Bracken Cemetery
R.M. of Lone Tree # 18   SE 5-3-16 W3
GPS   49.174871°N   108.114453°W
First burial in 1925, 270 burials by 1998

Compiled by Christa Legros Kaytor April 13, 1998

Anderson, Alvin T.  1888 - 1947
Asplund, Alice L.  1900 - 1977
Asplund, Martin  died 9 Jun 1959
Asplund, Ralph W.  1933 - 1989
Asplund, William  30 Mar 1892 - 25 Sep 1956

Bakken, Beret Anna  1891 - 1979
Bakken, Jens 'John'  1885 - 1962
Bartlett, Charles Frank  1884 - 1943
Bartlett, Elizabeth  1898 - 1935
Bennett, Arthur  1869 - 1942
Bennett, Dale Victor  25 Sep 1928 - 25 Oct 2001 son of Victor & Lois (nee Graham)
Bennett, Dora  1934 -
Bennett, Louisa  1865 - 1938
Benson, John E.  14 Oct 1878 - 16 Jun 1948
Benson, Minnie  28 Nov 1877 - 17 Nov 1967
Bergreen, Cora M.  1906 - 1984
Bergreen, Gunner T.  1901 - 1993
Bitschy, Harold H.  1927 - 7 Nov 1996 hus of Jeannette
Bitschy, Jeannette (nee Ford)  23 Aug 1937 - 22 Sep 2014 dau of Ernest & Catherine
Blackmer, Charles Lester  1895 - 1964
Blackmer, Nettie  1856 - 1947
Bloye, George John 'Jack'  30 May 2016 age 88 hus of Lorraine
Bloye, Maude A.  1882 - 1975
Bloye, William H.  1880 - 1944
Bouffard, Mrs. B.  
Brackenbury, Billie (baby)  
Braschuk, Joe  1895 - 1972
Braschuk, Joe John  died 1974
Brewster, Charles  1885 - 1939
Brewster, George  1927 - 1928
Brewster, Hattie  1883 - 1961
Brewster, June (nee Plan)  1862 - 1927

Cameron, Alexander  1866 - 1925
Cameron, Isobella  1869 - 1957
Cameron, Jack  1874 - 1930
Carleton, Janet (nee Johnson)  11 May 1955 - 25 Jul 2005 wife of Brian
Carlson, Earl  1865 - 1925
Caswell, Darcy (baby)  died 1971
Caswell, Doris L.  1902 - 11 Jan 1985
Caswell, Gordon John  1923 - 1928 son of Ross & Doris
Caswell, Robert  20 Sep 1926 - 24 Mar 2009 son of Ross & Doris
Caswell, Roswell 'Ross' Jay  1892 - 26 Feb 1980
Chaplin, Elizabeth L.  died 4 Nov 1950
Chelsberg, Gustav  1880 - 1943
Cherniwchan, John P.  1929 - 1995 hus of Marie
Cherniwchan, Marie T.  1930 - 
Cjoquette, Emily  1886 - 1930
Clevland, Guilmund  1883 - 1937
Coakley, Clifford James  25 Oct 1931 - 1 Feb 2007 son of Ernest & Hilda
Coakley, Ernest E.  1890 - 1970
Cole, Elmer  
Cole, Peter  1878 - 1953
Corbett, Jeffry  2 Apr 1958 - 29 May 1958
Crowell, Myrtle May  1897 - 1990
Crowell, Solon  1885 - 1964

Dennis, George  1932 - 1992
Dennis, Harry  1925 - 1987
Dennis, Jennie  1901 - 1973
Dennis, Lloyd  1892 - 1977
Dennis, Wilson  1888 - 1977
Devlin, M.  1898 - 1944
Dyson, Frances  died 1934
Dyson, Thomas  died 1927

Edwards, (baby)  
Edwards, Justin F.  5 Sep 1925 - 21 Mar 2003
Edwards, Marie Blanche  1921 - 1989 wife of Justin
Elden, John S.  1851 - 1928
Evans, William Frank  1882 - 1957

Fare, Mrs. Thomas  
Fare, Thomas  
Ford, Emily F.  18 Jul 1939 age 61
Ford, Ernest H.  1888 - 1938
Ford, F. Catherine  1897 - 1977 wife of Ernest
Ford, Frank  1880 - 1965
Foss, Anton J.  24 Nov 1877 - 18 Sep 1941
Frieumuth, Fred  1872 - 1928

