Adamniak, Karol 1896 - 1947 Andronick, Bill 1899 - 1980 son of Stephan Andronick, Frances (nee Tymchuk) 1859 - 1953 dau of Justina Andronick, John died 1913 Andronick, Mary 1911 - 1988 Andronick, Stephan 1849 - 1933 Angelski, Michael 1853 - 1913 Balabuck, William 1901 - 1967 Balabuk, Anna Balabuk, Samko 1857 - 1941 Bebyk, Alex 1865 - 1945 Bebyk, (unknown) wife of Alex Bellay, Anna Bellay, Cemko died 1915 Bewcyk, (unknown 1) child of Bill & Eva Bewcyk, (unknown 2) child of Bill & Eva Brigidear, Andrew 1875 - 1947 Brigidear, Harry 1908 - 1984 hus of Anne Brigidear, Lucy 1935 - 1943 dau of Mike & Mary Brigidear, Pauline 1876 - 1975 Brycki, (infant) Brycki, Jacob 1902 - 1937 hus of Nettie Brycki, Malania 1865 - 1943 wife of Piotr Brycki, Mihasch (child) Brycki, Paul Brycki, Pawlynka (child) Brycki, Piotr 1867 - 1933 Bryski, Victoria (child) Byk, Yosip 1872 - 1941 Byk, Palenia wife of Yosip Byk, Petro (child) died 1918 Danelko, Maria Danelko, Steve died 14 Dec 1942 Danelko, Tymko Deneka, Anna Deneka, Bill Deneka, John Diduck, Danylo 1882 - 1948 Diduck, Jacob died 1937 Diduck, Kcenka died 1936 wife of Jacob Diduck, (unknown) wife of Danylo Fyck, Anastasia (nee Brigidear) 1874 - 1954 Fyck, Doris (nee Zelaney) 1904 - 1964 Fyck, Eulogia (nee Diduch) 1875 - 1951 Fyck, Metro 1912 - 1927 Fyck, Mike 1901 - 1989 Fyck, Mike 1903 - 1992 Fyck, Mykyta 1881 - 1964 Fyck, Yacob 1869 - 1956 Harmatski, Dora (nee Yaroski) 1901 - 1983 sister to John Harmatski, Sam 1897 - 1936 Howrisko, (twins) Huka, Denalda died 1927 Huziak, Hrynko son of Steve & Anna Huziak, (unknown) Iwachewska, Magdalena (nee Napady) 1873 - 1945 Iwachewska, Onofrey 1871 - 1954 Kohut, John 1863 - 1934 Kohut, Safronia 1873 - 1951 Kosteniuk, Jan 1826 - 1915 Kosteniuk, Yaga 1834 - 1911 wife of Jan Kowula, Jarema wife of Dmetro Martinuk & Lewontie Kowula, Lewontie died 1934, 2nd hus of Jarema Lepka, Anna 1863 - 1946 Lepka, Christina 1899 - 1936 Lepka, John 1863 - 1944 Lepka, (unknown) hus of Christina Lepka, (unknown) wife of Steve Lepka, Steve 1896 - 1967 Letcyk, Anna (nee Andronick) 1862 - 1936 sister to Stephan Lukey, Franya 1929 - 1935 dau of Henry Lukey, (unknown) Lukey, (unknown) Lukie, Anna died 1915 Martin, Ivan 1941 - 1944 son of Frank & Anne Martin, Stanley 1921 - 1927 son of John & Anna Martinuk, Dmetro son of Luka Martinuk, Katryna (nee Wiwchar) 1869 - 1899 Martinuk, Tom 1909 - 1931 Martinuk, Tymko 1853 - 1929 Matcyk, Fred 1863 - 1938 hus of Palania Matcyk, Palania 1870 - ???? Matiash, (unknown) 1st hus of Anna Shastkow Matsyk, Alex 1900 - 1918 Matsyk, Catherine 1871 - 1943 wife of Mathew Matsyk, Mathew 1858 - 1922 Matiash, Fedgh Mostoway, Mary (nee Iwacheski) 1901 - 1981 