Highland Cemetery
Birsay district
R.M. of Coteau # 255   SW 3-26-9 W3
GPS   51.184166°N   107.179115°W
First burial in 1912, 120 burials by 1981

Compiled by Rod Beattie

      Last number is the Source (see bottom of page)

Alm, (baby)  bur. 1948  1
Alm, Edla ‘Rena’ (nee Paavo)  bur. 10 Feb 1952 wife of Frank  3
Alm, Frank  1885 - bur. 7 Nov 1968 age 83  3
Alto, (baby)  bur. 1924 child of Matt & Annie  3
Alto, Annie  1890 - bur. Jul 1978 age 87  3
Alto, Martha  bur. 1924 dau of Matt & Annie  3
Alto, Matt  1889 - bur. 1972  3
Alto, Wayne  1930 - bur. 1960 age 30 son of Matt & Annie  3
Alto, Wiljo  bur. 1919 son of Matt & Annie  3
Alto, William ‘Willie’  1922 - bur. 1972 age 50 son of Matt & Annie  3

Eloranta, (baby)  bur. 1917  1

Freestone, William  16 Dec 1894 - bur. 15 Jul 1975 age 80 yrs 6 mos 29 days, hus of Hanna  3
Fullerton, Archie  bur. 1937  1

Hankala, Aatto  bur. 1917  1
Hanson, (twin 1)  1
Hanson, (twin 2)  1
Hanson, Isaac  bur. 1963 son of Peter & Selma  3
Hanson, Selma  1871~ - bur. 1923 age 52 wife of Peter  3
Hanson, Werner  bur. 1979 son of Peter & Selma  3
Hietala, Henry Arthur  1901 - bur. May 1921 age 20 son of Adolf & Briita  3
Hill, Julie  bur. 1920  1
Hill, Kaisa Mrs.  bur. 1923  1
Hill, Roy  bur. 1918  1
Hill, Vieno  bur. 1916  1
Holmstrom, (baby)  bur. 1912  1
Holmstrom, Elmer  bur. 1912  1
Holmstrom, John Fred  bur. 1971 hus of Mary  3
Holmstrom, Mary  bur. 1978 wife of John  3
Holmstrom, Reino  bur. 1914  1
Honkala, Aino  bur. 1919  1
Honkala, Fiija Mrs.  bur. 1937  1
Honkala, Helmi  bur. 1927  1
Honkala, Henry  bur. 1918  1
Honkala, John  bur. 1933  1
Honkala, Laila  bur. 1917  1
Honkala, Martha  bur. 1917  1
Honkala, Minnie  bur. 1922  1
Honkala, Tyyne  bur. 1915  1
Honkala, Vieno  bur. 1927  1

Jarvenpaa, Clarence  bur. 1927  1
Jarvenpaa, George  bur. 1934  1
Jarvenpaa, Maria Mrs.  bur. 1914  1
Jarvenpaa, Siivert  bur. 1921  1
Jaskela, Kaisa ‘Katie’ (nee Karkkola)  bur. 1926  3
Jaskela, Veikko  bur. 1935 son of Vaino & Katie  3
Jaskela, Vaino  bur. 1959  3
Johnson, Alfred  25 Dec 1934 - 1937 age 3 son of Neil & Hilda   3
Johnson, Hilda (nee Linden)  bur. 7 Apr 1977 wife of Neil  3
Jokela, Charles  bur. 1959  3

Karvonen, Henry  bur. 1948  1
Karvonen, John  bur. 1924 hus of Kate  3
Karvonen, Kaisa Mrs.  bur. 1919  3
Kemppainen, Eli  bur. 1933  3
Kemppainen, Hilma  bur. 1951 wife of  Eli  3
Knuttila, Jacob  2 Aug 1888 - bur. 1967 age 79  3
Knuttila, Hilja (nee Tikkala)  13 Mar 1897 - bur. Apr 1948 age 51 yrs 1 mon  3
Knuttila, Hugo  1923~ - bur. 1942 age 19 son of Jacob & Hilja   3
Knuttila, Raymond  1941~ - bur. 1943 age 2 son of Jacob & Hilja  3
Koivisto, (baby)  bur. 1935  1
Koivisto, Elma  bur. 1921  1
Korpi, Kaisa Mrs.  bur. 1915  1
Korpi, Matt  bur. 1950  1
Koski, Ahti  bur. 1916  1

Lindross, Fred  1901~ - bur. 1918 age 17 son of John & Alvina (nee Abrahamson)   3
Lindross, Walter  bur. 1963 son of John & Alvina (nee Abrahamson)    3
Luukinen (Logan), Andru ‘Andrew’  bur. 21 May 1927 hus of Catherine  3
Luukinen (Logan), Mary  bur. 1923 dau of Andrew & Catherine Logan  3