Gerrish, W.  
Getten, Charles  1882 - 1956
Getten, Hannah M.  Nov 1885 - Apr 1935
Goodhart, A.  died age 2
Goodhart, K. (baby)  
Gordon, Ellen Louisa  1885 - 1971
Graham, Beth (nee Hastings)  1933 - 29 Dec 1990, 1st wife of Mervin
Graham, Beulah Ellen  1907 - 1 Oct 1991
Graham, George Arthur  18 Sep 1936 - 20 Sep 1936
Graham, Lloyd George  1894 - 17 Jun 1984
Graham, Mervin  24 May 1933 - 25 Jul 2012 hus of Peggy Jaeger, son of Lloyd & Beulah
Granevy, Edward  1870 - 1936
Greer, Mrs. John  died May 1951
Grills, Clarence (baby)  died 1930
Grills, Helen Mary (nee Dufloth)  1 Jan 1909 - 7 Jun 2005 dau of John & Rosena
Grills, William Albert  1888 - 1950
Gropp, (baby)  died 1967
Gunderson, Einar  1889 - 1955
Gunderson, Emily  

Haddleton, Eddie Allan  6 Oct 1940 - 21 Jan 1941
Harris, Olen Keith  died 1929
Hayhurst, Gilbert  1878 - 1953
Hayhurst, Mary E.  1870 - 1947
Hays, Lawrence  1870 - 1946
Heiber, L. (baby)  died 1930
Henderson, Bertha  1927 - 1929
Hewitt, Franklin U.  1969 age 40
Hewitt, Mervin  1975 age 49
Hewitt, William John  1876 - 1961
Hickerty, Catherine E.  28 May 1953 - 30 May 1953
Hickerty, Cora (baby)  
Hickerty, Frances L. (nee Hinke)  31 Dec 1931 - 25 Nov 1996
Hofer, Jacob  1945 - Apr 1998
Honey, (baby)  
Honey, Frank Raymond  4 Jan 1919 - 23 Jul 2016
Honey, George  1893 - 1959
Honey, Helen Frances (nee Potter)  18 Feb 1919 - 27 Jun 2010 wife of Frank
Honey, James  1884 - 1963
Honey, Mary a.  1895 - 1976

Jaeger, Milton J.  1924 - 1986, 1st hus of Peggy
Jaeger, Peggy I. (nee Broom) Graham  10 Apr 1927 - 17 Dec 2008 dau of James & Louise
Jellesed, Cora L.  1903 - 1995
Johnson, Luella  1889 - 1983
Johnson, Matt  1864 - 1931
Johnson, Reuben  1878 - 1933
Johnstone, Malcolm  10 Oct 1914 - 26 Nov 2007 hus of Shirley Smith, son of Elliott & May
Jones, Nathaniel  1878 - 1949
Jones, Parnelia M.  1873 - 1937

Kaliciak, Anthony 'Tony'  9 Feb 1928 - 9 Apr 2016 hus of Norma Honey, son of Frank & Pearl
Keyes, Daniel  died 23 Aug 1941
Keyes, Mrs. Daniel  died 6 Nov 1939
Kluth, Mary  1890 - 1946
Kluth, Reinhard  1882 - 1927
Knight, Lillian Kathleen  died 1925 age 18
Koudelka, Gladys E.  20 Mar 1918 - 1 Jan 1988
Koudelka, Joseph  1867 - 1940
Koudelka, Joseph  J.  22 apr 1889 - 10 Aug 1963
Koudelka, Julia  1904  -  1936
Koudelka, Marie  1865 - 1937
Koudelka, Wendell  13 Feb 1941 - 23 Sep 2011 hus of Helen, son of Joseph & Gladys

Lever, Golwin  died 1928
Lever, Harold  died 1929
Lewis, Clement A.  1877 - 1939
Lewis, Lina M.  1883 - 1966
Lloyd, Martha C.  1907 - 
Lloyd, Vernon E.  1911 - 1995 hus of Martha

