Elim Lutheran Cemetery
Buchanan district
R. M. of Buchanan # 304   SW 18-32-5 W2
GPS   51.743114°N   102.692959°W

Aasen, Adele Holmstead  1874 - 1945 wife of Axel
Aasen, Axel  1883 - 1949
Anderson, Clara (nee Iverson)  1919 - 2004 wife of Durward 
Anderson, Durward W.  1912 - 1993 son of Walter & elsie

Berg, George M.  1910 - 1961 son of Martin & Gudve
Berg, Gudve  1873 - 1959
Berg, Hanna  1840 - Apr 2, 1932  
Berg, Martin I.  1876 - 1948 son of Hanna
Berg, Stella Magda  Mar 30, 1907 - 1955 dau of Martin & Gudve
Brandt, William A.  May 12, 1938 age 38

Carlson, Edith A. L.  1915 - 1952 dau of Peter & Johanna
Carlson, Hjalmar  Sep 25, 1910 - Aug 8, 1995 son of Peter & Johanna
Carlson, Johanna Evalina (nee Sanstrom)  1880 - 1960
Carlson, Per Ludwig 'Peter'  1879 - Oct 19, 1935
Carlson, Ruth (nee Erikson)  Nov 27, 1917 - Sep 28, 2003 wife of Hjalmer, dau of Erik & Jenny
Charnstrom, Christina (nee Lindgren)  1900 - 1992 dau of Eric & Karin
Charnstrom, Ivan  1900 - 1948
Charnstrom, Leonard  Nov 29, 1927 - Jun 19, 2014 hus of Verna Dergousoff, son of Ivan & Christina

Dahlberg, Annie (nee Lindgren)  1910 - 1993 wife of Bennie, dau of Eric & Karin
Dahlberg, Bennie  1911 - 1990 son of Karl & Betty
Dahlberg, Betty Josephine  1882 - 1961
Dahlberg, Karl Victor  1879 - 1939
Dalshaug, Arthur I.  1914 - 1914
Dalshaug, Cornelia 'Nellie' (nee Benson)  1884 - 1947
Dalshaug, Ellend  Apr 1, 1877 - 1950 son of Johannes & Thora
Dalshaug, Elmer M.  Feb 19, 1976 age 52
Dalshaug, Gina M.  1911 -  Oct 1914 dau of Iver & Josephine
Dalshaug, Iver  1879 - Jan 25, 1927 son of Johannes & Thora
Dalshaug, Josephine (nee Benson)  1887 - 1987
Dalshaug, Justin  1904 - 1988 son of Ellend & Cornelia

Erikson, Bernice (nee Myrfield)  1924 - 2008 wife of Einar, dau of Abel & Annie
Erikson, Edwin  1919 - 1995 hus of Margaret, son of Erik & Jenny
Erikson, Einar  1916 - 1998 son of Erik & Jenny
Erikson, Erik  1876 - 1953 son of Louisa, hus of Signe Ahlund & Jenny Sundquist
Erikson, Jenny (nee Sundquist) Hellstrom 1878 - 1963
Forsman, August  1855 - 1938
Forsman, Jorand  1855 - Apr 19, 1949 wife of August
Foss, Elizabeth (nee Haugland)  1880 - 1971
Foss, Kenneth Palmer  Jul 18, 1923 - May 27, 2001 son of Tollef & Elizabeth
Foss, Melvin Selmer  Jan 7, 1925 - Oct 29, 2012 son of Tollef & Elizabeth 
Foss, Telmer Edgar  1912 - 1977 son of Tollef & Elizabeth 
Foss, Tollef  1858 - 1950
Harrison, Velma M.  Feb 24, 1936 - Aug 27, 2011 wife of Ross
Hassard, Dixie Lynn (infant)  died May 5, 1958
Hermanson, Agnes M. (nee Sigerstedt)  1896 - 1958 dau of John & Emma
Hermanson, Alfred Reginald  Oct 24, 1918 - 1997 son of August & Agnes
Hermanson, Anna K. (nee Nasvall)  1861 - 1919
Hermanson, August Emmanuel  Sep 30, 1887 - 1955 son of Herman & Anna
Hermanson, Beatrice Irene 'Betty' (nee Rosaasen)  1922 - 1996 wife of Alfred
Hermanson, Herman  1854 - 1944
Hermanson, John Helmer  Aug 5, 1893 - Sep 20, 1930 son of Herman & Anna
Hermanson, Morris Albert  Sep 9, 1911 - Jul 10, 1924 son of Albert & Ruby
Hoffman, Ingeberg (nee Raksvaag)  died 1915 wife of Tor Teigan & John Hoffman

