Aikens, Gladys A. (nee Runions) 1899 - Mar 1977 wife of Lorne Aikens, Lorne R. 1890 - Apr 1962 Alcock, Albert E. 1885 - 13 Aug 1972 hus of Ruth Nelson Allin, Daryl James 1954 - 1971 Anderson, Elmer E. Aug 1905 - 13 Dec 1981 hus of Katie Andres, Helene 1859 - 1930 Andrews, Edward died 1919 Andrews, Joseph 1883 - 1960 Arkell, Bertha Elizabeth (nee Farmer) 15 May 1911 - 16 Mar 1985 dau of Herbert Armstrong, (child) died 1918 Armstrong, Mary Anne 1856 - 1924 Armstrong, Mary G. died 1920 Armstrong, Winnifred died 1933 Atchinson, Evelyn 1921 - 1922 Atchinson, John 1897 - 1948 Atchinson, Lena 1895 - 1945 Atchinson, William 1863 - 1925 Badger, Margaret Jane 1889 - 1963 Badger, Thomas Mark 1800 - 1939 Baker, O. Baille, Annie Baldwin, Harry Edgar 28 Apr 1895 - 31 Mar 1980 son of William & Mary Baldwin, Margaret Forbes (nee Robertson) 4 Dec 1883 - 21 Apr 1973 wife of Peter Baldwin, Peter Awrey 3 Aug 1881 - 8 Jan 1971 son of William & Mary Baldwin, William Henry 15 Apr 1852 - 27 Mar 1918 son of James & Phoebe Bantard, James E. 1915 - 1984 Bartel, Joseph 1902 - 1980 Begg, George D. 1912 - 1978 Bellows, (baby) died 1917 Benson, Wesley T. 1900 - 1971 Berg, Anna 1899 - 1965 Berg, Robert L. 1932 - 1961 Berg, Violet Eileen (nee Snider) 6 Mar 1917 - 1982 dau of Levi & Selena Berger, Barbara 1881 - 25 Sep 1963 wife of Jacob Berger, Evelyn Tresamay (nee Bittner) 1912 - Sep 1986 wife of George Jr. Berger, Frank M. 1914 - 1974 son of Joseph Jr. & Katherine Berger, Jacob 1876 - 3 Jul 1956 son of Jacob Sr. & Margaret Berger, Joseph Jr. 1884 - 1960 Berger, Joseph M. 1913 - 1974 son of Joseph Jr. & Katherine Berger, Katherine (nee Harle) 1 Dec 1890 - 26 Sep 1982 dau of Marten & Marguratha (nee Lung) Berger, Robbie David 1964 - 1971 Berglund, Lola Muriel 1923 - 1967 Berry, (baby) died 1917 son of W. Berry, William Reginald 1952 - 1978 son of Reginald & Betty (nee Woodward) Blashill, Almina (nee Snider) 1859 - May 1937 dau of Abraham & Margaret Blashill, (child) died 1920 Blashill, Margaret (nee Carlton) 22 Mar 1887 - 26 Dec 1968 wife of Walter Blashill, Walter Edward 22 Oct 1888 - Apr 1945 son of William & Almina Blashill, William Henry 1850 - Dec 1927 Blashill, Robert Mitchell 1920 - 1921 son of George & Margaret (nee Moulding) Bligh, Clinton Robert Lockwood 30 May 1920 - 4 Apr 1986 son of George & Irene Bligh, George died May 1941 son of Elizabeth Lockwood Bligh, Irene (nee Andrews) died 1969 wife of George Bitz, Louis 1928 - 1982 Bole, Lillian E. 1914 - 30 Jan 1922 dau of Mrs. L. J. Bole, Mary Mathilda 1873 - 1922 Bole, Thomas J. 1863 - 1918 Bosomworth, Mrs. Robert Bosomworth, Robert Bouillard, Charles Bradford, Alice (nee Voisey) 11 Jan 1911 - 30 Mar 2005 wife of Fred, dau of Albert & Alice Bradford, Ellen Jane 1915 - 1922 dau of Bowyer & May Brakken, Joseph