Magee, Janet M.  1893 - 1987
Magee, Joseph A.  1891 - 1940
Maier, (unknown)  1919 - 1982
Mallory, Eleanor  
Marsh, Donald  1930 - 1936
Masek, Lillian  31 Dec 1933 age 51 wife of William
Matthews, (baby)  
May, John Thomas (baby)  
Maycock, James  1927 - 1983
Maycock, Wellington  1887 - 1972
Maynard, Mrs.  died 1926
McAulay, Alex  1884 - 1973
McAulay, Lyla B.  1900 - 1985
McAulay, Robert Huston  12 Sep 1881 - 29 Apr 1945
McAulay, Samuel  1891 - 1967
McAulay, Wallace  17 Sep 1927 - 22 Apr 2012 son of Samuel & Lyla
McCannel, James R.  1895 - 1974
McCannel, Marvel G.  1908 - 1960
McConwell, Albert Edwin 'Buster'  1914 - 1980, 2nd hus of Eldeen Honey
McDonald, J.  
McGuire, Louis Boyd  25 Dec 1923 - 21 Aug 2004
McGuire, Luella Margaret (nee McNabb)  11 Mar 1930 - 8 Jan 2005 wife of Louis
McGuire, Michael William  9 Aug 1967 - 21 May 1988
McIlveen, Elmer E.  1889 - 9 Jul 1980 hus of Ilene
McIlveen, Ilene (nee Patterson)  26 Nov 1911 - 30 Mar 2011 dau of Virley & Clara
McKee, Alice R.  1886 - 1961
McLennan, Allan  1911 - 1925
McLennan, Annie  1917 - 1935
McLennan, Annie Mae  1889 - 1987
McLennan, J. Ross  1920 - 1981
McLennan, John M.  1881 - 1959
McLennan, Mary  1859 - 1935
McNabb, (baby)  
Mitchell, Connie  1918 
Mitchell, Eddie  1917
Mitchell, Ronald E.  1942 - 1984
Mooney, George Sivert  died 1930
Mooney, Mildred S.  1 Aug 1894 - 6 Jan 1933
Munson, Mr.  died 1926
Murphy, Mrs. Ellie  1865 - 1931
Murphy, Warner Clair  1895 - 1975

Nelson, Louis E.  1875 - 1960
Nixon, Mabel Eliza  1891 - 1961
Norris, Wyllard  1883 - 1958

Oakley, Linda  died 1974
Olive, Harvey  1880 - 1963

Patterson, Evan  1906 - 1932
Peakman, Hettie  1894 - 1933
Peakman, James M.  1887 - 1975
Peakman, Myrtle  
Peakman, Sydna  1913 - 1942
Peno, A. David  1924 - 1925
Peno, Adolf  1889 - 1969
Peno, Daisy Della (nee Gasaway) 1886 - 1968 wife of Adolf
Peno, Jeanne (nee Kerviche)  20 Mar 1926 - 14 Apr 2008 wife of David, dau of Marc & Mariette
Petterson, Harold  1886 - 1974
Petterson, Tena  1893 - 1954
Plant, George  1884 - 1956
Plant, Thomas  1892 - 1949
Plant, Vera  1893 - 1979
Plaza, Andy  
Pratt, Mary Ann  died 3 Jun 1931

Quick, Eli Wesley  1861 - 1929
Quick, Nancy Matilda  1860 - 1929

Ralfe, William J.  died 1938
Rapley, (baby)  died 27 Mar 1927
Rapley, George Ernest  1886 - 1938
Rapley, Gunda (nee Serley)  1893 - 1940 dau of Olaf & Anna
Rasmussen, Eleanor Margaret (nee Graham)  4 Oct 1934 - 11 Aug 2004 wife of Stephen, dau of Lloyd & Beulah
Robinson, Mary Isabel (nee Stuart) Mulholland  25 Apr 1920 - 23 Dec 2014 dau of Tom & Bell
Rodin, Fred  1882 - 1953
Rodin, Frederick A.  1955 - 1970
Roulson, Sigwald  1891 - 1982
Ruttle, Anne (nee Hrychuk)  18 Nov 1923 - 5 Oct 2010 wife of Archie, dau of Steven & Paraska
Ruttle, Clarine Mae  14 Jun 1971 - 15 Jun 1971
Ruttle, Helen M.  1906 - 1991
Ruttle, Roy C.  1882 - 1961

