Allenby, Albert E. 1880 1945 Allenby, Alice A. 1882 1944 Adelman, Alice A. Lucky 1901 - 1979 Allenby, (baby) 1945 Alliot, Henry L. 1883 1967 Anderson, Flora Lucille Aug 7, 1951 - Nov 29, 1951 Andrews, Edna Esther May 12, 1909 Jul 23, 1975 Andrews, Iva Marie Dec 5, 1906 Apr 24, 1970 Andrews, Marie Andrews, Mary Isabelle 1884 1953 Andrews, Thomas 1886 1962 hus of Mary Andrews, William Thomas 1885 - 1969 Armstrong, Ed 1884 - 1965 Armstrong, Harriet Pearl (nee McLeod) 1888 Jul 31, 1954 Armstrong, James Bell 1884 1965 hus of Myrtle Armstrong, James Edmond 'Ed' Jul 10, 1885 Jun 22, 1969 Armstrong, Myrtle M. 1885 1980 Attrux, Ernest Peter Jun 3, 1948 Mar 14, 1949 Attrux, Joseph L. 1898 1958 Bargee, (baby) 1943 Barks, David James Harold 1903 Jan 1969 Barks, Gwen 1960 Baumgarten, A. 1876 1954 Beaman, Harold Melita 1901 1959 Bell, George M. 1901 1955 Ben, Theodore 1905 1958 Bergen, David F. 1904 1945 Berglund, Ludvik 1903 1965 Bernhard, Leonard 1886 1955 Bernhard, Margaret 1897 - 1990 Bertrand, George died 1961 Bickert, Mary 1882 1963 Bjorndahl, (baby) 1942 Boland, Agnes Maria (nee Beafield) 1876 1961 Boland, James 1881 1957 hus of Agnes Bonthoux, Alphonse 1912 1965 Bonthoux, (baby) 1942 Bonthoux, Jimmy (baby) 1951 Bonthoux, Marin J. Oct 18, 1876 1952 Bottomley, Herbert 1880 1959 Bourassa, Irene Marie Jan 12, 1909 - Mar 5, 1993 Bourassa, Rene Ireneous Apr 1891 - Sep 1939 Bowthorpe, Charlotte 1878 Nov 25, 1970 Bowthorpe, Joseph Joseph 1877 Feb 5, 1967 hus of Charlotte Boyle, Ellen 1876 1964 Boyle, Elsie J. 1895 - 1964 Boyle, George A. 1890 1969 Bradford, William J. 3 Oct 1892 26 Dec 1952 Braun, George 1909 1966 Brooks, Allan 1942 1944 Broughton, Ernest Joseph 1877 1948 Button, Lance Jan 24, 1961 - Jan 25, 1961 Button, Roy Victor 1922 1976 Buyaki, (baby) 1949 Cavanaugh, Anita 1950 1969 Cavanaugh, Mary 1869 1947 Cavanaugh, Phyllis 1936 1947 Chabot, Theresa 1895 - 1964 Chisholm, Shawn 1967 Chittick, Clarence 1886 1959 Clancy, Andrew E. 1876 1951 Clunis, Margaret Feb 25, 1860 1947 Collie, Evan Henry 1876 - 1953 Collington, Katherine 1892 1966 Colvin, John 1884 1960 Colvin, Robert Vernon 1890 1964 hus of Barbara Corneil, Francis Catherine 1916 - 1995 Cote, Andrew 1961 - 1961 Cox, Frank L. 1860 1943 Cragg, Mary Rotha 1880 1957 Craigen, M. 1896 - 1967 Crawford, Robert 1894 1969 Crone, Olive 1907 1969 Crosswell, Morris J. 1949 Crosswell, Victor John Nov 29, 1912 - Jun 27, 1960 Davidson, Beatrice 1917 1964 Davis, Anne 1917 1980 Davis, Brian (baby) Mar 23, 1946 Downing, William 1894 1946 Ducommun, Armand 1888 1957 hus of Louise Ducommun, Ethel 1902 - 1996 Ducommun, Eugene 1904 1961 Ducommun, Fritz 1860 1945 hus of Mathilda Ducommun, Fritz 1894 1965 Ducommun, John 1886 1960 Ducommun, Lester 1898 1980 hus of Ethel Ducommun, M. Louise 1895 1969 Ducommun, Mathilda 1861 1946 Edwards, Gerald 