Alfred 1878 - 1970 Brakken, Marie Johanna 1883 - 1978 Brewington, Herbert W. 1882 - 1918 hus of Mabel Shortman Briggs, Alice Frances (nee Tilling) died 13 May 1916 wife of William Eustace Brink, Axel died 1940 Brown, Jacob Brown, P. Brown, (unknown) Browm, Wallace M. 1885 - 1972 Burr, Clifford Nelson 1897 - 1976 Caldwell, Edward James 30 Sep 1873 - 1946 son of John & Mary (nee Chambers) Caldwell, Mary Ida (nee Dougald) 21 Jan 1871 - Nov 1934 dau of Daniel & Mary (nee McColl) Campbell, Augusta 1895 - 1933 Campbell, David 1875 - 1966 Campbell, Donald McIntyre (twin) 1913 - 1913 Campbell, James died 1941 Campbell, John H. died 1936 Campbell, Mary 1858 - 1951 Campbell, Murray Stewart (twin) 1913 - 1921 Campbell, Robert died 1961 Cannon, (baby) child of E. E. Carlson, Carl 1890 - 1974 Charlesworth, Anna Jane 1878 - 1908 Charlton, Ollie Edna 1880 - 1963 Charlton, William Ezra 1884 - 1969 Clark, Harold George 11 May 1895 - 1928 son of George & Florence (nee Bellhouse) Clark, Francis Vernon 24 Oct 1898 - 1984 son of George & Florence Clark, Ida Pearl (nee Little) 20 Oct 1900 - 17 Apr 1963 wife of Francis Clay, Elizabeth 1877 - 1962 Clay, W. Clay, Wilhelm 1875 - 1955 hus of Elizabeth Ehanfeld Clemenshaw, Alfred D. 1872 - 1920 Cobbe, Roseabelle May 1929 - 1986 Coddington, Kate 1866 - 1939 Cocks, Elsie 1903 - 1972 Cole, Donald Bruce Collins, Elizabeth S. (nee Longmuir) 1881 - 1946 wife of George Collins, George William 1888 - 1959 son of Thomas Sr. Conway, James 1879 - 1957 hus of Margaret Conway, Patrick 1925 - 1926 Cook, Catherine L. 1913 - 1919 dau of Calvin & Mary Cook, Harvey W. 1950 - 1972 Cook, Jessie G. (nee McArthur) 1888 - 1959 Cook, Wilber B. 'Webb' 1884 - 1960 hus of Jessie Cooper, Hilda E. (nee Berg) 1927 - 1970 Coulson, Bethyl Blanche died 1930 Coutts, Robert 1899 - 1971 Cozart, Abner L. 'Jake' 1897 - 1921 son of Jacob & Isabelle Cozart, George Earl 10 Jan 1887 - 18 Feb 1956 son of Jacob & Isabelle Cozart, Jacob Abner 15 Apr 1853 - 8 Apr 1928 hus of Isabelle Atkins Smavely Cozart, Julia Frances 1900 - 1918 dau of Jacob & Isabelle Creelman, R. Curtis, Verna 1915 - 1919 dau of Fred & Mary Dancey, Ralph s. 1887 - 1963 Dancey, Viola Ball 1889 - 1984 Demchenko, Robert Nelson 1954 - 1956 Detlor, Alvin J. 1892 - 1928 Detlor, Clara T. 1904 - 1976 Detlor, Samuel R. 1851 - 1920 Detlor, Vernon Thomas 1895 - 1961 Dietrich, Alexander 1907 - 1972 Doran, N. Douglas, Thomas died 1916 Duffin, Bertha Ann Duffin, Elizabeth 1882 - 1946 Duffin, Grace 1918 - 1942 Duffin, Hugh 1979 - 1962 Duffin, Hugh 1904 - 1980 Duffin, James 1900 - 1967 Duffin, John Stewart 1911 - 1966 Duffin, Margaret Florence 1905 - 1982 Eastman, Howard 1914 - 1971 hus of Katherine Eastman, Katherine M. (nee Sanders) 23 Aug 1918 - 16 May 1983 Ellingson, Alma T. (nee Jensen) 