Jennings, Roy Ross  1916 - 1989 hus of Minnie, son of Albert & Laura (nee McKay)
Johnson, Andrew  1861 - May 29, 1933  
Johnson, Bertha (nee Johnson)  1896 - 1993 dau of Andrew & Karen
Johnson, Karen  1870 - Oct 30, 1960
Johnson, Ludvig  1885 - 1939
Johnson, Wilbert  1925 - 1947 son of Ludvig & Bertha

Kalmakoff, Alec Bryan  1945 - 1957
Knowles, Beatrice  Apr 6, 1924 - Sep 3, 2007
Lindgren, Eric  1873 - 1937
Lindgren, Karin  1872 - 1933
Lindgren, Oscar  1903 - 1965 son of Eric & Karin
Lundmark, Astrid Elizabeth (nee Anderson)  Nov 16, 1886 - Sep 10, 1956
Lundmark, (baby boy)  died 1918 son of Frank & Astrid
Lundmark, Esther  Aug 23, 1912 - Jul 1929 dau of Frank & Astrid
Lundmark, Frank, 1883 - Jan 12, 1969
Lundmark, George  Jan 26, 1918 - May 12, 1986 son of Frank & Astrid

Mosell, Algot T.  Nov 13, 1906 - Jan 28, 1994 son of Johan & Hilma
Mosell, Aniela 'Nellie' (nee Parnetta)  Apr 21, 1929 - Mar 26, 2015 dau of Nikolaus & Constancza (nee Pavelska)
Mosell, Eric Arthur 'Art'  Sep 23, 1925 - May 3, 2012 hus of Nellie, son of Johan & Hilma
Mosell, Hilma (nee Erickson)  1891 - 1941
Mosell, Johan T.  1881 - 1973
Mosell, Sandra  1955 - 1996 dau of Eric & Nellie
Mosell, Viola M. J. (nee Lindoff)  Aug 21, 1923 - Nov 20, 1998 wife of Algot
Myrfield, Abel  1889 - 1973 son of Janna
Myrfield, Anne (nee Urseth)  1891 - 1980
Myrfield, Annie C. (nee Soderlund)  1909 - 1991, 1st wife of Harold
Myrfield, Brock Robert  Jun 11, 1949 - Aug 19, 2000
Myrfield, Edgar Gerald  1918 - 2002
Myrfield, Esther (nee Sigerstedt)  1900 - 1985 dau of John & Emma
Myrfield, Harold Clifford  Jun 14, 1908 - Feb 26, 2007 hus of Constance Brown, son of Ole & Janna
Myrfield, Irene (nee Dergousoff)  1937 - 2011 wife of Delmar
Myrfield, Janna  Feb 27, 1867 - Oct 28, 1931 dau of Andreas
Myrfield, Judith Elaine (baby)  died Aug 1944
Myrfield, Louise  1930 - 1930 dau of Abel & Anne
Myrfield, Marie Patricia (nee Lavigne)  1927 - 2003 wife of Robert
Myrfield, Ole O.  1862 - Aug 1953  
Myrfield, Oliver  1900 - 1993 hus of Esther, son of Ole & Janna 
Myrfield, Robert Oliver  1926 - 1985 son of Abel & Anne
Myrfield, Taryn Lynn (infant)  died Aug 27, 1997
Myrfield, Tessa Leigh (infant)  died Aug 27, 1997

Nelson, Arthur  1906 - 1972
Nelson, Harold  1898 - Dec 16,  1985 son of John
Nelson, John  1866 - 1949
Nelson, Josephine 'Josie' (nee Parnetta)  1923 - 1997 wife of Harold
Nelson, (unknown)  died 1910 age 36 (bur. on farm) wife of John 
Nordin, Adolph Norman  Feb 4, 1915 - May 12, 2005 son of John & Erika
Nordin, Bernadine Noella 'Bernie' (nee Pelletier)  Aug 19, 1935 - Aug 22, 2013 wife of Morris, dau of Theodore & Helen (nee Diakuw)
Nordin, Brian (infant)  died 1956
Nordin, Carl Douglas  Jun 22, 1950 - Mar 30, 2015 hus of Sandra Kowalchuk, son of Carl & Gladys 
Nordin, Carl E.  Mar 17, 1916 - 2004 son of John & Erika
Nordin, Dorothy (nee Dahlberg)  1916 - 1999 dau of Ole & Anna (nee Enmark)
Nordin, Elsie Viola (nee Jonsson)  Aug 29, 1922 - Dec 20, 2007 wife of Howard
Nordin, Erika (nee Forsman)  1892 - Nov 1975 dau of August & Jorand
Nordin, Gladys M. (nee Johnson)  1923 - 1997 dau of Ludvig & Bertha
Nordin, Herbert  Oct 19, 1947 - Jan 7, 1948 son of Adolph & Dorothy
Nordin, Howard Oliver  Mar 3, 1919 - 1998 son of John & Erika
Nordin, Janice (nee Erikson)  Sep 14, 1953 - Feb 19, 2013 dau of Edwin
Nordin, John Emil  Apr 6, 1885 - 1959 son of Nils & Karen
Norsten, Anna Victoria  1876 - 1957
Norsten, John A.  1901 - 1993
Norsten, Wilhelm 'William'  1877 - Sep 30, 1967 son of Joakim & Bertha