1959 Ens, Anna 1896 - 1985 Ens, Jacob 1887 1965 hus of Anna Eriksson, Charles 1901 1957 Eriksson, Marjorie 1918 1980 Fagstad, Eiver 1941 Farrer, Harry Arthur 1875 1951 Faust, John W. 1872 1957 Fayiant, Patrice 1898 - 1953 Fitzgerald, Ettie 1885 - 1935 Forsberg, Floyd M. Aug 27, 1912 Jun 5, 1969 Forsberg, Sophie Apr 3, 1909 - Sep 2, 1999 Forsyth, Robert H. Aug 10, 1939 - Oct 11, 1939 Forsyth, Wayne T. Aug 4, 1952 - Nov 3, 1952 Foster, Gordon E. 1941 - 1998 Foster, Harold D. 1905 1971 Foster, Joseph 1901 1955 Foster, Kathleen 1921 - 2004 Foster, Wilfred A. 1912 1966 Fraser, Gordon A. 1903 - 1941 Froese, Ronald 1954 Gailling, Clothilda Maria Oct 1, 1931 Nov 10, 1947 Gailling, Rosa (nee Linde) Oct 25, 1898 Nov 1945 Gaja, Joseph 1900 1965 hus of Josephine Gaja, Josephine 1894 1983 Galleneault, (baby) 1949 Gallop, Susanne Dec 28, 1948 Mar 21, 1949 Geiger, Fred Gerbrandt, Jeanine Oct 23, 1971 - Jul 5, 1972 Gerbrandt, Mary 1887 1963 Gilmour, Douglas John 1939 1957 Gilmour, Emily Irene 1915 - 2009 Gilmour, Gordon 1890 1962 hus of Mary Gilmour, Helen Gustava (nee Farnsworth) 1908 - 2009 Gilmour, Mary Lydia 1889 May 22, 1981 Gilmour, Matthew A. 1901 - 1989 hus of Helen Gleason, Arthur Randall Jan 27, 1937 age 24 son of Ira & Ida Gleason, Ida Mary 1887 1962 Gleason, Ira Heman 1889 - 1974 Gleason, Robert Heman 1911 1961 son of Ira & Ida Gordon, Margaret Jean Maggie (nee Morton) 1869 1955 Gordon, William John 1868 1947 hus of Margaret Green, Alfred R. 1895 Jan 29, 1947 hus of Amy Green, Alfred R. (2nd gravestone) Green, Amy 1905 - 1985 Green, Arthur O. 1908 - 1937 Green, Clarence (infant twin) Dec 6, 1944 Green, Earl (infant twin) Dec 6, 1944 Green, Evelyn Maude 1909 1945 Green, Margaret Alice Green, O. Alex 1909 - 1988 Green, Vivian L. died May 31, 1944 Griffin, Agnes B. 1888 1958 Griffin, Walter Wilbur 1881 1953 hus of Agnes Hamilton, Dorothy K. 1945 Hampton, James 1900 1966 hus of Janet Hampton, Janet 1894 1973 Hansen, Harlad B. 'Harry' 1876 1952 Harkness, Edward J. 1888 1947 Harrower, Roy James 1895 Mar 17, 1963 Harrower, Thelma (nee McRae) 1914 - 2004 Harrower, William 1902 1960 hus of Thelma Hawkins, Joseph 1868 - 1961 Hawrishok, William 1917 - 1967 Hawryshok, Emile 1900 1967 Hawryshok, Nastia 1876 1962 Hay, William Henry 1871 1941 Heatherington, Alberta 1879 1953 Heatherington, John 1880 1962 hus of Alberta Hiebert, Abram S. 1886 1965 Hiebert, Aganetha 1890 1960 Hiebert, Anna 1904 1968 Hildebrand, Henry 1934 1959 Hill, William H. 1898 1964 Hnatiw, Wasyl 1896 1964 Holmes, (baby) 1956 Holuk, Steven 1902 1954 Hornby, (baby) 1952 Horne, George A. Jan 27, 1890 Jan 27, 1961 age 71 Hudson, Alexander 1879 1949 Johnson, Alcesta 1876 1961 Johnson, Howard S. 1880 1957 Johnson, James Hilyard 1868 1940 Johnson, Lucille 1940 Johnson, M. L. Feb 1940 - Oct 1940 Johnson, Sarah 