1899 - 22 Feb 1981 dau of Ingeborg Ellingson, Oliver Gerhart 9 Nov 1894 - 1 May 1942 son of Edward & Olena (nee Moen) Emerson, Annie E. 1891 - 1945 Emerson, Annie Edna 1915 - 1982 Emerson, Lucy (nee Webber) 28 Mar 1875 - 1952 Emerson, Thomas Green 10 Jun 1862 - 1930 Emerson, Thomas F. 1888 - 1947 Emerson, Thomas Lloyd 25 Feb 1912 - 1986 son of Thomas & Lucy Evans, Albert Roland 1920 - 1921 Farlell, Kenneth R. 1926 - 1965 Farmer, Clarence 1915 - 1973 son of Herbert & Mary Farmer, Herbert 1884 - 1954 Farmer, Isaac died 1946 Farmer, Mary (nee Smith) died 1939 wife of Herbert Fedrau, George Isaac 10 Mar 1909 - 12 Feb 1975 hus of Annie Harms Ferrier, Janet died 1917 Ferrier, Thomas died 1916 Fleenor, Clifford James 1897 - 1986 son of Isaac & Katherine Fleenor, Isaac Milton Mar 1863 - 29 Dec 1948 hus of Katherine Paupst Fleenor, Lena Gertrude 26 Feb 1886 - 29 Dec 1948 dau of Isaac & Katherine Flewellen, Matt Thomas 1875 - 1955 Flogal, Joseph Flynn, Elizabeth M. Kay wife of Thomas Flynn, (unknown) Franklin, J. A. Ford, Alice 1891 - Aug 1957 wife of Thomas Sr. Ford, Cecil Gerald 1910 - 1985 son of Frank & Sadie Ford, Frank H. 1881 - 1966 son of James & Caroline Ford, Sadie (nee Norman) 1890 - 1969 dau of John & Jessie Ford, Sarah Mae (nee MacKenzie) died 1930 wife of Herbert Ford, Thomas George 1913 - 1986 son of Thomas Sr. & Alice Ford, William T. 1886 - 1966 Gauss, Elsie A. 1870 - 1935 Gauss, George 1866 - 1941 Gauss, Roy Alvin 1913 - 1918 son of George & Elsie Genge, Mark Melvin 1938 - 1962 son of Philip & Ida Genge, Philip 1891 - Mar 1986 hus of Ida Elliot Genge, Vernon W. 1929 - Dec 1985 son of Philip & Ida Gibson, Alexander 1853 - 1936 Gibson, Belle 1864 - 1945 Gibson, Gerald (baby) died 1922 Gibson, Helen J. 1899 - 1985 Gibson, Lyndon E. 1894 - 1944 Gjernes, (child) Gooding, Annie 1865 - 1950 wife of John Sr. Gooding, (baby) Gooding, Elizabeth Mary died 1931 Gooding, John Gordon 1901 - 1965 son of John & Annie Gooding, John Sr. 1875 - 1968 Gower, Frances Sophia (nee Kaiser) 24 Jun 1856 - 26 Jul 1928 dau of William Gower, Norman Wellington 26 Aug 1856 - 23 Jun 1924 son of George & Barbara (nee Buckendahl) Gould, (baby) died 1921 Gould, D. Gould, George Russell 1922 - 1984 son of Russel & Myrtle Gould, Myrtle Louise (nee Norman) 1894 - 1974 Gould, Russel Percy 1883 - 1957 son of Henry & Hettie Grilling, Howard Calvin died 1932 Gunderson, A. Gustafson, Walter O. 1920 - 1976 son of Harry & Christine Halsell, Robert R. 1881 - 1957 Hamer, Rose Ellen 1875 - 1963 Hamer, E. John 1877 - 1942 hus of Rose Ellen Harms, Terry Blaine 1966 - 1979 Harris, Elva Agnes 1918 - 1969 Harris, Evylin (baby) died 1939 Harris, Orville Raymond 25 Jul 1914 - 1979 son of Newton & Annie (nee Gilmour) Harris, Patricia Dianne 1943 - 1945 Harrison, (unknown) Hatley, Charles 