Barabash, Jennie Dec 25, 1910 - May 17, 1994 Barabash, Mike 1902 - 1983 Bawuliak, Mary Aug 24, 1904 - May 14, 2003 wife of Theodore Bawuliak, Theodore Feb 24, 1903 - Feb 17, 1999 Bazarkewich, Kazmir J. Apr 16, 1899 - Jul 4, 1997 hus of Mary Bazarkewich, Mary Jan 5, 1905 - Sep 8, 1991 Blair, Matilda Beulah (nee Simon) Oct 26, 1855 - Jul 28, 1928 wife of Louis, dau of Otto & Maria (nee Kriker) Bohun, Anna M. 1910 - 1993 wife of Bill Bohun, Bill W. 1910 - 1989 Chaban, Mike 1888 - 1969 Chaban, Nellie 1893 - 1993 Dutchak, Paul Jan 27, 1896 - Jan 10, 1966 Dutchak, Rose Mar 10, 1904 - Sep 17, 1996 Dutchak, Stephanie 'Stella' (nee Dzugalo) Sep 21, 1933 - Nov 24, 2002 dau of Thomas & Anne Dutchak, Walter E. 'Eddie' Feb 21, 1929 - Sep 2, 2006 hus of Stella, son of Paul & Rose Haleschuk, Helen 1911 - 2005 Haleschuk, Michael 1901 - 1963 Hrapchak, Anton Apr 21, 1927 - Jul 7, 1995 Hryhorchuk, Maria 1886 - 1977 Hunchak, Katherine 'Kate' Mar 4, 1919 - Feb 16, 2008 dau of Kuzma & Magda Hunchak, Nick J. Feb 12, 1913 - Sep 1, 2000 hus of Katherine Kalyn, Anne 1925 - Kalyn, Dora 1904 - 1992 wife of John Kalyn, John 1894 - 1984 Kalyn, Richard 'Dick' 1921 - 1998 hus of Anne Karaloff, John Samuel Dec 11, 1943 age 52 hus of Eva, son of P. Karpenko, Mary Nov 20, 1913 - Sep 5, 1999 Karyuz, Peter 1874 - 1958 Kichula, Valerie Jean Dec 15, 1948 - Jul 3, 1950 Kostiuk, Slawko D. Jan 10, 1925 - Nov 13, 1991 Kozachuk, Abraham 1915 - 1984 Kozachuk, Helen 1908 - 1979 wife of Abraham Mazurek, Bronie Apr 7, 1921 - Aug 2, 1997 hus of Mary Mazurek, Mary May 31, 1928 - Michayluk, Mary 1924 - Michayluk, Nick 1924 - 1991 hus of Mary Mysyk, Anne Apr 9, 1927 - Nov 11, 1994 Mysyk, Dora Mar 3, 1903 - May 3, 1994 Mysyk, Wasyl Aug 15, 1903 - Jun 30, 1981 Nemish, Mike 1926 - 2001 Panchuk, Anne Dec 23, 1911 - Jun 7, 1996 Parchoma, Helen 1950 - Parchoma, Myron 1913 - 2004 father of Helen Parey, Mike 1893 - 1970 Protz, Mary 1883 - 1957 wife of Mike Protz, Mike 1884 - 1948 Rawlyk, Dmytro 'Dick' 1912 - 1993 Rogowski, Mary 1907 - 1995 wife of Nicholas Rogowski, Nicholas 1901 - 1985 Stelmaschuk, Mary 1904 - 1981 wife of Stan Stelmaschuk, Sam 1901 - 1984 Strepaniuk, Dmytro Aug 19, 1901 - May 1, 1971 son of Stefan & Malanka Strepaniuk, John 1932 - 1985 Strepaniuk, Malanka 'Molly' (nee Kulyk) 1872 - Feb 19, 1948 Strepaniuk, Stefan 'Steve' 1872 - May 17, 1960 Strepaniuk, Teofila 'Phyllis' (nee Hawryluk) Jun 2, 1904 - Dec 2, 1979 Strepanuik, John Jan 1932 - Sep 1985 son of Dmytro & Teofila Szwydky, Mary 1912 - 1957 wife of Mike Szwydky, Mike 1902 - 1992 Szwydky, Rose (nee Badowski) Mar 29, 1939 - May 18, 2010 wife of Peter, dau of Mike & Annie Wivcharuk, Helen 1902 - 1989 Wivcharuk, Mike 1900 - 1989 Wivcharuk, Nick 1933 - 1950 Zaritsky, Zeke 1926 - 2001 Zaritzky, Axenia 1895 - 1975 Zaritzky, John 1915 - 1948 Zaritzky, Mike 1884 - 1960 Zarubiak, Katherine Jun 23, 1929 - Zarubiak, Napolean Jul 9, 1930 - Aug 26, 2007 hus of Katherine Zerebeski, Ann 1910 - 1990 wife of Harry Zerebeski, Harry 1910 - 1978 Zerebeski, Paul 1916 - 1983 Zerebeski, Raymond A. 1961 - 1961 Zerebeski, Rose 1917 - 1997 wife of Paul Zigolyk, Francis 1888 - 1957
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