Bonne Madone Cemetery
Reynaud / Wakaw district
R.M. of Hoodoo # 401   SE 2-43-25 W2
GPS   52.672851°N   105.522274°W
Est. 1898

Berard, Louis Andre  1875 - 1 Aug 1949
Berard, Rosie  30 Jun 1880 - 6 Oct 1946
Bessette, Agnes Marie Jeanne (nee Reynaud)  6 Jan 1923 - 1 Jan 2005 dau of Claude & Julie
Bessette, Antonio  1912 - 1961
Bessette, Florina  1884 - 1954 wife of Zotique
Bessette, Zotique  1883 - 1948
Birkner, Andrew  1898 - 1920
Birkner, Franz  1849 - 1917
Birkner, Fresia  1901 - 1909
Birkner, Gertrude  1866 - 1910
Birkner, Teresia  1901 - 1909
Bozarth, Leona (nee Tremblay)  2 Feb 1913 - 31 Oct 2007
Bumphrey, Grace Cecilia  4 Sep 2005 - 7 Sep 2008 dau of Mike & Sheri (nee Simonot)

Dessureau, Phoebe  15 Aug 1858 - 7 May 1934
Dion, Marie Adelina (nee Tremblay)  1892-1925 wife of Pierre

Ehault, Flavie  23 Dec 1858 - 7 May 1939

Fassett, Demerize  19 Jun 1874 - 14 Jan 1948
Fassett, George  3 Sep 1911 age 52

Goguely, Bertha (nee Lepine)  1915 - 1999 wife of Jean
Goguely, Ferdinand  1866 - 1945
Goguely, Jean Louis  1908 - 1980
Goguely, Sabine (nee Gros)  1872 - 1946 wife of Ferdinand
Goutaud, Pierre  24 Feb 1849 - 27 Sep 1929

Hue, Joseph  8 Mar 1890 - 14 Aug 1947
Hue, Mary  13 Feb 1903 - 18 Jan 1988

Isenger, Eva  1866 - 17 Sep 1917
Isinger, Anne  23 Apr 1898 - 10 Jan 1920
Isinger, Bernice  
Isinger, Mary  23 Mar 1906 - 4 May 1920

Kennedy, R. Ann (nee Lepine)  22 Jan 1905 - 16 Jul 1998 dau of Philippe & Regina
Kotzenberger, Eva  1881 - 1946
Kotzenberger, Jakob  1881 - 1938
Kungle, Regina Albertine  1908 - 1991
Kurja, John  1876 - 1946
Kurja, Joseph  1882 - 1946
Kurja, Kathlene  28 Mar 1890 - 22 Jun 1956 wife of Joseph

LaBossiere, George J.  1905 - 1994 hus of Henrietta
LaBossiere, George O.  13 Dec 1936 - 7 Aug 1960
LaBossiere, Henrietta P.  1914 - 2011
LaBossiere, Marie Angele  1901 - 1994 wife of Oliver
LaBossiere, Olivier A.  1891 - 1960
Lepine, Edward  1913 - 1914
Lepine, Henry Alfred  1900 - 1973
Lepine, Philippe  1870 - 1923
Lepine, Ralph Louis  1909 - 1974 son of Philippe & Regina
Lepine, Regina (nee Paiement)  1873 - 1939

Moyard, Baptiste  16 Aug 1913 - 17 Apr 1925

Olivier, Abel  1842 - 1905
Olivier, Francoise  1845 - 1927 wife of Abel
Olivier, Marie  1865 - 1900

Paiemont, Veronique  1841 - 1911
Paydl, Anne  1909 - 1928
Payour, Anne  died 1939
Peth, George  5 Nov 1909 - 28 Nov 1922
Plouzin, Maryanne E. (nee Schneider)  3 Feb 1920 - 21 Jan 2005
Prescott, Euphonise (nee Paiemont)  1862 - 1908
Prescott, Samuel  1850 - 1912