1955 - 1956 Hatley, Herbert Horace 3 Sep 1881 - Sep 1957 hus of Mabel Cooper Hayes, W. (child) died 1948 Hemsworth, Reginald Maurice 12 Jan 1929 - 27 Nov 1970 son of Reg & Gladys Henderson, Abe Hicks, (unknown) Hilliar, Edward William 1864 - 1945 Hilliar, Fanny Sophia 1869 - 1952 Hilliar, Gertrude 1873 - 1949 wife of Edward Hodgson, Joseph Kenneth died 1951 Hoffman, Elizabeth Lucille 1926 - 1979 Hotslander, Olive (nee Bartlett) 4 Dec 1884 - 30 Dec 1920 dau of Milton Hough, Christy Ann (nee McDermid) 11 Sep 1874 - 1966 dau of Duncan & Christy Hough, Ernest Doran 22 Sep 1879 - 15 Jul 1963 son of John & Ellen (nee Tinkess) Hough, Etta Florence (nee Honeywell) 1889 - 21 Jan 1977 wife of Ernest Hough, Herbert Reginald 17 Jan 1865 - 17 Jul 1943 son of John & Ellen Hough, Ellen 'Nell' (nee Marjerison) died 1926 wife of Herbert Houseman, Victor 1916 - 1969 son of Eric & Elizabeth (nee Hehn) Hurtig, Elvin A. 23 Dec 1933 - 30 Oct 1973 son of Oscar & Thilda Hurtig, Oscar 1889 - 1960 hus of Thilda Enstrom Hutton, Ada (nee Lumb) 1876 - 1967 wife of Joseph Sr. Hutton, Joseph Arthur Sr. 1878 - 1965 son of Thomas & Emily Hutton, S. Margaret (nee Oliver) 1910 - 8 Nov 1985 dau of Carl Hutton, Thomas Edwin died 1929 Irvine, Robert Munroe 1940 - 1985 Irving, Blanche Louise (nee Nairn) 1930 - Jan 1984 wife of Clare Irving, Edna M. (nee Stevenson) 1885 - 1957 Irving, James S. 1874 - 1941 Irving, Thomas 1912 - 1973 son of James & Edna Jenson, Carl Herbert 1935 - 1986 Johnson, Andrew K. died 1932 Johnson, Herbert William 12 Oct 1913 - 1974 son of William & Mary (nee Harron) Jones, Lois Aline (nee Cozart) 1895 - 1974 wife of Howard Jones, Howard Alexander 1871 - 1959 son of Evan Jones, James L. 1931 - 1957 son of William & Agnes Jones, William N. 1899 - 1958 hus of Agnes Black Kappelar, Gregory 1873 - 1939 hus of Elizabeth Baron Kappelar, Joseph G. 1916 - 1953 son of Gregory & Elizabeth Kerr, Isaac L. 1856 - 1935 Kerr, John A. 1915 - 1915 son of Sidney & Mabel Kerr, Mabel E. (nee Petty) 1895 - 20 Mar 1981 Kerr, Marian L. 1919 - 1919 dau of Sidney & Mabel Kerr, Norman 1881 - 1940 Kerr, Raymond L. 1883 - 1937 Kerr, Samuel 1837 - 1919 Kerr, Sidney Scott 1888 - 27 Jan 1980 son of Isaac Kerr, William L. 1871 - 4 May 1923 son of Samuel & Barbara King, Thomas King, Vivian died 1958 Knoll, Andrew Peter 1915 - 1920 son of Joseph & Lopoltina Kurz, Caroline (nee Christmann) 1875 - Jan 1936 wife of Jacob Kurz, Clara B. (nee Cook) 1909 - 1970 wife of Henry Kurz, Henry G. 20 Dec 1910 - Oct 1972 son of Jacob & Caroline Kurz, Jacob 5 Oct 1872 - 1950 son of Philip Kurz, Jeanette Helen 1941 - 1953 dau of Henry & Clara Lamb, Mindy (twin) died 1979 Lamb, Michael (twin) died 1979 Lamont, William died 1924 Lawson, Joseph died 1936 Lawson, Mary (nee Green) died 1926 wife