Mahla, Richard  bur. 1971  1
Maki, Oskar  bur. 1964  3
Markkula, Kasvi ‘Elsie’ (n. Laukkanen)  bur. 1962 wife of Frank  3
Markkula, Frank ‘Victor'  10 Apr 1901 - bur. 1957 age 56 son of Victor & Wilhelmina; hus of Elsie  3
Markkula, Wihtor ‘Victor’  bur. 2 Feb 1935 hus of  Wilhelmina  3
Markkula, Wilhelmina (nee Vailila)  bur. Feb 1957 wife of Victor  3
Matson, Elma  bur. 1919  1
Matson, Hans  bur. 1917  1
Matson, Leonard  bur. 1918  1

Nevala, Otto  bur. 1918  1
Niskala, Alma  1893~- bur. Jul 1971 age 78 wife of Jakko  3
Niskala, Jakko  1884~- bur. Oct 1955 age 71 hus of Alma  3

Paananen, Matti  bur. 1943  1
Pajunen, Einar  8 Jan 1900 - bur. 7 Jul 1981 age 81 yrs 5 mos 29 days, hus of Verna Ylioja  3
Pekkala, Katri Mrs.  bur. 1917  1
Pekkala, William  bur. 1926  1
Pirness, Liisa (nee Laukka)  Jan 1883 - bur. Apr 1970 age 87 yrs 3 mos  3
Pirness, Matti  Oct 1880 - bur. Aug 1948 age 69 yrs 10 mos  3
Pirness, William  1905~ - bur. Aug 1914 age 9 son of Matti & Liisa  3
Powell, (baby)  bur. 1938  1
Pukari, Axel  bur. 1940 hus of Olga Lohvansuu  3
Pukari, Bruno  bur. 1979 son of Axel & Olga  3
Pukari, George  bur. 1958 son of Axel & Olga  3

Raappana, Peter  bur. 1935 son of Hjalmer  3
Raisanen, Johan  bur. 1932  1
Raisanen, Ina ‘Mary’ (nee Sallenen)  bur. 1964 wife of Salmon  3
Raisanen, Matleena Mrs.  bur. 1928  1
Raisanen, Sakris  bur. 1918  1
Raisanen, Salmo ‘Salmon’  1865 - bur. 1940 age 75 hus of Mary  3
Raisanen, William  bur. 1948 son of Rueben & Adalyne  3
Roanen, Alfred  1874 - bur. 1945 age 71  3
Roanen, Alvina (nee Abrahamson) Lindross  1874 - bur. 1961 age 87 wife of Alfred  3

Sukanen, Alvina (nee Joki)  19 Nov 1883 - bur. 17 Apr 1963 age 79 yrs 4 mos 28 days, wife of Svante  3
Sukanen, Erland (baby)  bur. 1958 son of Wilmer & Helen  3
Sukanen, Sylvia  Jul 1910 - bur. 1919 age 9 dau of Svante & Alvina  3

Tikkala, Salmo  bur. 1923  1
Tikkala, Tiina Mrs.  bur. 1929  1
Tikkala, Walter  bur. 1918  1
Touminen, Serafiija Mrs.  bur. 1931  1
Tuikkanen, Kosta  bur. 1942  3
Tuomi, (baby)  bur. 1934  1
Tuomi, Thelma  bur. 1948  1
Tupila, Mike  bur. 1934  1

Walls, (baby)  bur. 1955  1
Wilson (baby)  bur. 1932  1

Ylioja, (baby)  bur. 1917  1
Ylioja, (baby)  bur. 1950  1
Ylioja, Adela Mrs.  bur. 1979  1
Ylioja, Denis  bur. 1965  1
Ylioja, Helen Mrs.  bur. 1975  1
Ylioja, Hjalmer  bur. 1961  1
Ylioja, Jacob  1879 - bur. 1946 age 67 hus of Kaisa  3
Ylioja, Joyce  bur. 1937  1
Ylioja, Kaisa Liisa  1879 - bur. 1952 age 72 wife of Jacob  3

NOTES from Rod Beattie
- The information for this submission is based on the local history book “Echoes of Coteau” published in 1981. The information on this cemetery was submitted by Willmar Ylioja. 
- Notes on marriages, offspring - child, son, or daughter, have been based on written documents found and reviewed. 
- When there are date conflicts or inconsistencies, a cedilla “~” has been used to indicate my “present best guess” based on sources reviewed. When calculation of age is possible—I’ve done so. 
- In the future I hope to be able to supply photographs and additional information, but in the meantime the “source” of information category is as follows... 
1. Represents the information from Willmar Ylioja’s cemetery list in Echoes of Coteau (1981). 
2. Represents information gleaned from the text of the Family Histories in Echoes of Coteau (1981). 
3. Represents information from both 1— the cemetery list and 2- the Family Histories. 

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