Sczembora, Stanislava  1894 - 1982
Shuttleworth, Agnes K.  1924 - 1994
Shuttleworth, Almeda  1872 - 1956
Shuttleworth, Emerson  1876 - 1945
Shuttleworth, Gordon  1907 - 1994
Shuttleworth, Leslie  1878 - 1937
Smith, Eldeen Jean (nee Honey)  15 Mar 1923 - 28 Mar 2015 dau of William & Mary (nee Ruddick)
Smith, Steven  1897 - 1958
Sorenson, Louisa  died 1966
Sorenson, Robert  died 1974
Sozembora, (baby)  died 1932
Stalker, Elnora  1863 - 1925
Stalker, Wallace  1889 - 1942
Stewart, Mrs. John  
Stuart, Dorothy (nee Rettie)  7 May 2012 age 87 dau of Adam & Barbara
Stuart, Isabella  1885 - 1971
Stuart, James 'Don'  died 2002
Stuart, Nancy  6 Aug 1927 - 8 Oct 2004 dau of Thomas & Isabella
Stuart, Robert Adam  1952 - 1981 son of James & Dorothy
Stuart, Thomas Anthony  1958 - 1991 son of James & Dorothy
Stuart, Thomas  1883 - 1967
Svatos, Edward William  1919 - 1971

Talbot, Anne  1886 - 1967
Talbot, Ed  1900 - 1988
Talbot, Emily  1855 - 1936
Talbot, Joseph  1844 - 1935
Talbot, Joseph  1890 - 1973
Talbot, Robert  8 Oct 1894 - 5 Apr 1965
Talbot, Verla  1900 - 1973
Tallman, Archie Bruce  5 Aug 1875- 12 Nov 1955
Tallman, Gladys Matilda  18 Oct 1928 - 28 Dec 1928 dau of Archie & Minnie
Tallman, Minnie (nee Henke)  1897 - 7 Aug 1932 dau of Daniel & Elizabeth
Tangen, Francis T.  1925 - 1949
Tangen, Marie Leone  1915 - 1931
Thompson, (baby)  
Thompson, David Albert  1885 - 1979
Thompson, Ethel Mabel  1895 - 1986
Thornton, Elizabeth  died 1935
Thornton, Louis  died 1935
Thornton, Richard  
Tobin, Edward  died 1973
Tobin, Elizabeth  1909 - 1947
Trudeau, Adelard J.  1895 - 1982
Trudeau, Agnes E.  1901 - 1986
Trudeau, (baby)  died 1927
Trulson, Engal  1915 - 1988
Turpie, Thomas  1902 - 1931

Vanmier, Ellie (baby)  
Vanmier, John  1872 - 1952
Vanmier, Laura  1900 - 1939
Vickell, O. R. Streeter  22 Oct 1887 - 11 Mar 1960

Warner, Elmer J.  1891 - 1970
Warner, Lottie A.  1889 - 1975
Weedman, Alfred (baby)  
Weight, James  1891 - 1958
Weitzel, Joe  
Wells, Bertha  4 Jun 1904 - 22 Sep 1938
Wells, Betty June Godin  21 May 1929 - 12 Nov 2012 dau of Hartford & Bertha
Wells, Dorothy  1897 - 1966
Wells, George Severt  19 Jun 1917 - 29 Nov 1988 son of Thomas & Laura (nee Jelleshead)
Wells, Hartford  2 Aug 1894 - 3 Apr 1980
Wells, Howard Leroy  4 Feb 1922 - 10 Nov 1968 son of Thomas & Laura
Wells, John H.  1889 - 1959
Wiig, Bert J.  1884 - 1927
Wiig, Diane Marie (baby)  died 1940
Wiig, Vivian V.  1925 - 1926
Wilkinson, Hilda A. (nee Coakley)  1907 - 1985
Wilson, Eunice (nee Caswell)  25 Jun 1924 - 17 Nov 2013 dau of Ross & Doris
Wilson, Frank  1919 - 1990 hus of Eunice
Wilson, Joseph E.  1896 - 1952
Wilson, Mary E.  1899 - 1980
Wilson, Maurice Arthur  16 Aug 1936 - 3 Oct 2009 son of Mike & Lena
Wright, Alvina Ruth (nee Johnson)  19 Dec 1910 - 2 Jan 2009 wife of Jerry, dau of Reuben & Luella
Wright, Electa Eva Anne  1902 - 1987
Wright, Ella Marie  1917 - 1975
Wright, James R.  1926 - 1992
Wright, Rosie  1864 - 1948
Wright, Thomas  1864 - 1927
Wright, Thomas Gordon  1905 - 1990

Zapinsky, T.  

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