of Joseph Little, Frank E. died 1921 Logan, Edna P. (nee Nicholson) 4 Dec 1895 - 26 Mar 1920 dau of George & Sarah Logan, Frances Louise (nee Hayes) 23 Feb 1856 - 5 Dec 1927 dau of James & Rebecca (nee Birch) Logan, George 1861 - 1939 son of Jacob & Mary (nee Morgan) Logan, John Albert M. 29 Mar 1854 - 22 Feb 1928 son of Jacob & Mary Longmuir, Mathew 1878 - 1955 MacKinnon, Archibald 1853 - 1939 MacKinnon, Mary 1860 - 1920 Mader, Fred died 1941 Mader, Lynnwood died 1935 Magowan, Evelyn Elizabeth 1925 - 1926 Magowan, James 1881 - 1964 Magowan, James (baby) died 1929 Magowan, Mildred Evelyn 1891 - 1986 Mainhood, Lloyd Franklin 1895 - 1961 Mainhood, Orval Franklin 1925 - 1972 Mainhood, Ruth Marian 1920 - 1922 Mapes, (child) died 1919 Marjerison, Alexander McEwen 1914 - 1966 son of Ira & Ellen Marjerison, Catherine died 1908 dau of Ira & Ellen Marjerison, Catherine Mary 1872 - 1955 Marjerison, Ellen died 1954 wife of Ira Marjerison, Ira G. 1878 - 1934 son of Annie Marjerison, John A. 1869 - 1942 Marjerison, Sarah Elizabeth 1867 - 1938 Martin, Alice Maud May 1884 - 1953 May, Donna Margaret died 1960 McAllister, (baby) child of Edna McAllister, Edna M. (nee Hilliar) 1903 - 1934 McAllister, John L. died 21 Aug 1968 age 75 McAllister, Katherine 1930 - 1990 McAllister, Margaret Ellen died 22 Jul 1934 McCammond, (child) died 1918 McCammond, Donald 1921 - 1921 McCammond, Nellie Love 1884 - 1922 McCleod, Floren I. 1912 - 1918 McCleod, R. McColl, Mary 1837 - 1918 McCormick, George died 1918 McCulloch, Colin Sr. 7 Oct 1898 - 2 Jan 1942 McCulloch, Gordon (infant) McCulloch, Jane Armstrong (nee Findlay) 25 Apr 1898 - 1985 wife of Colin McCulloch, Janet (nee Munroe) 1840 - 1918 McDougall, John Peter 1841 - 1925 McDougall, Leonard Stacey 1886 - 1928 McEwen, Arthur Hammond 1900 - 1925 McGillivray, Alexander 1880 - Feb 1960 son of Alexander Sr. & Katherine (nee Jeffrey) McGillivray, Archie 1889 - 1949 son of Alexander Sr. & Katherine McGillivray, (baby) McGillivray, Isabelle 1893 - 1976 McGillivray, John 30 Oct 1886 - 1978 son of Alexander Sr. & Katherine McGillivray, Lulu (nee Runions) 10 Oct 1897 - 1983 dau of Uriah & Etta McGillivray, Richard P. McGillivray, Sarah Ann (nee Lewis) 1882 - Jun 1959 wife of Alexander McKay, William died Jul 1938 hus of Elizabeth McKee, Dave died 1940 McGregor, (baby boy) died 1959 McMillan, F. McMillin, (baby) died 1920 McMillin, John William Aug 1886 - 1957 son of Charles McMillin, Mary M. (nee Walser) 1892 - Oct 1920 wife of John Menzies, Aiken 1907 - 1983 Menzies, Caroline 1879 - 1942 Menzies, Christina 1881 - 1966 Menzies, (child) died 1916 Menzies, Elizabeth 1851 - 1931 Menzies, Robert 1874 - 1937 Menzies, William J. 1887 - 1927 Miller, J. R. died 1936 Milne, Kathleen Ashley (nee Olson) 23 Jan 1898 - 23 Mar 1982 wife