1871 1935 Johnston, Marion Edith Dec 29, 1921 - Feb 16, 2005 Jones, Katalin 1900 1963 Jones, Micheal 1900 1973 hus of Katalin Jordet, Mallo 1885 1953 hus of Ruby Jordet, Ruby 1893 1953 Kane, Marvin Duane Jan 1946 - Mar 1946 Kassen, Joy 1945 Kellett, Herbert 1912 1952 Kellett, May 1909 - 1991 wife of Herbert Kistner, John A. 1913 - 1944 hus of Margaret Kistner, John L. 1874 1948 Kistner, Margaret E. 1876 - 1938 Kitzlitz, Alexander Feb 14, 1937 Apr 23, 1955 Klassen, Abram 1909 Apr 30, 1949 Klassen, Dennis Dave 1933 1955 Klassen, Marvin Sep 12, 1953 Jun 11, 1964 Klebe, Juliana 1879 1938 Klein, John 1872 1958 Kowalsky, Margaret 1955 - 1955 dau of Peggy Kowalsky, Peggy 1926 - 1993 Kozubik, Frank 1891 1956 Labelle, Romeo 1899 1967 Lachlan, Mrs. G. L. Lamey, F. A. Bernard 'Barney' 1897 - 1977 hus of Justina Lamey, Justina (nee Marsh) 1915 - 2000 Land, E. Grace 1906 1953 Land, Norman E. Jul 25, 1968 age 72 hus of Grace Lang, Dalton Dec 10, 1898 Oct 28, 1970 brother of Henry Lang, Della May May 29, 1886 Mar 17, 1964 Lang, Henry Aug 9, 1882 Oct 22, 1969 hus of Della Langthorne, Rose 1887 1937 Langthorne, William 1881 1961 hus of Rose Larocque, L. Gordon 1944 Larocque, Louis D. 1894 1956 Larocque, Maurice 1927 1944 Larsen, (baby) Jan 1957 - 1957 Larson, (baby) 1943 Larson, Lars 1882 1948 Laybourne, Rodney O. 1946 1949 son of Vic & Hilda Laybourne, Rodney Victor Jul 15, 1946 - Aug 14, 1947 Laybourne, V. Allen 1950 son of Vic & Hilda Legeard, William 1897 1964 Leizert, Hilda 1900 1966 Little, Alvin E. 'Bud' 1914 1971 Little, (baby) 1957 - 1957 Lloyd, Bernice Shirley Mar 9, 1956 - 1956 Lochar, G. A. died 1942 Loewen, Peter D. Jan 16, 1906 Apr 12, 1969 Lonson, Kenneth 1929 1932 Lonson, Lorne L. 1933 son of Hjalmar & Evelyn Lonson Lucky, Felix M. 1885 1963 Maguire, Elezer 1885 1958 Maguire, Viola 1894 1950 wife of Wellington Malfair, Agnes H. (nee Boucher) 1905 - 2006 wife of Eli Malfair, Eli 1890 1969 Manchur, (baby) 1946 Mangels, Doug died 2007 hus of June Mangels, June Jun 24, 1926 May 15, 2015 Martens, Joyce (nee Lucky) May 9, 1929 - May 8, 2001 Martens, Susanna 1880 1932 Mazurek, Christina 1901 1961 Mazurek, Linda Carolyn Jul 14, 1953 - Jul 31, 1953 dau of Eugene & Frances Mazurek, Rosie 1932 Mazurek, Stanley 1899 1975 hus of Christina McConnell, William 1884 1969 McCullough, Cecile 1917 - 1948 McCullough, Jeanie Lees 1914 - 2005 McCullough, John A. Dr. 1912 1976 hus of Cecile & Jeanie McEachern, Margaret 1928 1960 McGregor, William 1883 1970 McNichol, Cora (nee Bruner) 1884 Nov 20, 1966 McNiven, Charlotte Anne 1916 - 1967 McNiven, Waldron Emerson 1904 1954 Melnychuk, V. Annie 1944 Merrett, Gordon Keith Nov 19, 1944 May 5, 1963 Meseniuk, George 1889 1958 Metcalfe, William 1904 1963 Miller, Alice (nee Bonthoux) 1932 - 1997 Miller, Anna Bella 1882 1961 Miller, Edith 1887 1954 Miller, Fernand W. 