thomas, Leonard 1910 193? Thomas, Lorne S. 1887 1967 Thomas, Elizabeth 1883 1941 Thomas, Maria 1861 19?? Twert, Klaas Underwood, Rosina 1915 1988 Underwood, Percival 1905 1976 Underwood, Thomas Alton 1944 - Underwood, June E. Patterson 7 Jun 1945 28 Sep 1997 (interred at McAuley, MB) unknown 1 unknown 2 unknown 3 unknown 4 unknown 5 unknown 6 unknown 7 unknown 8 unknown 9 unknown 10 unknown 11 unknown 12 unknown, (baby) unknown, (baby) unknown, H. R. W. unknown, Violet Voechting, Ernest 1861 1913 Voechting, Wilhelmina 1856 1929 Voechting, Atara Egger 1887 1933 Volen, Ruth A. 10 Dec 1908 - 7 Nov 1913 dau of J. & H. Wagoner, Harry 1 Dec 1912 age 17 yrs 4 mos Wagoner, Harry (2nd photo) Ward, Cresswell P. 1911 1983 Ward, Lloyd Stanley 4 Jun 1919 4 Oct 1989 Ward, Malina 'Winnifred' (nee Doud) 20 Aug 1915 8 Oct 2010 wife of Cressie Ward, Malina & Cresswell (2nd photo) Ward, Martha McLaughlin 16 Apr 1923 11 Sep 1995 Ward, Phillip J. 1884 1949 Ward, Louise M. 1892 1965 Wilson, Marjorie Wismolek, Joseph E. 1897 - 1920 Wismolek, Joseph E. (2nd photo) Worden, Mary (nee Reid)
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