of John Rennie Milton, M. Ross died 1944 Mitchell, J. A. Moffat, David W. 1894 - 1948 Moffat, Peter W. 1879 - 1945 Moffat, Stella P. 1899 - 1963 Montgomery, Margaret Isobel 1862 - 1942 Moore, Bertha Charlotte (nee Halliday) 1872 - 1945 Moore, Grace 1912 - 1982 dau of William & Bertha Moore, William Charles 1867 - 1949 hus of Bertha Morden, Ester (nee Jackson) Noble 1864 - 1941 Morden, William George Sr. 19 Jun 1882 - Jun 1953 Morden, William George 10 Apr 1910 - 1976 son of William & Ester Morgan, Orilla 1866 - 1930 Morrisey, Helen B. 1926 - 1979 Mulholland, Cecil J. 1926 - 1961 son of James & Ivah Mulholland, David F. 1913 - 1918 son of Elmer & Ethel Mulholland, Donna Lee died 1961 Mulholland, Elma M. died 1925 Mulholland, Elmer S. 1886 - 1972 Mulholland, Ethel E. Philips (nee McCrae) 1887 - 1971 Mulholland, Ivah May 1892 - 2 Feb 1985 Mulholland, James E. 1890 - 1957 hus of Ivah May Mulholland, Jessie Ellen (nee Preston) 1890 - 1954 wife of Milton Mulholland, Wesley 1925 - 22 Sep 1984 son of Elmer & Ethel Mulqueen, John Joseph 1869 - 1949 Munroe, Annie Elizabeth (nee Dancey) 1878 - 1953 Munroe, Thomas Albert 1852 - 1930 hus of Annie Munroe, Thomas 1905 - 1979 Murdock, Jane L. 1855 - 1931 Murdock, Thomas 1905 - 1979 Murdock, William 1858 - 1938 Murray, Olive Kinder (nee Ferguson) 21 Sep 1884 - 8 Jan 1978 dau of Edward & Mary Murray, John 2 Mar 1886 - 24 May 1979 son of Thomas & Harriet Nelson, Alice E. Dec 1919 - 30 Aug 1974 dau of Carl & Alma Nelson, Alma P. 1886 - 1937 Nelson, Carl A. 28 Jan 1883 - 1968 Newton, Herbert 1882 - 1958 Newton, Mary A. 1878 - 1952 Nicholson, Theresa Lynn 1964 - 1979 dau of Delwin & Mavis (nee Cave) Norman, Alzetta Jane 1872 - 1946 Norman, George Ernest 1868 - 1955 hus of Alzetta Norman, Jessie 1851 - 1938 wife of John Nouch, Florence 1890 - 1975 Nouch, Joseph 1877 - 1954 Oliver, Carl H. 1888 - 1973 Oliver, Ronald died 1979 Olson, Victor A. 1913 - 1976 Paddon, O. Hugh 1888 - 1956 Paton, Euphemia H. 'Effie' (nee Bryson) 1879 - 1956 wife of John Paton, John B. 1875 - 1949 son of Joseph Sr. Patton, Robert 1895 - 1986 Patton, Susannah (nee Campbell) 1900 - 1966 wife of Robert Payne, Joseph P. 12 Feb 1882 - 18 Dec 1960 Payne, Martha (nee Hiebert) 1892 - 25 Jul 1962 wife of Joseph Pease, Thomas 1866 - 1930 Perry, (baby) Perry, Carrol Albert 1896 - 1972 Perry, G. A. Petcoff, Marin 1888 - 1970 hus of Mary Jane Petcoff, Mary Jane (nee Harrington) 18 Mar 1897 - 1980 Philpott, Arthur William 1877 - 1953 Philpott, Maude (nee Kingsnorth) 1883 - 1966 wife of Arthur Pomeroy, Gordon 1908 - 1977 son of Baker & Margaret Quigley, Alexander T. 1881 - 1968 Quigley, Annie G. (nee Griffith) 1889 - 1940 wife of Alexander Quigley, (child) Quigley, James L. 1914 - 1940 Ratcliffe, William R. 1882 - 1958 hus of Hilda May Bocock