'Billy' Oct 5, 1952 Aug 12, 1966 Miller, James Grant 1915 - 1942 Miller, James Grant (2nd gravestone) Miller, Kim 1960 dau of Wilfred & Norma Miller, Marilyn Miller, Nelson 1892 1961 hus of Edith Miller, Olive M. 1907 - 1969 Miller, Phyllis 1912 - 2000 wife of Stanley Miller, Stanley C. 1906 1965 Miller, Susanna (nee Vogt) Dec 8, 1883 Feb 10, 1971 wife of Peter Miller, Woodrow Wilson Mar 8, 1918 - 1987 Miller, Wilfred 1927 - 2002 Miller, William John Jun 25, 1881 Sep 9, 1942 hus of Anna Miller, William John (2nd gravestone) Miller, Wilson 1918 - 1987 Milligan, Alice 1887 1965 Milligan, (baby) 1948 Milligan, (baby) Jul 13, 1956 child of Shirley Milligan, Evelyn Leona 1937 - 1937 Milligan, Samuel I. 1884 1968 hus of Alice Milligan, Shirley 1934 - 1985 Mody, Angela 1902 -1985 Mody, Joseph 1882 1963 Mody, Robert 1920 1969 Montgomery, Elizabeth 1886 1944 wife of J. Murphy, Charles 1878 1955 Murray, Clifford George Apr 18, 1894 May 1968 hus of Hilda Murray, Hilda A. 1896 1984 Neath, Delvina A. 1917 1966 Neilly, Herbert 1898 1971 Neilly, Minnie Flora 1900 - 1970 Neilly, William James 1930 1963 son of Herbert & Minnie Nelson, Alfred R. 1904 1940 Nelson, Ernest L. 1879 1951 hus of Minnie Nelson, Hector 1873 1962 Nelson, Lucille D. 1918 - 1943 wife of A. 'Bud' Ross Nelson, Minnie D. 1881 1943 Newstead, Leslie J. 1922 1966 Newstead, Lori 1970 - 1971 Newstead, Muriel L. 1922 - Newton, Annie 1880 1943 Newton, Francis A. 1942 1945 Newton, Margaret 1896 1962 Newton, Thomas E. 1883 1959 hus of Annie Nichols, Betty (nee Harms) 1924 -2004 wife of Stanley Nichols, Stanley David 1914 1968 Nicholson, Francis 1906 - 1966 hus of Phyllis Nicholson, Phyllis 1915 - 2005 Nicklen, Wayne 1963 - 1964 Nicloux, August 1886 1959 Nicloux, Joseph H. 1857 1940 Nicloux, Marie C. 1897 1977 Nixon, Frances L. 1906 1972 Nixon, Oscar J. 1900 1950 hus of Frances Nixon, Sharon E. 1945 1949 Norrish, Annie V. 1896 1965 Norrish, William G. H. 1896 1973 Oliver, J. Stewart 1895 1963 Oliver, Margaret 1872 1945 Parcher, William 1886 1963 Parkinson, R. James 'Jimmie' Apr 1952 - May 1952 Patient, Percival Hector Nov 7, 1892 1965 hus of Jane Patient, W. Jane (nee Stallybrass) 1903 1976 Patterson, (baby) 1941 Penner, Gordon 1964 - 1964 Perkins, Alice Ona 1911 1965 Petrie, Frank Guild 1890 1953 hus of Hilda Petrie, Hilda Lucy 1901 - 1981 Pedigrew, Alexander 1893 1967 Peverett, George 1879 1963 Philipow, Doris Anne Apr 15, 1939 Aug 1957 Philipow, Nick Dec 1, 1910 - Jul 5, 1994 Philipow, Olga (nee Malyk) Mar 10, 1919 - May 25, 2006 Pilipow, John William 1914 1961 Pilipow, Mike 1916 -1994 Pochipinski, Mike 1917 - Feb 1968 Pochipinski, Tekla 'Tillie' (nee Holuk) 1917 - 2005 Pomeroy, (baby) 1942 Pomeroy, Robert 1875 1936 hus of Sarah Pomeroy, Sarah 1880 - 1957 Pomeroy, Tilda J. 1875 1968 