Olson, Ellen E.  1896 - 1974  dau of Katerina
Olson, Emma
Olson, Katerina
Olson, Karin  1864 - 1963
Olson, Nils J.  1860 - 1939 brother to Emma & Katerina

Peterson, Myrtle (nee Dalshaug)  1906 - 1998 wife of John Sorestad & Gus Peterson, dau of Ellend & Cornelia
Potter, Nannie A. (nee Erikson)  1907 - 2005 dau of Erik & Signe (nee Ahlund)
Rosvold, Anne (nee Dalshaug)  1882 - 1955 dau of Johannes & Thora
Rosvold, Paul  died 1921 hus of Anne
Sigerstedt, Emma Margareta (nee Vestermark)  1869 - 1954 wife of John
Sigerstedt, John Alfred  1870 - 1948
Sliva, Wendilen Marie (nee Nelson)  1955 - 1997 wife of Clarence
Sorestad, Adeline P. (nee Rosvold)  1914 - Jan 1988 dau of Paul & Anne
Sorestad, Anna Louy (nee Lee)  1905 - 1989
Sorestad, David Lee  1935 - 2009 son of Oscar & Anna
Sorestad, Donald Orrin  Jan 20, 1937 - Sep 26, 2005 son of Olaf & Adeline
Sorestad, Edd  1888 - 1963 son of Ole & Ragnild (nee Fatland)
Sorestad, Gyda (nee Evanson)  1884 - 1979 wife of Edd
Sorestad, Helen Louise (nee LaBacoun)  1942 - 1974
Sorestad, John  1896 - 1959 hus of Myrtle Dalshaug, son of Ole & Ragnild
Sorestad, Olaf  Dec 6, 1906 - Sep 17, 2009  son of Ole & Ragnild 
Sorestad, Oscar Ralph  1899 - 1992 son of Ole & Ragnild 
Sorestad, Patricia Helen (nee Lucey)  Jan 20, 1942 - Jul 1, 2011 dau of Vinton & Margaret
Sorestad, Penny Lynn  Jan 14, 1971 - Jan 27, 2010 da of Donald & Helen
Sorestad, Ralph Douglas  Nov 20, 1941 - Feb 28, 2013 hus of Patricia, son of Olaf & Adeline
Sorestad, Sheldon  1961 - Jun 13, 1961

Thorson, Anne (nee Kalmakoff)  1921 - 1970 wife of John
Thorson, Gladys  1931 - 1931 dau of Thor & Kate
Thorson, John Hjalmer  Aug 6, 1922 - Jan 1, 2006 son of Thor & Kate
Thorson, Kate (nee Tratch)  1900 - 1959 dau of John & Mary
Thorson, Lena Anne  Oct 31, 1920 - Aug 29, 1942 dau of Thor & Kate
Thorson, Robert Gerald  died 1954
Thorson, Thor  1890 - 1950
Thorstad, Andrew  1877 - Nov 25, 1961
Thorstad, Kenneth  Sep 27, 1909 - Mar 6, 1932 son of Andrew & Martina
Thorstad, Martina  1881 - Jan 14, 1939
Thorstad, Marvin Norman  1907 - Mar 3, 1981 hus of Annie Landstad, son of Andrew & Martina

Van der Voort, Sophie (nee Hulshof)  Jul 30, 1942 - Mar 20, 2015 wife of Willem, dau of Pieter & Diena (nee Langman)

Wallin, John Gunnar  1889 - 1972
Woloschuk, Helen Sylvia (nee Thorson)  Apr 15, 1927 - Feb 1, 2008 wife of Matt, dau of Thor & Kate

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