Reid, Birdie Ethel (nee Walters) 1920 - 1948 Reid, John William 1891 - 1948 Reid, Morris William 24 Oct 1925 - Reid, Robert Dec 1920 - Dec 1921 son of John & Birdie Ricketts, (baby) died 1943 Ricketts, Donald Ricketts, Joyce 1905 - 1976 Ricketts, Russell G. 1900 - 1986 Riley, A. Robertson, Cameron William 1921 - Jun 1962 hus of Audrey Hemsworth Robertson, Clifford Charles 1948 - 1982 son of Ivan & Dorothy (nee Stewart) Robertson, Norma J. died 1915 Robinson, Arthur G. 1887 - 1947 hus of Elizabeth McEwen Routledge, Elizabeth (nee Moralee) 1879 - 1936 wife of Isaac Routledge, Isaac 1865 - 1937 Reunions, (child) died 1920 Runions, Herbert Henry 10 Dec 1901 - Nov 1971 son of Uriah & Etta Runions, Kathleen (nee Blashill) 18 May 1905 - Mar 1986 dau of Herb & Annie Russell, John Rutherford, Edna (baby) died 1919 Sadler, Ephram 1877 - 1961 Sadler, Mrs. Ephram died 1938 Sandry, Flossie died 1918 Sargent, Francis Victor 1886 - 1976 hus of Mary Sargent, Mary Elizabeth (nee Howarth) 1881 - 1968 Sawyer, A. died 1932 Sawyer, Mrs. A. died 1939 Sawyer, Miss Schmitz, Andrew Sr. 1890 - 1974 hus of Catherine Schoenau, Anna 1917 - 1917 Schoenau, Lita 1930 - 1931 Schoenau, Loretta Frances 1924 - 1980 Schultz, DeeAnn Lea (baby) died 1973 Schultz, Dorothy C. 1942 - 1949 dau of John & Grace Schultz, Jacob 1895 - 1962 Schultz, John 8 Aug 1897 - Aug 1970 hus of Grace Schwartz, Anna E. 1873 - 1961 Schwartz, Herman 22 May 1871 - 1923 Seim, Lars O. 1881 - 1975 Seymour, David Seymour, Evelyn 1914 - 1918 Seymour, Gordon 1916 - 1918 Shaver, Earl Clinton 1896 - 1915 son of William Shaver, Howard William 1891 - 1916 son of William Shaver, William Howard 1861 - 1944 Sheridan, J. S. died 1935 Shipp, Robert Kingsley 1920 - 1921 son of Arthur & Amy Simpson, Ivy Lillian died 1922 Simpson, William Irvine died 1922 Sjoberg, Thorlief E. 1929 - 1986 Sjoberg, Sigvold 1927 - 1986 Skoog, John died 1918 Small, Samuel Sidney 1903 - 1984 Smith, Donald Malcolm 1892 - 1983 son of James & Margaret Smith, Leila Mabel 1896 - 1979 dau of Phebe (nee Marjerison) Smith, Violet Frances (nee Peterson) 1908 - 1977 wife of Donald Snider, Selena 'Lena' (nee Newman) 1 Nov 1879 - 28 Feb 1954 Snider, Levi 5 May 1875 - 28 Feb 1959 son of Abraham & Margaret (nee Taylor) Snider, Lyle 11 Mar 1917 - 10 Jul 1919 son of Levi & Selena Spidell, Ellen died 1943 Spidell, Lucinda Ann (nee Saunders) 1868 - 1935 Stacey, Fanny Sophia (nee Hilliar) 26 Oct 1869 - 28 Oct 1952 Stacey, Samuel H. 29 Aug 1871 - 31 May 1947 Stacey, William John 17 Jan 1898 - 21 Feb 1918 son of Samuel & Fanny Stewart, Ellen Maude (nee Cattermole) 5 Jul 1889 - 1972 wife of John Stewart, John D. 30 Sep 1893 - 1965 Stick, Carl J. 1888 - 1965 Stick, Fanny S. (nee Stacey) 1899 - 1987 wife of Carl Stockdon, Ellen Jane 1850 - 1947 Stockdon, John