Pomeroy, Walter Nov 10, 1872 Feb 19, 1937 hus of Tilda Radke, Glen Edward Jun 5, 1937 Sep 7, 1969 Radke, Larry D. 1930 - 2000 Radke, Vera A. (nee Schallhorn) 1907 1975 Radke, Walter Mar 30, 1901 Nov 11, 1971 hus of Vera Reimer, John B. 1879 1961 Remai, (baby) Mar 23, 1952 Remai, Robbie Apr 20, 1962 - Oct 19, 1962 Remai, Rosalia 1898 1971 Remai, Steve 1897 1957 hus of Rosalia Richards, (baby) 1936 Robbins, Angus D. Feb 6, 1891 Feb 8, 1939 Rorke, (baby) 1957 - 1957 Roschinski, Albert 1922 1966 Roschinski, Joseph 1875 - 1930 Roschinski, Michael 1910 - 1977 Ross, Delvina 1888 1949 Ross, Lucille D. (nee Nelson) 1920 1943 wife of Bud Ross, Thomas M. Apr 28, 1878 1947 hus of Delvina Rowan, Andrew E. 1879 1945 Rowan, Laura (nee Swanston) 1876 1943 wife of A. E. Ruda, Donald E. Mar 17, 1938 Jan 3, 1946 Ruda, Frances 1888 1967 Ruda, Joseph Feb 29, 1884 4 Jan, 1947 Sales, Philip 1898 1957 Salisbury, Arthur D. 1906 1954 hus of Hilda Salisbury, Donna 1969 Salisbury, Hilda Salisbury, Stanley 1940 1943 Sauder, Anne 1919 - 1996 Sauder, Edward E. Nov 19, 1917 - Jul 23, 1998 Sauder, Kenneth 1944 1954 Sauder, Leonard C. 1884 1957 Sauder, Maggie A. 1888 - 1987 wife of Leonard Sawatzky, John 1888 1962 Schellhorn, Eva Catherine Jan 17, 1910 Jan 9, 1959 Scherr, Daniel 1961 - 1992 Schiller, Agnes E. 1883 Sep 9, 1956 Schiller, Henry J. 1880 Feb 23, 1976 hus of Agnes Schmidt, Annie (nee Boese) Nov 3, 1895 Nov 12, 1976 Sheehan, Katherine M. 1897 1979 Sheehan, Lawrence L. 1888 1960 hus of Katherine Sheils, William J. 1878 1961 Simpson, Robert 'Bob' 1914 Apr 4, 1969 Skabinsky, Sharon 1969 Skalicky, (baby) 1953 Skalicky, Vitus J. 1894 - 1953 Slusar, (baby) 1948 Slusar, Edward Oct 5, 1942 - Oct 12, 1942 Slusar, Molly (nee Verzanowski) 1923 - Oct 6, 1964 Slusar, Peter 1903 1966 Slusar, Polly (nee Buranny) 1906 - 1994 wife of Peter Slusar, William G. 'Bill' Nov 16, 1926 Jan 15, 1944 Smith, Donna (nee Payne) Jan 17, 1953 - Aug 17, 1989 Smith, Eleanor Violet Mar 6, 1925 - Nov 11, 2010 Smith, Elizabeth Ann Sep 1962 - Sep 1962 Smith, James Parker Jul 22, 1973 - Jul 23, 1973 Smith, Kenneth Anderson May 7, 1925 - May 12, 2000 Smith, Rose Marie 1965 - 1965 Smith, William J. 'Bill' Jul 31, 1900 Feb 14, 1964 Sorenson, Irene (nee Davidson) 1942 - 2008 Sproxton, Albert Harmon 1887 1970 hus of Vera Sproxton, Vera (nee Molsberry) 1897 1956 Stadnyk, Donald 1964 Stadnyk, Ronald 1964 Stadnyk, Ugilean Dec 11, 1933 Sep 10, 1944 Steacy, Herbert Milton 1887 1945 Steacy, Irene 1921 1939 dau of Milton & Rhea Stephenson, (baby) 1949 Stephenson, Walter died 1951 Stewart, Floyd A. 1917 - 1995 Stewart, Margaret 1918 - 1991 Stewart, William A. 1883 1940 Stickle, Linda E. 1951 Strandlund, Michael 1949 Stringer, Joseph B. 1880 1961 hus of Mildred Stringer, Mildred E. 1891 1971 Stromme, Walter 1918 Jun 19, 1970 Stuckert, Lydia