Anthony, John Jr. 1930 - 2009 Anthony, Metro James Andoney Mar 3, 1935 - Oct 28, 2002 son of John & Annie Antony, Annie (nee Shewchuk) Jan 12, 1902 - Aug 4, 1968 Antony, John Jul 10, 1898 - Jan 4, 1966 Artemanko, Domka Feb 28, 1919 - May 11, 1919 Artemanko, Ilya 1890 - 1947 Artemanko, Mary 1900 - 1974 Artemenko, John died Jul 23, 1942 Artemenko, (unknown female) died Aug 11, 1907 Bewcyk, Alexandra 1890 - 1972 Bewcyk, Alexandria 1893 - 1975 Bewcyk, Domka 1858 - Aug 13, 1940 Bewcyk, George 1882 - 1926 Bewcyk, Iwana 1889 - 1921 Bewcyk, Katie 1922 - 1922 Bewcyk, Metro 1891 - 1987 Bewcyk, Metro 1908 - 1936 Bewcyk, Nikolai 1841 - Nov 8, 1924 Butz, Dora 1915 - 1917 Butz, James 1934 - 2012 son of Joseph & Reifta Butz, Joseph Feb 17, 1882 - Feb 5, 1955 Butz, Reifta 1894 - 1996 Butz, Tanasko 1914 - 1914 Corbet, Metro May 5, 1943 - May 18, 1943 Eftoda, Mary Mar 18, 1918 - Aug 2, 2010 Eftoda, Nikolai Gelchuk, Dora 1880 - Apr 2, 1954 Gilchuk, Domka 1859 - 1914 Gilchuk, Nick 1879 - 1955 Gilchuk, Wasil 1857 - 1928 Gregory, George 1865 - 1949 Gregory, Petro died 1916 Gregory, Yelena 1890 - 1925 Korchok, George 1853 - 1926 Koshurba, George 1937 - 1979 Koshurba, Nick 1898 - ???? Kurchak, Anna Kurchak, Petro Kurchak, Rosie 1912 - 1926 Kurchak, Vaselena Mararash, John 1882 - 1952 Mararash, Safta 1879 - 1933 Marirash, Nikolai Marirash, Vasilina Morarash, Domka 1870 - Morarash, Grigori Jul 5, 1885 - Nov 5, 1918 Morarash, Iordatii 1857 - 1913 Morarash, Ivan 1905 - 1907 Morarash, Maranda (nee Marteniuk) 1886 - 1980 Morarash, Maria Dec 1915 - Dec 1915 Morarash, Metro 1865 - 1923 Morarash, Nikolai 1913 - May 29, 1913 Morarash, Sanhira 1845 - 1912 Perpeluk, Mary Anthony May 11, 1928 - Pitz, Anne 1932 - Pitz, George 1918 - 1923 Pitz, Helen (nee Purshaga) May 6, 1898 - Dec 6, 1992 dau of George & Katrina Pitz, Katrina 1858 - Oct 15, 1939 Pitz, Mary 1932 - 1933 Pitz, Nick 1922 - 2009 hus of Anne Pitz, Stephen Nov 15, 1884 - Jun 18, 1949 Prodan, Ili 1918 - 1919 Prokopetz, Christina 1917 - 1917 Prokopetz, Maria 1857 - Apr 5, 1931 Prokopetz, Nikolai 1853 - Aug 10, 1930 Prokopetz, Pat 1882 - 1958 Prokopetz, Rose 1894 - 1925 Prokopetz, Vasil 1903 - 1950 Prokopetz, Zenovia 1914 - 1914 Purshaga, Alex 1912 - 1912 Purshaga, Endzhelinka Jan 16, 1958 - Jan 17, 1958 Purshaga, George 1918 - 1923 Purshaga, George 1856 - 1939 hus of Katrina Purshaga, Katrina (nee Chornawka) 1868 - 1932 Purshaga, Maria 1900 - 1919 Purshaga, Mike 1904 - 1911 Purshaga, Nick 1908 - 1911 Romanchuk, Domka Romanchuk, Ivan Savchuk, Kolytska 1908 - 1910 Sawchuk, Annie 1857 - 1937 son of Bill & Annie Sawchuk, Penteley 1845 - 1940 Schoan, Derber Feb 29, 1947 - Jul 10, 1947 Screpnek, Kost 1874 - 1961 Shewchuk, Andrew Oct 4, 1946 - Jan 3, 1947 son of Shewchuk, Anne died Oct 5, 1924 Shewchuk, Edward Feb 5, 1942 - Apr 29, 1942 Shewchuk, Elie Aug 2, 1893 - Nov 21, 1966 Shewchuk, John 1918 - 1918 son of Elie & Katrina Shewchuk, Katrina (nee Butz) May 11, 1894 - May 28, 1981 Shewchuk, Mary Aug 10, 1939 - Aug 31, 1939 Shewchuk, Paul Martin 1949 - 1949 Shewchuk, Wasyl died Dec 22, 1921 Silora, Ivan Jan 2, 1922 - Feb 7, 1923 Silora, Maria Dec 4, 1905 - Oct 7, 1939 Skrypnyk, Beverley Barkley Mar 29, 1945 - Mar 30, 1945 Skrypnyk, Daria 1874 - 1948 Skrypnyk, Ladymir 1866 - 1932 Wereschuk, Hazel 1913 - 1953 Wereschuk, Peter 1926 - Wincheruk, George May 15, 1910 - Aug 16, 1993 Wincheruk, Kost 1902 - Feb, 1958 Wincheruk, Saidie Mar 15, 1882 - May 20, 1968 Wincheruk, Tanasko 1876 - 1949 Yakubowski, William Ivan 1948 - 2007 Yaremko, Eugene
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