Wall 1881 - 1959 Strain, Dorothy (nee Smith) 1899 - 1970 wife of John Strain, John H. 1896 - 1972 Strain, Robert 2009 Strain, Robert Myles 1955 - 16 Jan 1974 son of Robert & Shirley Strain, Shirley Joyce (nee Dunn) 7 May 1934 - 12 Jul 2011 dau of William & Isabel Taylor, Amanda C. 1863 - 1951 Taylor, Caroline 1860 - 1951 Taylor, Citrus 1874 - 1943 Teskey, Jean C. 1870 - 1908 Theede, Douglas A. 1922 - 1961 son of Henry & Myrtle Theede, Henry F. 1897 - 1964 son of Fred & Mary Theede, Lawrence T. 4 Sep 1907 - 1956 hus of Theresa Theede, Myrtle E. (nee Newman) 1896 - 1954 Theede, Theresa J. 'Daisy' (nee Berger) 1910 - Mar 1986 dau of Jacob & Barbara Thompson, Lydia Agnes (nee Runions) 1904 - 1969 dau of Uriah & Etta Thompson, Walter Lester 24 Jun 1894 - 1978 son of James & Elizabeth (nee Chappell) Thompson, Y. M. Tinkess, J. R. Trill, E. Trussel, Jane died 1924 Tuft, Fred died 1931 Turner, Allan Gilchrist May 1887 - 1968 son of William Turner, Eleanor Maud (nee Freeman) 1881 - 1958 wife of James Turner, Elroy C. 1870 - 1962 Turner, James died 1942 Turner, James Duncan 1874 - 1959 son of William Turner, Jean Ramsay (nee MacDonald) Feb 1896 - 1982 wife of Allan Voisey, Albert 26 Jun 1878 - 1969 son of Albert & Elizabeth Voisey, Alice Elizabeth (nee Smith) 1887 - 1979 dau of James & Eliza Voisey, Mona Carolina (nee Marzolf) 25 Apr 1928 - 3 Oct 2015 wife of Jim Walters, Amy (nee Potts) 1881 - 1954 Walters, Lucy E. 1907 - 1918 Warren, Fred died 1953 Warren, Mrs C. A. died 1953 Watkins, Lola (nee Landrigan) 1892 - 1953 wife of Geoffrey Yonge Wendel, John 1872 - 1959 Wendel, Philip 1907 - 1963 son of John & Wilhelmina Wendel, Wilhelmina 1877 - 1951 Westfall, Allen died 1936 Westfall, (baby) died 1930 Westfall, G. Delbert died 1932 Willard, Harvey H. 1913 - 1971 hus of Iva Williams, A. Wilson, (baby boy) 1917 - 1917 son of Charles & Ida Wilson, (baby boy) 1918 - 1918 son of Charles & Ida Wilson, (baby girl) 1921 - 1921 dau of Charles & Ida Wilson, Charles William Mar 1879 - 1955 Wilson, Ida I. (nee Millar) 1883 - 1984 Wilson, James Gibson 3 Mar 1870 - 23 May 1941 Wilson, Mary Ann (nee Vogt) 7 Mar 1873 - Nov 1956 wife of James Wood, Percy R. died 1930 Wood, Wilfred C. 1909 - 1931 son of Percy & Eva Wright, L. Wright, T. Yonge, Christy Ann 7 Apr 1967 - 20 May 1983 dau of Robert & Sandra (nee Laybourne) Yonge, Geoffrey Walter Vernon 22 Apr 1886 - 14 Jun 1938 hus of Lola Landrigan Yonge, Hazel Linda (baby) died 1949 Yonge, Vernon Walter 1915 - 1986 hus of Margaret Patterson Young, Anna Maye (nee Barber) 18 Nov 1913 - 29 Nov 1979 wife of P. R. 'Dick' Young, Edith (nee Moore) 1907 - 1954 wife of George Young, E. John died 1931 Zackow, E. Zackow, Lester W. died 1937 son of Emil & Maud (nee Hill)
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