Mostoway, Peter 1928 - 1991 Mostoway, Petro 1876 - 1928 Mostoway, William 1893 - 1969 Nakonecha, Anna died 1914 Nakonechny, Mary (nee Brycki) 1899 - 1964 wife of Bill Nowitski, Maria died 1931 Nykolaishen, Myhail 1912 - 1924 son of Matey Oleksiy, Palagia died 1934 Olynyk, Anaco Olynyk, Dmytro 'Klak' 1869 - 1919 Olynyk, Maria died 1938 Paraiko, Alex 1884 - 1950 Rohatenska, Anna 1896 - 1948 Rohatenska, Parashka 1894 - 1962 Rohatensky, Dmetro 1900 - 1979 son of Fevronia Rohatensky, Frevronia 1860 - 1935 Rohatensky, Michalena (nee Sobkow) 1907 - 1987 sister to Fred Rohatensky, Myhailo 'Matwiycio' 1870 - 1928 Schab, Anna 1865 - 1945 Schab, Anton Schab, Metro 1865 - 1945 Schab, Yurko 1893 - 1925 hus of Anna Yasinski Senek, Hilko 1890 - 1957 Shabatura, Ivan 1853 - ???? Shabatura, Nettie 1931 - 1935 dau of John Shabatura, (unknown) wife of Ivan Shastko, Ivan died 1940 Shastko, Maryna died 1939 wife of Ivan Skruten, Anna (nee Shastkow) 1895 - 1958 dau of Ivan & Maryna Skruten, John 1889 - 1972 hus of Anna Sobkow, Eva 1910 - Sobkow, Fred 1902 - 1984 son of Michael & Marynia Sobkow, Maria Howrishko 1879 - 1972 Sobkow, Maryna 1870 - 1906 Sobkow, Michael 1864 - 1939 Solonenko, Anna 1866 - 1929 Solonenko, Anna 1908 - 1978 Solonenko, Ilia 1861 - 1926 Sopko, Maria (nee Fyck) 1901 - Sopko, Peter 1919 - 1975 son of Steve Sopko, Steve 1888 - 1975 Swerhun, Anne (nee Yasinski) dau of Nikola & Katrina Tymchuk, Dmetri died 1902 Tymchuk, Justina died 1918 Tymchuk, Metro died 1938 Tymchuk, (unknown) (nee Andronick) died 1935 wife of Metro Wandy, Metro 1902 - 1969 Wandy, Pauline (nee Shabatura) 1881 - 1951 Wandy, Pavlo 1874 - 1942 hus of Pauline Wandy, Peter 1941 - 1964 son of Metro Werbowetska, Nastia 1880 - 1950 Werbowetski, Nikola Wozney, Irina (nee Shabatura) 1893 - 1939 wife of Nykola Wozney, Nykola 1882 - 1962 Yaroski, Filoria 'Feshka' (nee Kostishen) 1877 - 1960 Yaroski, Helen 1915 - 1991 wife of John Yaroski, John 1906 - 1969 Yaroski, Sophie (child) died 1945 dau of John Yaroski, Theodore 1869 - 1935 Yaroski, Tom 1909 - 1980 brother to John Yasinski, (2 children) Yasinski, Harry 1892 - 1949 son of Nikola & Katrina Yasinski, Ivan died 1911 Yasinski, Ivan died 1917 Yasinski, Katrina 1875 - 1953 Yasinski, Kay wife of Nikola Yasinski, Michael 1899 - 1919 son of Nikola & Katrina Yasinski, Nikola 1865 - 1942 Yasinski, (unknown) (nee Nikolaiyeshen) wife of Ivan Yasinski, William 'Bill' 1916 - 1966 son of Nikola & Katrina Zawerucha, A. Zelaney, John 1909 - 1968 son of Petro & Maryna Zelaney, Maryna Zelaney, Petro Zrudlo, Gafia wife of Ivan Zrudlo, Ivan Zrudlo, Yusko 1893 - 1918 4 unknown children’s graves
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