Rash, Mrs. A.  9 May 1925 age 33
Revoy, David George  1944 - 1963
Revoy, Emile E. B.  1930 - 2008
Revoy, Emile Henry  1900 - 1976
Revoy, Etolia May  1904 - 1973 wife of Emile
Revoy, Eugene  1872 - 1939
Revoy, George  1876 - 1954
Revoy, Marie  1877 - 1961 wife of George
Revoy, Marie (nee Daubigney)  17 Jan 1849 - 9 Feb 1930 wife of Urbain
Revoy, Urbain  1844 - 1924
Reyna, Pierre Louis  1879 - 14 Oct 1953
Reynaud, Cecile (nee Simonot)  1909 - 2005
Reynaud, Claude  1883 - 1944
Reynaud, Elizabeth  1920 - 2015
Reynaud, Ernest Louis  1916 - 1976
Reynaud, Eva  1919 - 1960
Reynaud, Flavie  1881 - 1948
Reynaud, Flavien  1906 - 1977
Reynaud, Jean  1865 - 1917
Reynaud, Jean M.  1885 - 1909
Reynaud, Johnny Maurice  27 Dec 1908 - 4 Jun 1979
Reynaud, Joseph  1913 - 2006
Reynaud, Julie  1887 - 1967 wife of Claude
Reynaud, Lucien J.  1920 - 1972
Reynaud, Mary  died 1963
Reynaud, Mary Eleanor  10 Jun 1913 - 4 Aug 2004 wife of Johnny
Reynaud, Neil  1950 - 2005
Reynaud, Pierre Louis  1879 - 14 Oct 1953
Reynaud, Raymond  9 Jun 1934 - 18 May 1937
Reynaud, Ronald Ernest  19 Jan 1948 - 4 May 2000

Schneider, Amy  12 Jan 1903 - 9 Sep 1980 wife of Joseph
Schneider, Eva (nee Trenbly)  1858 - 14 Jan 1920 wife of Martin
Schneider, Frank  8 May 1908 - 24 Oct 1956
Schneider, Joseph  7 Feb 1898 - 11 Dec 1970
Schneider, Martin  1 Nov 1851 - 19 Nov 1933
Simonot, Annette M.  1931 - 2008
Simonot, Bernard  
Simonot, Charles  1874 - 1951
Simonot, Elise M. (nee Goguely)  1912 - 1996 wife of Jean
Simonot, Georgine (nee Reynaud)  30 Apr 1911 - 2 Dec 2006 dau of Claude & Julie
Simonot, Jean B.  1907 - 1999
Simonot, Joseph A.  1876 - 1942
Simonot, Joseph A.  1921 - 1999 hus of Annette
Simonot, Louis  1905 - 1983 hus of Georgine
Simonot, Maria  1887 - 1974
Simonot, Marie  24 Nov 1918 - 23 Jan 2007
Simonot, Marie  1874 - 1952 wife of Charles
Simonot, Marius  30 Mar 2000 age 87
Simonot, Paul  
Stocki, Anthony  1857 - 12 May 1912

Thibault, Albert A.  1909 - 2001
Thibault, Arthur J.  1914 - 1983
Thibault, Brayden  21 Apr 2000 - 23 Apr 2000 son of Keith & Tracey
Thibault, Dora  21 Aug 1924 - 27 Aug 1924
Thibault, Doris (nee Lepine)  17 Aug 1918 - 14 Dec 2012
Thibault, Emma  1881 - 1961 wife of Eugene
Thibault, Eugene  1879 - 1959
Thibault, Gerard  1906 - 1984
Thibault, Lionel  25 Jan 1908 - 24 Feb 1988
Thibault, Maurice  4 Apr 1944 age 28
Thibault, Philip J. 1920 - 1989
Thibault, Phyllis Janet  2 Oct 1906 - 29 Dec 1998 wife of Lionel
Thibault, Richard  28 May 1967 - 25 May 1981
Thibault, Robert H.  1922 - 1991
Thibault, Victoria M. (nee Bremner)  1915 - 2003 wife of Albert
Tremblay, Anastasie (nee Bergeron)  died age 89 yrs 9 mos, wife of Francois
Tremblay, Delia  1 Sep 1890 - 18 Apr 1929
Tremblay, Francois Xavier  2 Jul 1919 age 72 yrs 5 mos
Turcotte, Simeon  16 Feb 1878 - 28 Oct 1935

Vey, Amanda  1892 - 1983
Vey, Joseph  1892 - 1988
Vey, Lea (nee Bessette)  1918 - 1989 wife of Ted
Vey, Maude  1892 - 
Vey, Theodore ‘Ted’  1918 - 19 Oct 2006 son of Joseph & Maude

Welch, Katherine  1904 - 1922

Yanick, Julia  26 Dec 1876 - 2 Jun 1942
Yanick, Steve  26 Nov 1869 - 14 Dec 1943

4 other unidentified gravestones

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