Holy Ascension Cemetery
Southwest of Burgis

R.M. of Good Lake # 274   SE 20-29-4 W2
GPS   51.497811°N   102.524137°W
First burial in 1902, 169 burials by 1996

Photographed by Don Werner

(Click on coloured names to view the gravestone photo)

ANAKA, FRASINA  1887 - 1979
ANAKA, MIKE  1881 - 1944
ANAKA, MARIA  died 1917
ANAKA, PETER T.  14 Feb 1893 - 14 Mar 1977
ANAKA, TODOR  24 Feb 1936 age 24

BARABASH, HELEN  1888 - 1936

CHALUS, METRO  1878 - 1940

DEBEW, ANNIE  10 Dec 1923 age 2
DEMCHUK, NIK  1885 - 192? age 42 
DEMCHUK, YELINKA  1887 - 21 Mar 1921 
DICKMAN, NELLIE MARIE  20 May 1914 - 16 Apr 2003 dau of Maria Konetzka
DUTKA, ANNA  1875 - 1947
DUTKA, WASYL  1863 - 1953
DUTKA, MIKE  1912 - 1980

GUSHULAK, ANNA  5 Jun 1862 - 1921
GUSHULAK, KERELO  1838 - 1930 age 92
GUSHULAK, GEORGE  16 Mar 1889 - 10 Mar 1928 age 39
GUSHULAK, KATHERINE  1906 - 1923 age 17
GUSHULAK, MICHAEL  died 9 Jan 1939 age 76

HANIAK, ANASTASIA  1872 - 1955
HANIAK, NICOLI  died 1942
HANIAK, WASYL  died 1921
HASKEWICH, GLEN  29 Oct 1942 - 28 Sep 2006 hus of Floreen Kurlick, son of Louie &  Lena (nee Swiderski) 
HESCHUK, TETIANA  1890 - 1923
HESHKA, KATHERINA  1901 - 1923 wife of Wasyl 
HNATYSHYN, JENNIE  1912 - 1965
HNATYSHYN, PETER  1909 - 1991
HNATYSHYN, TANACI  8 Mar 1922 - 23 Nov 1923 son of Michael & Doika 
HOMENIUK, HARRY  1865 - 1952
HOMENIUK, MARIA (nee Demchuk)  1909 - 1931
HRYNCHUK, M.  1877 - 19?? 
HRYNCHUK, Y.  1865 - 1947
HRYNCHUK, JACOB  1864 - 1947

JARMAN, (in loving memory of ALEX, METRO, MIKE, PAULINE)
JARMAN, SAFTA  1875 - 1924
JARMAN, THEODORE  1871 - 1961

KITCHEN, ANNA  1865 - 12 Nov 1951
KITCHEN, TODER  21 Mar 1860 - 1 May 1937
KITCHEN, ANNA  10 Mar 1888 - 15 Sep 1954
KITCHEN, JOHN  20 Mar 1888 - 29 Jul 1975
KITCHEN, MARY M.  1903 - Jun 1996
KITCHEN, MIKE T.  1901 - 1984
KITCHEN, ANNE (nee Kuchylema)  1925 - 
KITCHEN, WILLIAM J.  21 Mar 1916 - 25 Nov 2004 son of John & Annie (nee Wihnan) 
KITTAR, GEORGE A.  25 Oct 1937 - 15 Jan 1938 son of William & Katerine
KOBELKA, DANIEL  1938 age 66
KOBELKA, HELEN (nee Wasylyshyn)  1926 age 34 wife of Wasyl
KOBELKA, WASYL  1886 - 1944
KOITZAN, NICOLA  15 Aug 1859 - 15 Sep 1943
KOITZAN, SANCHERA  1868 - 1936 age 68
KOPECK, IRENE  1887 - 1929
KOPECK, JACOB  1850 - 1936
KOPECK, JOSEPH  1880 - 1954
KOPECK, NELLIE  1885 - 1971
KOPTIE, ALLAN  1935 - 2000
KOPTIE, MARIA (nee Gushulak)  12 Mar 1895 - 21 Jun 1985 age 90
KOROLANCHUK, AXANA  6 Aug 1869 - 1 Oct 1957
KOROLANCHUK, HARRY  25 May 1865 - 17 Jun 1946
KRAYNICK, HARRY  11 Sep 1939 age 50
KRISHKA, ANNIE  10 Mar 1908 - 15 Apr 2004 
KRISHKA, MIKE  20 Jan 1906 - 30 Jan 1992
KRISHKA, DOMKA  1862 - 1904 wife of Todor 
KRISHKA, TODOR  1853 - 29 Oct 1928
KRISHKA, JOSEPH M.  1939 - 1983
KRISHKA, LILLIAN  18 Jul - 22 Jul 1937
KRISHKA< TED M.  1933 - 1999
KUNETSKY, ANITSA  1912 - 1936
KUNETSKY, MARIA  1850 - 1936
KUNETSKY, MARIA   Aug 1884 - 26 Mar 1916
KURLICK, FLORENCE  1864 - 1940
KURLICK, JOHN  1859 - 1934
KURYLUK, KATHERINA  26 Apr 1907 - 10 Sep 1977
KURYLUK, WASYL  May 1904 - 16 Sep 1952

LETTVENUK, GEORGE  1895 - 1953
LETTVENUK, JOHN  1887 - 27 Nov ? age 50

MANZUK, MIXACA  died 1916 dau of Mike 
MARCHUK, ANNIE  1862 - 1939
MARCHUK BILL  1892 - 1938
MARCHUK, METRO  1857 - 1941
MATICHUK, DORA DOMINIKA (nee Gulutzan)  1906 - 1984
MATICHUK, MARIA  12 Dec 1862 - 1950
MATICHUK, MARY   8 Jan 1913 - 4 Apr 1939
MATICHUK, METRO  1925 - 1998
MATICHUK, STEVE  1 Nov 1906 - 13 Jan 1979
MATICHUK, WILLIAM 'BILL'  21 Mar 1930 - 17 Jan 2009 hus of Virgina Hnatyshyn, son of Pete & Dora
McGREGOR, EUNICE EDNA  16 Mar 1931 - 29 May 1985
MERENIUK, JOHN  1854 - 1926
MERENIUK, TODOR  1894 - 1913
MERENIUK, MARIA  1916 - 1918

OSADCHUK, MARIA  13 Mar 1923

PASKARYK, METRO  1866 - 1918

SCHERBAK, DMETRO  1864 - 1920
SKREPNEK, ANITSA  1848 - 1918
SKREPNEK, OLEK  1856 - 1926
SKREPNEK, ANNA  1894 - 1937
SKREPNEK, JOHN  1891 - 1968
SLAPINSKY, LENA  1903 - 1965
STAWOWAY, MARIA  1907 - 1915 dau of Peter & Sophie
STAWOWAY, STEPHEN   1913 - 1916 son of Peter & Sophie
STAWOWAY, WASYL   1913 - 1916 son of Peter & Sophie
STOWOWAY, DOMKA  18 Apr 1924 age 65
STOWOWAY, STEFAN  18 Jan 1929 age 72
STRATYCHUK, KATHERINE  8 Feb 1929 age 72 wife of Hnat 

TYRON, DORA  1907 - 
TYRON, MANOLI  1894 - 1959

VERBIWSKI, MARY  1880 - 1954 wife of Wasyl 
VERBIWSKI, WASYL  1875 - 1944

WASYLYSHYN, DMETRO  1919 -       son of Theodore

ZORIAN, ELIZABETH  1876 - 1946
ZORIAN, WASYL  1870 - 1924

Unassigned gravestone photo:
Gravestone 69  

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