Apr 11, 1914 Jun 17, 1969 Stuckert, Theodore Feb 8, 1910 - May 5, 1995 Suchar, Mary 1919 1942 Sullivan, Louis S. 1894 1937 hus of Mabel Sullivan, Mabel H. 1904 1973 Sweet, Daisy (nee Green) 1891 1960 Sweet, Roy 1883 1962 hus of Daisy Szabo, Lazlo 1920 1941 Terry, (baby) 1948 - 1948 Terry, Katherine died 1951 Thomas, Edna M. 1882 1956 Thomas, Edward S. 1877 1951 hus of Edna Thomas, Sarah Jane 1843 1934 Thomas, William 1894 1969 Tkachuk, Dmytro 1890 1969 Tkachuk, Warwara 'Barbara' 1902 - 1990 wife of Dmytro Trombley, Alexander 1907 - May 1, 1999 Trombley, Alfred 1882 Sep 1972 hus of Mary Trombley, Alfred Edward Apr 10, 1916 - Oct 11, 1988 Trombley, Allan Edmour 1949 - 2000 Trombley, Clifford Basil Jan 28, 1945 - Feb 13, 1945 son of Francis Trombley, Dorilda 1913 - 2002 Trombley, Dorothy (nee Eiriksson) Jun 13, 1936 - Trombley, Elmer Marcel Nov 13, 1927 - Jul 13, 2012 Trombley, Emma 1936 1960 wife of Wilfred Hudson, dau of Alex & Dorilda Trombley, Francis Millard May 30, 1993 age 80 Trombley, Marjorie Ann Dec 12, 1955 Trombley, Mary Lydia 1886 1969 Trombley, Nelson Alfred 1942 1962 Trombley, Willard 1926 - 1985 hus of Dorothy Turner, Ada May 1887 Dec 1, 193? Turner, (baby) 1935 Turner, Mrytle J. 1896 1935 Turner, Sidney W. 1888 1957 hus of Ada Van Scoyoc, Maurice 1885 1940 Verzonowski, Frances 1897 - Jun 1964 Verzonowski, Leon 1901 1977 Vogt, Elizabeth (nee Quiring) 1875 1965 Vogt, Eva Violet 1919 - 1994 dau of Henry & Elizabeth Vogt, Henry 1869 1944 Waite, Martha 1898 1969 Waite, Thomas B. 1884 1953 Wall, Catherina 1876 1960 Wall, Fried F. 1868 1950 hus of Catherina Ward, Hanna M. 1877 1941 Ward, James A. 1902 1966 Ward, Noah M. 1889 1948 Ward, Thomas 1911 1975 Watson, Alex M. 1909 1962 Watson, Dorotha E. 1914 - 1989 Watts, Albert Harry Mar 24, 1906 Oct 19, 1970 hus of Hazel Watts, Hazel Jul 29, 1908 May 1993 Wawryk, John M. Sep 29, 1948 - Dec 18, 1948 Webber, Joseph 1877 1959 Weber, (baby) 1955 Wheeler, Alice W. (nee Gleason) Oct 22, 1916 May 28, 2004 Wheeler, Harold G. Aug 15, 1916 Sep 18, 2001 hus of Alice Wheeler, Helen Mary Feb 18, 1949 - Feb 19, 1949 dau of Harold & Alice Wiens, William 'Jim' Nov 15, 1932 - Sep 17, 1947 Wilm, Emil Kurt May 2, 1913 - Jun 1977 hus of Lillian Wilm, Lillian Mary (nee Nicloux) 1921 1970 Wolfe, Mary 1900 - 1939 Wolowski, Joseph Jul 4, 1948 - Jul 5, 1948 son of H. & K. Wolowski, Katherine J. Nov 22, 1929 - Wolowski, Leon Wolowski, Norman Wright, Agnes 1868 1956 Young, Clara B. 1884 1979 Young, Garland M. 1934 1957 Young, George D. 1907 1973 Young, J. Wilbur 1913 - 1989 Young, James J. 1881 1959 Young, Rachel E. 1907 - 2003 Yurkowski, Edward 1933 1936 Zacharias, John G. 1899 1966 hus of Susan Zacharias, Susan 1899 - 2001 Ziolkowski, Margaret Joann Nov 7, 1950 - Apr 10, 1954
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